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Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Apr. 4, 1988

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words, continuing in the footsteps of daprice82. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
The Complete Observer Rewind Archive by daprice82
1-4-1988 1-11-1988 1-18-1988 1-25-1988
2-1-1988 2-8-1988 2-15-1988 2-22-1988
2-29-1988 3-7-1988 3-14-1988 3-21-1988
3-28-1988 * * *
  • ”This is horrible, Gorilla.” These words open the issue this week, because Wrestlemania IV is in the books and, well, it was not pretty. Dave is flabbergasted by how bad a show it was, wondering if this was a dream or a nightmare that he hasn’t woken up from. Wrestlemania III was the best wrestling production of all time. It may not have had the best card, but it was entertaining all around and the fans loved it. It set Vince up as the king of wrestling, all-powerful over the business. He’s still the king, but he’s definitely not all-powerful, and Crockett absolutely kicked Vince’s ass on March 27. Financials will take time to come in, and of course McMahon will win that measure, but we can flash back to January 24 for an analogue: The Royal Rumble won even though the Bunkhouse Finals made more money.
  • Preliminary info Dave has gotten from phoning cable companies and hearing from fans at closed-circuit site is that Wrestlemania interest was down by nearly half of last year’s. The buyrate for ppv could be as low as 6 percent, half of WWF’s expected 12% and still way down from last year’s 10.3%. Even so, the PPV gross would be $10.8 million, of which WWF can expect no more than $3.5 million, plus an estimated $2.3 million from a minimum 175,000 (last year had 375,000) at closed-circuit and a live gate of about $ million and an undisclosed site fee from Donald Trump for putting on the show. The early (and I mean early, don’t get attached to these numbers) overall estimate is a total gross of $14 million, with WWF netting maybe $6.5 million, a far cry from the $18 million they were predicting their take would be. How much was because Crockett ran the Clash? How much was because WWF just has been less interesting? It’s hard to say, but Crockett hurt McMahon way more than anyone could have anticipated.
  • As for the shows themselves, just absolute night and day between them. Crockett’s Clash was a really solid show. It wasn’t as polished a production and only had 30 minutes of wrestling in the first 90 minutes of the show, though this was to allow Sting/Flair to work without commercial breaks so it was an overall benefit. The matches, minus the barbed wire one, were all good. The crowd was into it. Two excellent matches. Probably best to never let Steve Williams talk again, though. The Jim Cornette and Eddie Haskel bit was great and made Bob Uecker and Gene Okerlund look worse than they were. Meanwhile, Wrestlemania made Starrcade 1987 look like Starrcade 1985, and that’s too nice to say even. WWF’s guys, rather than working harder because it was Wrestlemania, opted to phone it in instead because Wrestlemania itself would carry the day. Even Jesse Ventura had no good lines and coasted while Gorilla was like soundbites of his Wrestling Challenge commentary.
  • Anyway, Dave breaks down the major problems for WWF, as he sees them. 1) Hogan - he’s too over, to the point he overshadows everything else and by booking him as just one of the guys in the field, they completely devalued their star attraction. And instead of putting Randy over at the end, which they need to do if they’re going to try and have him be even close to as over as Hulk has been, they put Liz and Hulk over. “It’s like Randy can’t even order a taxi cab unless Liz tells Hulk to flag down the cab.” 2) Hindsight is always 20/20, but Trump Plaza was a terrible venue for a Wrestlemania, and the crowd just wasn’t a wrestling crowd, so they were not invested at all. 3) Steroids. Dave supposes he’s probably the most hated person in the world among the heavy steroid users in the business because of all the nicknames he gives them, but in all seriousness it was embarrassing to watch so many guys get blown up in a minute or two to where they couldn’t even pace out a five minute match. Like, take out the health issues, take out any sense of blame on the guys, Dave says. The tournament was embarrassing. It wasn’t funny to see the guys fail like this. It was just sad. 4) The tournament as a concept flopped. It gave fans no specific issue to focus on because belts in modern wrestling just don’t mean anything to fans - the real draw is the big personalities, and WWF proved it with this show: the only matches anyone cared about were the ones with Hogan and, to a lesser extent, DiBiase and Savage. 5) Spoilers. Too many people knew the outcome, and giving Savage the title is almost a mistake after you’ve given so many spoilers of your own show. ABC News did a report the morning after, saying “Randy Savage was the winner at Wrestlemania, but of course everyone knew it since the WWF magazine had printed the result three weeks ago. The WWF claims the magazine report was simply a typographical error.” Anyway, Dave is sick of people blaming him for their wrestling promotions not being able to draw fans at live shows when they aren’t interesting enough. Newsletter subscribers are maybe 0.002% of the viewing audience - if all Dave’s subscribers quit watching nobody would notice in the viewing numbers. Meanwhile, the fans who read newsletters are probably the most dedicated and put more money into the business than the “marks” do and will be the ones stubbornly holding on to the end if the business somehow were to die. So don’t blame Dave if your show sucks and your creative is bad and you give away your finish weeks ahead of time and don’t even bother changing it.
  • Anyway, Wrestlemania preliminary numbers time. About 540,000 homes on PPV, plus 195,000 through closed-circuit, as far as the U.S. goes. They did just 95 closed-circuit sites in the U.S., 39 of which had less than 2,000 capacity. No word on Crockett’s ratings, but if they hit a 5 on TBS that’s about 2 million homes.
  • So all that said, time to look at the Wrestlemania card. Good production, particularly the opening graphics, but not as far ahead of Crockett as last year now that they’ve upped their game. Battle royal started hot and quickly became your standard boring battle royal. The Hart/Badnews angle at the end saves the match from a dud and gets it half a star. DiBiase vs. Duggan was real slow for a five minute match, and Duggan no longer resembles the worker he was in UWF/Mid-South just a couple years ago. Very little heat. 1.5 stars. Muraco vs. Bravo gets half a star, and both were blown up by the double clothesline like they’d wrestled a hard 20 minutes, but the whole match was under 5. Valentine vs. Steamboat saw Valentine look tired and old, and just not have his famed longevity anymore. Good finish, solid work even with the timing issues. Steamboat coming out with his son and being able to be lost in the moment of just being a proud father was “a tremendous sight” for Dave. 2.25 stars. Savage vs. Reed got a pop for the finish but nothing else, really. 1 star. One Man Gang vs. Bam Bam Bigelow wasn’t good. It was obvious how bad Bigelow’s knee was, and that takes away his agility, which is the thing that sets him apart. Dave says this is a -1.5 star match in a vacuum, but considering Bam Bam’s condition he’s not going to rate it that low and calls it a dud instead. Rick Rude vs. Jake Roberts was a 15 minute draw and Dave hated it. He hated Rude’s tights, the many long rest holds, the fact that there just weren’t any moves in there to pop the crowd, and the fact that the crowd chanted boring. Worst match of the year candidate. -2 stars. Ultimate Warrior blew up before he entered the ring for his match with Hercules and the match was bad. -1.5 stars, and Dave says it was worse than Rude vs. Roberts, but gets a better rating for knowing when to be done quick and not overstaying its welcome like the other match did.
Watch: Cleanse your palate with Hogan’s weird promo from Wrestlemania about faultlines and Donald Trump caring about his family
  • Wrestlemania continued, because holy shit that was a really long paragraph and we needed an intermission. Round two saw Hogan and Andre go to a double disqualification to start off. Andre could barely stand by two and a half minutes in. Lots of shenanigans, Virgil took a nasty suplex on the floor where Hulk didn’t protect him at all, but there’s a glimmer of a future face push for him at least. Maybe his father’s a plumber, Dave quips. Half a star if you ignore the posing at the end (dud if you count the posing). But really, the crowd came to see Hogan pose. DiBiase vs. Muraco had no heat but decent action for its short stay. 1.5 stars. Savage vs. Valentine was good, well-paced with good action. 2.5 stars. Beefer vs. Honkytonk Man amazed Dave since neither was over at all when both usually are decently over. Sherri Martel made more noise than the entire audience. Loads of shenanigans, Beefer’s new haircut makes him look like a Davey Boy Smith with less wrestling ability, dud. Islanders and Heenan vs. Koko and the Bulldogs had some decent comedy and started okay, but got boring quick. 1.25 stars. Savage vs. One Man Gang was watchable but the finish sucked. Half a star. Demolition vs. Santana and Martel was solid throughout, although the crowd seemed on Demolition’s side. If the crowd had been responsive this would have been a really good match rather than just pretty good at 2.5 stars. DiBiase vs. Savage saw the crowd missing “two top-flight guys trying to work a good match” because they were watching the entrance waiting for Hogan. Savage sends Liz to get Hogan, Hogan evens the odds, Savage wins, Hogan must pose. 2.25 stars. Once round two started, the show was pretty decent, Dave thinks, just the first half of the show wasn’t RestholdMania, but Rigor Mortis Mania.
