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Unpopular opinion: you don't REALLY want pre nerf Tier 5. You just want the fights redone to be harder.

There's a popular narrative about TBC going around right now. It loosely says that content in TBC was progressively nerfed, and that if it's released like this, TBC will not be hard enough. Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep are often mentioned as raids which need to be release 'pre-nerf'
These raids were indeed nerfed through TBC, but I think the changes were warranted, and moreover many of them were good for the game. Because what people don't account for is that these raids were basically released in a beta state. They were buggy and unfinished. For instance, prior to 2.1 Vashj had a mind control ability called Persuasion. This required extra coordination and CC. It definitely did make the fight harder. But, on the flipside, the way it was actually implemented was hard in a totally bullshit way. After the world first Vashj kill, Nihilum had this to say about the mechanic:
The main problem is mind control. This is a major problem with the encounter because it can control anyone, even all the tanks who's tanking her. You have to raid with insane amounts of dps which we can live with until they get mind controlled (+200% damage and 1000% healing) and start one shoting each other or healing Vashj for over 50k.
According to other things I've read, the tank getting MC'd meant Vashj would turn and start one shotting every DPS. When this happened the fight was almost a guaranteed wipe. In other words, once you're at phase 3, there's a chance the die rolls wrong and you lose. Or, for instance, you're a paladin, and before you can be CC'd Vashj makes you Blessing of Sacrifice her and you get one shot. Not because you made a mistake, or because you were flubbing a particularly hard mechanic, it's because there was just an RNG chance you die. Nihilum complained about RNG being too big a factor in this fight generally, stating in the same post:
She also love to use her shock ability and shoot as you get to phase 3 on (at least how it appears to be) a random person in the raid. This player usally always dies and there is nothing you can do to prevent it. Her bats poison is able to kill phased out warlock imps too.
I think with some tweaking of the mind control and this boss could be killable.
We've had Lady Vashj at low health for weeks now our best rolls being 5% and 3% most phase 3 attempts were completely perfect but her randomness of mind controlling people destroyed our entire raid in seconds.
Nihilum posted after their world first kill:
As we mentioned in a previous update we have been working very hard on the Lady Random. I mean the Lady Vashj encounter. It used to be enjoyable until we discovered how broken everything is, especially in phase 3.
Please fix your buggy, non-tested, totally random encounters. It's not surprising yet again we find ourselves at the end boss of an instance only to find the encounter untested and as random as Kungens lucky 100 sided dice.
In her current state the encounter is like trying to kill Kel'Thuzad, C'Thun and Magtheridon at the same time when theyve just come back from a night out in Amsterdam. Add all the random factors to the encounter and no matter if all 25 of us play like superstars there is still a higher chance to wipe then to acually win.
It should be noted as well that, while Nihilum undoubtedly were the first to kill Vashj, that the way they did it made use of a bug that took a big chunk of her HP. Some later members claim they intentionally abused a bug to do it. Nihilum also didn't attempt her at all for the next months, moving to TK.
The first 'legit' kill, as is claimed, was by Method. This kill wasn't until May 5th, only a few weeks before the first Kael'Thas kill. I consider this the first 'real' kill, and in order for it to happen Method had to a) get very lucky, b) use warlocks outside to soulstone the entire raid, and c) used every available possible TBC and classic consume on top of classic world buffs. And even then, they only barely killed her, with only a couple people being alive when she died. Then the fight bugged out, the adds didn't despawn, and would instantly kill anyone who rezoned so they couldn't loot the boss (just as a testament to how buggy SSC was).
Despite being the first guild to get a clean kill of Vashj, Method wasn't exactly impressed with the content. Method was interviewed on Warcraft Radio after the Vashj kill. At 50 minutes in, they're asked:
What do you think of Burning Crusade's raid encounters as regards to so-called legacy raid encounters, Molten Core through to Naxx?
A: Well Naxxramas was a very very good instance and very well design and very enjoyable and all the bosses were, as I said earlier, they weren't that buggy, and they were just quite good and well designed.. compared to Burning Crusade ones, it's a step above.
B: Yeah, you would have thought that Burning Crusade raids, raiding instances would have been a solid improvement from Naxxramas, but in terms of enjoyment, Naxxramas has so far beaten all the raiding content in Burning Crusade, unfortunately, in my opinion.
A: Yeah, I would agree with that.
On top of that, trash wasn't tied to bosses and would respawn on a 45 minute timer. This means that you could get 1-2 attempts in on a boss, before you'd have to clear a massive amount of trash to get back to them. In an interview with Nihilum, they complain about the copious amounts of trash and suggest it be increased to 2 hours. There's also a few other suggestions they make made it into the 2.1 patch.
In other words, these top end raiders weren't doing finalized, tuned content that was just much harder and got nerfed. They were basically beta testing raids for Blizzard. They did not particularly enjoy doing this, and the raids weren't particularly enjoyable.
Patch 2.1 came out about two weeks after the first legitimate kill of Vashj. Patch 2.1 significantly tweaks SSC. It now ties trash packs to bosses so when the boss dies they no longer respawn. The respawn timer is increased to what Nihilum suggested. Persuasion is moved from Vashj and she's retweaked for the encounter to be less RNG based. This does nerf the fight heavily. But also, people need to remember, this was the patch where consumables and world buffs were fixed. Previously raiders were using every classic consume, TBC consume, and classic world buffs. That got reduced to only a small amount of TBC consumes. A nerf to the raid's difficulty makes sense when they're also reducing the player's power quite a bit. And they also stripped away alot of the bullshit, unfun RNG elements that made these guilds so angry. This was a good change. I think it's fair to say that 2.1 was the 'actual' release of SSC/TK, everything before that was free beta testing by the top guilds for Blizzard.
Today, you could reintroduce Persuasion to Vashj if you tweaked it to not target the tank. Players could probably handle it. However, I also think people would not want to reintroduce the bugs that spawned a bunch of extra adds for no reason, or the bug that makes adds not despawn and prevents the raid from looting her. People would want mind control fixed so it doesn't automatically wipe the raid, or so it doesn't make paladins suicide themselves. What I'm getting at here is, the 'pre nerf' version of SSC never existed in a state that wasn't also littered with game breaking bugs, or with cancerous amounts of trash that required the raid to clear it again every hour. So what people are asking for isn't really the 'pre nerf' version of the fight. They're asking for what is essentially a post-nerfed, retuned fight with lots of bug fixes that also retains some of older abilities to make it more difficult. But that was never actually in TBC. At that point you're just remaking the fights, you're not restoring them to what they were.
So yeah, I don't think anyone who wants the 'pre nerf' version of the fights really wants all of what that entails. Nobody really enjoys losing to RNG, nobody wants to deal with shitty, buggy fights, nobody wants to deal with insane, overtuned trash. What people want basically is for Blizzard to remake the fights to be harder than they were in their refined, playable state. Which means 2.1 but tweaked, not 2.0.
submitted by NotCinema to classicwow [link] [comments]

Steam Inventory Purge Giveaway!

Good morning, steam_giveaway! 🥰📢
I'm holding another giveaway raffle to get some great Steam games out of my inventory. The process is a little convoluted for games already in one's inventory, so I hope you'll bear with me! 🐻💦
Mods, if there are any issues conducting a raffle in this way, please let me know! 🥺
Here are the games on offer!
The entry requirements are as follows: please post just one comment per person, and in that comment please only pick one game in the interest of statistical fairness! 😖🙏💦
Please also try to spell the game correctly, as I will be using my browser's "Find" function to determine the number of entrants for each game and my final winner. 🔍👀
The giveaway will end on February 5th, 2021 at 12pm (check what time that is for you). If you comment after that time, you will not be eligible to win. ☹️
After the winners are announced, I'll message them with a link to my steam profile and ask them for their username so I know to accept their friend request.
After we've satisfied Steam's policy of being friends for 3 days (Feb 8th at the earliest), I'll gift them their game, at which time our brief but fruitful friendship must come to a close. 🎁🤝💔
I'm just trying to re-home some games, not hold you guys hostage in a social contract! I figured I should make that clear ahead of time so there's no confusion.
The rest of this post is just housekeeping/info for other giveaway runners, so if you've made it this far and aren't interested in that, feel free to skip all that and comment with the game you want!
In the interest of transparency, and maybe helping future Givers out, I thought I'd tell you all how I select my winners. It's really nothing fancy, but I saw someone say they're going to draw names out of a hat?!
These posts get so many comments! It's 2021! We don't have to live like this any more, sirma'am!!
I can't really cast stones because my own method probably isn't perfect, but it was certainly easy enough to implement last time, and if it'll help someone else out in the future I'm willing to embarrass myself a little. :')
So my process goes like this:
  1. Reveal all the comments
  2. Cross reference the word "reply" using Ctrl+F with the number of comments the Reddit post says I should be seeing, to make SURE I've revealed all the comments
  3. Search for the title of the first game with Ctrl+F and take note of how many results the page pulls (say, 89)
  4. Find a digital dice roller and roll an (89)-sided die
  5. If the die lands on say, 15, then I navigate to the 15th instance of the game's title on the page using Ctrl+F -- et voila! A winner! Repeat ad nauseam until all the games are gone. 🎮💨👋
And yea I know there's a website that does Verified Reddit Raffles but I don't know if it'll work for a giveaway like this, and I'm not entirely confident using it. 😰
Also, I'd like to apologize for the frankly unconscionable number of emojis in this post, but it was getting really long and dense, and I figured between the two evils, I'd personally rather be subjected to cringe than tedium. 🤷‍♂️ I hope you guys agree!
Edit 1: I have broken up the paragraphs to be smaller. I hope it is easier on the eyes for mobile redditors, now! 😅
Edit 2: Entries posted after noon EST today are not eligible for consideration. Thank you everyone who participated! I'll be determining winners and responding to their comments/reaching out via private message soon.
Edit 3: And that's a wrap! Winners have been contacted regarding the steps to receive their prizes.
If any of the winners decline their prize, or there are other issues (I don't really anticipate any, but harassment might qualify, I suppose?) then I'll use the same process to select a different recipient for the prize being forfeit.
Thank you for participating! You've all been lovely 😘💕 I'll definitely encourage my friends to off-load their Steam inventories here if they've got any games lying around!
submitted by skullopendraa to steam_giveaway [link] [comments]

Quick tips for being a better TTRPG player.

Being kind and supportive is very important, so that you're not interrupting or being a cringey dick. But there are also things in between these extremes you could do to make gaming better for everyone:
Any other suggestions?
submitted by IamJoesUsername to dndnext [link] [comments]

Pokemon Nursery - A Wingspan Retheme Tabletop Simulator Mod

Edit: Apparently articles were written about this on some fairly prominent websites, which is a bit more attention than I was expecting. I'm gonna take it off the workshop. I haven't been contacted by Nintendo or anything, I'm just doing it for my own peace of mind.
A month ago, I posted a mockup of a Wingspan card that had a Pokemon instead of a bird. I never intended on making the whole conversion, but a whole bunch of people liked it and I was inspired to actually do it. It was a stupid amount of work, but I finally finished it! I wanted to make a diary of everything I went through making this mod - to explain why I did things a certain way - but I was too lazy to write anything down as I was going through it.
Here's some screenshots of the mod.
Here's some random interesting moments I had going through the process.
1) I originally wanted to only do the 151 Pokemon from the first generation. Original Wingspan had 170 cards and I figured leaving 19 out wouldn't mess up the balance too much. Trying to match all the Pokemon to existing cards eventually started becoming a problem and then I had a moment of genius. The 19 other cards could just be the shiny version of other Pokemon! I was very pleased with myself with that idea.
2) Finding high resolution images of all the Pokemon was harder than expected. I started off with models from the Let's Go games but I couldn't find every one that I needed. Eventually, I stumbled upon some PokeDex gallery that a Deviant Art user had made. Turns out the images were from Pokemon Home which I didn't even know was a thing.
3) I had a hard time trying to figure out how to retheme the predator wingspan mechanic. After multiple iterations, I settled on a type attack d20. Whenever you activate a Pokemon with the ability, you draw a card and roll the d20, if the result is a type that's strong against the Pokemon you have to discard the card; otherwise you can tuck it under the Pokemon. The trick was finding Pokemon with the correct types where the dice results had the same percentages of working as the predator wingspan ability.
4) I decided to use the Oceania board instead of the original one for no good reason. I figured it might be interesting to play it that way without nectar.
5) I contacted Stonemaier Games about posting what was essentially a clone of Wingspan onto the workshop. Jamey said it was fine as long as I didn't copy the text of the rules or images. That's when I had an awful realization. I never changed the habitat icons. I had to go update every single stupid card with a new icon. I muttered to myself "I can't believe I didn't change the icon. I hate myself." so many times during that process.
If I get bored again, I may do the Gen 2 and Gen 3 "expansions", but that doesn't seem likely. I need a break from staring at Pokemon cards every evening.
submitted by lockwinghong to boardgames [link] [comments]

