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Random Farm TD - Information and tips

Random Farm TD - Information and tips

Random Farm TD 0.47a ENG

I have played this map many times every day the last months, started with 0.2 and then 0.25 and now 0.47 versions (which this post is about). I want to share some tips and guidelines for this map since many like it (I got a group devoted to it on Battlenet that has fast reached 100+ members) but there is little tips and information to find about it. So this will be a long one :p

I you like this post, plz upvote it in top left corner, to the left of text 'Posted by u/ByFstugan***... '***

Since many ask about the missions, especially the hidden ones, I've made 2 images to help with that, one of the most important to know, and one complete:

Help for missions, simple version:

Help for missions, complete list (the last 4 here is hard to get or messy to fit in image):
Here are the missions in text:
Crop/Fish/Life (non-tower) missions:
  • King of Fishing (1x each 4 fish kinds)
  • Not a Picky Farmer (3x each 3 crop kinds)
  • Large Farm (Any 20 crops planted at once)
  • Living on the Edge (Have 3 lifes left)
Basic/Normal missions:
  • Faithful to Basics (1x of each Basic tower)
  • Personal Achivement #1 (7x same of a random kind of Basic)
  • It's a Common things that Matter (7x same of any Normal)
Rare/Special missions:
  • Rare Plant Collector (1x of each Rare)
  • Personal Achivement #2 (6x same of a random kind of Rare)
  • Specialist (6x same of any Special)
Combination missions:
  • Reunited Naga Family (Basic-Special - Murloc/Siren/Royal_Guard/Guardian)
  • Animal Farm (Normal-Superior - Chicken/Sheep/Cow/Pig)
  • Soaring in the Sky (Rare-Superiors - Sheep/WindrideOwl/Sentinel/Couatl/Chimera)
Superior missions:
  • It's a Free Magic Estate (Sell a Superior Magic Castle)
  • Daiso (6x of any Superior towers)
  • Modern Times (3x Goblin Factory)
  • Luddites Movement (6x Superiors - Sentinel/Juggernought/Pig/Couatl/Magic_Castle/Chimera) \You may NOT have a Goblin Factory present*
Miracle missions:
  • Be the First to build a Miracle (You always get this in solo-games)
  • Passenger (2x Miracle - Far_SeeMalfurion)
  • Gatekeeper (2x Miracle - Daemon_Gate/Dimensional_Gate)
  • We will be rich (2x Miracle - Alchemist/Magic_Vault)

Now to game tips.
First of all this is a map where you can save if you win, and if you save/load you gain ranks , and ranks gives titles, and titles gives a slow-aura (can be seen from "Scarecrow"-title when you hover top right purple flag in Farmers interface). This game has 40 rounds with a perk each 5 rounds (see #5) and a boss each 10th round. The boss-rounds are a challange and if you do missions you might need to halt and merge to not leak bosses and aim for missions again after the bosses. You can build two kinds of random towers, one for 175 gold that build basic towers and has 4% chance to be Normal (175 free gold in value) and 2% chance to be Rare (525 free gold in value), and also the 1500 gold towers that build Special towers and has a 4% chance to be a Superior tower (1300 free gold in value). The 1500 gold towers cost you 100 gold more than it would cost to build and merge a tower up to Special quality, but you don't need to build a gazillion extra towers to get that special, so that is 100g "wasted" that accually saves you alot more that likelly would be more or less useless in themself.
*Notice first that this map has a -save/load function.
**You can only save if you win, that means kills the final boss in round 40.
***Load code is found in this folder:
Documents / Warcraft III / CustomMapData / Grabiti's RPG Creator / RFTD English Version
****You can change zoom with command "-cam 165" (which is my prefered number), and 125 is default and 200 is max.