  • Over in Crockett Country, it’s a whole different story. They drew 6,000 fans to the Greensboro Coliseum, and all six thousand were champing at the bit for the show, which created a great energy that the wrestlers fed on for their matches. Rotunda retained the TV Title against Jimmy Garvin in the amateur rules match with a one-count pin, pinning Garvin a minute into the second round. 2.5 stars. The Midnight Express beat the Fantastics by DQ to retain the U.S. Tag Titles in a classic Memphis style brawl that was so action packed the cameras missed a lot of it. Dave gives them 4.25 stars, saying the action earned it 4.5, but the overused finish with the over the top rope throw and the referee reversing the decision lost it half a star, but then the post-match action with Corette lashing Bobby Fulton’s back with a belt got it back a quarter star. Dusty and the Road Warriors (the Rhode Warriors, I almost typed) beat Warlord and Barbarian and Ivan Koloff in a real short barbed wire match, and Dave notes the resemblance between Dudty wearing facepaint and a black t-shirt and Dump Matsumoto (with the notable difference that Dump is prettier). Ivan was bleeding after 20 seconds and Dusty after 90. Dave hates these matches - everyone gets all cautious and careful and stays in the center of the ring, so nothing really happens. 1 star. Luger and Barry Windham beat Arn and Tully for the NWA Tag Titles. Good match all around, 3.5 stars. Flair and Sting had a 45 minute draw for the NWA Title in a match of the year candidate. Slow pace to start, but the heat kept up and they weren’t dull and Flair sold the hell out of every rest hold. Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone did fantastic work on this, particularly Ross who sold the intensity and importance of the match, which was critical for the first half (if only he were still able to do that today). There were supposed to be three judges, but there were five people at the table, only two of them didn’t vote, so no idea what the point there was. Anyway, Patty Mullen (Penthouse Pet of the year and who had been on Ric’s arm the night before on tv) picked Flair. Gary Juster, former NWA promoter, voted for Sting. Sandy Scott then ruled it a draw, and nothing came of the judging gimmick which made it utterly pointless. 4.75 stars
Watch: Clash of the Champions. I’ve set it to start with the Steve Williams promo because it needs to be heard to be believed
  • During Clash of the Champions, after the first match, there was an ad on TBS for the WWF 900 number advertising play-by-play for Wrestlemania. WWF managed to get an ad on TBS during Crockett’s big special, and that’s hilarious. They also ran the first ad for the new Four Horsemen vitamins, which was hilarious but unintentionally so, and Dave thinks they aren’t going to sell a lot of those vitamins.
  • Last week Dave teased a big story, and it’s that Crockett has been negotiating with Ken Mantell of World Class Dave didn’t give any details beyond the tease last week because he was hoping to get more before press time. He promises to never note a major story the way he did again without giving more details up front, because he expected more details to break before he had to print copy but it didn’t. Anyway, negotiations have been ongoing for ten days and there are conflicting reports. Crockett’s goal is taking over World Class the way they did Florida, getting the valuable channel 11 time slot on Saturday nights in Dallas. They’re going to need Fritz on board to complete the deal, though. If it does go through, Kerry and Kevin will have guaranteed work and a push in the NWA, but neither really seems to want the travel, so they’d likely get a deal for local stuff and maybe occasional work in St. Louis. The bottom line everyone needs to consider, though, is that Mantell and Michael Hayes may be the most creative bookers anywhere right now, but they aren’t turning WCCW’s business around and it just may not work out that they can. Dave doesn’t expect a deal done now, but he thinks Mantell and Hayes may give themselves until May to see if their hard work will pay off before considering any offers.
  • An example of that creative booking is the WCCW title change on March 25 in Dallas. Hayes was at ringside with Kerry while Black Bart and Buddy Roberts were for Parsons. Iceman King Parsons is one of the least likely champions in wrestling history, and the match wasn’t particularly good, but the finish saw the lights go out after Terry Gordy came down, at which point Bart and Roberts used flashlights to blind the fans in the front row so nobody could see what happened. When the lights came back on, Kerry was knocked out in the ring, Hayes was bleeding on the floor, nobody knew who hit whom, and Parsons pinned Kerry to win the belt. They even had Kerry carted out on a stretcher. Dave doesn’t think (and actively prays against) Parsons will hold it for long. Hayes looks like the best prospect (nope. It’s going back to Kerry in May at the Von Erich Memorial Parade of Champions). Also, I just learned that King Parsons is his real legal name. I always thought combining Iceman and King was a weird combo of gimmicks, so that solves a mystery for me.
Watch: Iceman King Parsons wins the WCWA World Title
  • Eddie Gilbert is leaving Memphis to book for Continental beginning April 10. Continental’s business is bottoming out and it’ll be interesting to see if Gilbert and Missy can get things going there again like they did in Memphis. This also puts Memphis in some dire straits, since the Gilberts were basically all their storylines and they were drawing triple what they had been by giving the Gilberts such big spotlight, so they’re in trouble.
  • Lanny Poffo, brother of WWF Champion Randy Savage, has a book coming out called Wrestling with Rhyme. It’s a book of poetry coming out in late April and will be available at Walden Books. Man, I remember when Walden went out of business. It was a sad day for me.
  • The only news Dave has from Japan right now is that Bruiser Brody beat Jumbo Tsuruta for the International Title at Budokan Hall on March 27. Tenryu also retained his PWF Title against Hansen.
  • Roddy Piper’s latest project is a new film going into production called They Live.
Watch: They Live trailer
  • A correction on the Bruno Sammartino stuff. WWF isn’t trying to ban Bruno from using his name. They’re trying to ban him from using the trademarked nickname “The Living Legend” in contexts outside WWF. There’s a lot of talk about his radio interview , and some excerpts in the mail section of this issue.
  • There’s a film in the works about former Olympic and pro wrestler Chris Taylor. Taylor was a 450 lb wrestler from Iowa who won bronze in the 1972 Olympics and died in 1979. A book about him called “The Gentle Giant” is being adapted into a film, currently called “Lean On Me.” That does not wind up being the title, and I can’t find a movie based on him so this might have gotten scrapped. In other biopic news, no word from Hollywood on any upcoming Hulk Hogan movie.
  • WWF went up to the number 4 slot in the syndicated ratings for the week ending Feb. 28. They had a 10.6 rating, an increase on the previous week. Crockett’s network fell to number 9 with a 7.6.
  • Paul E. Dangerously firing Joe Pedicino, Gordon Solie, and Boni Blackstone on Pro Wrestling this Week aired this past weekend. It was fantastic stuff, and Paul has cemented himself as one of the top managers in the business. This is all part of a reformatting of the show to a 30 minute format with Pedicino and Patrick Schaeffer (who was the mastermind behind Global doing an IPO to build up a million dollars of operating capital) at the helm, with Schaeffer as the heel commentator.
  • Crockett had a big angle taped on March 21 that they aired this past Saturday, involving Magnum T.A. Magnum was doing an interview when Tully and J.J. came out, then Barry Windham came out and Tully popped Windham with a hit, then hit Magnum. J.J. was behind Magnum and helped Magnum gently go to ground, then Dusty barged in with a baseball bat and swung for the fences on Tully, then knocks out Jim Crockett without realizing who he’s swinging at when Jim and David Crockett and Rob Garner try to restore order. Jim Cornette did a tearful interview about his “good friend Jim Crockett” and Magnum even bladed, though that last didn’t make it to tv. Later on, Magnum came out and hit Tully with a bat in a match to cause a disqualification. Dave loved the concept here at first because you have to imagine Magnum hates being on the sidelines and wants to be involved to some extent and this gives him something to sink his teeth into. At the same time, “the idea of beating up a cripple, which unfortunately is the reality of the situation” is just kind of pathetic. That said, it’ll draw, and it’ll let Dusty (with Magnum in his corner) push himself as top star once again, and it may even be enough to put heat back on Dusty vs. Tully. Dusty will be suspended for 120 days come Saturday’s tv (taking us into July - will we see the Midnight Rider face Flair at the Bash, Dave wonders), Dusty will return as the Midnight Rider with Magnum at his side, and he’ll likely get the U.S. title in the tournament they’re going to hold in May.
Watch: Tully suckerpunches Magnum
  • The Oregon State Athletic Commission held a public hearing on March 18. Topics mostly stuck to safety concerns such as cleaning the mats, barriers at ringside, security, mats on the floor by ringside, etc. A lot of wrestlers were there, along with Billy Jack Haynes and Don and Barry Owen. Most of the wrestlers were negative about the Owens’ promotion, with only Tony Borne and Art Crews saying anything positive. Borne testified against the idea of using mats outside the ring, saying it’s not going to help as much as it hurts the visual effect of a spill to the floor. He also said the commission’s drug testing proposal went too far by including painkillers and marijuana on top of cocaine. The commission indicated they’ll be looking at action like the use of chairs in the future and potentially issuing fines. They also clarified their stance on blood: hardway is good, blading is bad. It’s pretty absurd to say that the more dangerous way of getting color is good but blading is bad, but this whole blood thing has become a thing for commissions around the country because blading sounds absolutely insane to people outside the industry, and even Dave has mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, blading is a minor safety issue at best, especially compared to rampant steroid and drug use and nasty bumps. On the other, Dave’s not sure fans are really drawn by excessive bleeding either, and probably actually turns off a large number of potential casual viewers. It doesn’t hurt if kept rare, but it doesn’t help if half the matches have it. And more dangerous to the wrestlers in a blood match than AIDS (they’re more likely to get that from outside activities) is scabies, which Owen’s wrestlers had an outbreak of not too far back. Rip Oliver said he’s gotten scabies four times since July and wound up giving it to his wife and kids on top of it. The outbreak led the Commission to pass a ruling against wrestlers working while they have communicable diseases and that they must notify promoters.
  • Eddie Gilbert vs. Jerry Lawler on March 21 drew 6,000 fans for Memphis. Gilbert won in what’s being hailed as a great match (and Dave’s heard their match the week before was even better). On tv on March 26 Gilbert acted like he was going to throw fire at Lance Russell, which got Lawler out from backstage in his first tv appearance in a month. They wound up brawling into the parking lot and Gilbert slammed Lawler on the hood of a car, shattering the windshield.
  • Scott Rechsteiner, using the ring name Scott Steiner, debuted as a babyface in Memphis recently. No mention of peaks or freaks yet.