C9 k3soju on the state of TFT
Game state of TFT The games you lose feel so frustrating because too many factors are out of your control
By listing things here and offering some insight, I hope they get resolved but also, I want to emit positive energy and focus on improving and having fun on stream instead of complaining. (since I’ve already complained here)
  1. Chosen Mechanic
  2. Lucky Lanterns
  3. Inflexible item holders and power of synergies
1. The fact that you can instantly find a 2 star unit with extra stats and an extra tag, it’s already impossible to balance at a competitive level but taking a look at the early game can alleviate some of the frustration.
Right now, you’re guaranteed a chosen by 2-2 and guaranteed 3 Chosen’s by the end of stage 2. The problem is that a chosen gives too much direction. For example, if someone were to find one of the reroll chosens such as nasus, yasuo, fiora, nidalee etc, they could have perfect info on what units to hold and start making eco and the game essentially plays itself until 3-2 where you might have to pivot if contested or didn’t hit enough of the unit you’re trying to reroll.
However, let’s assume you didn’t find a chosen until 2-1 so you pre-level for the 40% 2 star premium chosen and you don’t hit on 2-1 either so next turn you’re going to find a chosen. From this point, lets say you hit cultist elise or cultist tf. If you don’t have a cultist, chances are you shouldn’t pick this up, sac until carousel and stabilize with the 1 of the 2 remaining chosen. However, if you found cultist TF or cultist elise, you would almost instantly buy it if it were stage 1 cause you get perfect direction on what to hold and what to sell for eco.
Furthermore, lets say you hit one of the reroll chosens after pre-leveling to 4, it’s so awkward to play because you’re already down 4 gold so slowrolling above 50 won’t happen until 3-2/3-3 most of the time and also you’re missing two level 4 shops.
Now, lets say you hit one of the two cost chosen’s, either you hit a chosen that fits the units you gambled to hold and you’re guaranteed top 4 or you hit a chosen that’s too strong to pass up on given your items and you’re praying that the rest of your shops will accommodate the chosen you picked up or your entirety of stage 2-3 is doomed.
Lets say you don’t pick up the chosen here and the next chosen you find is after carousel. Now, you’re even more limited on chosen’s because on level 5, any of the 1 cost reroll chosens are unrerollable and therefore a lot less premium and almost all of the 1 cost chosens are outscaled except for maybe Nidalee.
Furthermore, say you’re playing warlord vanguard, sharpshooter opener (Garen + Warlord + Vanguard + Nidalee + SS) and you find a chosen cultist pyke on 2-5. Can you even buy this? Probably not. Would you buy this prior to 2-5. without a doubt.
Say I’m playing around cultist keeper opener with (Elise + keeper + 2 cultists + supporting unit for cultist) and I find a vanguard garen/nautilus… At this point you’re just banking your last chosen isn’t a fiora or game is doomed since you most likely have to roll on 3-2 for a specific chosen that can fit your comp…
The examples can go infinite but the point I’m getting at is that chosens give too much direction and as the game goes later, the chosens that you can buy are limited so players that hit a chosen early are in just a much better spot without even looking at units held/units sold for eco…
You can almost always predict who is going top 2 at 3-5 based on “just hitting a chosen” Warlord jarvan with a katarina on stage 2? That’s a guaranteed top 2, got outplayed I guess. Zed chosen with RFC… nice.
2. Lantern items feel AWFUL to play against.
Target dummy strong against duelist, asol, aatrox. Loaded dice beyond broken if you’re playing a reroll comp. Reforger, remover and item(s) benefit win streakers since their board can hold items more readily.
I will admit that it’s balanced because over 100 games, you will be playing duelist, asol, aatrox, reroll or winstreaking but isn’t chosen mechanic as well? What I’m saying is that it just feels awful when you’re playing brawlers / nasus early game and the lobby gets dropped a belt or a chain and anyone who can make sunfire gets a free win against you. You’re playing mage a sol, and entire lobby gets 2 bows on 4-6 for their olaf/samira/kayle and you don’t have a single item holder. (you don’t play rakan unless you have elder sol)
If you’re playing a fast 8 comp and lobby strength is accelerated, you probably have to roll on 7 but rolling on 7 feels like lottery half the time since sometimes your board is established around your chosen.
3. Playing fast 8 comps, carries in set 4.5 use a specific set of items and synergies. Without them, the strength of the unit plummets drastically. The only carry that is flexible in items is Kayle because she does so well with aura items but can also use every stat in the game. Defensive, AS, AP.
Champions like talon who needs IE, (real carry is morgana with morello), olaf who need runaans feels so frustrating to play… You slam items such as runaans/IE mid game on tristana/shyvana to win streak / save hp and on stage 5 (level 8), if you don’t hit olaf/talon, you’re essentially just going to be bleeding out the rest of your hp for an inevitable 6th. You can top 4 if you have the hp from early and that way you bleed out slower than the rest of the low rollers. The skill expression does come from salvaging a 5th that would usually be an 8th by trying to play what you’re given on stage 5 but a game that’s just doomed to 4th at best?
Furthermore, have you seen Olaf without runaans and slayer? The unit feels like a 2 cost. Have you seen ashe without hunter or elderwood? The unit feels like a 4 cost.
Olaf needs specific items. Ashe wants 2 offensive items and a defensive item. Certain combinations are stronger than others, but the unit doesn’t feel as hopeless as Olaf without runaans. I think part of it is the champions identity and strength come from the synergy and not the actual unit.
Asol – good spot, can use aura items and do well with all combos of AP Kayle – good spot, can use aura items and do well without RFC Morgana – ok spot, has always been much stronger with morello but shes not a solo carry anyway and she does okay with leftover items Olaf – runaans Talon – ie Samira – 5 cost and needs DB at 1 star
Closing notes…
So when people complain about reroll comps, they’ve always been in the meta, but now they’re just rewarded more for rerolling because of the chosen mechanic giving direction and lanterns favoring strong boards and direction on top…
  1. Deal with chosen odds early but it might make reroll comps even stronger
  2. w/e, pray don’t low roll
  3. Buff units, take away from synergy (add creativity mid game as well)
“YOU’RE SO PICKY WITH CHOSEN!!!!!!” gl top 4ing in a top 20 tournament with your off tempo keeper elise, let alone qualifying for the tournament in the first place -^
submitted by aesiav to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

Things that should change in TFT

Hi guys,
I’m Grim, challenger player for the last seasons and a small streamer on twitch:
Get your coffee, we need to talk.
By no means I’m no game designer nor a top level player but I feel some things In this game are not right.
Before I start, I want to say that this is by no meaning a post about me flaming Mortdog or the designers of the game. I am aware they do their best and that TFT is a web and everything is connected and hard to balance.
So, let’s start.
First of all, this game sucks. Yeah, we all said that and then proceeded to play 10 more games. Mort said on stream a while ago that Set 4 – Set 4.5 brought the most people to the game so on paper the game is not doing that bad so instead of going to Mort chat to say “This game sucks” over and over again.. how about give the man some ideas?
It’s easy to say “This is bad ” but is hard to say why?, so next time you go to Mort and cry about the game try to give him some real feedback. He is doing his best, his best ain’t enough ? You do better. You can’t ? Go to the damn corner and think about what you did.
Ok, now that we got that out of the way let’s talk about the game.

I think this set is one of the flashiest we ever had and is amazing but some concepts about how the units work I think are not the best.

Synergies and power of champions.
There is a really big problem right now with this, I’m sure everyone is aware but In case is not clear for some people.
Here is a really big problem with most of the big carries (4 cost) . They are are not flexible enough. Right now Kayle is the most played non reroll comp and is not because she is OP, it’s because she is the only champion that can use more items (RFC/Rageblade/QSS/GA/GS/JG/HoJ) while Xayah/Olaf/Tryndamere don’t really feel great without BIS items, hell even Asol can use more items than BIS (Gunblade/GA/IE/JG/HoJ/Rageblade).
In set 4 we had this flexibility. Dcap? Put it on Jhin. One, two , three BOOM ONE TAP.
I want to be able to make an item early game and to still be able to use that item late game without feeling bad because I don’t have BIS.

Is great that people should chase certain synergies but those synergies shouldn’t be auto win every time someone hits those.
Something I really enjoyed was the Cybernetic trait. I think it was one of the best synergies ever added to the game. Just because you wouldn’t feel bad about making items. Zephyr at 2.1? Hell yeah, still good with cybers because you would get the stats.
Also hitting 6 cybers was not an auto win, you actually needed good items for your carries and an legendary unit to actually have a chance for 1st place. Maybe I’m fanboying to much but I feel like that was the most balanced synergy ever added to the game and I think the idea behind that should be implemented in next synergies like “if you hit this synergy and you have decent items you can top 4 without perfect items if you play correctly and if you have really good items you have your chance at 1st place”.

Early game pve rounds.
Why Jimmy can start with 3 gold and buy the entire first shop and I am starting with one item and need to pick from the shop a few units?
Flexibility? I can understand that but why we don’t have the same opportunity. If Jimmy starts with 3 gold Grim wants to start with 3 gold. Equal opportunity.
I think the PVE rounds should have the same start for every item : Item 1 + Item 2 + Item 3 or Item 1 + Item 2 + gold.
It feels extremely bad when I get gold on the last pve round instead of the 1st one so I think the start should be the same.
If we all have the same start we can actually show our playstyle. Let’s say we have a gold start, maybe some want to level aggressively, maybe some want to greed for 50 gold. Let us see.

Lee Sin: Honestly F this champion.
The concept is nice. You have a legendary that can kick some strong units out. I can agree with that but… not when there is blue buff and 2x synergies for that champion. I got clapped numerous times by a blue buff Lee Sin with Divines / Duelist. I would understand if it would kick a unit 100% I don’t mind it but seeing a Lee Sin 1* without items kicking 3+ units out of the map.. Is not ok.
Early game carries. It feels like the 1* - 2* carries is really limited. Lately some units got buffed so this actually could be ok but because of the meta I couldn’t really see it .

The sack of Items.
There is a certain number of items you can get per game. If I am not wrong you can get between 12-15 components.
Here is something that is not ok, doubles… Why is possible to get a 2x item from the same PVE rounds?
For example : I drop 2x belts and someone drops 2x bow, in this meta the difference between these 2 components is HUGE, so I think there should not be a 2x drop from the same item because no matter what the meta is there will not be such a huge power difference from the drop and also will make the player be creative with the items they make.

Guaranteed components:
There are 9 components, I think is a good idea to be guaranteed that you will get 8 of those items every game, no matter what (spatula drops should be lower, I don’t feel like they should be something people will enjoy to have every game)
Why? I want to use my math from school. I can count perfectly until 8. Mom is proud.
The idea is. I am in a game and I need a sword. I go for something else at the last component carousel because I know for sure I am guaranteed a sword. This way there will be no way you can not be flexible about your comp.
You decide to greed the bow from the 1st carousel so you can have for sure an RFC after the last component PVE round? Sure, do it. Let people greed if they want to, they will be punished by the people that made items.
Maybe that 15 HP guy will come back because he greeded his items the entire game. Maybe not.
This is not happening often but I’ve been through the experience to drop 4 mana items from a PVE round… No matter what the meta is except a few items, a lot of items made from duplicate components feel awful.

This is not a problem, I’m just hoping that the mechanic will never change. In some Autochess games you can press a button and you can see everyone comp. Please don’t do this ever. I think people that use time to scout and do it properly for positioning should have the advantage.

Chosen mechanic
I think the mechanic is not bad overall but it could’ve been improved. First of all I don’t think it’s fair for someone to get a 2* unit from one shop. Do you know those moments where you hit that shop with 3x units. You are like WHAT THE… and you buy that. Now.. one click… 2* unit.. like.. that’s not ok. Especially late game because the power level could go through the roof with one lucky shop.
I feel like this set there is not time to fix it but in time TFT might reuse the ideas the used before so here is how I think the chosen mechanic might improve.
Make the Chosen unit to be still a 1* and just give it extra stats and the 2x synergy. I am sure that Mort already thought about this so I do not know how much it could help the game but how I see the game now, I feel like that could improve the game.
There might appear new problems with the power of certain chosen but I don’t think it would be such a spike.

As you can see the ReforgeRemover ain’t a problem. The main problems are the dummy / dice, especially the duplicates.
I think these 2 items should be granted only in the early game (stage 2 – stage 3), this way people can decide if they want to risk to go for those Asol/Assassin’s comp when people have the dummy or if they want to play a reroll comp with the dice or fast 8 for a 4* carry.
Again the 2x dice early game would be awful because people would just play reroll comps that’s why I think there should be not a duplicate drop.

The shop mechanic.
A while ago there was the mechanic with the shop, where you would not get the same units in the next shop if you wouldn’t buy the units in the previous shops.
Ex: If I have 2x Nidalee, Rakan, Darius and I only buy the Nidalee, in the next shop there will be a chance to have Nidalee and 100% chance that there will be no Darius or Rakan.
Than it was decided to be removed, main reason being that people would hit to often 3* 4 cost units but there was another reason… “New players will not know about it and some players will have some advantage”
First of all that reasoning was not ok.. in game right now we have the Divine trait. A normal player would not know the duration of the buff if they don’t read the patch notes.
Secondly I realized that something that should be added to the game is a notebook. Somewhere there should be a clickable book that can be opened and people can read certain stuff about the game. I saw this in Autochess games and it was not bad.
I don’t know how good of an idea would be but it might be a way for new players to get information about the game.