(#1) First win - make sure to play on Easy and save, it's +30 bonus ranks then (harder difficultys seems not all work with this). This is a compensation from the maker of map since the saves from older versions isn't compatible with this version. A bit werid that it only seems to trigger on Easy level, would been more logical if you had to go directly to a harder level to prove your ranks from earlier versions.
\It seems as you can gain this even if you once made it on higher level, but I assume you must start over on easy WITHOUT loading then.*

You need to know your required difficulty to gain ranks
(#2) You gain no ranks for win below your required level. For example as a "Farmer" you must play "Normal" difficulty or higher to gain ranks when win, which all who beat the game on easy and saved will have due to bonus-compensation mentioned in #1. On F9 -> "Titles" you can find this info, but I say it here also:
Rank 1-5 = [Seed] -> Required level / Easy
Rank 6-20 = [Scarecrow] -> Required level / Easy
Rank 21-40 = [Farmer] -> Required level / NORMAL!!! :)
Rank 41-60 = [Farm Manager] -> Required level / Hard
^(\This rank will show as "Hell" in statistics mentioned when code is loaded.)*
Rank 61-80 = [Farm Heir] -> Required level / Hell
\OBS!* You can't reach rank 61 except playing on Hell eventhough as a Farm Manager your required level really is Hard.
Rank 81-99 = [Miracle] -> Required level / Hell
Rank 100-149 = [Transcendence] -> Required level / New World
Rank 150-249 = [God] -> Required level / New World
Rank 250 = [Conqueror] -> Required level / New World
The effects of this titles you can read about on #2b...

The standard farmers/vehicles
(#2b) When you do save you grow in rank and by certain levels you gain a higher title. With that title also comes a slow-aura with a certain range, and this aura/range is bound to title and has nothing to do with what vehicle you see yourself in or switch to (same goes for vanity-avatars, it's just cosmetica, title is boost). To each level there is a designated vehicle as default, though due to some bug (?) most who gain the +30 free ranks is shown in the "Tractor", though their title and aura is the one represented by the "Red truck". The bonuses is as follows:
Title "Scarecrow" the "Tractor" has 4% slow-aura with 600 range
Title "Farmer" the "Red Truck" has 6% slow-aura with 800 range
Title "Farm Manager" the "Blue Truck" has 7% slow-aura with 1000 range
Title "Farm Heir" the "Sedan" has 8% slow-aura with 1200 range
Title "Miracle" the "Jeep" has 9% (slow-aura with 1200 range
Title "Transendence" the final "Car" has 10% slow-aura with 1200 range
Title "God" & "Conqueror" follows and has same bonus as above.
\*You can choose your appearance by typing all from -1 to -7 in chat ingame to pick the look of the farmer to the car in order of mention as well as shown in picture above.*

(#2c) The rank increase is based on which difficulty you play, and totaly ignores if you are a "Seed" playing "New world", there is no extra gain for that. The difficulty adds damage resistance to the critters and bosses, and on the highest level 44% of the damage is absorbed and you need the extra damage to compensate for that to kill things. Therefor harder difficultys starts with more gold so you can build more towers, on New World you get enough for 8 towers from start and can accually if really lucky get for example faithful round one (happened me once only though).
Any win on Easy/Normal gives +1 Rank per win.
Any win on Hard/Hell/New World gives +2 Rank per win.
\Again, see F9 -> "Titles" to see what ranks unlocks what "Titles" since you still get NO RANK if you play below your required difficulty.*
\*Another important thing to know is that to go to rank 61 DEMANDS that you play on "Hell" difficulty, eventhough that's not yet your standard minimum choice (but it will be as soon as you got the rank 61).*

This rather ugly and some cool avatars can you buy with enough points
(#2d) Vanity points can be used for buying vanity avatars, and as said before this is just cosmetica and your slow-aura is based on title no matter what you see yourself as. If you want to buy a avatar you must have the points needed, win last boss, buy and save last thing you do.You gain points based on difficulty:
Easy: 5p, Normal: 7p, Hard: 9p, Hell: 11p, New World 13p
* To load 100p vanity avatars type =1 to =9** To load 200p vanity avatars type @ and 1-5

(#3) Tactics. There is different ways to play this game that can make you stronger faster or very slow, and the later part can often be to slow if you intend not to die. You can go hard on one or the other way or choose a mix, I'll explain the ways I mean in 3a and 3b here...