  • Some random trivia about AWA Tag champ Paul Diamond. His real name is Tom Boric, and he was born in Winnipeg, you idiots, on May 11, 1961. He played soccer for the Tampa Bay Rowdies in the old North American Soccer League and was drafted sixth in the 1980 collegiate draft by the Calgary Boomers, before getting traded to Tampa in 1982. He stayed until the NASL folded, which is when he got into wrestling.
  • Anyway, Diamond and Tanaka won the belts because the Midnight Rockers wanted $500 a week guaranteed to stay and Verne doesn’t believe in guaranteed money. They don’t appear to have left yet.
  • [Continental] Looks like Eddie Gilbert is replacing Robert Fuller and going to be sole booker.
  • [USA] The other spinoff from the old Continental promotion ran its first big show in Knoxville, drawing a $10,000 gate. Previous sellouts there hit $27,000, to give an indication of relative value there. Not a lot to report about this. Moondog Spot is there as “The Dog.” He’s not a big dog. He’s not a little dog. He’s The Dog.
  • WCCW drew 1,700 on March 25 for their Dallas show, where Kerry dropped the title to Parsons. The other main event had Michael Hayes vs. Buddy Roberts, and Roberts kept trying to apologize for hitting Hayes, but Hayes wasn’t going to let it slide. Terry Gordy did a run in and broke things up, and told Hayes they sold Angel of Death’s contract so they can all be friends again. Hayes walked out on Gordy, though.
  • [WCCW] Fabulous Lance keeps getting booked for shows but hasn’t returned. His agent still doesn’t want him to be a heel because it’ll cut down his opportunities for tv and modeling work.
  • To illustrate how bad business is for World Class, here’s the biggest gate they drew out of three shows last week in Mississippi: $783.
  • A man named David Peschel of Washington, New Jersey is suing Randy Savage for a million dollars. He alleges that Savage punched and bodyslammed him when he got out of his car at a light to ask Savage for his autograph. He describes Savage as 6’4” and 280 lbs, prompting Dave to ask if this was maybe a different Randy Savage.
  • Rumor has it that Angelo Poffo put a $1 bet on the Wrestlemania tournament. Apparently, his bet was on Ted DiBiase.
  • According to a sumo journal in Japan, Futuhaguro is 99% certain he won’t go into pro wrestling. Koji Kitao will debut near the end of 1989 in the AWA, so I’ll put my dollar bet on the 1% chance.
  • Reader Mike Rodgers attended the Oregon commission hearing on March 18 and writes about his take. The commission is making big improvements to safety that he thinks are great, but thinks they’re overstepping by wanting to legitimately fine wrestlers who use foreign objects or chairs, and says they don’t understand “that promoters do what they can to fill up arenas.” Banning the blade but not blood is just going to increase the chance of legitimate injury, and it’s part of the proof that the commission really isn’t smart to what wrestling really is about.
  • We get a really long letter on Bruno’s radio interview. The writer taped the second hour and is hoping to get tape of the first hour. But before getting to the good stuff, he first wants to note that lying and silly gimmicks didn’t start in 1984 (was Gorilla Monsoon really from Manchuria? Didn’t Bruno employ gimmick wrestlers when he booked Pittsburgh? How about when he’d blade and claim to have spent the night hospitalized receiving transfusions) and that Bruno’s not really got a leg to stand on for “wrestling must be credible and it is an insult to the fans’ intelligence to lie to them.” Fans knew then just as they know now that it’s a work, but that doesn’t matter - you watch the show because it’s entertaining and you want to see the magician do their tricks. Also, the writer weighs in that the real story with the Main Event will be told by the demographic breakdown rather than the overall rating. In other words, is Hulk Hogan the Demo God? Anyway, after all this preamble, we finally get some quotes from the interview:
  • Bruno denies blading happened in his day but says “today, nothing would surprise me.”
  • Says he’ll never work for the NWA. “I wouldn’t touch it with a 50-foot pole.”
  • He breaks kayfabe on George Steele and says he’s been a teacher for years.
  • He thinks Bobby Heenan is a “dud and a disgrace” to wrestling.
  • He compliments Ric Flair as a guy who can give you an exciting 30 or 40 minute match, but the NWA “have an awful lot of bizarre nonsense in there that, to me, is no good.”
  • He says David wanted to be like him and he tried to warn David that these days they aren’t interested in “guys who just want to wrestle” but he’ll be going to Japan where they appreciate that better.
  • He didn’t like doing commentary. He just clocked in, did his job, and left as soon as he was done. He was very uncomfortable and unhappy doing it.
  • Bruno says WWF didn’t really have anything great to generate interest in the tournament for Wrestlemania.
  • A caller asks if his wrestling was all real, and Bruno says “Well, it was in my day, at least I thought it was.
  • We get a letter that feels so much like it could have been a post here on /SquaredCircle when Dave rated Omega/Okada 6 stars that I’m posting it in its entirety. Be warned, it is long, kind of racist, and absolutely bonkers, but that’s not unfamiliar around these parts. It gets the headline “Sick of praise for Japan.”
I get so sick of the way that people talk about Japanese wrestling. There’s no question it should be covered extensively in the Observer because it is a significant part of the wrestling world. However, when you start printing letters that criticize the American society and the jazz scene, then you are going way too far.
Anyone who thinks the Japanese never forsake quality for showmanship is full of it. The rock group KISS has enjoyed phenomenal success there because of their wild appearence [sic] and stage show. In fact, when they stopped wearing their makeup in the United States, they waited almost two years to do the same in Japan because they knew they wouldn’t be accepted there without it. And what about the movie industry? Do you think Godzilla movies are popular because of great acting?
As a student, I find teachers constantly comparing the American intelligence with that of the Japanese. I’m sure that the wrestlers love being compared to Japanese wrestlers as much as I love being compared to Japanese students. The Japanese do well at everything because they become obsessed with it. For them, it’s a matter of pride. If they screw up, it’s not only a mark on themselves but also on their entire family. You may think that’s great, but it puts a lot of pressure on everyone. They spend hours studying and I’m certain spend hours learning wrestling skills and have no time for themselves. Cut the North American wrestlers some slack. They’re just trying to make a living and preserve their bodies in the process. Look at what trying to wrestle like the Japanese did to Tommy Billington. Everyone would love matches filled with nothing but high spots, but working them is a great way to destroy yourself in a hurry. Now there is no excuse for total duds like Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant either, but there are many non-Japanese who can hold their own without going crazy about it. I wonder how many Observer readers can honestly say that they work as hard at their own jobs as the Japanese in the same profession do. If they do, then I think they would quality [sic] as workaholics.
If there is anything wrong with our society, it’s the lack of national pride, which is so evident in the pages of the Observer. You seem to hate everything that wasn’t imported from the other side of the world. I have absolutely nothing against the country of Japan or Japanese wrestling, but I don’t think it’s up to a bunch of wrestling fans to dictate what’s wrong with our country just because they prefer the Oriental style of wrestling. I think the Observer is great, but I’d like to see you stick to writing about wrestling instead of how rotten our way of life is. I’m sure that’s what a Japanese journalist would do.
  • Anyway, Dave responds to that letter, giving the writer only 4 stars because it’s not in the literally-only-opened-a-couple-weeks-ago Tokyo Dome:
DM: Have I ever written about how rotten our quality of life is or done any cultural comparisons between the U.S. and Japan except to where it pertains to the wrestling business? If I lived in Japan and made a comparison of the quality of the football product and wrote the U.S. product was superior, I hope people wouldn’t take it as an indictment against an entire society.
  • Lastly, it’s about that time of year, I guess, because we have letters arguing about whether Dave should include GLOW coverage or not. Two letters this week on that theme, the first noting what the writer calls a progression in the letters calling for more coverage of women’s wrestling. First were the calls for more coverage of “conventional” women’s wrestling. Then the calls for GLOW coverage. Then POWW. Guess the next will be coverage of the apartment house wrestling scene, the writer supposes. The other writer claims to speak for 90% of subscribers and says Dave would offend that much of his readership if he covers GLOW and POWW and says that if you even consider GLOW to be pro wrestling, you’re incapable of understanding what makes a match good or not. This one asks if Dave’s going to be asked to cover mud wrestling next. There’s no misogyny problem in wrestling fandom. Move along. Nothing to see here.
  • Back to news, the Kentucky Athletic Commission has put up some new rules. There are to be guard rails around the ring now. Throwing an opponent over the top rope will result in a fine or suspension. Ditto for any referee who doesn’t immediately stop the match for it. The top rope rule is now state law, as insane as that sounds.
  • Dave should have national numbers next week, but in Atlanta Clash of the Champions drew an 11.7 rating, with the FlaiSting match hitting 14.5 National numbers will not be nearly that high, but hitting that 5 Dave mentioned earlier that would mean 2 million viewers doesn’t seem so far fetched anymore. Clash beat the NCAA tournament on the networks in Atlanta. TBS is reportedly looking to do another in prime time on a Wednesday early in the summer.
  • Stampede set up an angle where Johnny Smith (kayfabe Davey Boy’s cousin or brother or something) argued with Diana Hart Smith, which got Owen out to defend his sister. Davey Boy was supposed to come in after Wrestlemania to work with Johnny, but Vince put the kibosh on that. There were also considerations for some Stampede guys to participate in the Crockett Cup, but politics (Vince) made that a no-go. So it’s probably no coincidence that when Owen did the job for Hercules it was just outside Greensboro. Anyway, the real takeaway is that Owen is probably coming over to WWF by the end of the year.
NEXT WEEK: Clash vs. Wrestlemania poll results, Clash ratings and Wrestlemania buyrate, an assload of mini headlines because news is apparently thin next week, and more
submitted by SaintRidley to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

