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[Spoilers All] When Push Comes to Shove

In Dragon Age 2, throughout Act 1, we meet up to six or even seven potential companions, one of which is technically obtained after the Deep Roads. One of these people is Anders, a former Gray Warden and renegade mage living as a refugee, who is found in his clinic at Darktown. He could be found in Awakening, where he is potentially recruited into the Gray Wardens and meets his friend and future partner in crime, Justice. He’s paranoid and easily jealous, but friendly and often flirtatious. Over time, however, he changes, becoming even more paranoid and prone to mood swings. He spirals down a dark, dark path that comes to a head in the end of Act 3.
In Awakening, Anders was easy-going, friendly, fond of magic, disliked the Circle and its templars, liked cats, and enjoyed making often very subject-inappropriate comments for which he would later apologize. Throughout the DLC, we learn about his repeated escape attempts from the tower starting at a young age until it came to a head recently, where he was banished to solitary confinement, his only company being the tower mouser. (Ander’s kitty(dragon age -awakening), 2010) Solitary confinement is considered a form of torture. Humans are pack animals; they’re psychologically geared toward being with people, even if it’s just in proximity. “Human beings are social creatures. Without the benefit of another person to ‘bounce off of,’ the mind decays; without anything to do, the brain atrophies; and without the ability to see off in the distance, vision fades. Isolation and loss of control breeds anger, anxiety, and hopelessness.” (Dvorsky, “Solitary Confinement Is the Worst Kind of Psychological Torture”) Solitary confinement is used mostly in high security prisons, though short-term confinement is occasionally used in lower security prisons. When Sebastian asks if Anders’ current anger was due to the Circle and the events that happened in Ferelden, Anders quickly counters, “Are you saying mages can only be unhappy in the Circle if demons are involved? No, it’s not about Uldred. It’s not about being beaten or raped by a templar… that does happen, but I’ve been fortunate.” (Dragon Age 2: Party Banter: Anders & Sebastian [Complete], 2011) The worst of the Circle he didn’t endure came from the Rite of Tranquility, an act equal to lobotomization in which a mage’s connection with the Fade is severed and they lose all magic, dreams, and ability to feel emotion. (Caliban, 2009) If playing a mage Warden, Jowan tells you about the Rite and why he’s so scared of it. Other apprentices also gossip about a fellow who is considering going through with it voluntarily and what that entails. (Dragon Age: Origins. Circle Mage, 2013) The Rite is supposed to be reserved for volunteers and mages who are thought to be dangerous. However, it is more commonly used in Kirkwall to deadhead rebellious mages. This is the subject covered in Anders’ first quest “Tranquility” in Act 1.
In Awakening, Anders met a spirit of justice trapped outside the Fade. If he accompanied the Warden to Blackmarsh, he also found how the spirit came to be trapped firsthand. When confronted by the spirit in the Fade and the spirit’s cause, Anders attempts to talk the Warden out of helping and instead trying to find some other, less dangerous way. Justice only doubles down in his laser-focused quest of freeing the people and bringing “justice” to the woman. (Justice [Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening] part 1: Meeting Justice #1, 2011) Later, if Justice is recruited into the party, he and Anders will have interesting dialogue. Justice tends to be preachy and Anders tends to blow him off. But these conversations, though it seems only a skin-deep jab to Anders, builds the path they take to Dragon Age 2. Justice tells Anders he needs to help mages because Anders found freedom. Anders denies it, desiring to keep his head down so that he wouldn’t be pulled back to the Circle. (Dragon Age: Awakening - Justice & Anders Banters, 2010) Later, Anders and Justice decide to team up and Anders, feeling bad that Justice was inhabiting the body of a dead Warden like a demon, offered to be a willing host. But something went wrong. Justice reacted poorly to the hatred Anders felt and turned into a twisted creature of vengeance. (Tranquility (all options) | Dragon Age 2, 2011)
Anders was an easy-going, apathetic, careful person with a knack for healing and no desire to meddle in affairs that might bring him back to imprisonment. Justice was a warrior spirit with determination, desire to help the weak being subjugated, and the want to bring justice to an unjust world. Warrior spirits are not known to sit still, are easily offended by morally wrong decisions or accusations, will take matters into their own hands, and are willing to fight for what they believe is right. (DA:O Nightmare (HD) - Spirit of Valor, 2013) Even though Anders now desires to help mages, their personalities clash terribly. While Anders was laid back, Justice was a bit of a prig. While Anders was a romantic, Justice wasn’t. While Anders knew how to keep his head down, Justice had no such interests. While Anders was knowledgeable about the mortal realm, Justice hadn’t the faintest idea what was going on. Anders did what he did in good heart, and Justice did what he did with pure intentions. But a pure heart and good intentions alone can’t hold a candle to the harsh reality of what they are, of what they became. (Tranquility (all options) | Dragon Age 2, 2011)
Through Act 1, conversations with Anders reveals his need to accomplish his goals, and what his goals were. In dialogue with other characters, Anders can sometimes come off as preachy, almost aggressively so–just as Justice had been in Awakening. Sometimes, he is friendly or joking, like most conversations with or about Isabella, Varric, and Bethany. Carver’s personality in Act 1 makes it easy for almost anyone’s dialogue to turn aggressive or passive-aggressive, though Anders did try to be friendly. (Party Banter | Dragon Age 2, 2014) As Act 2 comes around, three years after the Deep Roads, Anders is much more focused on his work with a much higher drive. He has been to the Gallows, and he has seen and spoken with mages there. He knows what’s going on, and what sort of things are unfolding. It’s also here where we come across the quest “Dissent” where things start to go wrong. Anders has had no illusions that his merge with Justice was wholly good, or even the right thing to do. But almost killing the mage girl–or killing her depending on Hawke’s handling of the situation or current friendship/rival status–puts things into perspective for him. “How can I fight for the freedom of mages, when I am the example of the worst that freedom brings?” (Dragon Age II, Act 2 - Anders Dissent Quest, 2011)
In Act 3, things start to spiral out of control. Three years after the Arishok was killed and Meredith took power, Anders has become just more paranoid, antsy, and prone to mood swings. Through it all, if in a friendship or romance, he reaffirms the fact that Hawke’s support has been keeping him sane. But some things were worth more than himself or their relationship, whether platonic or romantic. Over the course of the game during random interactions or quests, Anders is seen behaving oddly. He attempts to gift Varric the only possession he had of his mother’s, saying that Varric had been a good friend. Varric, suspicious and concerned, denies it. Anders repeats over and over how much Hawke means to him, stumbling over himself when Hawke points out how weirdly he’s acting. During the quest “Justice” Anders lies about some potion from Tevinter that would separate him and Justice to gain Hawke’s help, only to later on in the quest admit that it was a lie. If Hawke prods Anders into revealing why he needs Hawke’s help distracting the Grand Cleric, he accuses Hawke of not really caring, and then saying “I am the cause of mages. There’s nothing left inside me.” (Justice (all options) | Dragon Age 2, 2011) If Hawke refuses, saying that Anders is on his own in this mad scheme that he/she won’t allow Anders to blackmail him/her into, Anders replies “I have always been on my own. For a time, I just forgot.”
Eventually, things come to a head in “The Last Straw” and everyone watches as the chantry explodes, set off by explosive that Anders created and planted, with or without Hawke’s help. After the skirmish dies down and Hawke confronts Anders, the dialogue varies depending on friendship, rivalry, and romance with Hawke. If in a rivalry, Anders will admit he turned Justice into a demon and everything he did lead up to this final boom. If in a friendship, Anders defends his decision to the core, saying that though Justice helped, Justice didn’t tell him to do it. He will help defend or destroy mages, depending on Hawke’s course of action and friendship/rivalry status. Still under Hawke’s complete mercy, he says in a rivalry, quiet and resigned, “I made my friend a demon. And he did this. Kill me now before there is nothing left of me.” He couldn’t control Vengeance before, so why would he think he could control it now? He needs to die. If Hawke decides to kill him, he responds, “For what it’s worth, I’m glad it’s you. It was nice to be happy… for a while.” Whilst in a friendship, he will rile himself up again, gaining strength and determination in his voice. He repeats his years-strong mantra, what he thinks needs to happen. “And if I pay for that with my life, then I pay. Perhaps then Justice would at least be free.” If Hawke shows support or mercy, he’s shocked. Even after everything that happened between them, Anders didn’t imagine he would be allowed to live. Of course, if asked to help against the templars, Anders declares that he would rather die. If Hawke decides to kill him, he agrees that the grand cleric deserves justice. “The sooner I die, the sooner my name lives on to inspire generations!” (Anders’ fate (all options) | Dragon Age 2, 2011)
Our first meeting with Anders was in Awakening when the darkspawn killed his templar captures and he was found standing above the massacre, denying blame but chuckling at the situation. The last we see him, he’s blown up a church, killing hundreds of innocents inside and outside after the slaughter than ensued, he himself ready to die or fight if given the chance. Anders’ symptoms throughout the game show that his merging with Justice caused heavy mood swings, which only got worse as time progressed. Near the middle, he attempts to give Varric his most prized possession: a pillow hand-embroidered by his mother, the only possession they let him keep before taking him away as a young boy. (Dragon Age 2: Anders Romance - Final Confession, 2011) He also tells Hawke repeatedly and very seriously how Hawke’s support meant the world to him and, if they’re in a romance, that he loves him/her. This is a red flag, a symptom known as making plans. People clean, give away their possessions, and say goodbye. Anders talks about feeling trapped in his own skin, in his own decisions, with no way out. He’s furious with the templars and will show extreme agitation at conversations normally calling for dry annoyance, such as a dialogue that leads to questioning the Circle’s invalidity. He talks about death in a very alarming manner for an unhealthy amount of time, especially when in a rivalry with Hawke. This is especially true during a random dialogue with a romanced Anders in a rivalry around the time of the “Justice” quest. He’s ecstatic, talking about how great it feels to be a spirit. But seriousness creeps in and his mood drops instantly, as if he had been gloomy for hours. (Post-Justice (friendship & rivalry) | Dragon Age 2, 2011) Anders has also experienced major abuse in the past, major loss in the past and present, and is borderline homeless with no source of income. Aside from him moving in with Hawke during a romance, his source of food and clean water is unknown. If in a rivalry with Anders, he’s downtrodden and close to mentally snapping, if not past that point. Regardless of friendship or rivalry, he is secretive and slowly becoming more reclusive. Bodahn says in a random dialogue, “It’s been quite pleasant having Master Anders staying here, messre.” “Hehe. He’s funny!” agrees Sandal before Bodahn continues, “And he finds my boy’s enchanting ‘quite intriguing.’ Mhm. That’s the word he used. It’s too bad he seems so… intent on whatever it is he works on.” (Dragon Age 2: Bodahn on Anders and Hawke, 2015)
Anders is suicidal. (Wrobleski)
Characters in the Dragon Age universe have made it clear they don’t understand mental disorders. When confronting Kelder, not one companion considers the possibility of something being wrong mentally, and instead blaming his actions on himself and his own “broken” personality. Anders spat, “Real mages suffer enough without charlatans like you making it worse!” Carver added, “While blaming demons that aren’t there. He’s just mad.” Isabella scoffed, “Coward. He doesn’t even have the balls to own up to his own depravity.” (Meeting Kelder [party comments] | Dragon Age 2, 2011) These three reactions are some of the most common in times prior to the understanding of psychological conditions. Kelder is most likely suffering from schizophrenia, as shown by his auditory hallucinations, religious delusions, and withdrawal from civilization. Schizophrenics aren’t normally prone to violent tendencies, but not everyone experiences every symptom perfectly or in order. His delusions of being possessed could mix with his knowledge of demons and “force” him to act as an abomination would: violently. (D’Arrigo) Back in the middle ages up into even the renaissance, psychological disorders such as schizophrenia, autism, depression, and mania were assumed to be the effects of demonic possession, fairytale creatures meddling in the affairs of mortals, and witchcraft. (“Mental Illness In The Middle Ages - History Of Psychology - IResearchNet”)
People assume that Anders has brought his state of mind upon himself and he acts according to how an abomination would act. These jabs alone only push Anders farther toward the edge. He’s made mistake after mistake with only the best intentions and just cause. These failings, which can lead to the physical or psychological injury of an innocent or, worse, a friend who trusted him, only reinforce his own behavior and his own choices as being wrong. After suffering so much wrongness, quite a bit of it being consequences for which he could take blame, his psych can no longer hold under the strain and buckles. Just before “The Last Straw,” Anders is seen as being neutral or even optimistic. To someone who has been acting weirdly not days, or even hours or minutes, before, this is a warning. People with the plan to commit suicide often have a sudden calm or even happiness fall over them. Their job will be complete. They will no longer hurt the people around them. They will no longer suffer. The pain will finally end, and justice will be wrought. In the quest “Justice,” he does obtain a weapon. It’s not a weapon that will directly kill him, but it is one that will lead to his demise. (Mellie)
There are six, or even seven, companions that Hawke can pick up in his/her time in Kirkwall: the warriors Aveline and Fenris, rogues Varric and Isabella and possibly Sebastian, and the mages Merrill and Anders. Anders is a renegade mage, spirit healer, and former Gray Warden who became the host of a spirit of justice. Throughout Awakening he is a laid-back man with little care for affairs that harm his wellbeing. In Dragon Age 2, he is a more serious, paranoid man struggling with his friend, a spirit of justice, and his own growing suicidal thoughts and actions.