There were endless patches that were BAD, really BAD. Is really annoying to play a game where something is overpowered and you need to wait a certain amount of time to get fixed.
But… Mortdog and the team behind TFT are the only people that I saw they did something so fast. One week felt like ETERNITY when I played in the Morgueweek or WARWEEK and I was really mad but than I realized some people don’t change anything in their game for over a month.
Changing something in this game takes time , we need to understand that and Mort know that he needs to fix stuff as soon as he can.
P.S: I’m referring to Mort not as an individual but as a team and people behind it (sorry guys ☹)
So I think we should find a solution for the bad patches either not to happen or to be fixed fast. The problem is that this is not easy. Realistically, how much playing testing can be done? Some things are overlooked.. it happens. The problem is that although I know some of the people in the TFT team are GM I don’t know if any of them are high challenger. I am not saying this as a way of flaming them, I’m saying this because there should be a certain number of players that can test the new changes and give a real feedback.
This thing is really hard to do. Nobody wants to play on PBE just to test the changes and is pretty hard to get a really good feedback from PBE lobbies since not everyone is competitive.
I don’t have a real solution to this. The only thing that I can think of is to have at least on lobby of high elo players to test the changes and to give their feedback.
It could be selected from the ladder or players could apply to get in those high elo lobbies.
Also I do not know how much it costs or how much it takes to make an emergency patch so the best idea would be to avoid making those so better measures should be taken.
I can’t think at anything else so if you guys have any suggestions..

Competitive scene
First of all, I might be dumb but I can’t find good information about it.
I am talking from the perspective of a player that doesn’t follow too many TFT streamer and is not part of a lot of TFT discord channels.
So I don’t know. How I join? What do I need? How many points I need? What is the format? How do I qualify ?
The point here is not that the information is not there is just that is hard to find the right one.
I feel like there should be a post somewhere with all this information accessible to everyone to see. I may be really misinformed on this part but for me it feels really confusing, what I need to do, when I need to play for the snapshot, how many points did I got ?
On EU this feels even more bad. It feels like EU is the oldest kid and everyone forgot about it.
I can’t even talk enough about this because I do not even know what is happening with the EU qualifiers… or if there are some.
Again I might be misinformed but is a way of showing that the information is not really out there for players to see.

Ending words:
Overall, my love for this game might fade away with patches and often I feel like quitting but I do trust Mort and the team that this game will get better with time. I think I have over 800 games in set 4 and most likely will have the same this season also. If I wouldn’t like the game I wouldn’t play it but I feel like some things could be done better so I made this post for clarity and to hear other opinions.
For sure is no easy job and I know Mort takes the words we say really personally although he shouldn’t so let’s try to be less of a pain in the a.. and let’s try to give more ideas and more feedback. I do hope to see the game grow and get better.
Grim’s out.
submitted by InvisusDeo to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

Some advice for new DMs after a two and three quarter hour campaign of nothing.

Chester if you're reading this I love ya buddy - just reflecting on what happened.
This weekend was my friends first time at DM'ing. We agreed that we would play a pre-written one-shot; a baptism of fire for him to try it out for the first time.
It started promisingly enough, but then we spent two hours trying to find anything to do in this backwater town. We went to the inn, the store, the water mill, the town square, a giant rock and a church and all of our investigations resulted in nothing. We decided to sleep in the inn whereupon four level 5 characters were beset by a rabble of commoners with clubs for no discernible reason.
I must admit that the experience challenged my patience but I subsequently remembered just how hard it is to DM for the first time, and there were some pitfalls that he had fallen into that even two experienced players, who were both DM's (me 2 years, my friend many more), couldn't avoid. So I wanted to leave that advice here:
  1. Have a clear purpose and make it clear. Make what possible objectives there are clear - unless someone is intentionally holding information back don't be afraid to have some informative NPCs about. We started out so well as well - the wheel of our caravan broke, there was a small town in disrepair nearby so we went to go get a wheel. Our investigations started out following that and could have led to some hijinks but it was, surprisingly, summarily finished after being told "wait a day." So we presumed there must be something in this town to find, right? But after that our conversations with NPCs ran dry and our searches fruitless and revealing nothing. We learnt information about the town, sure, but each time we went somewhere there was nothing to do and not a whiff of adventure to be had. Make the possible objectives clear if you've got players making inquiries because they won't know what there is to do without you telling them! Throw all of the options at them and let them make up their mind as to where to go - just make sure there aren't wrong choices in that "go here and nothing happens, turn around and try again." otherwise yeah, they're going to spend 10 minutes ritual casting identify on a giant rock because that's all they've got to go on.
  2. Don't block off the story! Being able to engage with the story shouldn't be contingent on a dice roll: they should be used to determine how successful you are in your attempts to succeed. This was the big one for us. We went to this church that was in a state of disrepair as we heard that some kids had snuck into the building. When we got there, however, there was a shiny chain over the door. We walked around it and saw no windows that were broken nor ways into the church that a kid could access. The birdman flew above it and saw nothing too. Can't go under, over or around so to try going through we turned our attention to the doochain. Birdman monk attacked the door and it held strong. Minotaur artificer used his thieves tools to undo the lock on the chain but it held fast. Monk attacked it again and still nothing. We concluded that we simply weren't supposed to go to the church yet and walked away. The NPC returned to us and we said he must have been mistaken: if a birdman monk and a minotaur cannot break into that church then a bunch of kids can't have either. We suspected the NPC of telling porkies (or locking children inside the church himself) and that became our focus. Turns out that actually we were supposed to go into the church, but we failed our rolls because the module didn't specify a different way in (making the 17 in investigation a waste) and three actions on the door were not enough. The point is that the story he wanted us to engage with was behind those doors and completely inaccessible. If the story necessitates being in a place? Let them into the place. Let them in without rolling or don't let a low roll = failure. Perhaps that 9 dex check on the thieves tools resulted in snapping the majority of my lock picks, including my favourite one. Maybe the pliers were damaged when breaking the lock off of the chain. Don't stop the players from engaging with the story.
  3. Reward ingenuity, even if you didn't plan for it! My friend felt duty-bound for things to happen the way that he had planned. Your players? They don't know your plan. They only have their preconceptions coming into the game, their characters wherewithal and the information you, as the DM, give them. As long as their proposed plan isn't batshit insane (as in it would never work insane)? Reward the effort. Not everything should end in success, but don't be so afraid to go off-script that the story grinds to a halt. If it's plausible, it's possible.
  4. Too much choice is difficult to handle at first. Start out smaller. I think my friend struggled with having a whole town open to us at first. There were too many angles for him to keep an eye out on. Other than the grumpy inn-keeper everyone we spoke to were a bit generic. If you're not feeling confident with starting out in an open-world setting then make the world a bit smaller at first. Start the campaign out on a mission, already proceeding with a task. Railroading is when the DM drags reluctant players kicking and screaming in the direction they want the players to head into: there's nothing wrong with giving them tasks to do. And if you give them a task and they finish it make sure there's options for them to follow up on.I'll give credit where it was due: the campaign started off in a caravan. We got to talk to each other, meet two NPCs who we thought were important to the story, get some camaraderie going, it was a good start! Had he, for example, had one of those NPCs go missing? We wouldn't have given up until he was found. More isn't always better - focus and then develop what your players take interest in. A difficult skill, for sure, but if you're worried about making a world for them to engage with? Then focus on making what you have more interesting, rather than providing a world of grey.
  5. Research your module. Preparing makes ad libing easier because you're confident enough with the destination that you can be flexible with the journey there. Most NPC characters need two adjectives worth of description and that's all. If you're using a pre-written module make sure you've read it, know who could be engaged with at each place, give them names and know what you need to describe and who you need to describe. If the place is creepy know how you'll describe that. If the place is buzzing with energy describe how it is. Unless you're some kind of savant it'll be difficult for most people to create a coherent, canonical universe off-cuff without a lot of experience. Until you're there? Make sure you prepare. Some DM's will tell you that they don't prepare at all. I'm going to go out on a limb that either use "the rule of cool" a lot or have had years of experience to facilitate that. Until you've got that competence? Make sure you plan and prepare thoroughly.

I hope some of these rantings helps a new DM out there. I'll finish off with a question: if you're a new DM what kind of feedback would you want to hear?
Edit: Typo then the formatting went weird X2
Second edit: I know editing it is going to make all of the formatting go weird again but I just want to say thank you for all of the comments, support and rewards. I've kept a note of loads of 'em for my own DM'ing. I'm just well happy that the above ideas were appreciated by some people and endorsed by more veteran DM's. Does this mean I can stop calling myself a novice DM and just say I'm a DM now? :)
submitted by I-uh-liketea to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

6 Tips from a Pro GM on Teaching New D&D Players [OC]

Hey everyone,
Our amazing GM Kourtney wrote a blog post on teaching new D&D players. I was fortunate enough to have her as a DM on my first campaign and these all really helped. Here is the link to the post. I have also copied and pasted it below:

6 Tips on Teaching New D&D Players

I’ve had some amazing Games Masters teach me the ropes and I’ve returned the favor to many new players wanting to learn Dungeons and Dragons so I thought I could give you Game Masters some tips on teaching new players in the world of D&D!
1) Host a Session 0
I always try to have a relaxed session zero where I lay out my table rules, show off my world with relevant maps and have all the players introduce their characters. Session zero is also a great time to chat about rules, point out important things on their character sheets and answer any questions your new players might have.
2) Run a mock fight
My sessions normally have at least one fight of some kind so it’s important for my players to know how to fight with their characters when the time arises. So before a session (and even with the other players) I run a mock fight focusing on these things:
3) Have their sheets handy
When I have a new player at my table I will always have their sheet handy. Whether that’s in digital or physical form. This accomplishes two things for me:
4) Place NPCs to allow for ease of role play
I will always have a friendly Non-Player Character (NPC) I can use to role play with new players that might not be very comfortable or familiar with role-playing. This allows me to help guide the new players while playing the game rather then sidebaring and taking away from the immersion.
5) Be excited when they succeed
Natural 20s should always be exciting but new players don’t know what that means! So when they happen you should be as excited as if you rolled that natural 20. That way in the future they will understand just how amazing it is to get. But besides that I always show a ton of excitement for when they land a hit, successfully persuade someone or truly anything they want to do and accomplish.
6) Have patience
Like I said at the beginning, we’ve all been the new player. I was so lucky to have friends that wanted to hold my hand and even make my first few characters because I truly couldn’t grasp all the numbers and mechanics. You’re going to have to repeat yourself but the feeling of accomplishment and pride you will feel when they successfully fight their way through a combat without your help will send you through the roof.
I truly hope this helps any of you Game Masters who’ve got some new players at their table. For more tips might I suggest checking out our other blog posts and our podcast, A GM’s Toolbox, which will be releasing March 9th, 2021! Have a wonderful day!
submitted by TheArcanery to DnDBehindTheScreen [link] [comments]

DM Tries to use D&D to convince us to support the riots at the capital

I've been playing with this group for about three years now, and from the beginning we knew we had political differences. Two of the other players and I are fairly left-leaning to decently far-left liberals, one of the players is conservative but only a little, and the DM is a faaaar-right wing conservative, "Trump is the best president of all time" kind of guy. He has said, in all seriousness, that Donald Trump should be president for life because he's that great. However, like any group of adults, we realized early on that no one in our group would change the other's minds and so we just moved on and decided to leave politics out of D&D, as it should be.

That lasted until our session on the 10th. The campaign we're currently going through has lasted for abour a year and a half or so, and it's been one of the best D&D campaigns I've ever played in. I'll spare the details, but essentially the goal has been to find my character's four siblings (all five of us are genasi) so that we can get their help to overthrow our father, a djinn who as taken control of the Elemental Plane of Air and created us to be living weapons for him. Luckily for us, some aarockockra on the Air plane rescued us from him when we were kids and hid us in various places on the material plane for the last sixteen years. We started off with me hiring the other players to help me find my siblings, and each time we've convinced one to join us, the DM has allowed one of the players to take control of the sibling as their new character if they prefer the new sibling to their original character. It's been a LOT of fun and he's made a really vivid and unique world, which was why the session on the 10th sucked so much.

At this point, we had convinced three of my four siblings to join us and we had figured out where my last brother was. We figured we would have a really hard time convincing Thyren (the brother) to come with us, since he had apparently gotten married and had a child in his time on the material plane (he was the oldest brother, he was 29 by the time we found him). "Not to worry," we all said, "we've convinced three of my siblings to leave their lives behind for the sake of a greater cause, we can do it one more time, no problem."

We arrive in Hardale, the city where Thyren is living, and immediately we can tell that the DM has rewritten this section of the adventure since January 6th. Instead of finding Thyren spending time with his family, or at work, or doing anything normal, when we get there, we find that he is preparing to lead a coup of the government. Interesting, but okay, let's roll with it. He's got that revolutionary spirit in mind already, and I guess we're pretty much trying to do the same thing but on a different plane, so no big deal.

We ask him what's going on, and he explains that the current president is the best leader Hardale has ever had. He's put up walls to keep the city safe, and he's kicked all the evil tieflings, drow, and goblins out, because they're all evil! Everyone loves him, and when the election came, every single person in the city voted for him because he's just that awesome. But... oh no. The evil other party cheated! They changed the vote count and made it seem like President Awesome McRacistFace lost! How horrible! If their candidate becomes president, he's going to take away every sword, bow, and magic user in the city! He'll knock down the wall! HE'LL LET THE DROW, GOBLINS, AND TIEFLINGS BACK IN! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!