(#3a) Merge-crazy. In general you get stronger early to mid game if you merge as much as possible, but you miss alot of resourses attainable through missions which will give you a weaker end-game. I'm not sure how much missions you can ignore (and hence miss out on resourses) and still win on New World (hardest), but I assume it's fully possible, but also that you might need to be more lucky with which miracles you get.
\You can still win easy on lower levels anyhow (dunno about higher, I always missiongreed), so this can be a good way to start knowing this map. U can make up for lack of mission-wood by sending more mini-bosses earlier than a missiongreed-person like me can do. However, you can never reach the same amounts of extra wood in the end, see first *comment on #3b since even a mission-greedy will start to spawn mini-bosses asap when strong enough, so it's only some extra early bosses you spawn where you can excel over the mission-greedy person.*

New World difficulty, solo, 17 mission, 4500 wood (faithful +200 missing in image)
(#3b) Mission-greed is the next level to play this map, my personal best is 19 missions in one game and the usual is 11-16. U can't make all missions each game and it's exremelly unlikelly to get all 21 in one game. This playstyle makes you pretty much weaker early game and past mid game also if going all the way with it, but endgame you are much stronger. I checked a game where I did 15 missions and there I had 3900 wood from missions, the merge-crazy will miss most (not all) of this.
\My general Resourse gathered through a game is 70-80k+ (96k+ best) and most people who don't do missions are around 45-60k total resourses. So the difference between them on final round is the extra towers/damage upgrade/items for miracles a real missiongreed can get for those 10-50k+ extra gold.*
\*My general number of Missions done through a game is 11-16 and my personal best is 19, but the last one was done in solo where I also had the mission for first miracle which I rarely get if playing with others. Screenshot above is from a game with missions that gathered 4500 extra wood, it was played on New World difficulty and in solo. "Faithful to basics" doesn't show there since it can't show more than 16 mission at once, sadly.*

(#4) Resourse-gathering and income in this game is partly some you get per round, as 175 gold (enough for one new basic tower) and 200 wood that always is put into your bank each new round if you still got lifes. Beside that you can do missions for extra wood, send mini-bosses for extra wood and fish and so get both fishes and other very good perks.

First 3x3 mission and then all in on one kind of crop of your choice, mine is grapes ^^
(#4a) Choose a crop and stick with it. Always do the 3x3 mission but after that stick to your crop of choice. The crop value increase each 15 built and in the end you'll have 30 higher price-range on your crop, mean the lowerst price you get is boosted by 30 and you secure yourself from really horrible prices.
\To make this work you ALSO HAVE TO put down crop on ground to avoid getting one giant stack that if you get forced to sell in order not to leak to death you can sell smaller quantities. This is done by RIGHT-click crop in inventory and LEFT-click to put it on ground.*

A beautiful day for fishing, plz no WaWoT!
(#4b) Fishing is a new content since 0.25 version and has a fish-mission to it. In the 0.47 version there is one extra kind of fish and the mission demands 4 kinds (Small fish, Carp, Herring and Red Snapper). Another change is that from round 16 you wont get any more baits, so the chance to get this mission is very limited. I'd say that about half the games you don't get it or something - and you can't do anything about it.
You can as with all things in inventory put the fishes on ground and save them to sell later, and many of you might seen others do this and wonder why they don't sell directly. The reason is that the fishes value increases each 5 rounds, so that after r5, r10, r15 and so on to r35 (last increase). I don't know the math for it, but I have sold fishes from first rounds to 100g+ each, which you never get if selling them first round. Still many fishes still go to crappy prices even late, so I dunno how this work exactly as said, but there is a factor of price increase for sure.
There is an awesome trick with fishing that works if you got a mechanical keyboard only I think, but you can reel the fishes in by just holding buttons instead of spamming them. This makes fishing a bliss so you can really enjoy Gods beautiful nature while fishing instead of it being a hard labor :)