Antoan500 (2010, March 20) Ander’s kitty(dragon age -awakening) [Video]. YouTube\_E
Dvorsky, George. “Solitary Confinement Is the Worst Kind of Psychological Torture.” Gizmodo.Com, 1 July 2014, Accessed 19 June 2020.
FluffyNinjaLlama. (2011, July 5) Dragon Age 2: Party Banter: Anders & Sebastian [Complete]. [Video]. YouTube
Caliban, Maria. “Tranquil.” Dragon Age Wiki, 12 Mar. 2009, Accessed 25 June 2020.
‌DanaDuchy (2013, January 21) Dragon Age: Origins. Circle Mage. [Video] YouTube
FluffyNinjaLlama (2011, June 24) Justice [Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening] part 1: Meeting Justice #1 [Video] YouTube
Doran Noir (2010, March 21) Dragon Age: Awakening - Justice & Anders Banters. [Video]. YouTube
DanaDuchy (2011, April 22) Tranquility (all options) | Dragon Age 2 [Video]. YouTube
SuperDave. (2013, May 14) DA:O Nightmare (HD) - Spirit of Valor [Video]. YouTube
DanaDuchy (2014, February 6) Party Banter | Dragon Age 2 [Video]. YouTube
WebFoo (2011, April 4) Dragon Age II, Act 2 - Anders Dissent Quest [Video]. YouTube.
DanaDuchy (2011, August 7) Justice (all options) | Dragon Age 2 [Video]. YouTube
DanaDuchy (2011, August 15) Anders’ fate (all options) | Dragon Age 2 [Video]. YouTube
Experimentel (2011, March 11) Dragon Age 2: Anders Romance - Final Confession [Video]. YouTube
DanaDuchy (2011, August 7) Post-Justice (friendship & rivalry) | Dragon Age 2 [Video]. YouTube
Thieving Hippo (2015, April 22) Dragon Age 2: Bodahn on Anders and Hawke [Video] YouTube.
Wrobleski, Adina. “Warning Signs of Suicide – SAVE.” SAVE, 2019, Accessed 25 June 2020.
DanaDuchy (2011, May 4) Meeting Kelder [party comments] | Dragon Age 2 [Video]. YouTube
D’Arrigo, Terri. “Schizophrenia Symptoms.” WebMD, WebMD, 2007, Accessed 25 June 2020.
“Mental Illness In The Middle Ages - History Of Psychology - IResearchNet.” Iresearchnet.Com, 2017, Accessed 25 June 2020.
Mellie, Gabriella Maria. “13 Signs Someone Might Be Suicidal.” The Odyssey Online, 17 Apr. 2017, Accessed 25 June 2020.

PLEASE NO INQUISITION SPOILERS. I have not played that game. All information gathered pertains to Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, and any corresponding DLCs. In addition, most of my YouTube sources are from DanaDuchy and FluffyNinjaLlama (whom I would cry myself to sleep without), so I tried a technically incorrect in-source citation strategy. If it's too unprofessional, I won't use it again. I just thought it would be less confusing with twenty-one total sources.
submitted by VenomQuill to dragonage [link] [comments]

I call Bullshit on the False rape accusation sticky from Mens Lib sub. Actual lies are being told.

Fact Checking False Rape Accusations and Why We Shouldn't Fear a False Rape Epidemic.
One of the main resistance to changes in how police and society handle Rape, Sexual Assault and even Harassment is the counter argument that men then would be plagued by False Rape accusations. The fear is always that we crossed some line that no longer allows reasonable doubt and that one man life can be sent to jail by one accusation. We of course have seen stories of such things in the news and everytime we question wither these are isolated stories or a sign of a larger epidemic we don't get to see. When does the drive of combating rape go to far? Is it an issue to fear?
So how common is this issue? Is it really a threat to men? How many false rape accusations are there?
How Many False Rape Accusations are there?
Most experts agree that false rape accusations make the total of 2-10% of the total accusations of rape. As quoted from the handbook
A multi-site study of eight U.S. communities including 2,059 cases of sexual assault found a 7.1% of false reports (Lonsway, Archambault, & Lisak, 2009).
Link to it here
A study of 136 sexual assault cases in Boston from 1998-2007 found a 5.9% of false reports (Lisak et al., 2010).
Using qualitative and quantitative analysis, researchers studied 812 reports of sexual assault from 2000-2003 and found a 2.1% of false reports (Heenan & Murray 2006).
And why not add some more papers to the mix.
2017 Study into the FBI Database found that between 2006 to 2010 the Average number of false rape accusations or baseless accusations was 5.55%, and robbery had a higher false and baseless accusation rate of 5.76%
Another metastudy by Claire E. Ferguson, and John M. Malouff published in December 17th, 2015 put the number of False Rape Accusations at 5%

So keep in mind that ALL of these numbers are minimums. These all represent the number of false rape accusations made to the police that provably false using rigorous standards.

And while it may be small, the 2-10% is actually 2-11%. They round that 2.3% number down to 2% so it's only fair to round the 10.9% up to 11%. You can either say 2.3%-10.9% or you can say 2-11%. It's a small thing but it irks me.

But all of these numbers are minimums. Just like when 3-5% of cases end up with convictions. That means a minimum of 3-5% of rape cases taken to the police are true. A MINIMUM.
This three minute youtube sums it up very well.

Now I know that 2-10% is alot and enough to give anyone pause considering how epidemic sexual assault is. But consider a few things.
1 in 6 of women report they have been sexually assaulted.

If you check the link it takes you to Rainn. The 1 in 6 women will be rape in their lifetime comes from where? I checked the footnote. Oh it's from...
National Institute of Justice & Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Prevalence, Incidence and Consequences of Violence Against Women Survey
This is the precursor to the CDC NISVS survey. Guess what the CDC NISVS survey also found? It found that for years of 2010-2012 female-perpetrated "made to penetrate" sexual assault on men, (rape, for lack of a better word,) was at parity with male perpetrated rape for these years. Let that sink in for a minute.
When you are done letting that sink in, ask yourself why a sub called menslib is not mentioning that in 2012 there were over 1.5 million instances of female-on-male rapes according to the CDC NISVS survey in 2012? (Although they don't call it that, but prefer the more awkward, "made to penetrate" sexual assault) '
This links to the CDC NISVS survey data so you can check for yourself. The lifetime stats are much lower than the year over year and despite my inquiries to the CDC I have not gotten an answer as for why that is. However, for each year of 2010, 2011, and 2012 we find parity between the sexes for sexual assault/rape perpetration. Look at the 12 month data.

This blog does a very good job of breaking this down:

Only a 1/3rd of sexual assaults are reported to police. So at its 2-10% of 33%
This statistic covers if or not an accusation is false, wither or not a specific suspect is named which I will show below is a more interesting stat. The majority of false rape accusations are made against non existent strangers the victims claim they don't know.

This is a nice rabbit pulled out of the hat. Why are we assuming that all of the sexual assaults not reported to the police are true? I for one have been the collateral damage victim of a false/baseless rape accusation made on social media. Ostensibly, rape accusations that are not taken to the police and are merely posted on Twitter, Facebook, or added a circulating anonymous rapist list, or made at a bar, or something... are MORE likely to be false. Not less. Yet this author would have you believe that they are all 100% true. Magic!
Of course there are many rapes that happen that are never taken to the police. For example, the 1,5 million incidents of female on male "made to penetrate" rape that I mentioned above. Almost none of these are reported. Less than 1 percent. These male victims of female perpetrators are hidden by systemic cultural bias.

Soo how many false rape allegations lead to false arrests and convictions then?
How many people Falsely Accused of Rape actually go to Jail?
Thankfully we found that the answer is very low.
National Registry of Exoneration who keeps track of how many innocent people have been... well... exonerated found that since 1989 in the US 52 people have been exonerated for sexual assault that they didn't do. People exonerated on false accusations of Murder was 790 people.
Note: Innocent Project has listed 276 exonerated with Sex Crimes, this is the highest number I can find. Thanks MealReadytoEat_
British Home Office did a detailed study and report on the issues of false rape accusations in 2005 and found that out of the 216 cases of rape that was false in the UK, 126 of them have a formal complain filed by the accuser, 39 of them had a named suspect and only 6 of them were arrested. Out of the 6 arrested only 2 have charges and 0 of them had a conviction.
Another Study by the University of Pittsburgh found that only 18% of False Rape Accusastions name a suspect

Nevermind the fact in 1996 the FBI backtested over 25,000 rapekits and found that 1 in 4 excluded the primary suspect, in almost all cases, as fingered by the primary witness/alleged victim.
Conducted in June 1995, the nationwide telephone survey of 40 public and private laboratories that performed DNA tests sought answers to such questions as: From the time the laboratories began DNA testing, how many cases have they handled? Of that number, what percentage yielded results that excluded defendants as sources of the DNA evidence or were inconclusive?
The 40 surveyed laboratories yielded 19 whose available data were sufficient for the purposes of this study. The 19 included 13 at the State/local level, 4 in the private sector, an armed forces laboratory, and the FBI's laboratory.
Most of the laboratories had initiated DNA testing only within the previous few years. Twelve began testing between 1990 and 1992. Three of the four private laboratories began in 1986 or 1987, while the FBI started DNA testing in 1988.
Seven of the laboratories reported using RFLP testing; four, PCR testing; and eight, both types of tests. The 19 laboratories reported that, since they began testing, they had received evidence in 21,621 cases for DNA analysis, with the FBI accounting for 10,060 cases. Three of the 4 private laboratories averaged 2,400 each; the State and local laboratories averaged 331 each.
In about 23 percent of the 21,621 cases, DNA test results excluded suspects, according to respondents. An additional 16 percent of the cases, approximately, yielded inconclusive results, often because the test samples had deteriorated or were too small. Inconclusive results aside, test results in the balance of the cases did not exclude the suspect.
The FBI reported that, in the 10,060 cases it received, DNA testing results were about 20 percent inconclusive and 20 percent exclusion; the other 18 laboratories (11,561 cases) reported about 13 percent and 26 percent, respectively.\*
Unfortunately, the laboratories were unable to provide more details. They did not maintain data bases that would permit categorization of DNA test results by type of offense and other criteria. What happened to the suspects who were excluded through DNA testing also cannot be determined. Were they released, or were they charged on the basis of other evidence, for example? Thus, only the most general information is known about the results of DNA testing by laboratories. To obtain more detailed information would require a comprehensive research project.
That's hard forensic data that puts the ballpark figure of false rape accusation at about 1 in 4. Now to be fair, some of these may have been genuine mistaken identity. But if you are the man under arrest by the police accused of rape, you would call that a false rape accusation.