So, basically, the DM proceeds to try to railroad us into participating in this coup. Thyren won't come with us to go deal with the djinn no matter what we say unless we help him make sure that President Awesome McRacistFace is president for ever and help exile or kill anyone who disagrees, because they're obviously evil.

And that was where we all collectively took a deep breath, packed up our dice and character sheets, and left.

Now, I understand having strong feelings about politics. I myself have very strong feelings about the current political climate (which probably leaked through into this post, but I hope they didn't because of what I'm about to say). But, no matter what you believe, you should NOT bring real-life politics into a D&D game unless every single person at the table says they're okay with it. The DM knew for a fact that the four of us players did not want to discuss politics at all. And yet, this happened. D&D is supposed to be an escape from the worries and struggles of the real world, so whatever you do, do not carry those worries over into D&D.

Shame, too. Up until that session, it had genuinely been the best campaign I've ever had the pleasure of participating in by far.

TL,DR: Conservative DM tries to use D&D as a way to convince liberal players that the riots at the Capitol on January 6th were a good thing, ruining an almost perfect year-long campaign in the process.
submitted by Scroll_Cause_Bored to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

I Use the Rules in the Book and It Ends a Prospective Campaign

This story is fairly recent, last couple months. I have a good deal more free-time with Covid ravaging the world and converting my normal weekly sessions to Roll20 had gone very well. To that end I decided to take on another game with some randos. I found a group posting for a few guys that were looking for a gm. I got into DM's with them and they seemed like a cool group of dudes that, thankfully, weren't newbies. I don't mind running with novices, but I wasn't of a mood to teach the game to people.
We agreed on a game in my homebrew setting that would have them start at level 3. We have a session zero to make characters and their party ends up being a Ranger, Fighter, Sorcerer, and a Barbarian. Our introductory adventure had them trying to liberate some prisoners from a small military encampment in the deep forest. We had a brief scene of them gathering information on their task, talking to a few NPC's I intended to be recurring, and then some Survival rolls to find the place. Once they did I revealed the whole map to them. Pretty standard encampment, simple palisade wall, tents for quarters and a framework wooden watchtower. The watchtower is what caused most of the problems.
The Ranger does a little bit of recon and figures out their numbers and they decide that they can creep close to the wall and then bluster their way in. They do just that, aggroing all the soldiers and brawling their way through.
On round two, both of the soldiers up on the tower fire crossbows down, one of them getting the sorcerer. The Ranger directs his fire at them and makes an attack.
Ranger: I got a 15. That hits, right?
I replied "It does not. You arrow thunks into the wooden bracing wrapped around the platform."
Ranger cocked his head, "Are they guys up there elite or something? I got a 15 to hit one of the others and it hit."
I explained "No, they're the same. They have cover."
The Ranger looked at me with an odd look on his face and asked, "Cover?"
I said back, "Yeah, half-cover. Their elevation and the railing give them cover which boosts their AC by 2."
On the camera I see Ranger turn and talk, but I don't hear anything. A second later, I see Barabarian's player say something that I also can't hear. I'm assuming they were talking in another channel that I wasn't a part of or something. This happens for a minute before Ranger comes back on and he says, "Yeah, I don't think cover is a thing."
Barbarian pipes up, "Yeah, if some combat thing gives defense bonus, it should just be disadvantage. You don't have to make up stuff to give defense."
I said back, "I'm not. Cover is in the book. Player's handbook, page 196." I see most of them open their books and go over it and, low and behold, I'm not making shit up. There's a brief discussion about whether this mechanic is stupid or not and then things get moving again.
Two rounds later, the Barbarian goes running up the exterior ladder of the tower to get to the guys firing at them. He clambers up there and gets into melee. He swings once and gets another 15 on his attack. I tell him he hit and to roll damage.
Ranger immediately jumps in with, "Wait, I thought you said 15 misses these guys?"
I nodded, "Yeah, because of the cover. The Barbarian got up there behind the cover, so they don't have the bonus."
"So it only applies to me then?"
I said back, "Um, no. It applies to anyone attacking through the cover. The Sorcerer made a spell attack and it applied to his attack."
The Ranger just shook his head, "I've never heard of this cover thing before and it sounds like you're just being selective with it. I don't understand why, it's the first session. It's pretty bad form to be targeting this early."
I stared at him for a second and said, "I'm... I'm not. Look, just... just save this for the end. Please."
"Fine, fine." He held his hands up and kept the fight moving. The Sorcerer and the Fighter finished off the guys on the ground while the Ranger had backed off after he got hurt. The Barbarian was still up in the tower. He'd dropped one of them and had hit the other when I had the guy make a Shove attack.
Barbarian asked, "Is that some ability they have?"
I said back, getting a little annoyed, "No, it's another rule. Page 195. You can make a shove attack in place of a normal melee attack to knock a character prone or push them back 5 feet, which is what he's trying to do. Roll opposed athletics. I'll give you advantage on it because he's trying to push you over the railing."
We both roll. The soldier got a natural 18 on the dice and the Barbarian got an 8 and a 13, which did not beat the soldier. I said, "Alright, so he pushes you out of the tower and you fall. It's only 10 feet though, so it's only 1d6 falling damage."
Barbarian shot in, "I still don't understand why I fell?"
"Well, he beat your athletics check."
"No, I don't understand why he was able to do that."
I said back, exasperated at this point. "Everyone can do this. It's just in the book. You, or the Ranger, or anyone can do this."
"Sure, sure." he said back. "Just keep it going. Roll damage."
I do so and the rest of the fight finishes up. They find the cage, free the prisoners, and they bring them back. There's a brief scene of them interacting with the same NPC's from before. They ask me to call it and give experience at the start of the next session which makes me hopeful that there will be a next session. But about an hour after session end I get a message that the group isn't interested in continuing due to, and I quote, "My abuse of obscure mechanics."
TL/DR: Started a game with some internet randoms who thought using the combat rules from the book was cheating or being exploitative.
submitted by redman1986 to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

"I think I've lived long enough to see competitive Counter-Strike as we know it, kill itself." Summary of Richard Lewis' stream (Long)

I want to preface that the contents of this post is for informational purposes. I do not condone or approve of any harassments or witch-hunting or the attacking of anybody.
Richard Lewis recently did a stream talking about the terrible state of CS esports and I thought it was an important stream anyone who cares about the CS community should listen to.
Vod Link here:
I realize it is 3 hours long so I took it upon myself to create a list of interesting points from the stream so you don't have to listen to the whole thing, although I still encourage you to do so if you can.
I know this post is still long but probably easier to digest, especially in parts.
Here is a link to my raw notes if you for some reason want to read through this which includes some omitted stuff. It's in chronological order of things said in the stream and has some time stamps.


CSPPA - Counter-Strike Professional Players' Association

"Who does this union really fucking serve?"

ESIC - Esports Integrity Commission

"They have been put in an impossible position."

Stream Sniping

"They're all at it in the online era, they're all at it, they're all cheating, they're all using exploits, probably that see through smoke bug got used a bunch of times"

Match Fixing

"How many years have we let our scene be fucking pillaged by these greedy cunts?" "We just let it happen."

North America

"Everyone in NA has left we've lost a continents worth of support during this pandemic and Valve haven't said a fucking word."


"TO's have treated CS talent like absolute human garbage for years now."


"Anything that Riot does, is better than Valve's inaction"

Closing Statements

"We've peaked. If we want to sustain and exist, now is the time to figure it out. No esports lasts as long as this, we've already done 8 years. We've already broke the records. We have got to figure out a way to coexist and drive the negative forces out and we need to do it as a collective and we're not doing that."

submitted by Tharnite to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]


Alright, its been a truly chaotic fortnight, that is no lie.

Some big shit went down, but this isn't about that.
More will come on that, but if you want to get up to speed then click here.
We have seen a huge spike in numbers, mod-mail has gone into over-drive with ''why was my comment/post deleted'' Whining, Auto-mod has been taking no prisoners and there are bans and bets a plenty.......

New levels of degeneracy have been reached, its all catalogued for you below.
Noobs read these posts carefully, when you say dumb shit we hold you accountable to following through on dumb shit or you don't get to play in the cesspool anymore....

We have ALOT of shit to get through, so dive in and then we can fuck off to enjoy the weekend....

Also just a friendly reminder:
make a bet?
Tag a Mod
Don't tag Auto-Mod though, bitch is cranky......


- The media jackals have been sniffing around again and have been in contact with the Mods.
We see the chaos everywhere, so Mods have made our OFFICIAL RESPONSE: BOOMER AND AUTIST VERSIONS public so y'all are up to speed.

- Our Euro-Trash connection, u/WolfofAnarchy has made a 500K YOLO on IBG.
After a comprehensive DD piece posted a while ago, user has back their Autism in for early retirement and free flowing tendies.

- Purveyor of the finest Beverages, u/SuntoryBeverage has jumped on the big boy YOLO train as well, punting 300K into MEP.
They did however, post up a DD piece on said YOLO prior, another glowing example of putting your money into whatever you gleaned and copy/pasted from Hot crapper. (jokes..... it was a decent write up)

- u/bshezza has drunk the kool-aid, making made a $350,000 YOLO on TYR.
There is a bet attached here, so more on this below...

- u/theoriginaluser01 has made a big boy YOLO into RAC, rounding out the seriously large plays with a ''bio-tech speccie buy out from big pharma'' hay-maker.

- u/DareBottle has finally explained their asx_bot in detail.
This is actually a really interesting/in-depth look at our collective Autism from the 'boy and his bot' and well worth a read.

- u/BOTANIXtoTENDOLLA had a truly magnificent episode during their Meltdown over GME. We have been keeping a tight leash on these posts, but this one was truly a unique rant and demanded to be preserved.
Caution, reading their post may cause severe haemorrhaging......

- u/timbuckley66 has donated $200 to the Autists supporting Z1P fund. Enjoy that shiny new flair young Timmy....


- u/24caratcommodes made a bet with the mods that BBUS would open at $1.70 or higher after the great Red Monday Open.
Credit to this user for developing a bear thesis that they posted up on Big Daddy sub (got deleted), but the theory was blown apart by a nice shrek-coloured dildo the next morning courtesy of the split personality exchange we all know and love.
Perhaps they should have invested in DLC instead....

- u/sweatygooche has made a bet with the mods, claiming that the indefinitely stalled NVA rocket will take off too 20c by the end of February or its ban time.
Maybe this is the spark needed to ignite said stalled rocket, or maybe the mighty Tom will look unfavorably upon the lack of, ahem, tribute......

- u/limputg has gotten on board with the body hair bets, stating that 4DS trades at 30c by the end of feb or they will submit a film of eating their own pubes.
It baffles Mods as to why this phenomenon has caught on here, but hey if it keeps us entertained then go crazy.....

- Not to be outdone in the consumption of bodily refuse, u/jamesnangs has upped to ante and has gone on the record that JAT will touch 2.5c by the end of Monday 8th or they will eat their own shit.
We don't know why, we just know that is their wish.
And the market provided opportunity for you to act out your pervy scat fetish, yet you were nowhere to be found....
Folks, can you guess what comes Next?????????

- u/tuzymandias got in on the act as well, promising that if Z1P hit $10 on Monday they would swallow a sweet load.
Well......... here is the link.
I still feel dirty....

- Sub veteran and owner of the ASX_Bets most coveted flair, u/kooksy_monster has made a pact to memorialize their AVA diamond hands by getting some Ink when AVA hits $1.
We will not need to follow our favorite dole bludger up on this claim, mods know they are an autist with a code and shall post up if the mark is hit.

- u/bshezza was freed from ban captivity after they made a $350,000 YOLO on TYR.
There is a bet attached, u/oxymoreme has bet against the shezz, claiming that for every 1% up till the end of FEB they will take a 1 week ban.
We enjoy an accumulative ban, its like compound interest, Scotty would be so proud.....

- u/luner124 made the commitment to order custom ASXBETS number plates if LKE finished green on Wed Feb 5th.
Let the record show that whilst questionable bodily fluid tributes seem to make green candles, custom number plates seems to be the recipe for red ones, as LKE continued on its merry way down that day....
You'll have to pimp your ride with some alternative bling...........

- u/Evilshogun and u/xxt3nt4c10n have a bet running on LKE.
One users likes the LKE, the other no likely the LKE, someone is getting a ban if it misses or hits the 40c mark by Friday 12th, that's all we really need to keep in our short attention span.

- As far as we can tell, u/1stPostISwear has missed the 1st post on their convoluted double bet with BRN.
This was a fucked up scenario for Mods to follow, but u/jbent has provided you all with a little video containing just the right amount of spite to try and send their fellow conspirator packing......
u/jbent09 is in mourning this weekend.
The scintillating, raw, oddly sexually charged chemistry between these 2 degenerates has been strangely compelling, but u/1stPostISwear has pulled the ultimate ghosting, deleting their entire reddit account and vacating the reddit universe.
Was this a jilted love story gone wrong?
Was it knowing they had fucked up with the bet?
was it the pressure of becoming another failed Prophet?
All we know is that when you leave the table before the end of the game, you lose it all.
So u/1stPostISwear will be receiving a Perma-Ban, albeit a theoretical one...