Team Preview - Newcastle United [Premier League 2019-20 - 8/20]

Newcastle United

by AjaxTreesdown

Welcome to the triumphant return of the Premier League Previews, a series where a fan gives an overview of his team for your perusal, and I get an excuse to take pot-shots at other clubs. This will run until the eve of the Premier League, taking a look at each club in turn. Today from way down south we're going way up north, with Newcastle United.


Last season

Pos P W D L GF GA GD Points
13th 38 12 9 17 42 48 -6 45
Pre-season began 12 months ago with a lot of Newcastle fans filled with hope after a 10th placed finish. Mikel Merino and Aleksandar Mitrovic were sold to Real Sociedad and Fulham respectively, with their replacements being Ki Sung-Yeung on a free and Salomon Rondon on loan. Chancel Mbemba was also sold to Porto, while Fabian Schär and Federico Fernandez came in at centre back. Martin Dubravka and Kenedy returned to the club after impressive loan spells, with Dubravka signing permanently. Yoshinori Muto was also signed from Mainz as the most expensive purchase for us at £9.5m.
An awful start to the season saw us fail to win in our first 10 league games. In fairness, we did play 5 of the eventual top 6 in this time, but it was still a shocking run. Despite decent performances against Tottenham, Chelsea and Manchester City, we completely bottled games against Cardiff, Leicester and Manchester United, throwing away a 2-0 half time lead at Old Trafford. A scrappy game vs Watford in early November was our first win of the season. We beat Bournemouth and Burnley in our following two games, instilling hope into the fans that maybe we weren't terrible after all. We then won 1 game in our next 9. ¯\(ツ)
22 games into the season, we sat in 18th place on 18 points. we were 3 points away from Brighton in 15th and 7 points clear of Huddersfield at the foot of the table. Gameweek 23 saw us hosting Cardiff at home. We won 3-0 with a strong performance in a game that could have been the biggest result of our season, but 10 days later Manchester City came to St James' Park and we made headlines around the world by winning 2-1, in one of the biggest shocks of the season. Our midfield that game was Isaac Hayden and Sean Longstaff, who was thrust into the limelight after being praised by Pep Guardiola. The fans' mood was at an insane high, boosted again 2 days later when Miguel Almiron's arrival finally broke the club's record transfer fee.
The back to back victories and Almiron's arrival revitalised the team, narrowly losing to Tottenham, drawing with Wolves and beating fellow relegation candidates Huddersfield and Burnley quite convincingly. A 2-0 defeat away to West Ham dented the team's form (we only picked up 4 points from the next 4 games) and saw Sean Longstaff ruled out for the remaining 9 games of the season with a severe knee injury.
The following game saw us do what Manchester United had done to us 5 months prior. Everton led 2-0 at St James' Park at half time, but a Salomon Rondon and Ayoze Perez masterclass saw the game finish 3-2. This signalled the beginning of an unplayable run of form for Perez, scoring 8 goals in 9 games including a hat trick against Southampton in what might be the best performance I've ever seen from a Newcastle player. The final 3 games of the season saw us draw to Brighton, lose to Liverpool in the dying moments thanks to Origi being the biggest clutch player alive and a comprehensive 4-0 victory against Fulham. A 13th placed finish was far better than we hoped for after the winless streak at the beginning of the season. At the time we were overjoyed, but everything that has happened with the club since has made the positives from last season somewhat bittersweet.

This Season

At the time of writing, Summer has been nothing short of disastrous so far. The season ended with some optimism that Rafa Benitez was going to sign a contract extension, we would sign Salomon Rondon permanently and that a wealthy group from the Middle East were interested in buying the club and finally ending Mike Ashley's reign as the owner of the club. Rafa left has left and signed for Chinese second division Dalian Yifang, with Rondon joining him. The takeover seems to be dead in the water, with Steve Bruce being appointed as manager on a 3 year contract. As of yet, there have been no players signed to the senior team, while Ayoze Perez and Joselu have been sold. We're expecting Joelinton to be announced in the next few days for what will be another record breaking fee, but I'm not optimistic that he will be good enough to drag us up the table.
The most I can currently hope for this season is a relegation battle that sees us narrowly stay up. Right now, I'm not sure I'll even care by the time we get past January. A sad reality that a good number of Newcastle fans are facing.
Player Type From To Fee(£m)
Ayoze Perez Permanent Newcastle United Leicester City 30
Joelinton Permanent Hoffenheim Newcastle United 40
Jose Salomon Rondon End of Loan Newcastle United West Bromwich Albion N/A
All incoming/outgoing transfers Full 2019-20 squad
3 players to watch out for
Sean Longstaff
Longstaff's recovery from injury is something I worry about a lot. Rolando Aarons' progress at Newcastle was similar; a handful of promising appearances ended by severe knee injuries. We have slapped a £50m price tag on him to ward off Manchester United this summer, which I hope we don't end up looking foolish for. Longstaff's tireless work rate, tidy passing and his threat from range (he scored numerous screamers when at Blackpool 2 years ago) will be instrumental if he returns as strong as he was last season.
Florian Lejeune
While Fabian Schär and Jamaal Lascelles have been the centre backs to receive the plaudits in the last 2 seasons, Florian Lejeune has gone somewhat under the radar when he has been equal to, and sometimes even better, than the pair of them. His involvement in the squad has at times been restricted by the two anterior cruciate ligament tears he has suffered, despite him returning from both of them in half the time footballers usually take to recover. Lejeune's positional awareness and composure on the ball made him a consistently effective defensive partner to Lascelles and Schär, while his passing accuracy and range on the left side of a back 3 was a great asset to the attacking movements under Rafa Benitez. With Steve Bruce likely opting for a very direct approach this season, Lejeune's distribution will be very important.
Jonjo Shelvey
I wanted to say Miguel Almiron, as the only player remaining from the Perez-Rondon-Almiron front 3 that was so promising last season, but I think Jonjo Shelvey could be very pivotal player. A number of Rafa's outcasts from last season like Dwight Gayle, Rolando Aarons and Jack Colback will return to the fray much to the dismay of many fans. It's Shelvey however, that catches my eye. Shelvey has talent that few players in the Premier League possess, a pinpoint accuracy with diagonal long passing that is a dream to any wide player capable of exploiting space. The downside to him is just about everything else. His poor work rate and lacking athleticism means he often can't provide adequate cover to the defence and his temper (albeit improved in recent times) means he is always a potential red card. He's a player to watch for better or worse. His performances could result in us gaining 10 points this season, or losing that many.
What the fans think
Thanks to /NUFC for their help.
How do you think this season will go?
Not as well as any of us want it to, but also not as bad as many think it will go. So (optimistically) somewhere between 11-16.
I think we'll finish 13th if (and it's a big if) we make another couple of decent signings. I loved Rafa, but he would often freeze players out of the team for unknown reasons, and I think some of those coming back will have something to prove. My call for player of the season is Shelvey for that reason, I think he'll be called back in and his long Hollywood passes will work well with Almiron and another fast winger (ASM?).
We will all get increasingly annoyed as historically 'smaller' clubs than us like Wolves, Bournemouth, Watford and Leicester take an easy three points from us home and away. Their owners have actual ambition for their clubs and have proper facilities and coaching. We've got Steve Bruce in command and some wheelie bins for ice baths. The big 6 teams will beat us despite our plucky performances, we will play out grinding draws or fluky 1-0 wins against other relegation fodder teams like Brighton and Sheffield United. Meanwhile beloved ex-players like Shola Ameobi will get airtime on Sky Sports to tell everyone how great Mike Ashley is. If we don't get relegated then it will be a miracle, some fans hope that we do go down because they believe Fat Mike might be more likely to sell if we are in the Championship/League One.
Which player is going to be your star of the season and why?
Lejeuene. He's arguably our best player but his time with us has been marred with injuries. However, when he has played he has given us that boost we needed out from defence. He's a ball playing centre-back who also has great defensive capabilities. A trio of him, Schar and Lascelles will be key for us this coming season.
If Almiron can carry his form over despite losing the two players he linked up so well with it'll be him. If Joelinton can find his feet and score the goals to keep us up then him.
Isaac Hayden. He was quality at the back end of last season, and his personal problems appear to have subsided/been resolved to an extent. Hopefully, this means he will push on and make a case for a potential national team call up.
How do you think the team will line up?
GK Dubravka
Back 5: Manquillo, Schar, Lascelles, Dummett, Ritchie
MF: Longstaff, Hayden, Shelvey
ST: Joelinton, Almiron
Dubravka. A back 5 of Manquillo Schär Lascelles Dummett and Ritchie. Longstaff and Hayden CMs, Almiron Joelinton Muto the forwards.