Fact is that the majority of false rape accusations don't even name a suspect. And throwing this into the picture of the total of the numbers of rape really proves how rare false rape Convictions are. Vast majority of false rape accusers always accuse a non existent stranger who raped them and usually not someone specifically. Which means that beyond wasting time and resources majority of false rape accusations are harmless to the general public because no one person is accused.
When you take these studies and add them to what we already know about rape a more complete picture forms:
1/6 women claim to have experience sexual assault, follow by a 1/3 reporting the assault to police, then worst case scenario 1/10 are false. Out of those false rape accusations 9/50 name a suspect, out of false rape accusations that accuse someone 15/100 get an arrest and, out of those who are arrested for a rape they didn't do only 1/3 have charges placed against them.

This is so wrong as to be a lie. Remember, according to Dr. Lisak's metastudy, a minimum of 2-11 percent of all rape accusations taken to the police are PROVEN to be false.

So 1/6 x 1/3 x 1/10 x 9/50 x 15/100 x 1/3 = 0.00005
Which mean out of all the women you meet you have a 0.005% chance of being falsely charged of Rape.
A blood vessel in my frontal lobe just exploded. I can't even begin to understand what the heck he is doing with the numbers here. Can anyone help me out with this. Like I have a headache just from trying.

Compare this to the fact that 6.4% of men openly admitted of committing the strictest possible definition of rape and 23% of that 6.4% admitted of multiple rapes.

This link is dead. But let's look at a couple other studies that look at the number of people openly admitting to committing rape.
Hogben, Byrne & Hamburger (1996) Lifetime prevalence of 24% for women having made a man engage in sexual activity against his will
Sexually Aggressive Women Anderson, Struckman-Johnson 1999 – 43% of college women admitted to using verbal or physical pressure to obtain sex (No ebook available. I've ordered a print copy in the mail but it won't arrive for another week.)
I'm just saying, there is one half of the equation being left out here. It is likely the smaller half. But why are we still pretending in 2019 like it doesn't happen? It happens all the time. Go check out teacherswhorape for a daily update of female pedophiles.

Why False Rape Accusations happen?
Many people who fear False Rape Accusations claim that women in the work force will make a False Accusation against a man in a higher position, or a student who is going to fail an exam will accuse a professor, or rape or that a vengeful ex, or a woman who regretted sex later.
But the realities of this is very surprising.
According to a review done by the LAPD found the reasons for a False Rape accusations is unwanted pregnancies or more commonly "Missed Curfews" by young teenagers. It turns out that 55% of False Rape Accusations according to this review are for hope of getting medical care or psychiatric medication by the very poor and destitute
Also it is noted that half of the False Rape Accusations are made by Parents of children. Either by pressuring the child to go to the police or accusing someone of rape without the child knowing. It is also important to note that the rare Serial False Rape Accusers tend to have a history of being a legitimate victim Sexual Abuse as a child.
As this shows that the False Accuser the majority of the time aren't the serial accusers we hear on the media nor are in tech jobs, nor college students who regret sex. Instead it is usually either the very poor looking for free medication, teenagers trying to get out of trouble and parents of children who make the vast majority of False Rape Accusations.
Also there are no corolations with the age of the accusation or the number of sexual partners of the accuser and wither their accusations are true or not. Add this to the fact that most legitimate victims lie to themselves and others saying that they weren't sexually assaulted when they really were. This denial often is due to the fact that the majority of victims know their abusers personally before the assault and often change their stories or denied that they were as a way to cope the trauma. I can personally attest to that.
Special thanks to ILikeNeurons

Why does he leave out De Zutter(2017)?
Reasons for a false rape accusation:

'Don't know'

According to De Zutter et al. (2017), 20% of complainants said that they did not know why they had filed a false allegation.[8]

While we are at it, wikipedia also lists false memories as a reason for a false rape accusation.

False memories[edit]

There are several ways in which an alleged victim can accidentally come to believe that they have been raped by the person(s) they accuse. These include, but are not limited to:[7]

Let's not forget that in the UK, "alleged" rape victims are paid in cash regardless of whether the accused is found guilty or not.
Jemma Beale collected 11,000 pounds before being caught. That's a hell of a side gig. falsely accused nine men of raping her on separate occasions, while a further six had supposedly sexually assaulted her.
She is unique in that she is one of the rare false rape accusers to be prosecuted.

Why didn't you include those other "Studies"?
Since I am from the future I know this will be bring up sooo I will nip it in the butt before it shows up in the comments. And if they still show up without talking about this section of my effort post you have my permission to shame them.
Small thing, but the saying is "nip in the bud." Like a plant. Shame is how feminism works, right? They shame people into submission. Like #metoo. If you stand up to a false rape accusation they shame you as a RAPE APOLOGIST.

People who fear the False Accusation "Epidemic" that is supposedly happening like to point to the "other studies" on these issues. What are these other "studies" and why don't I use them in my analysts? Well because they are bad. Flat out bad or rely on a misconception of the nature of sexual assault. And there are alot of them. Lets take sample out of the list Wikipedia provided.

Also these studies expose a much larger issue when it comes to research into sexual assault.... What is Sexual Assault and what is False Sexual Assault. When you look at studies the older ones tend to have uhhhhhh questionable views of what is and isn't sexual assault.
I would say the same argument could be flipped on the new definitions of rape coming our of Academic feminism.

Then if you look at other higher studies like Kanin and Jordan you figure out that they are working on the police definitions of False or Not. Unfortunately that means that they consider a story false if the victim:
Failed a Polygraph Click here if you wanna know why the Polygraph is ^^^bullshit
If the victim delayed reporting their rape
If the victim was "Intellectually Impaired"
If the victim has signs of mental illness
If the victim was intoxicated
If the victim withdraw the complaint
And if the victim was determined by police to be a "Slut"

There are criticism to make of Kanin. Small sample size, sure. Undisclosed location, also iffy. But according to Kanin, the police only classified an accusation as false if the alleged victim confessed to it being false AND they were able to corroborate the new story with the defendant and other witnesses. It did involve a serious, but not mandatory, offer of a polygraph test. But the offer of the polygraph test was merely a catalyst. An accusation was on classified as false if the alleged victim herself recanted. In 41% of the cases, the alleged victim did so.
There are legitimate concerns about this study I listed above. But the author has told another lie. No accusation was regarded as false at any time because of a failed polygraph or for any of the above listed reasons. I'll have to read the Jordan study because the author definitely lied about Kanin so I can assume he probably lied about Jordan as well. In fact, I completely distrust this guy.

While false complaints do occur, approximately three-quarters of the incidents concluded by the police to be false appeared to have been judged to some extent at least on the basis of stereotypes regarding the complainant’s behavior, attitude, demeanor or possible motive. Suspicious file comments were made by the detectives regarding a woman who laughed while being interviewed, others who were seen as ‘attention seeking,’ and some who were said to be ‘crying rape’ for revenge or guilt motives.
Attention seeking, Revenge, and guilt are all common and legitimate motivation for a false rape accusation according to self confessed accounts accumulated by De Zutter 2017. See above.

That's right. 75% of False Rape Accusations labeled as such by police were not because they were proven false but on the gut feelings of the police. Which means we get plenty of false false rape accusations. This is probably a bigger issue then men being falsely accused of Rape. There have been plenty of documented cases of police pressuring victims to sign false confessions claiming they made up their sexual assaults. Its why one of the major reasons why out of 1000 rapes only 6 rapists will go to jail while for robberies 20 will go to jail and 33 of assault and battery.
Using Fear as a WeaponWhy do we talk about False Rape Allegations all the time, and how its used as a political weapon.
The police deal with the shittiest people of society all day every day. You are allowed to be skeptical of the police. You are not allowed to completely write them off. I call bullshit. It might not be as high as 75% but it's high. In the UK false rape accusations are so common that police now demand that "alleged" victims hand over their phones when making an accusation that can check to see if they texted the accused the following morning something like, "Thank you for the great sex last night."

Though most rational people don't see this as such a major issues within far conservatism and the Manosphere you tend to see false accusations be pushed as the major issue against men. In fact I decided to do my own study where I went to MenRights typed it "Rape" and look at the 102 top posts by menrights on the subject. I only accepted posts of two categories, male victims of sexual assault and stories on false rape accusations. As expected MenRights had more posts about false rape then male victims of rape.
Stop kidding yourself. False rape accusations are a HUGE concern for men. Innocence is no defense against a rape accusation. Your life, your reputation, your friends, you family, your career, your honor, your legacy are all permanently and irrevocably damaged by a false rape accusation. It's shameful.

As you can see despite the fact that men are 1 in 33 in odds of being raped, that 1 in 10 rape victims are male, and as stated before only 0.005% of rape accusations lead to a man being arrested as stated above. MRAs post more about and care more about false rape accusations then male victims of sexual assault. Why is that? Why do we even talk about false rape so much if its more rare than males being raped? I get a suspicion that plenty who champion this cause are arguing disingenuously.
Interesting that he mentions a man being arrested but how come so few women are arrest for rape even though there are multiple studies going back to the 1980s indicating it's massively underreported.

False Rape accusations are not RARE. They are AT LEAST 2-11 percent of all rape accusations taken to the police. I'd bet that number is much higher since the #metoo movement when every single sociopathic liar KNOWS that they will be #believed. Oftentimes in spite of evidence.

False Accusations are rampant enough that only segregation can solve it
Yeaaaa... This covers harassment as well. Plenty of people have been using the fear of false rape accusations against men as proof that women should be "isolated". They also openly brag to each other that they "won't hire more qualified women because I am too scared of a lawsuit". As stated before the case of someone falsely accusing someone else in the workplace environment is ultra rare as most false rapes come from children or the homeless, and the vast majority don't name suspects. If anything men should be worried about sexual harassment from coworkers as it is way more statistically likely that men will be a victim of sexual harassment then falsely accuse of harassment themselves.
Choose one.
Adopt a #Believewomen policy and eliminated due process for men in the workplace.
Or demand that women be hired at equal rates as men.

False Rape Accusers should get same length sentence as Rapists
This is a common cry for those within the MRA movement is that these false accusers are getting off to easy. That they ruin countless men lives and only get slap of the wrists. But that shows a great error in their thinking is the trust that the criminal justice system gives just punishments to rapists in the first place. If we are going to punish false accusers the same way that we do punish rapists then false accusers should get:
10 Years of probation
3 Months of Jail
5 Years of probation

Instead of listing three anecdotes, how about some actual data?
"Prison sentences for rape are not uniform. A study made by the U.S. Department of Justice of prison releases in 1992, involving about 80 percent of the prison population, found that the average sentence for convicted rapists was 9.8 years, while the actual time served was 5.4 years. "
But just for fun, let's look at three false rape accusations that resulted in jail time:
Colo. man imprisoned for 28 years after woman dreamed he raped her expected to be freed after convicted rapist admits to crime,
Accused Of Florida Rape 70 Years Ago, 4 Black Men Get Posthumous Pardons
Lest we forget Emmett Till

That of course doesn't count the countless who have sexually assaulted and get away with it. If MRAs called for this guideline I can't help to feel they would be even more disappointed in the sentencing expecting 20 years but IRL only getting a few months. If we treated false rape accusers the same as rapists then we as a society wouldn't take them that seriously.
For both men and for women. Countless women who have sexually assaulted and gotten away with it.