This is where you call mini-bosses, and countdown (add 13 seconds) to first possible
(#4c) Mini-bosses can be sent from Town Hall building (right side of your Farm) and gives 100-400 wood if you make it, but takes 5 lifes if you don't kill them before exit. It's good for you if you play with players taking noticable longer time than yourself to kill all their critters, then you should send the bosses just in the late part of your own round when you see there is no risk of leak if you send the boss now (it should be some of your critters still alive when you do this, at least when the boss is a challange for you, you need the extra time before next round starts).
The ability for you to kill the bosses will be very different depending if you go hard on merge (stronger early) or do heavy mission-greed (weaker early), and also depends much on if you got slows (see #9a+#9b+#9c) - but as a rule of thumb I would say like this:
1st mini-boss, Eagle, 5k HP, +100w:
This one you can kill before the first real boss round 10 if you get good enough towers and is in general easy to kill after 1st boss (Round 10).
2nd mini-boss Stag 22k HP, +200w:
This one same as above, but more suitable before and after 2nd boss (Round 20). Merge crazy persons with good Miracle can easy take it down before.
3rd mini-boss Albatross 80k HP, +400w:
This one same as above, but more suitable before and after 3rd boss (Round 30). Same as above goes even here for the Merge-crazy ones.
\The mini-bosses can be called again after a cooldown on 5 minutes and this you should do as much as possible.*
\*No matter if merge-crazy or mission-greed is the playstyle all can spam all three bosses asap in the end, just as long as you time the trigger to a wise moment at least (where just after a round has started is the worst timing of all). You should use slow players as well as the pause between rounds to advantage.*

Have you not seen \"A Christamas Carol\"? See it and learn the lesson!
(#4d) Greedisdeath! In this map you'll often die due to greed, and in some way it's due to the fact that you hunt things that give you wood (which give you crop, which give you gold, which give you towers/upgrades). This is done in three ways in general:
A) Price-greed:
You refuse to sell crops to low prices and dies with no glory, but alot of crop in pocket.
B) Mission-greed:
You refuse to accept some missions will kill you unless you stop hunting them and merge more and dies with no glory but some lower tier towers standing there staring at you and you wonder "were you worth it?" as you stare back at them.
C) Boss-greed:
You overestimate your strenght and send mini-bosses to soon or in wrong time. You die with no glory and can watch your demise as the mini-boss and/or the round-critters is impossible to manage at same time. This often happens by misclick as well, so it's either pride or oupsie ;)

(#4e) Sell to Town Hall "Casino". You can sell anything to townhall and then you get mostly 0g but you can also have jackpots and gain much more gold than items are worth. I dunno the stats for this, but a good tip is anyhow that you sell your fishingrod round 36 (or maybe 31) and hope for a price. I've gotten 2700 gold for a penguin (worth less than 20g otherwise), and heard of people getting about 4.5k - I dunno what's max. An ingame friend I trust claims to got 8k+ for a fish - and that's the most insane example I've heard of. Seems to be very rare to get this extra high prices though, so be prepared on that zero gold is what you mostly get. I guess the chance for higher prices here is also 5-round increase, and if so r36 should be last increase and highest amount from there to end. Earlier rounds seems to be always 0g, but not sure about that either.

Make your pick wisely, it has great impact
(#5) The 5-round perks. This are free boosts to your farm each 5 round, and they are as follows:
A) Price upgrade (15% increase in ALL kinds of crop values)
B) Random Tower of quality from Basic to maximum Superior.
25% chance for Superior
35% chance for Special
20% probability for Rare
15% risk for Normal
5% risk for Basic
C) Damage increase 10%. This can be taken 3 times maximum.
D) Randomizer for miracle tower. Gives 2 runs. WARNING: IF you stand within tower that you randomize first try it will disappear and you only get one go, so stand beside and with a little distance. The randomizer has 21 Miracle towers to pick from, and it can give same as you got. Another thing that's really a bug is that when you randomize a tower they don't (always?) get the damage upgrades you might have, but if you do yet another upgrade it will get it.
Now some tips for these choices.
General: Go for prices mostly early and damage in the end. In general I'd say go price round 5-20 and then damage round 25-35. The more rounds you get increased price on, the more gold gained ofc.
Alternative: You can also choose a random tower which if Master of Legend can be a valid choice, but on harder level the lower towers here will ruin much for you. To me this is to much of a gamble choice so I've stopped doing it.
Late only and maybe: The randomizer you shouldn't take unless you see you got a bad miracle you really want to switch, and hence it's always a late rounds choice only. This choice can be anything from almost useless to extremelly valuable. I take one each round 35 thought, but that is since I'm silly mission-greedy and might use it to get one of the three miracle-based missions.