Wrap Up

by NickTM

The Manager: Well, beloved manager Rafa Benitez finally decided that enough was enough after his contract expired in the summer and went off to enjoy being filthy fucking rich in China, smuggling his boy Salomon Rondon through customs along with him. Equally beloved owner Mike Ashley decided that the logical choice to replace this Champions League-winning, multiple time La Liga-winning, two-time UEFA Manager of the Year was with... Steve Bruce. Oh boy. Look, as much as I like to use this section to poke some fun, I'm still a Palace fan, and thus I can't quite bring myself to align myself anywhere other than in line with your average Newcastle fan's reaction towards him. It was a pathetic appointment. Bruce, fresh off jumping ship from Sheffield Wednesday as soon as he saw an opportunity in the Premier League - managing to land Newcastle in hot water legally whilst he was at it, true to form - arrives with a mediocre track record in the Premier League and a spell managing bitter rivals Sunderland for one and a half incredibly average seasons. Baffling.
The Team: Benitez managed to cut out quite a lot of the deadwood and refresh the squad significantly during his tenure, which left Newcastle with a team that was reasonably balanced and able to compete across the pitch. Unfortunately, his departure was followed in quick succession by the aforementioned Salomon Rondon's loan finishing and also Ayoze Perez, a flaky but talented forward, departing to Leicester City for a hefty £30m sum. In order to compensate for the shortfall up front, a huge £40m was shelled out for Hoffenheim's Joelinton, who arrives with an okay-but-not-really-that-good goal record spread across two years out on loan at Rapid Wien and one at his former parent club. Much will be expected of him between donning the coveted number 9 shirt and the so-far limited effectiveness of last year's signing Yoshinori Muto. Elsewhere, the defence will look to continue the form that saw it become the most effective unit in the bottom half, and much has been made of the admittedly limited gametime Sean Longstaff has had in the Prem so far. Ultimately, it looks like Newcastle will be relying heavily on Joelinton to hit the ground running and Miguel Almiron to really show his class tucked in behind him.
Why to like them: I quite like DeAndre Yedlin as one of the United States' attempts to plonk a superlative athlete on a football pitch in hope he'll become a superstar. Miguel Almiron's a treat to watch play, and if the team loses there's always the faint hope one of their fans will go full Little Mac on an ungulate.
Why to dislike them: Half their identity is based on beating a League One team that they haven’t beat in 8 years. Their fans claim to hate Mike Ashley - which, let's be honest, they get a little hysterical about given they make him out to be absolute footballing Lucifer when there's probably half a dozen owners in English football alone that you'd choose him over - and yet have had about one sort-of-effective protest in the entire time he's been an owner. They're still so mentally broken by a bedsheet some bloke had scribbled a half-baked pun on that there's genuine animosity towards Aston Villa to this day. Couple that with all the proclaimations of being a 'big club' despite not really ever having achieved that much comparatively and you can see why so many fans in England often end up a little irked by them.
Also, Steve Bruce can fuck off, the pudgy northern mercenary wrister.
Summary: Newcastle weren't really good last year, and you feel the strength of Benitez' management was the thing really holding them together. With Rafa gone and an already significant outlay spent on a single transfer, things look even more grim this season. You wouldn't bet on Steve Bruce to maintain their integrity defensively, their forwards have been weakened at very least in depth, and whilst the midfield is solid it's not entirely inspiring. If you can find good odds on a midseason managerial sacking, I'd be tempted.


Aston Villa | Sheffield United | Norwich City | Brighton | Southampton | Burnley | Bournemouth
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Raw/Smackdown Draft Prospect Big Board (Long Post)

I'm a huge NFL/NBA draft and WWE nerd, so I figured I'd combine them both and make a "Mel Kiper-esque" prospect big board and top 5 by position for a figurative brand-split draft. Tried to keep it business casual kayfabe in that I am acting like I am running a brand where TV ratings, potential, sustained success for your organization, roster talent, making money, compelling matchups and locker room decorum matter the most.