Also I want to quickly address the other MRAs call for those who have been falsely accused to be placed on the Sex Offender Registry Lists. Uuuuuuuhhh What?!? This is improper use of such a list number 1, and 2 that publicly available list would then create a public list of people you can rape without repercussions. Think about it. If you publicly branded people as "False Rape Accuser" then which people would rapists target?

I'm actually opposed to the Sex Offender Registry Lists as they currently stand in our country. Female Pedophiles are very often offered a plea deal to stay off the registry.

Putting extra laws and punishments on this mush smaller issue of False Rape Accusations put more pressure on legitimate victims of sexual assault. Under the existing law there are cases of legit victims being classified by police as false victims. If you add additional punishment then we will punish legitimate victims of rape 20 years in prison for just reporting their rape and police not believing in them. And that will have a chilling effect on the rest of victims of sexual assault out there. Its hard enough as is, but if you are unable to prove it and you "act like a slut" then you could face jail time
This is just as true for rape victims. The UK is seeing an influx of innocent men convicted of rape because of horrible #believewomen policies. It is an actual nightmare.
I think false rape accusations need to be rigorously prosecuted when there is substantial evidence of malicious intent. Just because the defendant is not convicted doesn't mean it was a false rape accusation. But in many cases, there is evidence of clear malicious intent, yet the false accuser is not punished, "lest we discourage others from coming forward." (Other false accusers?)

Also check out falserapeaccusations


That's why MenRights and Reddit as a whole under reports on male victims of rape. Because admitting that rape of men is a common thing only helps prove that rape in general is a very common affair and that the 1 in 6 statistic was right the whole time. That Rape is a real problem in western society and forces them to stop ignoring it.

Multiple written lies have been told by the author of this post. When it was first posted, a great many redditors pointed out how poorly his math was put together. Instead of changing or editing his post, he merely deleted the comments. That is called suppression of the truth and it makes you a bad person.

No one is denying that rape is a serious issue. The good news is that according to the BOJ, rape, along with other violent crimes has been dropping steadily since the 1960s. In 2012 the number pivoted because for the first time in USA history, the FBI legally acknowledged that men can be raped. Unfortunately it has been worded such that female on male "made to penetrate" sexual assault is still not rape. Women can only rape men if they anally penetrate them. We still have a long way to go for true gender equality.

So remember this TL;DR when you think about False Rape Accusations.
For both genders you are way more likely to be raped then falsely accused of rape.
Nobody actually knows how likely you are to be falsely accused of rape. At a minimum, 2-11 percent of rape accusations made to the police are false. Probably the number is closer to 1 in 4 due to hard forensic evidence of backtested rapekits that excluded the primary suspect, (as fingered by the alleged victim,) 23% of the time. But we don't really know. It's probably safe to say that you are more at risk of being false accused of rape in 2019 than at any other time in human history because of the public demonstrations of #believewomen. Many still believe Ford's accusations against Kavanugh despite being thoroughly discredited by Leland Keyser.
" I don’t have any confidence in the story,” Keyser told New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly
"Those facts together I don't recollect, and it just didn't make any sense," Keyser told the authors.
"It would be impossible for me to be the only girl at a get-together with three guys, have her leave, and then not figure out how she's getting home," Keyser told Pogrebin and Kelly. "I just really didn't have confidence in the story."
A few days before the hearing, Keyser’s attorney said, “Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.”
"Keyser later said she felt pressure by both [Ford classmate Lucy] Gonella and Ford's friend Monica McLean to change her story," Pogrebin and Kelly wrote.
"I was told behind the scenes that certain things could spread about me if I didn't comply," Keyser told the authors.

#metoo has already been politically weaponized. This is ridiculous. WE are being gaslighted. This is bullshit.

The estimated number of false rape accusations are around 2-10% at the highest.
This is a lie on several levels. It's 2-11%. And that is a minimum. And that's if you only consider surveys conducted by feminists or women's advocates.

For 216 False Rape Accusations only 39 named suspects, and only 2 got charged. That means that only 18% of False Rape Accusations actually accuse someone and that only 0.9% of false rape accusations ended up on court.
I'm pretty sure this stat is referring to how many false rape accusers got charged. So now you are just making up numbers. You are either lying or grossly mistaken.

Vast majority of false rape accusations are made by Teenagers, Parents of Children, and the Homeless.
There's no way to know this. And there is also no citation.

55% of False Rape Accusations are in hopes of getting free medical treatment. Next major category is from teenagers justifying their absences to parents.
Did I miss the source for this. Why are you ignoring De Zutter (2017)?

tl;dr #metoo is a puritanical, sexist witchhunt that strips men of due process while refusing to hold women to the same standards, as per Asia Argento, Katy Perry, and Amber Heard. It's is a moral panic. Much like McCarthyism we will look back on #metoo with a deep sense of shame for vigilante mob justice conducted in the name of false rape accsusations.
submitted by Egalitarianwhistle to MensRights [link] [comments]

urine wikipedia article cuz i just posted the feces one

Urine is a liquid by-product of metabolism in humans and in many other animals. Urine flows from the kidneys through the ureters to the urinary bladder. Urination results in urine being excreted from the body through the urethra.
Cellular) metabolism generates many by-products that are rich in nitrogen and must be cleared) from the bloodstream, such as urea, uric acid, and creatinine. These by-products are expelled from the body during urination, which is the primary method for excreting water-soluble chemicals from the body. A urinalysis can detect nitrogenous wastes of the mammalian body.
Urine has a role in the earth's nitrogen cycle. In balanced ecosystems, urine fertilizes the soil and thus helps plants to grow. Therefore, urine can be used as a fertilizer. Some animals use it to mark their territories#Scent_marking). Historically, aged or fermented urine (known as lant) was also used for gunpowder production, household cleaning, tanning) of leather and dyeing of textiles.
Human urine and feces are collectively referred to as human waste or human excreta, and are managed via sanitation systems. Livestock urine and feces also require proper management if the livestock population density is high.


Most animals have excretory systems for elimination of soluble toxic wastes. In humans, soluble wastes are excreted primarily by the urinary system and, to a lesser extent in terms of urea, removed by perspiration.[1] The urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. The system produces urine by a process of filtration, reabsorption), and tubular secretion. The kidneys extract the soluble wastes from the bloodstream, as well as excess water, sugars, and a variety of other compounds. The resulting urine contains high concentrations of urea and other substances, including toxins. Urine flows from the kidneys through the ureter, bladder, and finally the urethra before passing from the body.
Research looking at the duration of urination in a range of mammal species found that nine larger species urinated for 21 ± 13 seconds irrespective of body size.[2] Smaller species, including rodents and bats, cannot produce steady streams and instead urinate with a series of drops).[2]



Average urine production in adult humans is around 1.4 L of urine per person per day with a normal range of 0.6 to 2.6 L per person per day, produced in around 6 to 8 urinations per day depending on state of hydration, activity level, environmental factors, weight, and the individual's health.[3] Producing too much or too little urine needs medical attention. Polyuria is a condition of excessive production of urine (> 2.5 L/day), oliguria when < 400 mL are produced, and anuria being < 100 mL per day.


About 91-96% of urine consists of water.[3] Urine also contains an assortment of inorganic salts and organic compounds, including proteins, hormones, and a wide range of metabolites, varying by what is introduced into the body.
The total solids in urine are on average 59 g per person per day. Organic matter makes up between 65% and 85% of urine dry solids, with volatile solids comprising 75–85% of total solids. Urea is the largest constituent of the solids, constituting more than 50% of the total. On an elemental level, human urine contains 6.87 g/L carbon, 8.12 g/L nitrogen, 8.25 g/L oxygen, and 1.51 g/L hydrogen. The exact proportions vary with individuals and with factors such as diet) and health.[3] In healthy persons, urine contains very little protein and an excess is suggestive of illness.


Urine varies in appearance, depending principally upon a body's level of hydration, as well as other factors. Normal urine is a transparent solution ranging from colorless to amber but is usually a pale yellow. In the urine of a healthy individual, the color comes primarily from the presence of urobilin. Urobilin is a final waste product resulting from the breakdown of heme from hemoglobin during the destruction of aging blood cells.
Colorless urine indicates over-hydration, generally preferable to dehydration (though it can remove essential salts from the body). Colorless urine in drug tests can suggest an attempt to avoid detection of illicit drugs in the bloodstream through over-hydration.


Sometime after leaving the body, urine may acquire a strong "fish-like" odor because of contamination with bacteria that break down urea into ammonia. This odor is not present in fresh urine of healthy individuals; its presence may be a sign of a urinary tract infection.[citation needed]
The odor of normal human urine can reflect what has been consumed or specific diseases. For example, an individual with diabetes mellitus may present a sweetened urine odor. This can be due to kidney diseases as well, such as kidney stones.
Eating asparagus can cause a strong odor reminiscent of the vegetable caused by the body's breakdown of asparagusic acid.[4] Likewise consumption of saffron, alcohol, coffee, tuna fish, and onion can result in telltale scents.[citation needed] Particularly spicy foods can have a similar effect, as their compounds pass through the kidneys without being fully broken down before exiting the body.[5][6]


Turbid (cloudy) urine may be a symptom of a bacterial infection, but can also be caused by crystallization of salts such as calcium phosphate.[citation needed]


The pH normally is within the range of 5.5 to 7 with an average of 6.2.[3] In persons with hyperuricosuria, acidic urine can contribute to the formation of stones) of uric acid in the kidneys, ureters, or bladder.[7] Urine pH can be monitored by a physician[8] or at home.
A diet which is high in protein from meat and dairy, as well as alcohol consumption can reduce urine pH, whilst potassium and organic acids, such as from diets high in fruit and vegetables, can increase the pH and make it more alkaline.[3] Some drugs also can increase urine pH, including acetazolamide, potassium citrate, and sodium bicarbonate.[citation needed]
Cranberries, popularly thought to decrease the pH of urine, have actually been shown not to acidify urine.[9] Drugs that can decrease urine pH include ammonium chloride, chlorothiazide diuretics, and methenamine mandelate.[10][11]


Human urine has a specific gravity of 1.003–1.035.[3] Any deviations may be associated with urinary disorders.