Love, it appears, is fickle indeed.

- u/nomadnobad has jumped on the LKE train, with a $1 by Easter or Ban bet.
Train is currently boarding, a few have purchased tickets to feast on tendies or bust in the dining car.

- u/phishbaron and u/nundee have a bet running on RNT. The loser of this bet has agreed to donate $1K to charity and post proof on the sub.
There will be no banning here, unless there is a failure to come through then there will be a fucking lot of banning. Seriously though, this reminds me of the Salty Toppings Fight card charity bets we ran a few months ago, hats off lads for doing the good thing....


- u/itsdankreddit has finally lost a ban bet on DW8. For the record, this use has won every bet up until now so whilst its an impressive ride for the cycling trader, it had to close out sometime.

- u/markz91 has been banned for 6 months after a coward gains post drew the ire of some of our more attentive users.
Baby Mod u/mcfucking asked for further proof of the claim and the user has been conspicuously absent since then....
We take our gains seriously people, make a claim and don't back it up at your peril......

- u/Beavoir was banned for 1 month after calling out the hairy bear, only to find the bear had out-stonked them and gone temporarily bull.

- u/DareBottle comes in with their second mention in the post, but this one is for a ban after PEN failed to reach 20c. enjoy the month off, that bot better be predicting tendies for all upon your return.

- u/MS_Travels has been banned for failing to come good on a proof or ban.

- u/drag0nb0at, u/ASXrockets69420, u/bruinjack, u/snitchles007, were all banned for 3 months after various 'can ASX_Bets organise a short squeeze' posts.

- u/ssayrus has received a Perma-Ban for continually spamming Auto Mod with MYR pump posts and comments.

- u/Trader786 has also received a Perma-Ban for the same offence

- u/Dependent_Will_5798 has been banned for shilling a silver pump website repeatedly. I mean seriously...........

- u/redlegs1123 has been banished for 3 months after betting that GME would close below 50 the week after the rally. At least he doesn't have to read posts from retards anymore.

- u/Maj11k has been banned for 3 months for an attempted short squeeze call to arms.
User seriously needs to learn what the % actually means on shorts.........

- u/Xsouleater and u/jarfour offered themselves as sacrifices to the random ban length act for survey posts, earning a 64 day and a 128 day holiday respectively.
However, we really needed to flag a special shout out to u/NezyReddit, whose first post on the sub earnt them a 1024 day ban in accordance with the survey post exponential ban length program.
Mods thought that was epic, but then u/ItsSpyroTheBandicoot rolled the dice and levelled up to a 2048 day ban.
But, if you really want to indulge in this frenzy go and pay your respects here, this user is currently serving a 8192 day ban...

Exponential ban gains for the mods every-time someone rolls the dice, and u/phantom_hax0r loves them dice rollin games...

calls on bans people!!!

TLDR: Πρώτα για να αποκωδικοποιήσετε το πολύ μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα που δεν διαβάζει παίρνει μια λαμπερή νέα αίσθηση, βεβαιωθείτε ότι πληκτρολογείτε πρώτα στο σχόλιό σας
submitted by username-taken82 to ASX_Bets [link] [comments]

Why I'm Long GME

Why I'm Long GME. No, not because I live for yolo plays. Not to post screenshots of tendies. No, it's because I'm thinking about what GameStop could be.
It seems to me that the biggest weakness of professional stock analysts is their lack of imagination. Think of the analysts who covered AMZN early on and could only see an on-line book seller. How about the people covering NFLX who could only think about how many DVDs were being broken by USPS. Or the naysayers who still, to this day, look at TSLA as a "car company" to be compared to F.
The reason I'm Long GME is a simple, perhaps overlooked, two-sentence comment in the most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, on page 23, which reads:
"Become the social / cultural hub for gaming. Create the social and cultural hub for games and entertainment and expand GameStop’s addressable market through category and product expansion to offer the most comprehensive product offering across the GameStop omni-channel platform. Our customers are increasing their engagement across the spectrum of games, entertainment and technology and our focus remains to meet those expanding needs."
In my opinion, GME could easily become a multi-purpose gaming hub. After Covid, of course, but imagine this please: GameStop becomes the destination for comics, graphic novels, collectible card games, table top games, and, naturally, video games.
Malls are dying. Imagine a space the size of those pop-up Halloween stores that had an area of connected XBoxs and PS5s (so that a group of friends or strangers could run a Fortnite match. maybe even store vs store matches); a separate area of tables for D&D campaigns; an area to build gaming PCs; and an area for collectible card game matches (GameStops existing used game system could easily be adapted to handle the massive market for M:TG cards). Imagine a wall of comics, graphic novels and magna. Another wall of D&D books, modules, minatures and dice. GameStop locations already have TVs, so why not Livestream Critical Role and eSports events? Of course they could sell snacks and beverages. GameStop has the clout and size to make lucrative leases with Malls and make gaming hubs a reality.
Imagine this gaming hub, with endless free parking, and just a short walk from the Starbucks, Cinnabon, and the entire Food Court! Would you go to such a location? I would!
That's why I'm long 100 GME @ $38.50 and thinking about going longer after I rebalance my portfolio.
Disclaimer: This posting should not be construed as investment advice!
TL;DR: GameStop + Gaming Hubs = $GME x Moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
submitted by nanmart to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2021 NFL Mock Draft 7-Round