Top 30 Superstar Prospects Overall
  1. John Cena 6'1" 250lbs 39 Years Old -Even at 39, John Cena continues to be the standard bearer of sports entertainment. His unquestioned work ethic is only surpassed by the massive crossover appeal he has enjoyed for the better part of a decade. A natural leader, Cena is the quintessential 5 tool guy: Ability-Look-Charisma-Toughness-Loyalty
  2. Seth Rollins 6'1" 217lbs 29 Years Old -A physical freak with the proven ability to carry a stable, tag team and an individual program as both a fan favorite and a despised traitor. He has shown the uncanny ability to adapt to any opponent. It can be argued he hasn't even been let free to experiment with an expanded move set. Currently making his way back from a major injury, but to that point, he had been a model of durability.
  3. Kevin Owens 6'0" 266lbs 32 Years Old -Dynamite on the mic. So deceptive as he is basically a "tweener" in size. Has the requisite power to pull off unique suplexes, but the speed and agility to go off the top rope with ease. Has never once looked out of place at the top of the card. A master manipulator, KO can work with anyone in the ring. Added bonus, may be the best guest color commentator in the world.
  4. Bray Wyatt 6'3" 285lbs 29 Years Old -Just brimming with charisma. Has a wealth of experience at his young age. No stage is too big for him. His command of the Wyatt Family has firmly secured his status as a leader. What keeps him from climbing any higher is the question of whether he can he be controlled by authority. Once described as an Army tank with a Ferrari engine, the description is apt in outlining his stellar size-speed-strength combination.
  5. Roman Reigns 6'3" 265lbs 31 Years Old -It certainly feels like it has been "one versus all" in his climb towards acceptance from the universe ever since his split from the SHIELD. Essentially being pre-ordained as the next mega-star has caused his rapport with fans to suffer. But if you look at the peripherals, he has it all, and then some. The power, the look and the ability to stir up a reaction makes me feel like he could rise through this process. Family tree is second to none.
  6. Brock Lesnar 6'3" 286lbs 38 Years Old -If it weren't for questions about his commitment, he'd be in the conversation at the top of the draft. The fact that he may only work a scant few dates a year and still ranks this high speaks to his immeasurable physical talents. You would have to secure the services of Paul Heyman to make this investment crest but if you get a motivated Lesnar, you have a top level Wrestlemania main event every year.
  7. Sami Zayn 6'1" 212lbs 31 Years Old -Seem a bit high for the quirky Canadian? Don't be shocked if this ends up being his floor and Zayn skanks his way to the top of someone's draft board. With his ability to connect with the audiences, and his superb work rate, he might as well come with a currency printing press. There is huge potential in his international appeal too. Didn't even mention that the list of superstars with more match of the year candidates than Zayn is non existent.
  8. The New Day: Big E 5'11" 285 lbs 30 Years Old, Kofi Kingston 6'0" 212bs 34 Years Old and Xavier Woods 5'11" 205lbs 29 Years Old -Put simply, the most entertaining act in sports entertainment today. Crossover appeal abounds. The fact that all three superstars have above average to great in ring ability and that is the least focused attribute of their group speaks to their screen grabbing "it" factor. The real coup in this group might be Big E, an under-the-radar pick as a future world champion.
  9. Dean Ambrose 6'4" 225lbs 30 Years Old -The Lunatic Fringe carries a rabid fan base, a wealth of independent credentials and a healthy resume of show stealing matches in his brief WWE career but there are concerns about his mental make up and durability which prevent him from moving up any higher. Can you count on him as a world champion? He carries his lanky frame well and is a consistent performer.
  10. Rusev 6'0" 304lbs 30 Years Old -As if the real life Ivan Drago experimentation existed, this Bulgarian Brute is what you would create in a lab if you were trying to stage a hostile takeover. Fluid as he is destructive he has also shown that he can display humor and ruthlessness alike. Able to take direction, would he be a fish out of water if he were left to his own devices?
  11. Shinsuke Nakamura 6'2" 229lbs 36 Years Old -Based on early returns in the states, this Japanese import is trading yen even to the dollar. The risk you take is gambling that his act translates to a bigger stage and that less enthusiastic audiences may not embrace his nuances as openly as they do at Full Sail. First class ability and star quality that pops off the screen is worth the roll of the dice that he'll be daijoubu.
  12. Finn Balor 5'11" 190lbs 34 Years Old -This feels like a safe pick to me. There's money in the demon, there's intrigue in a potential reunion of old NJPW pals and there is very little risk that audiences don't take him seriously after a near record setting title reign in nXt. Good looks and a charming disposition belie an aggressive style that allows for fresh match ups for years to come. This might not be a home run pick, but you can bet it's no worse than a ground rule double.
  13. AJ Styles 5'11" 218lbs 38 Years Old -How many years does he have left? That's the question potential GM's must weigh in regards to the Phenomenal one. However, his relative obscurity to he main stream audiences guarantees character freshness for an extended period of time. Fluid and effortless in the ring. Wealth of knowledge would prove invaluable in the locker room.
  14. Randy Orton 6'5" 250lbs 36 Years Old -Depending what Randy Orton you pick, this could be the steal of the draft. Essentially born and bred to be a world champion, Orton suffers through bouts of emotional turbulence, fragility and immaturity. But when healthy, he is a five star match, a chilling promo and a proud flag holder for any brand. The RKO outta nowhere remains one of the most scintillating moments in pro wrestling.
  15. Samoa Joe 6'2" 282lbs 37 Years Old -A bruiser with a no nonsense mentality, could Joe be a risk to his fellow competitors? There are concerns that he could have passed his prime but I feel like the motivation and drive is there. Doesn't necessarily have the look, but he has an authenticity to him that others can't match. Commanding presence.
  16. American Alpha: Chad Gable 5'8" 202lbs 30 Years Old and Jason Jordan 6'3" 245lbs 27 Years Old -Technical prowess and a palpable chemistry make this team a can't miss duo. There is always room for well conditioned, elite athletes on any roster but there is a clear connection with the fans here. Unparalleled work ethic means they won't regress for several years. No out of ring concerns at all.
  17. Enzo Amore 5'11" 200lbs 29 Years Old and Colin Cassiday 7'0" 276lbs 29 Years Old -Rare gift of gab and unteachable size give Enzo and Big Cass squared circle street cred. They have an aura about them that screams bona fide and their burns cut deeper than most wrestling insults. What they lack in the ring they make up for with pure emotion and unbridled enthusiasm for their craft. Concussion concerns with Amore may end up hurting their stock some.
  18. Sheamus 6'4" 267lbs 38 Years Old -Built like a reinforced Irish pub, the Celtic Warrior is far from a sexy pick, but you could do much worse at this spot. He is what I would call solid, if unspectacular, across all areas of measurement, which makes him low ceiling, high floor pick. A unique look, an outstanding physique and the willingness to work with various wrestlers bodes well for his future. Must battle complacency.
  19. Apollo Crews 6'1" 240lbs 28 Years Old -Pure upside pick here. Sky is the limit as his measureables and athletic ability catch your eyes immediately. But to this point his mic skills would make even Shelton Benjamin blush. Which is his most apt comparison until he develops a more well-rounded personality that can connect. The anti-Sheamus pick. Higher ceiling, much lower floor. In the end I think Apollo's siren song will tempt someone much earlier than this projection.
  20. Miz 6'2" 232lbs 35 Years Old -An eminently hateable performer who brings both Hollywood pedigree and "started from the bottom" admirability. Basic and formulaic in the ring and on the mic, but a natural smarminess makes for natural rivalries. Takes direction well. Dependable, and in this range, that's a top trait to look for. I made up three words in this bio, a very MizTV thing to do.
  21. Kalisto 5'6" 170lbs 29 Years Old -Looking to be the next great WWE luchador, Kalisto has shown promise and also his shortcomings. He is awkward on the mic and sometimes moves too fast for his opponents. Size is an issue but also a selling point. Marketable and by all accounts a genuinely good person who cares about his craft.
  22. The Club: Luke Gallows 6'8" 304lbs 32 Years Old and Karl Anderson 6'0" 241lbs 36 Years Old -Whilst Gallows is a young veteran, Anderson is still relatively unknown on the grander stage. What is clear is that they communicate well and can function both as leaders and followers. At this rate, there seems to be little upside as singles performers. But if their tape from abroad and podcasts are any indication, they have a lot of cards they haven't played yet. Both in and out of the ring.
  23. Alberto Del Rio 6'5" 239lbs 39 Years Old -Another safe pick. Certainly capable of carrying a show. But equally capable of mailing it in. Underutilized as a performer outside the ring, he is a handsome, multilingual and charming superstar who has potential for expanding the fan base. Suspension of disbelief on his finishing maneuver is distracting but easily fixable. Comes from a top lineage.
  24. Neville 5'10" 194lbs 29 Years Old -A jitterbug. An acrobat that is unmatched in aerial excellence. His size and accent seem to hamper him in being taken seriously. He did prove to be a work horse in both nXt and WWE but a freak accident curtailed his momentum. Flashy move set makes for an entertaining match but unbelievable champion. No character concerns, loves the business. Some untapped potential here, a possible steal.
  25. Baron Corbin 6'8" 275lbs 31 Years Old -What you see is what you get here. A legitimate athlete with legitimate fighting background credentials. His attitude is poor and his demeanor prickly. He has the size and sudden presence you clamor for. Has improved markedly over the years but has he hit his wall? Jury is out on his promo skills for now.
  26. Austin Aries 5'9" 202lbs 38 Years Old -The greatest dilemma that ever existed. In this draft at least. Aries represents everything old and new. He has a lot of mileage on him, but not at the highest level. He seems destined to be typecast as a mid-major prospect but has that ability to go beyond even his best work. Reminds me of a Batista level jerk who seems perturbed at the lack of received respect.
  27. The Wyatt Family: Luke Harper 6'5" 275lbs 36 Years Old, Erick Rowan 6'8" 317lbs 34 Years Old and Braun Strowman 6'8" 385lbs 32 Years Old -A wild card pick. You get a proven champion in Harper, a lost minion in Rowan and a green behemoth in Strowman. Harper has proven to be a team player in the past and he represents value here. Rowan functions best as a heavy. Strowman needs to show vast amounts of improvement or he runs the risk of losing his unstoppable luster. You need to draft them as a handcuff to Bray Wyatt, worth the reach.
  28. Hideo Itami 5'9" 182lbs 35 Years Old -A lot of debate in the draft room about Itami, whose shine has been dulled some by the introduction of Nakamura. Absence has not made the heart grow fonder, rather, Hideo being out of sight has kept him out of our minds. But before we say sayonara to the original can't miss Japanese import, there's a rather larGe elephanT in the Squared circle that hasn't been unleashed yet. Injury problems continue to plague Ita(i)mi, who, some say, is still the most polished ring technician in the world.
  29. The Vaudevillains: Aiden English 6'3"215lbs 28 Years Old and Simon Gotch 6'1" 221lbs 33 Years Old -A unique act that sways too close to novelty for my taste, but they have proven to be both effective as sinister foils. (See silent movie vignettes) And as triumphant chivalrists. (See nXt Takeover: Brooklyn) They have the chops to succeed but do they have the moxie to be sustainable performers in this not-so-bygone era.
  30. Dolph Ziggler 6'0" 218lbs 35 Years Old -If the draft had been held only a few short years ago, we're looking at a top 10 pick. Since then, his stock has plummeted. There is a staleness to his performance at the moment despite his undeniable passion, work ethic and willingness to do the job. A company man by all accounts, he has his outside pursuits that could both hamper and increase his prospects and fan base. Talent is there, but smugness is catching up to his ability to sell himself.
(Edit) forgot Cesaro!
11b. Cesaro 6'5" 232lbs 35 Years Old -Useful in any way. Is a Swiss Army knife too lazy of a comparison? With his unrivaled strength and multi-cultural appeal, Cesaro appeals to a broad spectrum. Shows no weaknesses in ring but has his doubters on the stick. Does he overtrain? Certainly seems to take his "professional" mantra seriously in and out of the ring.
Just Missed the Cut: The Uso's: Jimmy 6'3" 251lbs and Jey 6'2" 228lbs 30 years old.
The Dudley Boys: Bubba Ray 6'4" 326lbs 44 Years Old and D-Von 6'2" 290lbs 43 Years Old.
The Revival: Dash Wilder 5'10" 222lbs 29 Years Old and Scott Dawson 5'10" 224lbs 31 Years Old

These teams are a amalgam of future past and present. The Uso's main feature seems to be their bloodline. They are underrated athletically however. The Dudley's seem focused to move past their one trick but seem stuck in neutral. No matter where they go, their past accolades earn them a reaction. And the Revival is a rugged throwback, but a throwback to the day where generic teams ruled the land. More personality could help them immensely.

Top 10 Women's Wrestlers Prospects
  1. Sasha Banks 5'5" 114lbs 24 Years Old -Unrivaled fan support and athletic ability. Huge potential in and out of the ring. Fascinating personal story and background and owns her persona. Star seems to shine brightest on the biggest stages. A diligent student of the game.
  2. Bayley 5'6" 119lbs 26 Years Old -Since when have you see a women's wrestler push merchandise to a male fan base? Bayley's popularity is in another stratosphere. Her positivity seems authentic and her ability to adapt is second to none. Is extremely grateful for her spot and will not take it for granted. A case will be made to make Bayley your girl at #1.
  3. Charlotte 5'10" 133lbs 30 Years Old -Freaky athlete. Not very many in the history of women's wrestling look as good as she does with as little experience as she holds. Getting better in front of our eyes at every turn both when verbally and physically abusing her opponents. Distinct signature mannerisms and finishers make her stand out.
  4. Asuka 5'3" 137lbs 34 Years Old -Dangerous striker and carries herself well. Passion is evident as is the ease of which she has acclimated. Language skills are still not there but she more than makes up for it with her facial expressions. Has shown an eagerness to learn with little to no ego.
  5. Nia Jax 6'0" 272lbs 31 Years Old -High upside here as her size and strength makes her stand out in the crowd. She has a great support system to lean on and despite her physical limitations, has shown that she can be an intimidating enforcer. Lots of work needs to be done here, but it would be worth the investment.
  6. Paige 5'8" 120lbs 23 Years Old -Fiery and headstrong, a cerebral master of her craft and a long time veteran at such a young age. Success came quick for Paige and her career seems stuck in limbo. If she re-dedicates herself to the ring, she will again become Women's Champion in no time. If she focuses more on out of the ring endeavors, she may still claim the title again. The talent is there, the focus is questionable.
  7. Dana Brooke 5'3" 145lbs 27 Years Old -Looks the part in every way. Another in a long line of nXt success stories. Her improvement is often cited among her top attributes. Dana Brooke is still feeling her way around this professional wrestling business but has slowly begun to find her groove. Limited in the ring but has many of the little things down.
  8. Eva Marie 5'8" 125lbs 31 Years Old -Love her or hate her; there's no in-between. Her look is the moneymaker here so whether or not she ever becomes a serviceable wrestler is ancillary. The important thing is that she gets more comfortable between the ropes. A proven mass market appeal.
  9. Becky Lynch 5'6" 135lbs 29 Years Old -She gets high usage as a jack-of-all trades but master-of-none type wrestler. We all know she's good, but is she great? Is there time to develop on the main roster. How many more hypotheticals can I fit in here? How do we know when wins and losses don't necessarily matter: The Lass-Kicker is a believable threat without a credible victory.
  10. Emma 5'5" 132lbs 27 Years Old

    -Finally rounding into position and coming into her own before an untimely back injury forced her to the sidelines, Emma has overcome a lot to even get here today. That speaks well for a long term career. Because she hasn't done much, there are tons of fresh feuds ready for the Aussie. The stigma of her original bubbly personality hasn't quite worn off yet.