Healthy urine is not toxic.[12] However, it contains compounds eliminated by the body as undesirable, and can be irritating to skin and eyes. With suitable processing, it is possible to extract potable water from urine.[citation needed]

Bacteria and pathogens

Urine is not sterile, not even in the bladder.[13][14] Earlier studies, with less sophisticated analytical techniques, had found that urine was sterile) until it reached the urethra. In the urethra, epithelial cells lining the urethra are colonized by facultatively anaerobic Gram-negative rod and cocci bacteria.[15]

Examination for medical purposes

Many physicians in ancient history resorted to the inspection and examination of the urine of their patients. Hermogenes) wrote about the color and other attributes of urine as indicators of certain diseases. Abdul Malik Ibn Habib of Andalusia d.862 AD, mentions numerous reports of urine examination throughout the Umayyad empire.[16] Diabetes mellitus got its name because the urine is plentiful and sweet. The name uroscopy refers to any visual examination of the urine, including microscopy, although it often refers to the aforementioned prescientific or protoscientific forms of urine examination. Clinical urine tests today duly note the gross color, turbidity, and odor of urine but also include urinalysis, which chemically analyzes the urine and quantifies) its constituents. A culture of the urine is performed when a urinary tract infection is suspected, as bacteria in the urine are unusual otherwise. A microscopic examination of the urine may be helpful to identify organic or inorganic substrates and help in the diagnosis.
The color and volume of urine can be reliable indicators of hydration level. Clear and copious urine is generally a sign of adequate hydration. Dark urine is a sign of dehydration. The exception occurs when diuretics are consumed, in which case urine can be clear and copious and the person still be dehydrated.


Source of medications

Urine contains proteins and other substances that are useful for medical therapy and are ingredients in many prescription drugs (e.g., Ureacin, Urecholine, Urowave).[citation needed] Urine from postmenopausal women is rich in gonadotropins that can yield follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone for fertility therapy.[17] One such commercial product is Pergonal.[18]
Urine from pregnant women contains enough human chorionic gonadotropins for commercial extraction and purification to produce hCG medication. Pregnant mare urine is the source of estrogens, namely Premarin.[17] Urine also contains antibodies, which can be used in diagnostic antibody tests for a range of pathogens, including HIV-1.[19]
Urine can also be used to produce urokinase, which is used clinically as a thrombolytic agent.[citation needed]


Urine contains large quantities of nitrogen (mostly as urea), as well as reasonable quantities of dissolved potassium. The exact composition of nutrients in urine varies with diet, in particular nitrogen content in urine is related to the quantity of protein in the diet. A high protein diet results in high urea levels in urine.
Urine is very high in nitrogen (can be over 10% in a high-protein diet), low in phosphorus (1%), and moderate in potassium (2-3%). Urine typically contributes 70% of the nitrogen and more than half of the potassium found in urban wastewater flows, while making up less than 1% of the overall volume. If urine is to be separated and collected for use as a fertiliser in agriculture, then the easiest method of doing so is with sanitation systems that utilise waterless urinals, urine-diverting dry toilets (UDDTs) or urine diversion flush toilets.[20]
Undiluted urine can chemically burn the leaves or roots of some plants, particularly if the soil moisture content is low, therefore it is usually applied diluted with water.
When diluted with water (at a 1:5 ratio for container-grown annual crops with fresh growing medium each season or a 1:8 ratio for more general use), it can be applied directly to soil as a fertilizer.[21][22] The fertilization effect of urine has been found to be comparable to that of commercial nitrogen fertilizers.[23] Concentrations of heavy metals such as lead, mercury), and cadmium, commonly found in sewage sludge, are much lower in urine.[24]
Urine can also be used safely as a source of nitrogen in carbon-rich compost.[22] The health risks of using urine as a natural source of agricultural fertilizer are generally regarded as negligible, especially when dispersed in the soil rather than on the part of the plant that is consumed. Urine can even be distributed via perforated hoses buried some 10 cm under the surface of the soil among our crop plants, thus minimizing risk of odors, loss of nutrients, or transmission of pathogens.[25]


Given that the urea in urine breaks down into ammonia, urine has been used for cleaning. In pre-industrial times, urine was used – in the form of lant or aged urine – as a cleaning fluid.[26] Urine was also used for whitening teeth in Ancient Rome.


Urine was used before the development of a chemical industry in the manufacture of gunpowder. Urine, a nitrogen source, was used to moisten straw or other organic material, which was kept moist and allowed to rot for several months to over a year. The resulting salts) were washed from the heap with water, which was evaporated to allow collection of crude saltpeter crystals, that were usually refined before being used in making gunpowder.[27]

Survival uses

The US Army Field Manual[28] advises against drinking urine for survival. These guides explain that drinking urine tends to worsen rather than relieve dehydration due to the salts in it, and that urine should not be consumed in a survival situation, even when there is no other fluid available. In hot weather survival situations, where other sources of water are not available, soaking cloth (a shirt for example) in urine and putting it on the head can help cool the body.
During World War I, Germans experimented with numerous poisonous gases as weapons. After the first German chlorine gas attacks, Allied troops were supplied with masks of cotton pads that had been soaked in urine. It was believed that the ammonia in the pad neutralized the chlorine. These pads were held over the face until the soldiers could escape from the poisonous fumes. The Vickers machine gun, used by the British Army during World War I, required water for cooling when fired so soldiers would resort to urine if water was unavailable.[29]
Urban legend states that urine works well against jellyfish stings. This scenario has appeared many times in popular culture including in the Friends episode "The One With the Jellyfish", an early episode of Survivor), as well as the films The Real Cancun (2003), The Heartbreak Kid) (2007) and The Paperboy) (2012). However, at best it is ineffective, and in some cases this treatment may make the injury worse.[30][31][32]


Urine has often been used as a mordant to help prepare textiles, especially wool, for dyeing. In the Scottish Highlands and Hebrides, the process of "waulking" (fulling) woven wool is preceded by soaking in urine, preferably infantile.[33]


📷Image of two facing pages of the illuminated manuscript of "Isagoge", fols. 42b and 43a. On the top of the left hand page is an illuminated letter "D" - initial of "De urinarum differencia negocium" (The matter of the differences of urines). Inside the letter is a picture of a master on bench pointing at a raised flask while lecturing on the "Book on urines" of Theophilus. The right hand page is only shown in part. On its very bottom is an illuminated letter "U" - initial of "Urina ergo est colamentum sanguinis" (Urine is the filtrate of the blood). Inside the letter is a picture of a master holding up a flask while explaining the diagnostic significance of urine to a student or a patient. HMD Collection, MS E 78.
Ancient Romans used fermented human urine (in the form of lant) to cleanse grease stains from clothing.[34] The emperor Nero instituted a tax (Latin: vectigal urinae) on the urine industry, continued by his successor, Vespasian. The Latin saying Pecunia non olet (money doesn't smell) is attributed to Vespasian – said to have been his reply to a complaint from his son about the unpleasant nature of the tax. Vespasian's name is still attached to public urinals) in France (vespasiennes), Italy (vespasiani), and Romania (vespasiene).
Alchemists spent much time trying to extract gold from urine, which led to discoveries such as white phosphorus by German alchemist Hennig Brand when distilling fermented) urine in 1669. In 1773 the French chemist Hilaire Rouelle discovered the organic compound urea by boiling urine dry.

Society and culture


The English word urine (/ˈjuːrɪn/, /ˈjɜːrɪn/) comes from the Latin urina (-ae, f.), which is cognate with ancient words in various Indo-European languages that concern water, liquid, diving, rain, and urination. The onomatopoetic term piss was the usual word for urination before the 14th century and is now considered vulgar. Urinate was at first used mostly in medical contexts. Piss is also used in such colloquialisms as to piss off, piss poor, and the slang expression pissing down to mean heavy rain. Euphemisms and expressions used between parents and children (such as wee, pee, and many others) have long existed.
Lant is a word for aged urine, originating from the Old English word hland referring to urine in general.
submitted by gran_aut1smo to copypasta [link] [comments]