(#6) Optional Merge. You can in this version choose both where your towers should merge (as before) AND which tower to be removed. This button is the 3rd button on the middle row.
\Select the tower you want to merge (where you want it to be) and click Optional Merge and with the crosshair you then get choose which to remove.*
(#6a) Optional Tower build, when to leave rare and below towers behind? As I said in the start you can also build 1500 gold towers that becomes special or if you're lucky Superior (4% chance). I feel like I need to give some advise since it's a pretty common question to IF or WHEN you should build these towers.
First off I wanna say that they are definetly very good to have as an option and yes you should build them. But - first off, from the very start you can't of course - and in my opinion you should absolutelly not start to as fast as you can either. This goes for anyone that wanna focus at least some on the missions, and a very Merge-crazy person can ignore this advise and likelly win map anyhow, at least on lower difficultys.
My advise to when you should start doing the 1500 gold tower is this. First of you want do finish all your missions that has Basic, Normal and Rare towers in their requirement - perhaps not the Personal Achivement #2 for many since it's the hardest among them, rest is pretty easy.
You also might wanna save a Murloc, Siren and Royal Guard for the Naga mission, and a Chicken and a Flying Sheep for the Animal Farm mission, so if you sell all others, save at least one of each of these - rest basic-rare's you can sell. For the "Bird"-mission this is also a Sheep (same as for Animal Farm ofc), and then a "Windrider".
Another thing that I personally think you also should try to get before you switch to the 1500 gold towers is the 4 Royal Guards I talk about in #9a.
It's a pretty nice feeling when you have got earlier missions, got your slows and also got the towers mentioned above for possible other missions, but now can sell all other crap and continue map without a trace of them (besides for Royal Guards that are really awesome).

This is where you choose to upgrade damage, but wait until you got a Miracle
(#7) Damage types upgrades. Don't upgrade damage types before you got a Miracle which damage you want to boost. Some miracles might be so bad that you rather replace them than boost them. Other miracles has abilitys which damage boosts twice as much as the regular damage do. You can pretty early do a couple upgrades to your miracle, but don't go to hard on it before you got several and know which is best to focus most at.
\Focus more on them which damage-type you got more of. Also them placed in middle island is higher prio than them outside of it.*

(#8) Keybind & Aiming/Sniping. You can keybind things and finding them with an easy push of a number to select them by using CTRL+# where the # is a number. The towers you should keybind should all be placed so that they can snipe critters going north for the exit, that means mainly the center-island and the place to left of of. You can also use some towers above and below this place.
For me my setup is like this:
CTRL+1 = Farmer
CTRL+2 = Town Hall building (for sending mini-bosses and later do upgrades)
CTRL+3 = Strong towers at north exist point, with best slow included.
CTRL+4 = Weaker towers enough to kill almost dead critters.
When you are close to leaking this can help you either not leak at all or at least minimize the leakage greatly. Any missiongreedy person must do this.

New World, Perfect round, 16 Missions, 89k res, 7 Miracles
(#9) Placement and unique ability towers. I always aim to mostly get Miracles mainly on middle island, and you can somewhat control that your best upgrades end up there, not always though ("Optional Merge" mentioned on #6 is very important for this). Above image is not perfect in my eyes, just my last really good game, so I will replace it some time. I have some comments on #9a, #9b and 9#c where this image suits as example thought.