Top 5 By "position"
  1. Heath Slater 6'2" 216lbs 32 Years Old -Generally highly regarded as an opponent who enhances the opponents ability.
  2. Zack Ryder 6'2" 224lbs 31 Years Old -Comes with highly active social media accounts included.
  3. Bo Dallas 6'1" 234lbs 26 Years Old -Could do worse than the grating Bo Dallas. Especially if brother bear comes calling...
  4. Curtis Axel 6'3" 228lbs 36 Years Old -Take the chains off the Axeman and he'll make anyone look perfect.
  5. The Ascension: Konnor 6'4" 268lbs 36 Years Old and Viktor 6'2" 219lbs 35 Years Old -Because who doesn't want to jam out to their entrance theme on Superstars?

Veteran Talent
  1. Chris Jericho 6'0" 227lbs 45 Years Old -Frankly, there isn't a better mentor in the game right now. Don't know when he'll up and leave, but does it matter?
  2. Big Show 7'0" 450lbs 44 Years Old -People still love to see a giant get his comeuppance. Seems willing and able to give it a go for another couple of years.
  3. Kane 7'0" 323lbs 49 Years Old -Versatile and intelligent, Kane is the type of brick and mortar glue guy every winning organization needs.
  4. The Golden Truth: R-Truth 6'2" 220lbs 44 Years Old and Goldust 6'6" 232lbs 47 Years Old -Comedic timing and a wealth of experience are just a couple things this odd couple adds to the locker room.
  5. Mark Henry 6'4" 399lbs 44 Years Old -The collective gasp when he walks through the curtain to Three 6 Mafia is always a fun part of any show involving the world's strongest man.

Superstar Sleepers:
  1. Darren Young 6'1" 239lbs 32 Years Old -With Bob Backlund in his corner he is suddenly interesting and relevant again. An advocate for the LGBT community.
  2. Tye Dillinger 6'3" 223lbs 35 Years Old -Peers rave about his ring work and his presence screams STAR. But his performances haven't matched the hyperbole just yet.
  3. No Way Jose 6'3" 245lbs 27 Years Old -Time will tell if this is a flash-in-the-pan Full Sail over-reaction or whether or not he has actual staying power. Would like to see him in more competitive matches.
  4. Andrade "Cien" Almas 5'11" 180lbs 26 Years Old -Pure speculatory pick here. But based on previous tape and his imminent introduction, he might be a candidate to draft before the secret is out!
  5. Mojo Rawley 6'4" 290lbs 29 Years Old -Yes I know, he's unbearable at times. He is also an emphatic performer and a contagious personality.

Women's Wrestlers Sleepers
  1. Summer Rae 5'10" 118lbs 32 Years Old -Has everything you want in a Women's Wrestler. Except the opportunity thus far.
  2. Billy Kay 5'10" 132lbs 26 Years Old -The Aussie pipeline has provided some great talent and Billy is no different.
  3. Peyton Royce 5'7" 132lbs 23 Years Old -The down under express continues with this flower. More clarity is needed on her persona, not her capability.
  4. Mandy Rose 5'4" 120lbs 24 Years Old -Will come in with a reaction one way or the other based on her exposure on Tough Enough and Total Divas. Who knows if she has the commitment to the ring work.
  5. Lana 5'7" 120lbs 31 Years Old -Already beloved and hated by the fan base, Lana needs to get serious about her career if she wants to be anything other than arm candy for Rusev.

Deep Sleepers
  1. Rich Swann 5'8" 165lbs 25 Years Old -Riveting background story and infectious personality make Swann a potential high risk/high reward play.
  2. Hugo Knox 6'0" 225lbs 31 Years Old -Impressive background in Soccer (Futbol) and notoriety for his persistence.
  3. Tommaso Ciampa 5'11" 210lbs 31 Years Old and Johnny Gargano 5'10" 190lbs 28 Years Old -Darlings of the intelligent crowd, are these two bound to continue tagging? Or will their hard hitting, exciting approach to the profession lend itself more favorably for singles runs?
  4. Tucker Knight 6'4" 265lbs 26 Years Old -Has the size and agility to make an impact. Yet to be exposed as a credible threat. Looks the part.
  5. ZZ Loupe 6'2" 280lbs 19 Years Old -Will come in and be beloved no matter how much he struggles between the ropes. His affable personality will win over old and new fans alike. If you can live with his inconsistency, he has several unteachable traits.

Buy Low Candidates
  1. Tyler Breeze 6'0" 212lbs 28 Years Old and Fandango 6'4" 244lbs 34 Years Old -Both are talented and committed to themselves. Talent is there, success has eluded them both. Starting to gain momentum but have been victims of stop and start dissolution before.
  2. Titus O'Neill 6'6" 270lbs 39 Years Old -Has gotten in his own way a lot. There is a lot to like here, but at his age, time is running out.
  3. Jack Swagger 6'6" 262lbs 34 Years Old -A former world champion who has developed a reputation of being hard to work with and dangerous. If his past run-ins have humbled him, there might still be another run for, We...the People!
  4. Sin Cara 5'10" 205lbs 38 Years Old -People will buy the mask. They just don't necessarily buy the character. Still, there is a lot of marketing to be done here. Sin Cara is a great crossover act.
  5. Bronson Mathews 6'7" 290lbs 25 Years Old -Comes in with negative backstage opinion but all signs indicate he has paid his penance and is moving on. The Yeti call is equal parts annoying and memorable
Edits: GrammaSpelling/Bad Formatting etc. Sorry for partyrocking it like a noob
submitted by brdman40 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

G-H 1k-5k

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Wikipedia background information about: Anthony Robbins, Robbins Research, Guthy Ranker