15 Secrets of Accelerated Success (helped me get my MBA in 6 months) by John A. Muhlestein

People are still requesting this document from an earlier comment to a post even a year later so I decided to post the whole thing. This was an article in one of the communities when I started at WGU in 2013. Hope it helps you as much as it helped me.
15 Secrets of Accelerated Success (helped me get my MBA in 6 months) I wish someone would have explained the following to me in detail when I started. If I had this information then, I would be further along than I am right now. Today, I had some extra time and thought I would write it all down for someone else to use. I know it is long, but I promise that something in this will help you. I originally posted this only in the MBA community, but had several requests to repost it here. Several people working on their BA/BS have emailed me to get this stuff, and I thought it would be easier if it was posted. I started the MBA PROGRAM on March 1, 2012. I completed all the assessments on August 16, 2012. 5 months and 16 days to complete the MBA program. Here are the things I have learned and the things that helped me:
  1. Because everything is online, you have to start thinking online. Everything in the program is electronic; the books, the program, the mentors, the course teachers, everything. You have to stop thinking like a traditional student and start functioning as an online student. You work on one class at a time, drowning yourself in information and submersing yourself in the “stuff” of that area. This is different than having 3-4 classes a semester. FOCUS on the class you are in and nothing else. As an electronic student you must also adapt and use technology to better use your time and energy. Using as many electronic tools as possible will help you get done faster.
  2. Get a second, side-by-side monitor for your computer. If you are trying to do this online with one monitor, you are losing valuable time, cannot organize info properly, and it will be harder than it needs to be. On my left monitor I have MS OneNote, on the right hand monitor I have the COS, e-texts, the communities and almost everything else. When I read the e-texts and course information, I take a screen clip of what is important and insert it in OneNote in an almost fluid movement that takes about a second and I keep reading. (More on OneNote later) Then when I am ready to write, I have all the important notes and info on the left screen as I write on the right. I never have to go back and open the text to find the info I need it is always on the other screen. Working with two monitors has saved me hours (and hours and hours). The cost for an additional monitor is silly ($70-100 for a 20”). I have two 20” screens and that is all you need. If your computer does not have two video ports, you can use an external video adapter (Google “external video adaptor”) get a USB 2.0 they run $39-$120.
  3. Get OneNote from Microsoft. You should not care if it costs you a little money (invest in yourself!). Go back to number one in this list. OneNote is a program that is underutilized and not well known. It is an organization program that allows you to organize your classes as tabs along the top and the readings and activities in pages along the right side. I have all my classes in tabs (Financial analysis had three tabs, Strategic management has two) then I add a page (right hand side) for each new section, chapter, Skills soft module, etc. As I read, I add notes and information to the page. HERE IS THE SECRET: in the menu there is a “clip” button that will allow you to take a picture of anything on your screen and insert it to the page in OneNote where the cursor is. Instead of typing notes, I click on the “clip” button, highlight the section of text, the figure, the picture or whatever (yes even during the skillsoft modules) and unclick. It is inserted to that page. That is why I never have to go back to the text to “find” something. I have it all right there. Is it legal? YES! You are making a copy just like if you were to make a copy from a text book for your own use. I even take pictures during the webinars as they give you tips and info about the tasks. I use the 2007 version. It costs $38.99 on It will be the best $40 you spend, ever! (Only slightly more important than the second monitor). You can also buy OFFICE 10 at the WGU bookstore for $99 and it has OneNote in it.
  4. You will be told everywhere to read the task and the rubric before you start the class. I will take it a step further. Every single prompt (question part, in the MBA program they are the A, A1, A1a, B1, B2 things) within the task has key words (sometimes they are in the webinars too). Take the task, print it and get a highlighter. Highlight every single key word or phrase in each prompt in the task. Once complete, have it handy every time you read anything in the COS. Now the next part is critical, READ THE KEY PHRASES OR WORDS EVERY TIME BEFORE YOU START ANY CHAPTER OR MODULE. Read the task anytime you start anything. Then as you read you will see those same key phrases and words so you know what to pay attention to. How do you know what is important if it is not at the front of your mind? When you read the key words every time before you start reading chapters, you will get accustomed to having the light go on when something is important. You will start to read faster and you will remember more. As you read, add the name of the book, and the page number (or place you put it in OneNote) next to the key phrase. Then when you write, you have easy access to the information.
  5. Do NOT wait until you are done with all the reading to start the task. DO THE TASKS WHILE YOU DO THE READINGS when possible. I learned this during the Financial Analysis course. Instead of waiting until the chapter was done to figure stuff out; I opened the spreadsheet on one monitor as I read on the other. Then as I learned what something was, I could look at it, or try it out with the data from the tasks. Then I started writing as I read the information. Every class since I have written as I read, and WOW, the last four courses I got almost strait 4’s on all my assessment prompts! What’s better is that my retention is great! I look through my OneNote and everything comes back fast.
  6. SECRET WEAPON #1: Take a look at the COS. It is broken up into classes, then it is broken up into competencies, then each competency is broken into sections, and each section is broken up into activities. For your info, there are 31 assessments for all the classes. Remember number 1 of this list? Stop thinking about them as classes or assessments and start thinking about them a 1 hour blocks. When you do, you will start to be able to work through little pieces in hours and stop trying to figure out years or months. If my activities are broken into hours I can do something special with my time… I can manage it. When I plan my day, I think, I have four hours to work on something today…. Well, look here, I have two 60 minute activities and four 30 minute actives… I will get them all done. Then I get the reward for checking them off my list and feel great for using my time wisely instead of … UHG! I have so much left to do in this class!
  7. SECRET WEAPON #2 that makes SECRET WEAPON #1 work. You need a system to make #6 possible. You need somehow to keep track of your little pieces. I use a program called leankitkanban (yes the same Kanban as in supply chain management). It is free and it is online, just like your program. . What I do is before each course I take 30 minutes and create a card for each activity in the segments of the COS. You will learn as you do them to recognize activities that take 30 minutes (like watching a webinar), which ones take 60 minutes (chapter in a book) and which ones take more. For chapters I usually give 60 minutes, some skillsofts are 30 some are 90 minutes. Tasks range from 240 to 600 minutes. I use the colors (type) of the cards to signify if the task is an assessment a reading, or an “extra.” (extras are for other to do items) I have five columns that the cards can move through. The first is the course and to do items. In this column I have every single activity that needs to be done for the course, including things like watch the webinar, read the rubric and read the task. I use the size box to give it the minutes we discussed earlier. I also use the due date for things that have due dates (Leadership and Strategic Management courses). The second column is what I am doing next. I move cards out of the first column into this one the day before I plan to do them. This gives me an idea of what is next. The third column is DOING TODAY. I move the cards into this column at the first of the time period that I have to work. This provides me with motivation to get them done, and a sense of accomplishment when I do get them done. The fourth column is Completed and contains the cards I have completed. This does two things. First it shows me what I am getting done in the time allotted and to see if it needs to be adjusted. Second, it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I don’t move cards out of this column until I start the next day to remind myself how well I did the day before. The last column is pending and is used to track tasks in Taskstream. Until I pass, it remains in the pending column. I know it sounds like a lot, but it is so great to move things through the system. I don’t worry what is still left to be done; I worry about what I am doing next. THEN IT ALL GETS DONE!
  8. I never want a time where I don’t have something in task stream. I do not wait to get things back before continuing on. It is useless to wait around 4-5 days before going on. In all my classes so far I have a grand total of 6 rewrite prompts on three tasks out of 126 prompts (I think) so far. (5% ) Besides, the majority of the time, the next thing I read or write seems to help me with the rewrite (even if it is in the next course).
  9. I was also told that you should just plow ahead and do the tasks even if you don’t really understand and that by having to do rewrites you will learn what you need. I THINK THIS IS STUPID. I have always lived by “*doing it right the first time take less time than having to do it again.*” I read everything in the COS, and I study it. I do rough draft sections of the tasks and go on, but will always come back and rewrite it before I send it in. Here is a piece of advice… The task are not homework, they are tests. They show that you grasp the information and can write about it.
  10. I was amazed when I was doing the Leadership course that my team members did not know how to use the citation tools in MS WORD. What?! You don’t know about the citation tools in MS WORD? It does all the work for you. I have never gotten a single reference wrong, or even had to think about what I was doing to cite a work. GET TRAINED IN USING IT. You have an Atomic Learning license from WGU. Search “atomic Learning” in the communities to learn what the password is and website is. Go there; go to WORD training, for type just put software. Then go to citations and bibliography and watch all the videos. (Takes about 8 minutes). Then you can use the tools and never have to worry about it again.
  11. Use the course mentors. Call them, email them and get info from them when you have questions. I learned this important lesson in Financial Analysis. I had a question, and figured I would just work on my own. I found something on the internet and it sounded like what I supposed to do. I spent 10 hours on that prompt (I am not kidding) I thought I was brilliant. It got sent back. I couldn’t figure out what the deal was so I called the mentor. He explained something to me and I had the paragraph I needed written in 10 minutes (none of the previous work was even needed!) Call them!
  12. Finally, do the work. Every time I tried to skip something, it messed me up. Read the chapters, read the modules. Listen to Skillsoft and do everything in the COS.
  13. I am a writer. I have two novels that have been published (The Endowment & Sun the Starfarer, written with my daughter). This doesn’t mean I have perfect grammar. In fact, my grammar is awful. AWFUL! What I found was Buy the WORD version, $95 annually, and it checks your work for grammar errors, spelling errors, plagiarism, helps with different word choices, and explains the different problems in your writing. Each time I am done with a task, I push the button to check it, five minutes later I go through all the issues (usually 75-100 per 15 pages). It takes 30 minutes or so, but when I am done, my writing is a thousand times better!
  14. Don’t get tied up in what others write in the discussion boards. Just because they have a hard time in a class or on a task does not mean you will. I do occasionally look at what someone says about a task our when they are asking for help, but I don’t actually read what they say. What I am looking for is what course mentor say, where to find the answers, and what resources they suggest. I don’t get caught up in the person’s issues, just the solutions that were found.
  15. Use the internet. Often, I find that there are good sources of information that are more concise than the textbooks. I stick to organizations and trade sites. For example, I had a question about supply chain management. I found much more than enough information from the supply chain management review website to answer my question. WARNING: not all information on the web is good, or from a good source. Stick to sites that are for professionals in that area. If you read this, please post a remark. It is nice to know when people are using this info. It also keeps the post near the top so it can help others.
~John A. Muhlestein
submitted by BAH82 to WGU [link] [comments]

Here is an examination of the claim that bleach was used to remove all of Teresa’s blood from Avery’s garage floor. As evidence for this claim Kratz pointed to Brendan’s bleach stained jeans as well as the fact that a small area in Avery’s garage faintly reacted when luminol was applied

Here is an examination of the claim that bleach was used to remove all of Teresa’s blood from Avery’s garage floor. As evidence for this claim Kratz pointed to Brendan’s bleach stained jeans as well as the fact that a small area in Avery’s garage faintly reacted when luminol was applied.

Remarkably some people still say they rely on Brendan’s words to support their position that Avery is guilty and that a pool of Teresa’s blood was once on his garage floor. I don’t understand those people. There are more than enough reasons to believe that Brendan’s statements may not be wholly reliable or even truly voluntary. Fortunately we can examine the case files to see if there is any evidence at all to support the theory that bleach was used to remove a pool of Teresa’s blood from Avery’s garage floor. In this post:

Speculation: Making a Murderer Part Two

I have listened to a few interviews with the filmmakers and have been able to collect a few quotes regarding their process for filming and editing season one as well as some of their expectations for season two. I remember one interview in particular wherein the filmmakers explained their decision to include the public reaction to season one of Making a Murderer in the second season. This was a difficult decision, as they were not fond of referencing their own documentary within the documentary, however as Moira says:
Demos: “We are in production on new episodes of the series, and it’s clear that the world we’re documenting now is a new world in that it’s very affected by the fact that the series exists, whether that be the families or the lawyers or the cases themselves.” (Youtube - 00:14:20)
During another interview (for the Irish Innocence Project) Moira said of the new season:
Demos: “It will be about the same case, although, you know, the public’s response, the world’s response to the series is becoming part of the case, so that could be part of it as well. There were moments in January and February, as the series was coming out, and people were -- you know cooperate media outlets were talking nonstop about the case, it felt like, isn’t this part of the series? Are we back in 2005? It was very much like déjà vu.” (Youtube - 00:25:08)
This seems to indicate the filmmakers are going to treat us to a self referential documentary. During a podcast interview (below) the team was specifically asked about the events immediately preceding and immediately following the role out of season one on Netflix. The interviewer first asked about the preceding events, specifically whether or not the series had to be vetted by Netflix’s legal department. This was indeed the case; Netflix had their lawyers review the series before it aired as well as the supporting documents provided by Ricciardi and Demo. Ricciardi asserts all of the “legal checking” was a “thorough process.” We then come to the interviews questions regarding the events immediately following the premier:
Interviewer: But when you’re done with that process and the program is rolled out on Netflix, certainly you anticipate, even expect some blow back from the principles involved, correct? Did you prepare yourselves for that?
Demos: Yeah I mean it’s no surprise to us what Kratz is coming out and saying, I mean, I can’t even say I’m disappointed. It’s so predictable. What’s disappointing is that, you know, the reporters on the national news are not asking him, “What is your source?” They’re not looking at the record and challenging him on his statements. They’re sort of doing exactly what we document happened during the Halbach case. He makes a statement, the media puts it out there as truth and you know, off we go. (Podcast 00:18:00)
Most here know that Kratz has been constantly spreading misinformation regarding the facts of the case. As we can see from below, the filmmakers are very aware about what everyone has been saying was "left out" of the documentary. I have always found this to be a ridiculous claim, especially considering the fact that the filmmakers were dealing with condensing a 30 year period and weeks upon weeks of complex legal proceedings down into a 10 hour piece. They only devoted four episodes to Avery's jury trial. Four hours to accurately detail a trial that took almost 5 weeks.
Ricciardi: We're not prosecutors, we're not defense attorneys, we did not set out to convict or exonerate anyone. We set out to examine the criminal justice system and how it's functioning today. It would have been impossible for us to include every piece of evidence submitted to the court. So we took our cues from the prosecution. What they thought was the most compelling evidence, that's what we included. (Screenshot)
Ricciardi and Demos focused on including the RAV, the key, the bones and the bullet. I believe that sounds about right. As they say, of course evidence was left out, but nothing was left out that conclusively demonstrated Avery was guilty. In fact many of the things Kratz has been saying about the documentary are just plain not true.
Interviewer: Some people have sort of complained that you left things out and that you’ve shaded this story in some way, and have questioned your ethics in that way. What would you say?
Demos: Well I disagree with those people. I don’t think they know as much about the story as they would like to lead on. And they know nothing about our process. They could ask us about our process and we could discuss specific things with them about why -- you know, I’ve heard a lot of accusations, “Why didn’t you put this in?” Well, because if you look into it, it’s not true, that’s why it’s not in there. (Youtube - 00:25:08)
Right from the start Kratz was doing his best to muddy the waters in regards to the validity of the documentary. For instance, during his 2007 closing statement Kratz admits that blood was not detected in Avery’s garage in the area luminol reacted. Nevertheless, after Making a Murderer premiered Kratz went on Dr. Phil and said: “There was blood in the garage that lit up with luminol, but they couldn’t type it.” This is not true. None of Teresa’s blood was found anywhere in the garage, not even on the bullet the State claimed was shot through Teresa’s skull. This is the kind of thing I somewhat expect and painfully hope will be included in the next batch of episodes for Making a Murderer - a few segments devoted to exposing some of the more obvious lies Kratz has told since 2016. Kratz going on national television and saying there was blood detected in Avery’s garage via the use of luminol was quite an idiotic move. I'm sure the filmmakers have been keeping track better than I have. And no I’m not saying anything will happen to Kratz if his lies are exposed, but seeing as how it is often his own words / witnesses from the trial that prove him wrong, such lies, if nothing else, should lead to him having no remaining credibility, at least in the eyes of reasonable individuals.