  1. JAX – Trevor Lawerence – QB – CLEMSON
This is the easiest pick of the draft. The Jaguars battled all year to gain the first overall pick. Helped by a few late wins from the Jets, now the Jaguars are primed to get a generational quarterback in Trevor Lawerence.
  1. NYJ – Ja’Marr Chase – WR – LSU
The Jets have a lot of questions at the quarterback position, and may not even have this pick come late April. However, in this draft, I’m going to assume they allow Darnold to have one more year and if that is the case, I will assume the Jets do everything they can to put playmakers around Darnold.
  1. MIA – Devonta Smith – WR – ALABAMA
The Dolphins are on the verge of being a playoff team and now they can add the third pick in the draft. Brian Flores and his staff were just down in Mobile doing some early scouting. That’s where he got to converse with Smith for the first day. I have a feeling they fell in love and will reunite Tua and Smith.
  1. ATL – Zach Wilson – QB – BYU
The Falcons still have a few years to go on Matt Ryan’s contract. But when a top quarterback slips to you at four and there aren’t any elite defenders coming out, you must think about your future. Wilson is a project with a big arm, who will learn a ton from holding the clipboard for a year or two behind an MVP-winning quarterback in Matt Ryan.
  1. CIN – Penei Sewell – OT – OREGON
The Bengals already have their franchise quarterback and then they learned what it’s like to have your franchise quarterback get injured. Zac Taylor and his staff are not about to go through that again. Stocking up on offensive lineman early. Sewell will fit right into Cincinnati and will be an automatic starter from day one.
  1. PHI – Kyle Pitts – TE – FLORIDA
Most people are mocking Patrick Surtain or Caleb Farley to the Eagles with the sixth pick. This is a very fair pick to mock given the Eagles’ desperation at the cornerback position, but with the news that Zach Ertz may be on his way out and Carson Wentz likely staying, I have the Eagles adding another tight end to help make Wentz feel more comfortable as a starter.
  1. DET – Micah Parsons – LB – PENN STATE
The Lions are in desperate need at the linebacking core among many other positions. Parsons’ opted out of the 2020 season and has some off-the-field issues we need to keep our eye on. However, on-the-field Parsons has the potential to be an elite linebacker and that’s something the Lions haven’t had since DeAndre Levy.
  1. CAR – Justin Fields – QB – OHIO STATE
Even if Teddy Bridgewater is back in a Panthers helmet next year, he isn’t the final answer. Combined with the quarterbacks dropping in this mock, it’s a perfect situation for the Panthers to get Fields. Though in late April there will be plenty of trades and the Panthers will really need to jump up if they want to get Fields.
  1. DEN – Patrick Surtain II – CB – ALABAMA
The Broncos will try to let Lock keep his starting job one more year. With a healthy Sutton, Jeudy, Hamler, Patrick, and Fant, the offense could be ready for a breakout season. But that will need to be met with a tough defense if they want any shot of competing for the AFC West title. Surtain is a tough, physical cornerback who can step right in and guard the best of the best.
  1. DAL – Rashawn Slater – OT – NORTHWESTERN
The Cowboys do need a lot of help on the defensive side. Farley was going to be the pick here or even Paye, but ultimately we know how much the Cowboys value their offensive line and with Slater sitting here they just can’t pass him up. Another very talented offensive lineman heading to Dallas.
  1. NYG – Kwity Paye – EDGE – MICHIGAN
Most are mocking Waddle to the Giants here, and I’ve also been on that train with almost every mock draft. Yet the more I mull it over, it’s more likely they sit and wait to add a receiving weapon and try to keep adding to their defense. A healthy Barkley should allow their current receivers to see fewer double teams and be able to get open faster.
  1. SF – Trey Lance – QB – NORTH DAKOTA STATE
The 49ers didn’t win the Matthew Stafford sweepstakes. More quarterbacks could be dealt between now and the draft, but assuming the 49ers stick with Garopollo, I would like to think they bring in Lance to compete for the starting gig. Garopollo isn’t that expensive to cut if needed and if Lance wins out the QB1 role, we could see Garopollo become a cap casualty.
  1. LAC – Jaylen Waddle – WR – ALABAMA
If Waddle falls this far, even with Keenan Allen and Mike Williams, I would be shocked if the Chargers didn’t jump at the chance to add another electrifying piece to their offense. We saw Herbert throw great touchdowns to players we didn’t know were even in the league. Just think of how explosive this offense could be with the addition of Waddle.
  1. MIN – Gregory Rousseau – EDGE – MIAMI
The Vikings aren’t really in a pressing situation to add an edge rusher, I understand. However, Rousseau performed his best when set up on the interior part of the defensive line. He can still get around offensive tackles and he can push around guards. He will add a big presence on the defensive side as they get a lot of injured players back. A perfect puzzle piece for this Zimmer defense.
  1. NE – Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah – LB – NOTRE DAME
The Patriots need some playmakers on offense, sure. But they’ve tried and failed at adding “skill” positions in the first round, two of the last three seasons. I doubt Belichick goes back to that well. We will see him add some playmakers later in this draft, but for day one, I assume he targets Owusu-Koramoah or another offensive lineman like Christian Darrisaw. I chose the former for this mock draft.
  1. ARI – Caleb Farley – CB – VIRGINIA TECH
As much as we all want the Cardinals to add Harris or Etienne with this pick, I just can’t justify drafting a running back this high. The Cardinals need a lot of help on the defensive side. Farley should be a top ten pick probably2, but in this mock, he’s fallen all the way to 16, right into the Cardinals’ lap. There’s no way they pass on Farley and we can expect him to step right into a starting role on this defense.
  1. LV – Joseph Ossai – EDGE – TEXAS
Mike Mayock and Jon Gruden love to get players from big “football” schools. Texas fits that mold perfectly and thus, Joseph Ossai, is the perfect match for the Raiders. He will be able to make an instant impact along with Ferrell on this defense. Their offense should look better with their top receivers having a year of experience, so I assume the front office wants to keep bolstering that defense to help them get to Mahomes. Because we all know you must go through the Chiefs if you want to win the AFC.
  1. MIA – Christian Darrisaw – OT – VIRGINIA TECH
The Dolphins already added the Heisman Trophy winner with the third pick. Now they attack their offensive line instead of adding another “skill” position. Darrisaw is someone who could easily be gone by this pick, but if he falls all the way to 18 the Dolphins would be crazy not to scoop him up. He will help open holes for whoever is running the ball and protect Tua from hitting the ground.
  1. WAS – Rashod Bateman – WR – MINNESOTA
In most of my past mock drafts, I had the Redskins reaching a bit for Alabama quarterback Mac Jones here. I do think it’s likely they do that if they don’t address that position in the offseason. For this mock draft though, let’s roll the dice and try to add some more guys who can catch the ball for this team. The Redskins had a great defense last year with the league’s top pass defense. Now they need someone other than McLaurin to make big plays, enter Bateman.
  1. CHI – Alijah Vera-Tucker – iOL – USC
The Bears need offensive linemen. It’s science. They will also need a quarterback if they don’t get on during the offseason, so another landing spot for Mac Jones here or potential suitor to trade up. Yet if everything stays the way it is, there is no way the Bears pass on the best interior offensive lineman in this draft. He will be able to set up Montgomery for a big season.
  1. IND – Jaycee Horn – CB – SOUTH CAROLINA
This is probably the pick I’ve mocked most consistently outside of Trevor Lawerence to the Jaguars, which means there’s probably a .01% chance Horn gets drafted here. It seems like a perfect fit to add Horn here. Again, a team will need a quarterback so the Mac Jones thought or trade thought comes up, but if it all stays still, I love Horn here.
  1. TEN – Christian Barmore – iDL – ALABAMA
The Titans need help on their defensive line. Plain and simple they most attack someone who can turn around and attack opposing quarterbacks. Barmore is the perfect fit. We saw his talents shown on the biggest of stages with Alabama and now will lineup with Jeffrey Simmons and company. Look for them to address the offensive line and wide receivers in the next rounds as I know many Titans fans think those are more pressing at the time.
  1. NYJ – Najee Harris – RB – ALABAMA
The fifth Alabama player taken in the first round may be the best player from the team for immediate impact. Harris will step into the Jets backfield as the clear starter. We saw Ty Johnson find a groove running the ball behind Becton. As much as I advise for teams not to draft a running back early, this is kind of a no brainer pick. The Jets will be adding two impactful playmakers on the offensive side of the ball to give Darnold all the best chances to show he can be successful.
  1. PIT – Samuel Cosmi – OT – TEXAS
The Steelers started hot with an 11-game winning streak but faltered towards the end of the season that was capped off to a brutal loss to the Browns in the playoffs. The Steelers had no run game all season and relied heavily on the near-retired Roethlisberger to keep them in games. This year, whether they draft a running back, sign one, or roll with the same crew, they will need offensive line help.
  1. JAX – Trevon Moehrig – S – TCU
The Jaguars still need a lot of help at a ton of positions, so it’s a great thing they have an abundance of draft picks this year. One of their most scarce positions is the entire defensive secondary. They’ll need to address both the corner positions and the safety positions. The Jaguars already got the best quarterback and now add the best safety in this year’s draft rounding out a solid first round for the one-win Jags.
  1. CLE – Jaelan Phillips – EDGE – MIAMI
With good Linebackers still available, I would be kind of shocked if they didn’t go after Bolton or Collins. However, let’s not count out the fact the Browns will need to address their Edge position and Phillips would be a perfect fit for this scheme. The Browns need to address their defense regardless, no matter the position. So this pick is up to whoever you think will be the best player available. I inserted Phillips because I think he can make the biggest factor next season as the Browns are in a full win-now mode.
  1. BAL – Terrace Marshall Jr – WR – LSU
The Ravens might not go back to the well of a wide receiver in the first round, but we all know they need it. They took a shot on the speedster Hollywood Brown a few years ago, but he hasn’t been able to live up to WR1 status. He needs a solid X-receiver to come in and take pressure away from Brown. If the Ravens do this, they will be setting up Lamar Jackson for the best passing season of his career.
  1. NO – Mac Jones – QB – ALABAMA
The sixth Alabama player taken in the first round is the man who touched the ball on almost every offensive snap this season. Mac Jones showed up during the Senior Bowl practices but ultimately couldn’t play in the game due to an ankle injury. But that won’t stop him from getting drafted in the first round. He will have big shoes to fill following future Hall-of-Famer Drew Brees, but it’s not like he hasn’t filled some big shoes already.
  1. GB – Zaven Collins – LB – TULSA
It seems pretty obvious the Packers should be drafting a wide receiver with the 29th pick this year. This is exactly why they don’t in this mock draft. Though they do get a steak of a player with Collins still on the board. Linebacker might not be the biggest need for the Packers, but after coming off a 13-3 season for the second straight season, it seems like they do not have a ton of hotels to fill. They go with the best player available and a player who will be an instant starter.
  1. BUF – Nick Bolton – LB – MISSOURI
Bolton is the type of player that will embrace Bills Mafia and be a hometown hero. The Bills were so close to getting back to the Super Bowl but ultimately fell to the king of the AFC. As much as the Bills may need help at offensive line, running back and even wide receiver, it’s their defense that needs the most when it comes to the first round.
  1. TB** – Azeez Ojulari – EDGE – GEORGIA
The Bucs could easily win the Super Bowl and have the 32nd pick, but for all intents and purposes, we will say the Chiefs run it back – That being said, the Bucs could use some help at wide receiver if Godwin leaves and at running back if Fournette leaves. But those roles can be filled by players taken later in the draft. They need to get more pressure on opposing quarterbacks and that’s where Ojulari will step right in.
  1. KC** – Wyatt Davis – iOL – OHIO STATE
The Chiefs may not win the Super Bowl, but we will just assume that they do – The Chiefs will be losing Sammy Watkins this offseason and though, Hardman has stepped up a little in the playoffs, I will expect them to address the wide receiver position early in the draft. But not this early, get them a big inside offensive lineman to help keep their pride and joy, Patrick Mahomes, upright and healthy.
2021 NFL Mock Draft: SECOND ROUND 33. JAX – Alex Leatherwood – OT – ALABAMA
  1. NYJ – Eric Stokes – CB – GEORGIA
  2. MIA – Travis Etienne – RB – CLEMSON
  3. ATL – Javonte Williams – RB – NORTH CAROLINA
  4. CIN – Landon Dickerson – iOL – ALABAMA
  5. PHI – Asante Samuel Jr – CB – FLORIDA STATE
  6. DET – Kadarius Toney – WR – FLORIDA
  7. CAR – Jalen Mayfield – OT – MICHIGAN
  8. DEN – Carlos Basham Jr – EDGE – WAKE FOREST
  9. DAL – Jayson Oweh – EDGE – PENN STATE
  10. NYG – Dylan Moses – LB – ALABAMA
  11. SF – Trey Smith – iOL – TENNESSEE
  12. LAC – Teven Jenkins – OT – OKLAHOMA STATE
  13. JAX – Pat Freiermuth – TE – PENN STATE
  14. NE – Liam Eichenberg – OT – NOTRE DAME
  15. ARI – Chazz Surratt – LB – NORTH CAROLINA
  16. LV – Daviyon Nixon – iDL – IOWA
  17. MIA – Cameron McGrone – LB – MICHIGAN
  18. WAS – Kyle Trask – QB – FLORIDA
  19. CHI – Nico Collins – WR – MICHIGAN
  20. IND – Rondale Moore – WR – PURDUE
  21. TEN – Amon-Ra St. Brown – WR – USC
  22. SEA – Dillon Radunz – OT – NORTH DAKOTA STATE
  23. PIT – Aaron Robinson – CB – UCF
  24. LAR – Spencer Brown – OT – NORTHERN IOWA
  25. CLE – Jay Tufele – iDL – USC
  26. BAL – Jevon Holland – S – OREGON
  27. NO – Baron Browning – LB – OHIO STATE
  28. GB – D’Wayne Eskridge – WR – Western Michigan
  29. BUF – Shaun Wade – CB – OHIO STATE
  30. TB – Levi Onwuzurike – iDL – WASHINGTON
  31. KC – Pete Werner – LB – OHIO STATE
  1. NYJ – Hamilcar Rashed Jr – EDGE – OREGON STATE
  2. HOU – Greg Newsome II – CB – NORTHWESTERN
  3. ATL – Payton Turner – EDGE – HOUSTON
  4. CIN – Tyson Campbell – CB – GEORGIA
  5. PHI – Chatarius Atwell – WR – LOUISVILLE
  6. DET – Marlon Tuipulotu – iDL – USC
  7. CAR – Jabril Cox – LB – LSU
  8. DEN – Tommy Togiai – iDL – OHIO STATE
  9. DAL – Deonte Brown – iOL – ALABAMA
  10. NYG – Ifeatu Melifonwu – CB – SYRACUSE
  11. WAS – Jackson Carman – OT – CLEMSON
  12. LAC – Creed Humphrey – iOL – OKLAHOMA
  13. MIN – Josh Myers – iOL – OHIO STATE
  14. ARI – Michael Carter – RB – NORTH CAROLINA
  15. LV – Hamsah Nasirildeen – S – FLORIDA STATE
  16. MIA – Quincy Roche – EDGE – MIAMI
  17. WAS – Paulson Adebo – CB – STANFORD
  18. CHI – Walker Little – OT – STANFORD
  19. IND – Tyler Shelvin – iDL – LSU
  20. TEN – Elijah Molden – CB – WASHINGTON
  21. NYJ – Hunter Long – TE – BOSTON COLLEGE
  22. PIT – Alim McNeill – iDL – NC STATE
  23. DET – Israel Mukuamu – CB – SOUTH CAROLINA
  24. CLE – Ambry Thomas – CB – MICHIGAN
  25. MIN – Richie Grant – S – UCF
  26. CLE – Aaron Banks – iOL – NOTRE DAME
  27. GB – Marvin Wilson – iDL – FLORIDA STATE
  28. BUF – Jordan Smith – EDGE – UAB
  29. TB – James Hudson – OT – CINCINNATI
  30. KC – Elijah Moore – WR – OLE MISS
  31. NE – Tylan Wallace – WR – OKLAHOMA STATE
  32. LAC – Victor Dimukeje – EDGE – DUKE
  33. NO – Kary Vincent Jr – CB – LSU
  34. DAL – Brevin Jordan – TE – MIAMI
  35. LAR – Patrick Jones II – EDGE – PITTSBURGH
  36. TEN – Amari Rodgers – WR – CLEMSON
  37. SF – Tommy Tremble – TE – NOTRE DAME
  38. LAR – Charles Snowden – LB – VIRGINIA