Royal Guard & Guardian, both with 30% slow effect
(#9a) Slows #1. Royal Guards & Guardians. I always aim already from 1st boss to have a Royal guard on each side of center, which I get like 7/10 games or more. Guardian (former "Hydra") is also valid. Their slow works 100% and on a single target. The image just above #9 shows a perfect placement of the 4x Royal Guards as slows, and no matter if they stand closest to center (as the right one) or one square away (as other three) the boss will be perma-slowed both before coming into the attack range of center as well as all the way through and past it.

Cow, slow-aura 12% and 800 range
(#9b) Slows #2. Cows. They have a large (800) slow aura that slows 12% and any slow is good. This is a permanent effect and has no random to it, gives you more time to kill critters/bosses. Aim to have one or two (one on opposite sides), they cover most map and all center, more than two is more or less useless. The image above #9 here I only managed to get one cow, but it slows also past the path where critters/bosses walk on the oposite side of the center, so where my yellow car farmer stands somewhere the boss would be slowed by the cow on right side also, but not under that place.
This slow works 100% and on all target in range.

Juggernought, can be really good but also dangerous for health
(#9c) Slows #3. Juggernoughts. When they trigger and work as they should they are awesome and can save you from leakage and death. But sometimes they trigger and cause critters to run over eachoter in mass so that leakage is CAUSED by them instead of helping you. You can't snipe five critters on basically the same spot when they are fast, which most are to some degree. I think 1-2 Juggers is max what you should have, and it's best if they are toe to toe with at least one miracle since them doing a slow-shock-wave when no miracle can hit a boss it's almost useless. I don't value them as much anymore and in general I keep one but I merge if two. Another Miracle generally has better payoff since they always pack alot of damage, the Juggernought can far to often seem to have his crew sent on semester somewhere :p
This slow triggers random and rarelly and if triggered it effects all target in range of the towers center.

Obelisk (10%) and Magic Castle (12%) attack rate-aura with 600 range
(#9d) Boosts. Obelisks and Magic Castles boost rate of fire. They have close to same boost, but the Magic Castle has 700 range compared to Obelisks 500 on aura (both has 600 range on damage). It's important to know that they DO STACK with eachother (not themself), so to have at least one of each is good. I usally don't wanna waste two middle-island-spots on them so I aim to get them on the edge beside the middle in any of the four directions. As long they cover the most important miracles they are doing well. On the #9 image above I got one Magic Castle and one Obelisk perfectly cover the middle so that both of them give a stacking boost to the four Miracle in center. The Left Miracles there are boosted by the Obelisk only, and the south Miracle has no boost at all. The range of the Obelisk are exactly 4 squares with a small bonus, hence the towers that isn't on exact same row but 4+ something squares away also get bonus, as the bottom right (Mountain Dwarf) is on image. The Magic Castle is a little better, will type here again when I know exactly how much in squares.

Buy item for Miracle hero here
(#10) Items. They cost 500 wood each and each Miracle can have one, but no more. There are alot of items which can greatly improve your Miracle towers, but at same time some are almost useless (and some are on final boss I think). You might want to get your build more set before starting to buy these.

(#10a) You can move items between miracles/heroes/generals, either directly from one and put on another, or by putting it on ground from one and then pick up with another (a must if range is to big). If range is even to big for that you can drag it with your farmer by picking it up (which he can't) and drop it where you stand (happens by itself when you try to pick it up).

(#10b) Items with stun effect are especially good on end boss, try to get them on the one with the highest attack speed. This way those high attack speed/low damage towers that usally not is that good on bosses can become very useful.

(#10c) Wrong texts? There are some items that has text that seems to effect all surrounding towers but in reality only effect the one it's present in. I don't know all about this, but me and some friends have noticed it. For example, the Legendary item "Heritage of the Sea" says it "Increases damage of nearby towers by 30%" - but in reality it only effect the carrier of the item. I don't think this is same for the attack speed bonus items, and I dunno much more - but look up things if possible, and plz tell me if you notice anything in a comment below.

(#11) Final boss preparations. Here comes something VERY important that often can be the "Make it or break it" factor. You want to make sure that you get as much damage as possible to the most important damage dealers - they are ALWAYS of the miracle-kind. Not even the strongest Superior tower does much damage to the final boss even heavy upgraded, and any Superior tower without damage upgrade is more or less useless (unless they boost like the Magic Castle).