Tony Robbins aka Anthony Robbins
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article contains information about: Anthony Robbins, Robbins Research, Guthy Ranker
Anthony Jay Robbins
Tony Robbins in 2009
Anthony J. Mahavoric (1960-02-29) February 29, 1960 (age 57) North Hollywood, California, U.S.
Motivational Speaker
Years active:
Known for
Motivational Speaker
Becky Robbins (m. 1984–97) Sage Robbins (m. 2001)
Tony Robbins, born Anthony J. Mahavoric (February 29, 1960), is an American author, entrepreneur, philanthropist and life coach.[1] Robbins is known for his infomercials, seminars, and self-help books including Unlimited Power and Awaken the Giant Within. Approximately 4 million people have attended his live seminars.[2][3]
Robbins is the founder of several companies that earn approximately $6 billion in annual sales. In 2015 and 2016 he was listed on the Worth Magazine Power 100 list.[4][5] He is also an active philanthropist, partnering with organizations such as Feeding America.[6]
1 Early life
2 Career
3 Select bibliography
4 Teachings 4.1 Personal performance
4.2 Seminars
4.3 Health and energy
5 Philanthropy 5.1 Anthony Robbins Foundation
5.2 Feeding America
5.3 Spring Health
5.4 X-Prize Foundation
5.5 Underground Railroad
6 Legal issues
7 Television and film
8 Personal life
9 Associated people
10 References
11 External links
Early life[edit]
Robbins was born Anthony J. Mahavoric in North Hollywood, California, on February 29, 1960.[7] Robbins is the eldest of three children and his parents divorced when he was 7. His mother then had a series of husbands, including Jim Robbins, a former semiprofessional baseball player who legally adopted Anthony when he was 12.[8]
Robbins was raised in Azusa and Glendora, California, and attended Glendora High School. He was elected student body president in his senior year. While growing up, Robbins worked as a handyman to help provide for his siblings.[9]
During high school, Robbins grew ten inches, a growth spurt later attributed to a pituitary tumor.[7] He has said his home life was "chaotic" and "abusive". When he was seventeen years old, he left home and never returned.[7] Robbins later worked as a janitor, and did not attend college.[10]
Robbins began his career promoting seminars for motivational speaker and author Jim Rohn when he was 17 years old.[11][12][13]
In the early 1980s, soon after meeting Neurolinguistic Programming co-founder John Grinder, the two became partners. At this time Robbins taught NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis.[13] In 1983 Robbins learned to firewalk, and incorporated it into his seminars.[14]
In 1988 Robbins released his first infomercial, Personal Power, produced by Guthy Renker,[15] which helped to promote his services as a "peak performance coach". The infomercial helped Robbins gain wide exposure, selling his Personal Power self-help audiotapes. His early infomercials featured celebrities such as Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback Fran Tarkenton and actor Martin Sheen. By 1991 an estimated 100 million Americans in 200 media markets had seen his infomercials.[16]
In 1997, Robbins began the Leadership Academy seminar.[17][18] He is a speaker on the seminar circuit sponsored by Learning Annex.[19] Robbins was a featured speaker at the 2007 Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) conference. As of August 2012, his talk was the sixth most popular in the history of the event.[20]
Together with Cloé Madanes, Robbins founded the Robbins-Madanes Center for Intervention, an organization that trains life skills coaches to help families and individuals deal with addiction and other issues.[18][21]
In 2014, Robbins, along with a group of investors including Magic Johnson, Mia Hamm, and Peter Guber, acquired rights to launch a Major League Soccer franchise in Los Angeles, California, currently referred to as the Los Angeles Football Club. The soccer team is scheduled to begin competition in 2018.[22][23][24]
In 2016, Robbins partnered with Golden State Warriors co-owner Peter Guber and Washington Wizards co-owner Ted Leonsis to purchase Team Liquid, an eSports pro gaming organization.[25] In 2017 Team Liquid won The International 7, a Dota 2 tournament with a prize pool of over $24 million.[26]
Robbins has worked on an individual basis with Bill Clinton,[27] Donald Trump,[28] Justin Tuck, Wayne Gretzky,[29] Serena Williams,[30] Hugh Jackman[31] and Pitbull.[32] He has also counseled American businessmen Peter Guber, Steve Wynn and Marc Benioff.[33] He was named one of the "Top 50 Business Intellectuals" by Accenture[34] and one of the "Top 200 Business Gurus" by the Harvard Business Press,[35] and is ranked on the Forbes Celebrity 100.[36]
Select bibliography[edit]
As of 2017 Robbins has written five books, four of them best-sellers,[citation needed] including Unlimited Power[37][dead link] and Awaken the Giant Within, which is a New York Times best-seller.[38]
In 2014, inspired by the financial crisis that cost many Americans their retirement savings,[39] he published Money: Master the Game, which reached #1 on the New York Times best-selling list in December.[40]
Unlimited Power. Free Press. (1986) ISBN 0-684-84577-6
Awaken the Giant Within. Free Press. (1991) ISBN 0671791540
Giant Steps. Touchstone. (1994) ISBN 0671891049
Money: Master the Game. Simon & Schuster. (2014) ISBN 1476757801
Unshakeable: Your Financial Freedom Playbook. Simon & Schuster. (2017) (co-authored with Peter Mallouk) ISBN 1501164589
Personal performance[edit]
Throughout his writings, seminars, and speeches, Robbins espouses viewpoints, techniques, and other practices he asserts can help adherents improve their lives.[41] Among these are methods he calls the "controlling state" and "neuro-associative conditioning".[42] He speaks a great deal about various "human needs, influences that affect people, the power of making decisions" and the need to achieve "emotional mastery". He has said that, to live an extraordinary life, you must master two things: "the science of achievement" and "the art of fulfillment".[43][44][45]
Robbins holds multiple seminars annually. These seminars include Unleash the Power Within, Date with Destiny, Life and Wealth Mastery, Business Mastery and Leadership Academy.[46] He has identified seven "keys to business mastery": create loyal, satisfied customers and culture; be honest about where the business is, and create an effective business map; strategic innovation; world-class marketing; sales mastery systems; financial and legal analysis; and optimization and maximization of people and processes.[47]
Health and energy[edit]
"Energy: The Fuel of Excellence", a chapter in Unlimited Power, is dedicated to a discussion of health and energy. It endorses the Fit For Life program of Harvey and Marilyn Diamond, food combining and deep breathing. Robbins refers to Harvey and Marilyn Diamond as his "former partners".[48]
Later in his career, in his audio product Living Health, Robbins changed his teachings on health slightly. He attributes this change to the influence of Robert O. Young. In Living Health, he endorses natural hygiene, the alkaline diet, live blood analysis[49] and the works of Antoine Béchamp.[50]
Anthony Robbins Foundation[edit]
In 1991, Jay Robbins founded the Anthony Robbins Foundation.[51] The charity helps individuals and organizations to make a difference in the quality of life for youth, homeless, hungry, prisoners, elderly and disabled.[52] The Basket Brigade, one of the programs of the Foundation, brings groups of volunteers across the world together to assemble and deliver baskets of food and household items to needy families.[53]
In 2016 Robbins and his Foundation partnered with Bob Carr and the Give Something Back Foundation on the ROC 'N Robbins Challenge event. Carr matched the $1 million Robbins donated at the event, with the proceeds going to send 100 low-income students to medical school.[54]
Independent charity watchdog Charity Navigator gives the Anthony Robbins Foundation a rating of four out of four stars.[55]
Feeding America[edit]
In 2014, he donated the profits of his book, Money: Master the Game, along with an additional personal donation, through Feeding America to provide meals to people in need.[56] The combined donation fed 100 million needy people in 2014-15, according to the charity.[57][58] Robbins partnered with the charity again in 2016 to provide 100 million more meals.[59] On February 2, 2017, Feeding America announced that the 100 Million More Meals Challenge, conducted in partnership with Robbins, helped provide more than 101.6 million meals to children, families and seniors through Feeding America's network of 200-member food banks in 2016. Robbins is also donating profits from Unshakeable: Your Financial Freedom Playbook to Feeding America.[60]
Spring Health[edit]
Robbins works with a water company called Spring Health, which provides fresh water to small villages in rural eastern India to prevent waterborne diseases.[61]
X-Prize Foundation[edit]
He is also a benefactor of the X-Prize Foundation. Robbins joined Elon Musk and donated to the Global Learning X-Prize.[62]
Underground Railroad[edit]
Robbins helped raise more than $1 million for Operation Underground Railroad, a non-profit organization that fights against child trafficking and slavery with the assistance of former CIA, Navy SEALs, and Special Ops operatives.[63]
Legal issues[edit]
In May 1995, Robbins Research International (R.R.I.) settled with the Federal Trade Commission over alleged violations of the agency's Franchise Rule. Under the settlement, R.R.I. was not found to have violated any law and agreed to pay $221,260 in consumer redress.[64]
Wade Cook sued Robbins for allegedly using copyrighted terms from Cook's book Wall Street Money Machine in Robbins' seminars. In 2000, a jury awarded Cook $655,900 judgement, which was appealed.[65][66] Cook and Robbins settled for an undisclosed amount.[67][68]
In 2001, the British Columbia Supreme Court ruled that The Vancouver Sun had defamed Robbins when it called him an "adulterous, wife-stealing hypocrite. "The court awarded Robbins $20,000 in damages and his legal costs.[69][70]
In July 2012, the San Jose Mercury News published a story reporting that multiple people had been burned and hospitalized during one of Robbins' fire-walking events on July 19, 2012. This story was picked up by other media outlets, including Fox News. These reports were later retracted as inaccurate.[71] A similar corrective article was published by The Huffington Post.[72][73]
On June 24, 2016, it was reported that "dozens were burned and required medical attention after attempting to walk on hot coals during a fire-walking event at a Tony Robbins seminar in Dallas, Texas".[74] Several attendees were transported to medical facilities to treat burns, and a bus was used as a staging-area for between 30 and 40 people who were less seriously hurt.[75] A spokeswoman for the Robbins organization stated, "Someone unfamiliar with the process of the fire-walk called 911 reporting the need for emergency services vehicles […] there was no need for emergency personnel […] only 5 of 7,000 participants requested an examination beyond what was readily available on site."[76]
Television and film[edit]
Robbins has played cameo roles in the films Reality Bites, The Cable Guy[77] and the 2001 film Shallow Hal.[78] He also appeared in The Roseanne Show and an episode of The Sopranos.[79] He plays himself in the 2010 documentary film The Singularity Is Near: A True Story about The Future.[80]
He was lampooned in the Family Guy episode "When You Wish Upon a Weinstein"[81] and the Beavis and Butt-head episode "The Miracle That is Beavis".
In July 2010, NBC debuted "Breakthrough with Tony Robbins", a reality show that followed Robbins as he helped the show's participants face their personal challenges.[82][83] NBC canceled the show after airing two of the planned six episodes due to low viewership of 2.8 million.[84] In March 2012, the OWN Network picked up the show for another season beginning with the original first season set to re-run and thereafter leading directly into the new 2012 season.[85][86] In April 2012, Robbins began cohosting Oprah's Lifeclass on the OWN Network.[87]
In 2015, film maker Joe Berlinger directed and produced the documentary "Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru", about the Tony Robbins event "Date with Destiny" after filming it in Boca Raton, Florida, in December 2014.[88] It premiered at the South by Southwest film festival in March 2016[89] and opened the American Documentary Film Festival (AmDocs) in Palm Springs in February 2016.[90] The documentary was translated into languages for 190 countries and released by Netflix on July 15, 2016.[88][91]
Personal life[edit]
In 1984, he married Rebecca "Becky" Jenkins, after meeting her at a seminar.[92][93][94] Jenkins had three children from two former marriages whom Robbins adopted. Robbins and Jenkins filed for divorce 14 years later.[94]
In 1984, Robbins and former girlfriend Liz Acosta had a son Jairek Robbins, who is also a personal empowerment trainer.[95]
Robbins married Bonnie "Sage" Robbins (née Humphrey) in October 2001.[96] Robbins resides in Palm Beach, Florida.[97]
Associated people[edit]
Cloé Madanes[98]
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