  39. NO – Dyami Brown – WR – NORTH CAROLINA
2021 NFL Mock Draft: FOURTH ROUND 105. JAX – Sage Surratt – WR – WAKE FOREST
  1. NYJ – Daelin Hayes – EDGE – NOTRE DAME
  2. HOU – Adetokunbo Ogundeji – EDGE – NOTRE DAME
  3. ATL – Paris Ford – S – PITTSBURGH
  4. CIN – Ronnie Perkins – EDGE – OKLAHOMA
  5. CLE – Andre Cisco – S – SYRACUSE
  6. DET – Tariq Thompson – S – SAN DIEGO STATE
  7. CAR – Rodarius Williams – CB – OKLAHOMA STATE
  8. DEN – Monty Rice – LB – GEORGIA
  9. DAL – Keith Taylor Jr – CB – WASHINGTON
  10. NYG – Seth Williams – WR – AUBURN
  11. SF – Shakur Brown – CB – MICHIGAN STATE
  12. LAC – Deommodore Lenoir – CB – OREGON
  13. MIN – Osa Odighizuwa – iDL – UCLA
  14. NE – Talanoa Hufanga – S – USC
  15. HOU – Ben Cleveland – iOL – GEORGIA
  16. LV – David Moore – iOL – GRAMBLING
  17. MIA – Jaylen Twyman – iDL – PITTSBURGH
  18. WAS – Richard LeCounte III – S – GEORGIA
  19. MIN – Shi Smith – WR – SOUTH CAROLINA
  20. IND – Kellen Mond – QB – TEXAS A&M
  21. TEN – Joe Tyron – EDGE – WASHINGTON
  22. SEA – Janarius Robinson – EDGE – FLORIDA STATE
  23. PIT – Kenneth Gainwell – RB – MEMPHIS
  24. JAX – Rachad Wildgoose Jr – CB – WISCONSIN
  25. CLE – Ar’Darius Washington – S – TCU
  26. BAL – Rashad Weaver – EDGE – PITTSBURGH
  27. NO – Elerson Smith – EDGE – NORTHERN IOWA
  28. GB – Brady Christensen – OT – BYU
  29. MIN – Robert Hainsey – OT – NOTRE DAME
  30. TB – Trey Sermon – RB – OHIO STATE
  31. KC – Darius Stills – iDL – WEST VIRGINIA
  32. NE – Tedarrell Slaton – iDL – FLORIDA
  33. LAR – Dazz Newsome – WR – NORTH CAROLINA
  34. DAL – James Wiggins – S – CINCINNATI
  35. GB – Kelvin Joseph – CB – KENTUCKY
  36. PIT – Jonathan Cooper – EDGE – OHIO STATE
  37. MIN – Trey Hill – iOL – GEORGIA
  38. NE – Kenny Yeboah – TE – OLE MISS
2021 NFL Mock Draft: FIFTH ROUND 144. JAX – Chuba Hubbard – RB – OKLAHOMA STATE
  1. NYJ – Javian Hawkins – RB – LOUISVILLE
  2. HOU – Anthony Schwartz – WR – AUBURN
  3. ATL – Tony Fields II – LB – WEST VIRGINIA
  4. CIN – Whop Philyor – WR – INDIANA
  5. PHI – Caden Sterns – S – TEXAS
  6. DET – Adrian Ealy – OT – OKLAHOMA
  7. CAR – Jack Anderson – iOL – TEXAS TECH
  8. DEN – Sadarius Hutcherson – iOL – SOUTH CAROLINA
  9. PHI – Joshuah Bledsoe – S – MISSOURI
  10. NYJ – Reed Blankenship – S – MIDDLE TENNESSEE
  11. SF – Tyree Gillespie – S – MISSOURI
  12. LAC – Divine Deablo – S – VIRGINIA TECH
157.MIN – Jamie Newman – QB – WAKE FOREST
  1. NE – Sam Ehlinger – QB – TEXAS
  2. ARI – Shaka Toney – EDGE – PENN STATE
  3. BUF – Patrick Johnson – EDGE – TULANE
  4. LV – Olaijah Griffin – CB – USC
  5. WAS – Tommy Kraemer – iOL – NOTRE DAME
  6. CHI – Brady White – QB – MEMPHIS
  7. IND – Wyatt Hubert – EDGE – KANSAS STATE
  8. TEN – Cordell Volson – OT – NORTH DAKOTA STATE
  9. SEA – Drake Jackson – iOL – KENTUCKY
  10. BAL – James Empey – iOL – BYU
  11. CLE – Marlon Williams – WR – UCF
  12. JAX – Cornell Powell – WR – CLEMSON
  13. MIN – Thomas Graham Jr – CB – OREGON
  14. SF – Malcolm Koonce – EDGE – BUFFALO
  15. GB – Rhamondre Stevenson – RB – OKLAHOMA
  16. BUF – Alaric Jackson – OT – IOWA
  17. TB – Frank Darby – WR – ARIZONA STATE
  18. KC – Cole Van Lanen – OT – WISCONSIN
  19. KC – Bryce Thompson – CB – TENNESSEE
  20. DAL – Bobby Brown III – iDL – TEXAS A&M
  21. GB – Josh Imatorbhebhe – WR – ILLINOIS
  22. SF – Simi Fehoko – WR – STANFORD
  23. KC – Joshua Kaindoh – EDGE – FLORIDA STATE
  24. ATL – Josh Palmer – WR – TENNESSEE
2021 NFL Mock Draft: SIXTH ROUND 182. TEN – Tre’ McKitty – TE – GEORGIA
  1. NE – Kylin Hill – RB – MISSISSIPPI STATE
  2. HOU – Demetric Felton – RB/WR – UCLA
  3. ATL – Robert Rochell – CB – CENTRAL ARKANSAS
  4. CIN – Joshua Ross – LB – MICHIGAN
  5. PHI – Brenden Jaimes – OT – NEBRASKA
  6. DAL – Justin Hilliard – LB – OHIO STATE
  7. CAR – Noah Gray – TE – DUKE
  8. DEN – Drew Himmelman – OT – ILLINOIS STATE
  9. NE – DJ Daniel – CB – GEORGIA
  10. NYG – Chris Evans – RB – MICHIGAN
  11. SF – Pooka Williams – RB – KANSAS
  12. LAC – Khalil Herbert – RB – VIRGINIA TECH
  13. MIN – Kuony Deng – LB – CALIFORNIA
  14. NYJ – Feleipe Franks – QB – ARKANSAS
  15. NYG – Tristen Hodge – iOL – BYU
  16. MIA – Josh Sills – iOL – OKLAHOMA STATE
  17. HOU – Austin Watkins – WR – UAB
  18. CHI – Ihmir Smith-Marsette – WR – IOWA
  19. IND – Landon Young – OT – KENTUCKY
  20. LAC – Ventrell Miller – LB – FLORIDA
  21. MIA – Cade Johnson – WR – SOUTH DAKOTA STATE
  22. PIT – Jaelon Darden – WR – NORTH TEXAS
  23. LAR – Kevin Jarvis – iOL – MICHIGAN STATE
  24. CLE – Paddy Fisher – LB – NORTHWESTERN
  25. BAL – Nick Eubanks – TE – MICHIGAN
  26. HOU – Miller Forristall – TE – ALABAMA
  27. GB – Drew Dalman – iOL – STANFORD
  28. BUF – Jaret Patterson – RB – BUFFALO
  29. KC – Jermar Jefferson – RB – OREGON STATE
  30. TEN – Todd Harris Jr – S – LSU
  31. BAL – Marco Wilson – CB – FLORIDA
  32. ATL – Khyiris Tonga – iDL – BYU
  33. TB – Tuf Borland – LB – OHIO STATE
  34. ATL – Shaun Beyer – TE – IOWA
  35. GB – Cary Angeline – TE – NC STATE
  36. CHI – LaBryan Ray – iDL – ALABAMA
  37. CAR – Naquan Jones – iDL – MICHIGAN STATE
  38. MIN – Elijah Mitchell – RB – LOUISIANA
  39. PHI – Antjuan Simmons – LB – MICHIGAN STATE
  40. DAL – Chris Wilcox – CB – BYU
  41. CHI – Trill Williams – CB – SYRACUSE
  42. PIT – Derrick Barnes – LB – PURDUE
2021 NFL Mock Draft: SEVENTH ROUND 225. JAX – Dax Milne – WR – BYU
  1. SF – Josh Ball – OT – MARSHALL
  2. HOU – Aashari Crosswell – S – ARIZONA STATE
  3. ATL – Chris Rumph II – EDGE – DUKE
  5. PHI – Tarron Jackson – EDGE – COASTAL CAROLINA
  6. SEA – Marquez Stevenson – WR – HOUSTON
  7. CAR – Chauncey Golston – EDGE – IOWA
  8. DEN – Dez Fitzpatrick – WR – LOUISVILLE
  9. DAL – Ian Book – QB – NOTRE DAME
  10. DEN – Peyton Ramsey – QB – NORTHWESTERN
  11. SF – Garret Wallow – LB – TCU
  12. LAC – Mustafa Johnson – iDL – COLORADO
  13. MIN – Tamorrion Terry – WR – FLORIDA STATE
  14. NE – Michael Clemons – EDGE – TEXAS A&M
  15. ARI – Carlo Kemp – iDL – MICHIGAN
  16. WAS – Rakeem Boyd – RB – ARKANSAS
  17. PIT – Tony Poljan – TE – VIRGINIA
  18. WAS – Jonathan Adams Jr – WR – ARKANSAS STATE
  19. LV – Rico Bussey Jr – WR – HAWAII
  20. IND – Damar Hamlin – S – PITTSBURGH
  21. JAX – Lorenzo Neal – iDL – PURDUE
  22. CIN – Luke Farrell – TE – OHIO STATE
  23. TB – Jamien Sherwood – S – AUBURN
  25. CLE – Shane Buechele – QB – SMU
  26. PIT – Zac Thomas – QB – APPALACHIAN STATE
  27. GB – Lamont Wade – S – PENN STATE
  28. DEN – JaCoby Stevens – S – LSU
  29. TB – Jimmy Morrissey – iOL – PITTSBURGH
  30. MIA – Brenton Nelson – S – VIRGINIA
  31. PHI – Trevon Grimes – WR – FLORIDA
Team-By-Team Drafts NEW YORK JETS
1.02 – Ja’Marr Chase – WR – LSU
1.23 – Najee Harris – RB – ALABAMA
2.34 – Eric Stokes – CB – GEORGIA
3.66 – Hamilcar Rashed Jr – EDGE – OREGON STATE
3.86 – Hunter Long – TE – BOSTON COLLEGE
4.106 – Daelin Hayes – EDGE – NOTRE DAME
5.145 – Javian Hawkins – RB – LOUISVILLE
5.154 – Reed Blankenship – S – MIDDLE TENNESSEE
6.196 – Feleipe Franks – QB – ARKANSAS
1.03 – Devonta Smith – WR – ALABAMA
1.18 – Christian Darrisaw – OT – VIRGINIA TECH
2.35 – Travis Etienne – RB – CLEMSON
2.50 – Cameron McGrone – LB – MICHIGAN
3.81 – Quincy Roche – EDGE – MIAMI
4.122 – Jaylen Twyman – iDL – PITTSBURGH
6.198 – Josh Sills – iOL – OKLAHOMA STATE
6.203 – Cade Johnson – WR – SOUTH DAKOTA STATE
7.255 – Brenton Nelson – S – VIRGINIA
1.15 – Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah – LB – NOTRE DAME
2.47 – Liam Eichenberg – OT – NOTRE DAME
3.96 – Tylan Wallace – WR – OKLAHOMA STATE
4.119 – Talanoa Hufanga – S – USC
4.137 – Tedarrell Slaton – iDL – FLORIDA
4.143 – Kenny Yeboah – TE – OLE MISS
5.158 – Sam Ehlinger – QB – TEXAS
6.183 – Kylin Hill – RB – MISSISSIPPI STATE
6.191 – DJ Daniel – CB – GEORGIA
7.239 – Michael Clemons – EDGE – TEXAS A&M
1.30 – Nick Bolton – LB – MISSOURI
2.62 – Shaun Wade – CB – OHIO STATE
3.93 – Jordan Smith – EDGE – UAB
5.160 – Patrick Johnson – EDGE – TULANE
5.173 – Alaric Jackson – OT – IOWA
6.210 – Jaret Patterson – RB – BUFFALO
1.05 – Penei Sewell – OT – OREGON
2.37 – Landon Dickerson – iOL – ALABAMA
3.69 – Tyson Campbell – CB – GEORGIA
4.109 – Ronnie Perkins – EDGE – OKLAHOMA
5.148 – Whop Philyor – WR – INDIANA
6.186 – Joshua Ross – LB – MICHIGAN
7.229 – KJ Costello – QB – MISSISSIPPI STATE
7.247 – Luke Farrell – TE – OHIO STATE
1.24 – Samuel Cosmi – OT -TEXAS
2.56 – Aaron Robinson – CB – UCF
3.87 – Alim McNeill – iDL – NC STATE
4.128 – Kenneth Gainwell – RB – MEMPHIS
4.141 – Jonathan Cooper – EDGE – OHIO STATE
6.204 – Jaelon Darden – WR – NORTH TEXAS
6.224 – Derrick Barnes – LB – PURDUE
7.242 – Tony Poljan – TE – VIRGINIA
7.251 – Zac Thomas – QB – APPALACHIAN STATE
1.26 – Jaelan Phillips – EDGE – MIAMI
2.58 – Jay Tufele – iDL – USC
3.89 – Ambry Thomas – CB – MICHIGAN
3.91 – Aaron Banks – iOL – NOTRE DAME
4.110 – Andre Cisco – S – SYRACUSE
4.130 – Ar’Darius Washington – S – TCU
5.168 – Marlon Williams – WR – UCF
6.206 – Paddy Fisher – LB – NORTHWESTERN
7.250 – Shane Buechele – QB – SMU
1.27 – Terrace Marshall Jr – WR – LSU
2.59 – Jevon Holland – S – OREGON
4.131 – Rashad Weaver – EDGE – PITTSBURGH
5.167 – James Empey – iOL – BYU
6.207 – Nick Eubanks – TE – MICHIGAN
6.213 – Marco Wilson – CB – FLORIDA
1.01 – Trevor Lawerence – QB – CLEMSON
1.25 – Trevon Moehrig – S – TCU
2.33 – Alex Leatherwood – OT – ALABAMA
2.46 – Pat Freiermuth – TE – PENN STATE
3.65 – Dayo Odeyingbo – EDGE – VANDERBILT
4.129 – Rachad Wildgoose Jr – CB – WISCONSIN
5.144 – Chuba Hubbard – RB – OKLAHOMA STATE
5.169 – Cornell Powell – WR – CLEMSON
7.225 – Dax Milne – WR – BYU
7.246 – Lorenzo Neal – iDL – PURDUE
1.21 – Jaycee Horn – CB – SOUTH CAROLINA
2.53 – Rondale Moore – WR – PURDUE
3.84 – Tyler Shelvin – iDL – LSU
4.125 – Kellen Mond – QB – TEXAS A&M
5.164 – Wyatt Hubert – EDGE – KANSAS STATE
6.201 – Landon Young – OT – KENTUCKY
7.245 – Damar Hamlin – S – PITTSBURGH
1.22 – Christian Barmore – iDL – ALABAMA
2.54 – Amon-Ra St. Brown – WR – USC
3.85 – Elijah Molden – CB – WASHINGTON
3.101 – Amari Rodgers – WR – CLEMSON
4.126 – Joe Tyron – EDGE – WASHINGTON
5.165 – Cordell Volson – OT – NORTH DAKOTA STATE
6.182 – Tre’ McKitty – TE – GEORGIA
6.212 – Todd Harris Jr – S – LSU
3.67 – Greg Newsome II – CB – NORTHWESTERN
4.107 – Adetokunbo Ogundeji – EDGE – NOTRE DAME
4.120 – Ben Cleveland – iOL – GEORGIA
  1. 146 – Anthony Schwartz – WR – AUBURN
6.184 – Demetric Felton – RB/WR – UCLA
6.199 – Austin Watkins – WR – UAB
6.208 – Miller Forristall – TE – ALABAMA
7.227 – Aashari Crosswell – S – ARIZONA STATE
1.09 – Patrick Surtain II – CB – ALABAMA
2.41 – Carlos Basham Jr – WAKE FOREST
3.73 – Tommy Togiai – iDL – OHIO STATE
4.113 – Monty Rice – LB – GEORGIA
5.152 – Sadarius Hutcherson – iOL – SOUTH CAROLINA
6.190 – Drew Himmelman – OT – ILLINOIS STATE
7.233 – Dez Fitzpatrick – WR – LOUISVILLE
7.235 – Peyton Ramsey – QB – NORTHWESTERN
7.253 – JaCoby Stevens – S – LSU
1.13 – Jaylen Waddle – WR – ALABAMA
2.45 – Teven Jenkins – OT – OKLAHOMA STATE
3.77 – Creed Humphrey – iOL – OKLAHOMA
3.97 – Victor Dimukeje – EDGE – DUKE
4.117 – Deommodore Lenoir – CB – OREGON
5.156 – Divine Deablo – S – VIRGINIA TECH
6.195 – Khalil Herbert – RB – VIRGINIA TECH
6.202 – Ventrell Miller – LB – FLORIDA
7.237 – Mustafa Johnson – iDL – COLORADO
1.17 – Joseph Ossai – EDGE – TEXAS
2.49 – Daviyon Nixon – iDL – IOWA
3.80 – Hamsah Nasirildeen – S – FLORIDA STATE
4.121 – David Moore – iOL – GRAMBLING
5.161 – Olaijah Griffin – CB – USC
7.244 – Rico Bussey Jr – WR – HAWAII
1.32 – Wyatt Davis – iOL – OHIO STATE
2.64 – Pete Werner – LB – OHIO STATE
3.95 – Elijah Moore – WR – OLE MISS
4.136 – Darius Stills – iDL – WEST VIRGINIA
5.175 – Cole Van Lanen – OT – WISCONSIN
5.176 – Bryce Thompson – CB – TENNESSEE
5.180 – Joshua Kaindoh – EDGE – FLORIDA STATE
6.211 – Jermar Jefferson – RB – OREGON STATE
1.06 – Kyle Pitts – TE – FLORIDA
2.38 – Asante Samuel Jr – CB – FLORIDA STATE
3.70 – Chatarius Atwell – WR – LOUISVILLE
5.149 – Caden Sterns – S – TEXAS
5.153 – Joshuah Bledsoe – S – MISSOURI
6.187 – Brenden Jaimes – OT – NEBRASKA
6.221 – Antjuan Simmons – LB – MICHIGAN STATE
7.230 – Tarron Jackson – EDGE – COASTAL CAROLINA
7.256 – Trevon Grimes – WR – FLORIDA
1.10 – Rashawn Slater – OT – NORTHWESTERN
2.42 – Jayson Oweh – EDGE – PENN STATE
3.74 – Deonte Brown – iOL – ALABAMA
3.99 – Brevin Jordan – TE – MIAMI
4.114 – Keith Taylor Jr – CB – WASHINGTON
4.139 – James Wiggins – S – CINCINNATI
5.177 – Bobby Brown III – iDL – TEXAS A&M
6.188 – Justin Hilliard – LB – OHIO STATE
6.222 – Chris Wilcox – CB – BYU
7.234 – Ian Book – QB – NOTRE DAME
1.11 – Kwity Paye – EDGE – MICHIGAN
2.43 – Dylan Moses – LB – ALABAMA
3.75 – Ifeatu Melifonwu – CB – SYRACUSE
4.115 – Seth Williams – WR – AUBURN
6.192 – Chris Evans – RB – MICHIGAN
6.197 – Tristen Hoge – iOL – BYU
1.19 – Rashod Bateman – WR – MINNESOTA
2.51 – Kyle Trask – QB – FLORIDA
3.76 – Jackson Carman – OT – CLEMSON
3.82 – Paulson Adebo – CB – STANFORD
4.123 – Richard LeCounte III – S – GEORGIA
5.162 – Tommy Kraemer – iOL – NOTRE DAME
7.241 – Rakeem Boyd – RB – ARKANSAS
7.243 – Jonathan Adams Jr – WR – ARKANSAS STATE
1.07 – Micah Parsons – LB – PENN STATE
2.39 – Kadarius Toney – WR – FLORIDA
3.71 – Marlon Tuipulotu – iDL – USC
3.88 – Israel Mukuamu – CB – SOUTH CAROLINA
4.111 – Tariq Thompson – S – SAN DIEGO STATE
5.150 – Adrian Ealy – OT – OKLAHOMA
1.14 – Gregory Rousseau – EDGE – MIAMI
3.78 – Josh Myers – iOL – OHIO STATE
3.90 – Richie Grant – S – UCF
4.118 – Osa Odighizuwa – iDL – UCLA
4.124 – Shi Smith – WR – SOUTH CAROLINA
4.134 – Robert Hainsey – OT – NOTRE DAME
4.142 – Trey Hill – iOL – GEORGIA
5.157 – Jamie Newman – QB – WAKE FOREST
5.170 – Thomas Graham Jr – CB – OREGON
6.195 – Kuony Deng – LB – CALIFORNIA
6.220 – Elijah Mitchell – RB – LOUISIANA
7.238 – Tamorrion Terry – WR – FLORIDA STATE
1.20 – Alijah Vera-Tucker – iOL – USC
2.52 – Nico Collins – WR – MICHIGAN
3.83 – Walker Little – OT – STANFORD
5.163 – Brady White – QB – MEMPHIS
6.200 – Ihmir Smith-Marsette – WR – IOWA
6.218 – LaBryan Ray – iDL – ALABAMA
6.223 – Trill Williams – CB – SYRACUSE
1.29 – Zaven Collins – LB – TULSA
2.61 – D’Wayne Eskridge – WR – WESTERN MICHIGAN
3.92 – Marvin Wilson – iDL – FLORIDA STATE
4.133 – Brady Christensen – OT – BYU
4.140 – Kelvin Joseph – CB – KENTUCKY
5.172 – Rhamondre Stevenson – RB – OKLAHOMA
5.178 – Josh Imatorbhebhe – WR – ILLINOIS
6.209 – Drew Dalman – iOL – STANFORD
6.217 – Cary Angeline – TE – NC STATE
7.252 – Lamont Wade – S – PENN STATE
1.04 – Zach Wilson – QB – BYU
2.36 – Javonte Williams – RB – NORTH CAROLINA
3.68 – Payton Turner – EDGE – HOUSTON
4.108 – Paris Ford – S – PITTSBURGH
5.147 – Tony Fields II – LB – WEST VIRGINIA
5.181 – Josh Palmer – WR – TENNESSEE
6.185 – Robert Rochell – CB – CENTRAL ARKANSAS
6.214 – Khyiris Tonga – iDL – BYU
6.216 – Shaun Beyer – TE – IOWA
7.228 – Chris Rumph II – EDGE – DUKE
1.08 – Justin Fields – QB – OHIO STATE
2.40 – Jalen Mayfield – OT – MICHIGAN
3.72 – Jabril Cox – LB – LSU
4.112 – Rodarius Williams – CB – OKLAHOMA STATE
5.151 – Jack Anderson – iOL – TEXAS TECH
6.189 – Noah Gray – TE – DUKE
6.219 – Naquan Jones – iDL – MICHIGAN STATE
7.232 – Chauncey Golston – EDGE – IOWA
1.28 – Mac Jones – QB – ALABAMA
2.60 – Baron Browning – LB – OHIO STATE
3.98 – Kary Vincent Jr – LSU
3.104 – Dyami Brown – WR – NORTH CAROLINA
4.132 – Elerson Smith – EDGE – NORTHERN IOWA
1.31 – Azeez Ojulari – EDGE – GEORGIA
2.63 – Levi Onwuzurike – iDL – WASHINGTON
3.94 – James Hudson – OT – CINCINNATI
4.135 – Trey Sermon – RB – OHIO STATE
5.174 – Frank Darby – WR – ARIZONA STATE
6.215 – Tuf Borland – LB – OHIO STATE
7.248 – Jamien Sherwood – S – AUBURN
7.254 – Jimmy Morrissey – iOL – PITTSBURGH
1.12 – Trey Lance – QB – NORTH DAKOTA STATE
2.44 – Trey Smith – iOL – TENNESSEE
3.102 – Tommy Tremble – TE – NOTRE DAME
4.116 – Shakur Brown – CB – MICHIGAN STATE
5.155 – Tyler Gillespie – S – MISSOURI
5.171 – Malcolm Koonce – EDGE – BUFFALO
5.179 – Simi Fehoko – WR – STANFORD
6.193 – Pooka Williams – RB – KANSAS
7.226 – Josh Ball – OT – MARSHALL
7.236 – Garret Wallow – LB – TCU
1.16 – Caleb Farley – CB – VIRGINIA TECH
2.48 – Chazz Surratt – LB – NORTH CAROLINA
3.79 – Michael Carter – RB – NORTH CAROLINA
5.159 – Shaka Toney – EDGE – PENN STATE
6.240 – Carlo Kemp – iDL – MICHIGAN
2.55 – Dillon Radunz – OT – NORTH DAKOTA STATE
4.127 – Janarius Robinson – EDGE – FLORIDA STATE
5.166 – Drake Jackson – iOL – KENTUCKY
7.231 – Marquez Stevenson – WR – HOUSTON
2.57 – Spencer Brown – OT – NORTHERN IOWA
3.100 – Patrick Jones II – EDGE – PITTSBURGH
3.103 – Charles Snowden – LB – VIRGINIA
4.138 – Dazz Newsome – WR – NORTH CAROLINA
6.205 – Kevin Jarvis – iOL – MICHIGAN STATE
7.249 – Bryan Mills – CB – NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL
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what game uses 3 dice video