(#11a) Sell ALL the lower tier towers that isn't mentioned on the number #9 above, and also then even all superior towers that's not heavy upgraded in damage. Never upgrade damage for a Superior tower, only Miracles. This often give you many thousands of gold that you use for the most important Miracles damage upgrade. See end comment on point #7.

**End notes:*\*
I play this map on classic graphic since some towers are so large that they both makes towers behind them hard or even impossible to see (without Ins/Del turn image) as well as select.
I also think this map should be played on Normal speed becuse it becomes to hectic for my taste otherwise, especially at the end-boss preprations. Therefore when I host that's my preference, and you find me hosting games on Battlenet with the title:
Random Farm TD 0.47 (NormSpeed)
\That's maximum number of letters/numbers hence it's shortened*

I hope this helps you and that you'll become an awesome farmer - even better than a n00b like me ;)
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BAD BEAT JACKPOT. LIMIT TEXAS HOLD ‘EM. NO LIMIT TEXAS HOLD ‘EM. Aces full of Kings or better must be beat, and both cards in player’s hand must play. Check our Facebook Page for daily updates on our Bad Beat Jackpots and other promotions. Latest Jackpot Wins: January 3, 2019 $264,375.09. February 12, 2019 $191,298.45. October 7, 2019 $308,530.40. For more information: Main Casino ... LUCKY EAGLE IS OPEN. At this time, you may notice that we have removed approximately 175 slot machines from our casino gaming floors to create smaller banks and more space for our guests to safely distance. All slot machines will remain in service during this time so guests can share their gambling experience family and loved ones.. Select Table Games are open Sun - Thu: 2PM - Midnight and Fri ... Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino Hotel Texas has the BEST POKER ROOM in Texas! Play our LIVE ACTION POKER games daily, and go all in at our thrilling TEXAS HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENTS! Get ready for some hot dauber action in live sessions every Wednesday – Sunday! Don’t forget about minis beginning 1-2 hours before all sessions and our selection of pull tabs. Plus, ask about our daily Bingo ... “The house doesn’t beat the player. It just gives him the opportunity to beat himself.” Nicholas Andreas Dandolos, known as Nick The Greek, was a believer in luck and recognized that all luck, whether it is good and bad, runs in cycles. Quotes about Luck - Sayings to Make You Feel lucky. Now let’s move on to some incredible lucky quotes ... Bad Beat Jackpot is a special promotion available in the casino’s Poker Room. A predetermined amount, called a “rake,” is taken from every Texas Hold ‘Em Poker game played, along with a $1,000 base provided by the casino. When a table has a minimum pot of $20 and six active players, it qualifies for the Bad Beat Jackpot. Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino main section: This casino is an indian casino and is located in Eagle Pass, Texas. Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino has a total of 3300 slot machines for you to enjoy. World Casino Directory also books hotel rooms in the major casino resorts in Eagle Pass. You will also find images of Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino or read recent headlines about Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino ... Part of Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino. Come check out the new private, non-smoking poker room at Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino Hotel for the best (and only) legal poker action in Texas! Limit and No Limit Texas Hold 'em and Seven Card Stud games are spread daily. Try your hand at an exciting Texas Hold 'em tournament. Or go for a Bad Beat Jackpot when you are holding Aces full of Kings or better ... I won a $2500 jackpot. I always thank my God above because if he wasn't looking out for us, we would not have the money to go as often. So, my advise is: please say a little prayer before you leave your house; maybe you will also be blessed. And, then be sure and give "our" Lucky Eagle Casino an "excellent" rating. Veronica Castillo, who is 42 and from Portland, Oregon thought she had struck it lucky after hitting an $8 million jackpot. The loan officer was playing alongside her mother on the slots at Lucky... On Tuesday, the MotorCity Casino Hotel in Detroit made US history after a bad beat jackpot was hit at the venue’s poker room for a massive $1,068,590. Furthermore, six players managed to share ...

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