A lie exposed by his own words

Here is the transcribed excerpt of the March 2017 Dr. Phil episode in which Buting and Kratz faced off. Thank you to the user who transcribed this episode in order to prevent anyone from having to watch Dr. Phil.
Dr. Phil questions Kratz and Buting (Full Transcript)
Dr. Phil: There was no blood evidence where this supposedly took place, her throat got cut in the house?
Ken Kratz: Not in the bedroom, there was blood in the garage that lit up with luminol. But it wasn’t the type--
Jerry Buting: There was no blood in the garage--
Ken Kratz: There was blood in the garage that lit up with luminol but they couldn’t type it, they couldn’t get any DNA matches out of it.
Jerry Buting: There was no blood in the garage. It’s completely false.
Below is an excerpt from Kratz's 2007 closing statement wherein we find the citation (TT:3/15:97) that directly disproves the claim he made on Dr. Phil (that blood was found in the garage in the same area that lit up with luminol).
Ken Kratz Closing Statement (Full Document - Pg. 97)
KEN KRATZ: There's two things that are most reactive with luminal, one is human blood and the other is bleach. Bleach coincidentally is the one thing that eats up or destroys DNA. We have heard about just to the left and just to the back of this tractor, about a three to four foot area, large area that lit up or glowed very brightly. Mr. Ertl testified about that. He was the person who processed that area. I'm asking you to infer that Mr. Avery cleaned up this area with bleach. Now, you knew that inference, or that suggestion from the State, I think, was coming. We have put in the bleach. We have talked about the luminal. We have gotten expert testimony from Mr. Ertl that the two things that light up, it wasn't blood, but it was, in fact, bleach.
As we can see Kratz was lying when he told Dr. Phil that blood was found in the garage with luminol that couldn’t be typed. Just above he admits that no such thing happened. Exposing this type of lie with a compelling approach would (I assume) only be too easy for a practised documentarian / film editor. Comparing the 2017 Dr. Phil statement to his 2007 closing statement would not take much time and would certainly make a point - Kratz can’t be trusted.

Evidence left out of the Documentary: Brendan's bleach stained jeans

Below I focus on discrediting one or two of the arguments that pop up here and there when people argue the filmmakers left out evidence of Avery's guilt. First, it is incredibly common for people to point to the luminol reaction in Avery's garage as a piece of evidence left out of the documentary that points to Avery's guilt, as the luminol reaction apparently demonstrates Avery was able to remove all of Teresa's blood from his garage. Another popular talking point for those wishing to discredit the documentary is that the filmmakers didn't include anything about the fact that (during Brendan's trial) a pair of bleach stained jeans were entered into evidence.
As we know this whole theory with the bleach in the garage started when Fassbender became aware (on Feb 27, 2006) that Brendan had a pair of bleach stained pants that he apparently wore on the day Teresa disappeared. The State's theory eventually evolved to include Avery and Dassey cleaning Teresa's blood off the garage floor with Bleach and possibly gas and paint thinner.
Brendan's pants were indeed visibly stained with bleach, which indicates the stains were due to chlorine bleach, not oxygen bleach. Chlorine bleach destroys DNA but not hemoglobin, or iron. It will also change the color of fabric. Conversely, while oxygen bleach does (of course) destroy DNA, it also, unlike chlorine bleach, destroys hemoglobin. As an added plus oxygen bleach won’t even stain your clothes. Therefore we know Brendan’s pants were stained with chlorine bleach, and that hemoglobin should have been found. IMO even if oxygen bleach was used (it wasn't) it still would have been more than obvious to investigators that a murder took place in Avery's garage.
Zellner's world renowned blood spatter expert (S. James) has said in his own affidavit that, "In [his] professional experience, it is extremely difficult to clean blood stains with heavy applications of bleach and paint thinner." (Screenshot of affidavit.) Sure, if you know what you are doing you can maybe remove the visible blood, the DNA, but no way in fuck could you remove all of the latent blood, not without a visual aid .
For those who don’t know, Brendan testified at his trial that he helped Avery clean a stain in the garage floor, a stain he thought was automotive fluid - transmission fluid. Brendan testified that he lied when he said he helped kill Teresa and that his confessions were made up and didn’t really happen and that he “didn’t really do it.” When asked about his interrogation, Brendan testified he thought “no matter what [he] wouldn’t be taken away from [his] family and put in jail.”
What happened to Brendan was a clear injustice. The police failed him. His attorney failed him. His mother failed him. The courts failed him. Brendan was a vulnerable individual due to his low intelligence and passive demeanor. Even if we ignore the lack of corroborating evidence there is still more than enough reason to believe his statements were not voluntary and are not reliable. Fassbender and Wiegert repeatedly pressured Brendan to provide them with details of that day that conformed to their theory of the crime. Nothing Brendan said during those Feb - May 2006 interviews can be trusted as a reliable source of information. I truly believe it is not an inflammatory thing to say that only very unreasonable individuals still rely on Brendan’s statements to support their position. However, luckily we don’t have to rely on Brendan’s statements. An examination of the case files demonstrates there is no evidence what so ever to support the claim that bleach was used to remove a pool of Teresa’s blood from Avery’s garage floor.

Evidence left out of the documentary: Faint luminol reactions

Again, it is incredibly common for people to point to the luminol reaction in Avery's garage as a piece of evidence left out of the documentary that points to Avery's guilt. After some brief research I noticed there is one other problem with the above excerpt from Kratz’s closing statement (re luminol) that should be addressed in this post at this point. Recall that while Kratz did admit blood was not detected he also (incorrectly) said that Ertl testified the area in Avery’s garage that was treated with luminol “lit up very brightly.” This was the only thing Kratz was able to point to in support of his inference that Avery cleaned Teresa's blood off his garage floor with bleach. The problem is, that isn't true. Luckily just as above the lie can be easily exposed. This time to do so we only need to look at Ertl’s jury trial testimony.
Attorney Buting Cross Examines Ertl, WSCL Analyst (Full Document - Pg. 120)
BUTING: All right. Mr. Ertl, I'm not exactly sure where we left off, but let's talk about luminol for a minute?
ERTL: All right.
JB: Luminol is this substance that reacts to a number of different things besides just blood, right?
JE: That's correct.
JB: Other kinds of chemicals, you mentioned cleaning agents, bleach reacts real highly to that, very strong?
JE: Yes.
JB: Which means very bright?
JE: Bright and fast, yes.
JB: Okay. What about other kinds of things, transmission fluid perhaps, oils, things of that nature?
JE: I know it reacts with some metals, copper and lead in particular. Transmission fluid might have some metals ground into it, so it's possible.
JB: Okay. Maybe it would not be as strong a reaction, maybe some -- a faint reaction, something like that?
JE: Perhaps.
JB: And this is a garage -- Let's go to the garage floor for a minute, where you said you had a faint reaction in this little area, 3 X 4 area.
JE: Right.
JB: Not a real bright, quick reaction like you get with bleach, for instance?
JE: Right.
JB: And the area, then, you then sampled and tested with phenolphthalein, after that, right?
JE: That's correct.
JB: You turn the lights and then you used these very sensitive phenolphthalein tests to see if there's any possible blood?
JE: Correct.
JB: And that would be human or animal, right?
JE: That's correct.
JB: And that particular area, you didn't find any -- any kind of blood reaction at all?
JE: That's correct.
As we can see Ertl confirmed that he tested for both animal and human blood in Avery's garage. Further, Ertl agreed with Buting that it is possible for luminol to react to transmission fluid with a faint glow. Finally, notice that Ertl was clear that the spot tested with luminol in Avery's garage reacted faintly, not brightly. Luminol reacts very brightly to blood, hemoglobin and bleach, but luminol would not react very brightly to transmission fluid. Kratz told the jury that because the luminol reacted brightly it was a reasonable inference that Avery used bleach to remove blood from his garage floor. As we can see in order to support his suggested inference regarding the bleach, Kratz was forced to misrepresent the content of his own witnesses testimony.
Clearly there are many reasons to question if a pool of blood was ever in Avery's garage. I believe we also have reason to question whether or not bleach was used, as the luminol reaction was faint, not bright.


Blood contains hemoglobin, which contains iron atoms. Forensic investigators use luminol to detect trace amounts of blood at crime scenes, as it reacts with the iron in hemoglobin. luminol reacts very brightly to blood, hemoglobin and bleach. However because luminol reacts to minute metals (iron, copper) it is possible for luminol to react faintly when applied to a surface once covered in transmission fluid.
I'm sure over the last few years some people read that "bleach was detected in the garage," and then of course thought, "blood was probably there at one point." We know this isn't true. There has never been any evidence that any of Teresa's blood was ever anywhere near the trailer, garage or burn pit. Further, IMO there is not even any evidence to support the State’s position that Avery and Brendan were using bleach.
IMO the faint luminol reaction completely destroys the theory that there was a pool of blood in the garage. Chlorine bleach would not have destroyed the hemoglobin, or iron, in the blood, meaning Avery's garage should have lit up very brightly, as the luminol would have been reacting to bleach as well as hemoglobin, but this didn't happen, only a faint reaction was detected, because clearly (at least IMO) Teresa was not murdered in Avery's garage. Ertl is a State witness, and his testimony directly contradicts the claims made by Kratz during his closing statement (that the luminol reacted brightly). The luminol reaction means absolutely nothing, especially in light of the fact that Ertl testified the reaction was faint, not bright.

Human Blood and Animal Blood

Finally, notice that even though there were no visible pools of blood (or anything else suspicious) in Avery’s garage the State still ran multiple tests to detect the presence of human blood and animal blood.
From above...
BUTING: You turn on the lights and then you used these very sensitive phenolphthalein tests to see if there's any possible blood?
ERTL: Correct.
JB: And that would be human or animal, right?
JE: That's correct.
JB: And that particular area, you didn't find any -- any kind of blood reaction at all?
JE: That's correct.
So even though they couldn’t see any blood in Avery’s garage they still tested for human blood and animal blood. Nothing was found. Of course less than 100 feet away there was another garage that belonged to the Dassey’s that we all know was covered in blood - animal blood from a deer that Bobby claimed on November 4, 2005. Oddly enough the State did not conduct any tests in the Dassey garage to ensure that no human blood was mixed in with the deer blood. As we know, Zellner is now alleging that Teresa was dismembered in the Dassey garage. In an attempt to cover up the bloody scene of a mutilation the Dassey's hung a dead deer in their garage, which apparently didn’t make anyone look twice. Zellner has recently revealed that the State never even luminoled the Dassey garage. That is ... very telling.
Zellner’s reply to the State’s response to her Motion to Compel (Full Document)
It is a reasonable inference that Ms. Halbach was shot by Bobby’s .22 LR because Scott Tadych attempted to sell Bobby’s .22 LR the next week to a fellow employee at the Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry. (R.630:73-74; 706:165-66). The Dassey garage was never luminoled or checked for forensic evidence of any type; however, blood, which was never tested, was found between the Dassey garage and residence. - Pg. 9
It is a reasonable inference that Ms. Halbach was dismembered in the Dassey garage because of Bobby’s attempt to conceal evidence by hanging a deer in the Dassey garage and lying about the time frame of when that happened. (Excerpt from the 11/6/05 Interview of Barb Janda STATE0804, 815-16, is attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit 2) - Pg. 10
I was pretty shocked when I read this. I always knew the deer played a part in the case but I could never place it, and as far as I know no one ever theorized the deer was used to obscure the scene of the mutilation. I was fascinated and horrified, especially when you consider the fact that this became a murder investigation and the State did nothing in order to determine whether or not any of Teresa’s blood was mixed in with any of that deer blood.
IMO is clear the State targeted Avery, and we are learning more and more that leads me to believe Bobby and Scott were flat out ignored, or even protected. Whatever the case IMO it is clear Avery was targeted. No pools of animal blood were found in Avery’s garage, but since luminol reacted faintly in his garage I guess Avery is guilty. The fact that the State never luminoled or even tried to determine if there was any of Teresa's blood mixed in with the dear blood in the Dassey garage is very troubling to me. They should have been all over that shit. The scratches on Bobby's back were discovered on Nov 9, 2005. Law enforcement didn't get off the Avery property until Nov 12, 2005. IMO even without knowing about the scratches on Bobby's back the blood covered Dassey garage should (obviously) have been more than enough to motivate the police to actually fucking investigate the scene instead of taking one picture and calling it a day.