Game of Dice - How to efficiently use Joy, Gold, and Gems ... 6.14. (Part 3) Dice Game - Java - YouTube Throw Down Seven: A Polyhedral Dice Game - YouTube What Dice do the Casinos use and what should you practice ... faucet pay 🎲 Dice game 3 fayorra tokan 3 win trik but use ... Beginner Roblox Scripting Tutorial 3 - Dice Game ... Three or more dice game - YouTube Dice Games : How to Cheat at Dice - YouTube Game of Dice(ダイスの神)_2.0 Intro - YouTube 3 SCARY GAMES #54 - YouTube

Here are three games, all very different, using two dice each. Mexico. A simple but exciting game, with an unusual way of keeping ”score”. For 2–6 players. You will in addition to the two dice need one extra die per player (or keep score using coins or paper and pencil). Dice can be used in lots of ways: rolling, score counters, playing pieces and so on. There are lots of geeklists about dice: why people like them, how they can be used without being rolled, games with unique dice, pure dice games etc. This list is about interesting uses for dice. What does that mean? Well about the least interesting thing you ... The Three Dice Game. Also known as Four-Five-Six, Cee-Lo and See-Low. This is derived from a Chinese banking game called Strung Flowers. As the name suggests, it is played with three dice, and also requires stakes. Play: Players place their bets against a banker who covers them. The banker rolls the three dice first. You’ll need 3 dice to play this game. The first player rolls all 3 dice and keeps the highest number they rolled. Then they take the other lower 2 dice and rolls again. Again, they keep the highest of the 2 and add it to the first number they kept. They roll one last time and then add up all 3 dice to have their score. All the other players do the same until everyone has gone. Whoever has the highest number wins the round. You can play this game as many times as you want – there’s ... Roll the dice to find out how many spaces you move forward. Make your way across the board, and compete against the other players in a variety of fun online mini games to win coins. The player with the most coins at the end of the game wins! Play Block Party 3 and other free online strategy games on How to Play: Follow the instructions in each mini game. Cards and dice have been used in games of chance for thousands of years. There are literally hundreds of card and dice games. Rules can differ in the same game played by two different families living next door to each other. Before playing a game of either cards or dice, it's wise to review the rules with your ... Sid Sackson's Solitaire Dice (featured in his book "A Gamut of Games") is an excellent and challenging solo game. The game was released commercially as Choice and Einstein, but you can easily play it with five ordinary dice, pencil, and paper. Of course, Sackson's Can't Stop is the BEST game played with ordinary dice, but the board and pieces are kind of necessary to play it easily. In short, it’s a territory building game that uses custom dice to determine which territories you can claim. While the original game is more toward the medium-heavy side, the dice game is lighter and easier to play. 6. Roll for the Galaxy. Roll for the Galaxy is the dice version of Race for the Galaxy, one of the more popular board games to come out in the last decade. It’s an economic ... The Left Center Right Dice Game (LCR) is a dice game that is played by as many players as the game organizer chooses. Players compete to win all the chips in play during the game, passing chips based on the roll of the dice. LCR Dice Game is based entirely on the luck of the dice, with no strategy involved. Once the stake has been matched, the banker rolls 3 dice. The banker automatically wins if they get a 4, 5, and 6, any 3 of a kind, or any pair and a 6. If they roll a 1, 2, and 3, or any pair and a 1, they automatically lose. If none of those combinations come up, they can still win off a score. A score is any pair and a 2, 3, 4, or 5. However, if they get a score, the other players get a chance to roll the dice and beat the score. If another player rolls an automatic win, the ...

what game uses 3 dice top

[index] [9088] [9216] [9668] [5870] [7496] [6023] [7679] [4340] [219] [7691]

Game of Dice - How to efficiently use Joy, Gold, and Gems ... -----Starting out with Java: From control structures through ... How to play the dice game "three or more". This is a simple family dice game to teach math skills, probability and visual recognition. 3 Scary Games continues with jumpscares coming at you from every corner... hope you remember.EDITED BY LIXIAN COMFY... 『ダイスの神』世界中の人を相手にリアルタイムの勝負!ボードゲームの歴史が変わる!App Store: ... Cheating at dice games is as simple as making trick dice by drilling a hole in a die and adding some lead weights. Use trick dice to cheat at dice, or practi... Just a short review on how you can use your Joy, Gold and Gems efficiently! Please don't forget to subscribe on my youtube channel! :) Thanks! My Official Yo... A detailed look at the new polyhedral dice game "Throw Down Seven"Website: at: In the third video of my Roblox scripting series we use what we have learnt so far to make a simple dice game, using referencing and properties. In the next ... Dominator explains what the Casinos do with dice and what dice you should practice with

what game uses 3 dice

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