The Ultimate Disrespect

The filmmakers have explicitly stated on the record that they don't know if Avery is innocent, but that they firmly believe he was not proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. They also assert the point of the documentary was not to inspire people to find out what happened to Teresa, the point of documentary was to examine whether Wisconsin's criminal justice system had made any improvements since 1985, when some terrible mistakes were made. Did any meaningful reform taken place between 1985 - 2005? Was Avery going to get a fair trial this time around or would history repeat itself? That was the focus of the documentary. Of course such a focus would naturally encompass Teresa, the victim in the case.
I know that a very select few people still assert that the filmmakers have done Teresa a great disrespect by putting this documentary out there. IMO the ones who put Teresa's remains into garbage bags are the disrespectful ones, but I'll set my grievances aside and let the filmmakers defend themselves. During one interview Ricciardi explains why she believes bringing the case to the world's attention was not disrespectful to Teresa Halbach.
Interviewer: This is a question you are asked all the time. I’ve waited until now to ask it, but I do want to talk about your feelings, perceptions, of Steven and Brendan’s guilt or innocence. How do you respond to that when people say, “look, did he do it or not?”
Ricciardi: I mean, I couldn’t presume to know. I have no idea what happened to Teresa Halbach. And I mean, I’m probably as frustrated as anyone else. I don’t know whether Steven Avery and or Brendan Dassey were responsible. All I know -- or what I have an opinion about was whether the process that lead to those two convictions was fair and in my opinion there was a miscarriage of justice here and I think they both deserve a new trial. And I mean I -- You know -- what I just said, and the opinion I just gave – you know, I say that with all due respect to the Halbach Family. Because I can imagine if they hear this or if it’s reported that we’ve said this, it could be very hurtful for them and I take that seriously. But I do believe that if there was a miscarriage of justice here, that bringing that to the world’s attention is important and can be done out of respect for Teresa Halbach, because we see what happened in 1985 - the community believed that Law Enforcement had got the right guy and in fact the right guy was out on the street and he continued his reign of terror attacking woman for another 10 years. And we met one of those victims in the series, somebody who should never have been attacked because Gregory Allen should have been in prison but he wasn’t. So the question remains, if Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey did not kill Teresa Halbach then that means the person who did is still out there on the street. (Youtube - 00:38:21)
I truly don't think the filmmakers are unethical or opportunistic people. I also don't think the State will find many sympathetic ears when they inevitably come out and say season two of Making a Murder is a moral crime against Teresa and the Halbach family. I believe the filmmakers when they say (in their minds) a miscarriage of justice has taken place and "if there was a miscarriage of justice here, bringing that to the world’s attention is important and can be done out of respect for Teresa Halbach."
It is plainly obvious Avery was targeted due to the investigation being contaminated by members of Manitowoc County and the Wisconsin DOJ. Of course Calumet County was just as willing as the rest of them to play ball. Frankly I still think that Manitowoc's involvement alone warrants a retrial, but I understand that is not how this works. Still, IMO when you consider the conflict of interest, the quality of the investigation, and the amount of suppressed / planted evidence I think it is fair to say no one would be okay with this happening to them, so we shouldn’t be okay with it happening to someone else.
As always, speaking up is enough. As we move forward this month it is important to remember it does not make you unreasonable, irrational or foolish to state that you don’t believe Avery was proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. It is a matter of opinion, not fact. You don’t have to be confident in Avery’s innocence to know that his rights to due process were violated to such a degree that he deserves a new trial in the interest of justice. Again, this isn't too much to ask IMO considering what happened in 1985 - law enforcement negligence not only lead to Avery losing years of his life, it also lead to multiple women being violently assaulted.
Considering this kind of thing has happened before, in this case the public, particularly Wisconsin residents, should be demanding answers. Now that Zellner has uncovered images of females being bound, raped, tortured, murdered and mutilated on the Dassey computer we have a whole host of new questions that need answering. Just imagine if the State discovered that Avery had child porn on his computer. Imagine if the State discovered Avery was obsessed with looking at images of young girls being tortured. Imagine if when Avery was examined they discovered he had scratches on his back. Then imagine Avery claimed the scratches on his back were from a puppy and that he had no idea how the porn got on his computer and that he didn't know where Kuss Road was. If this was the case I believe most reasonable people would say Avery should be looked as a suspect. This is not the case, however. No child porn or torture porn was found, at least not on Avery’s computer. No scratches were found, at least not on Avery’s back. I can't wait to see the public's reaction to season two. I have always said the filmmakers were very kind to Wisconsin in season one, and that was before I'd seen any of Zellner's filings. I have no doubt that if the filmmakers wanted to ... well, they wouldn't have to try very hard to make Wisconsin look bad, especially considering the circuit court judge has now officially declined the opportunity to learn about Kratz and Fassbender’s discovery and subsequent suppression of both exculpatory evidence and child pornography.
submitted by Temptedious to TickTockManitowoc [link] [comments]

stinky !

Feces From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search "Fecal matter" redirects here. For the American punk rock band, see Fecal Matter (band). Not to be confused with facies.
This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Find sources: "Feces" – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (September 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Elephant feces Human feces A comparison of elephant (left) and human feces (right) Feces (or faeces) are the solid or semisolid remains of food that could not be digested in the small intestine. Bacteria in the large intestine further break down the material.[1][2] Feces contain a relatively small amount of metabolic waste products such as bacterially altered bilirubin, and the dead epithelial cells from the lining of the gut.[1]
Feces are discharged through the anus or cloaca during defecation.
Feces can be used as fertilizer or soil conditioner in agriculture. It can also be burned as fuel or dried and used for construction. Some medicinal uses have been found. In the case of human feces, fecal transplants or fecal bacteriotherapy are in use. Urine and feces together are called excreta.
Contents 1 Characteristics 1.1 Physiology 2 Ecology 3 Human feces 4 Uses of animal feces 4.1 Fertilizer 4.2 Energy 4.3 Coprolites and paleofeces 4.4 Other uses 5 Terminology 5.1 Etymology 5.2 Synonyms 5.3 Feces of animals 6 Society and culture 6.1 Feelings of disgust 6.2 Social media 6.3 Pets 7 See also 8 References 9 External links Characteristics
Fresh bear scat
Bear scat showing consumption of bin bags in garbage The distinctive odor of feces is due to bacterial action. Gut flora produces compounds such as indole, skatole, and thiols (sulfur-containing compounds), as well as the inorganic gas hydrogen sulfide. These are the same compounds responsible for the odor of flatulence. Consumption of spicy foods may result in the spices being undigested and adding to the odor.
The perceived bad odor of feces has been hypothesized to be a deterrent for humans, as consuming or touching it may result in sickness or infection.[3] Human perception of the odor may be contrasted by a non-human animal's perception of it; for example, an animal who eats feces may be attracted to its odor.
Physiology Main article: Defecation Feces are discharged through the anus or cloaca during defecation. This process requires pressures that may reach 100 mm Hg in humans and 450 mm Hg in penguins.[4][5] The forces required to expel the feces are generated through muscular contractions and a build-up of gases inside the gut, prompting the sphincter to relieve the pressure and to release the feces.[5]
The cassowary disperses plant seeds via its feces
Earthworm feces aid in provision of minerals and plant nutrients in an accessible form After an animal has digested eaten material, the remains of that material are discharged from its body as waste. Although it is lower in energy than the food from which it is derived, feces may retain a large amount of energy, often 50% of that of the original food.[6] This means that of all food eaten, a significant amount of energy remains for the decomposers of ecosystems. Many organisms feed on feces, from bacteria to fungi to insects such as dung beetles, who can sense odors from long distances.[7] Some may specialize in feces, while others may eat other foods. Feces serve not only as a basic food, but also as a supplement to the usual diet of some animals. This process is known as coprophagia, and occurs in various animal species such as young elephants eating the feces of their mothers to gain essential gut flora, or by other animals such as dogs, rabbits, and monkeys.
Feces and urine, which reflect ultraviolet light, are important to raptors such as kestrels, who can see the near ultraviolet and thus find their prey by their middens and territorial markers.[8]
Seeds also may be found in feces. Animals who eat fruit are known as frugivores. An advantage for a plant in having fruit is that animals will eat the fruit and unknowingly disperse the seed in doing so. This mode of seed dispersal is highly successful, as seeds dispersed around the base of a plant are unlikely to succeed and often are subject to heavy predation. Provided the seed can withstand the pathway through the digestive system, it is not only likely to be far away from the parent plant, but is even provided with its own fertilizer.
Organisms that subsist on dead organic matter or detritus are known as detritivores, and play an important role in ecosystems by recycling organic matter back into a simpler form that plants and other autotrophs may absorb once again. This cycling of matter is known as the biogeochemical cycle. To maintain nutrients in soil it is therefore important that feces return to the area from which they came, which is not always the case in human society where food may be transported from rural areas to urban populations and then feces disposed of into a river or sea.
Human feces Main article: Human feces Depending on the individual and the circumstances, human beings may defecate several times a day, every day, or once every two or three days. Extensive hardening that interrupts this routine for several days or more is called constipation.
The appearance of human fecal matter varies according to diet and health.[9] Normally it is semisolid, with a mucus coating. A combination of bile and bilirubin, which comes from dead red blood cells, gives feces the typical brown color.[1][2]
After the meconium, the first stool expelled, a newborn's feces contain only bile, which gives it a yellow-green color. Breast feeding babies expel soft, pale yellowish, and not quite malodorous matter; but once the baby begins to eat, and the body starts expelling bilirubin from dead red blood cells, its matter acquires the familiar brown color.[2]
At different times in their life, human beings will expel feces of different colors and textures. A stool that passes rapidly through the intestines will look greenish; lack of bilirubin will make the stool look like clay.
Uses of animal feces See also: Reuse of excreta and Human feces § Uses Fertilizer The feces of animals often are used as fertilizer; see guano and manure.
Energy Further information: Dry animal dung fuel Dry animal dung is burned and used as a fuel source in many countries around the world. Some animal feces, especially that of camel, bison, and cattle, are fuel sources when dried.[10]
Animals such as the giant panda[11] and zebra[12] possess gut bacteria capable of producing biofuel. That bacteria, called Brocadia anammoxidans, can create the rocket fuel hydrazine.[13][14]
Coprolites and paleofeces A coprolite is fossilized feces and is classified as a trace fossil. In paleontology they give evidence about the diet of an animal. They were first described by William Buckland in 1829. Prior to this they were known as "fossil fir cones" and "bezoar stones". They serve a valuable purpose in paleontology because they provide direct evidence of the predation and diet of extinct organisms.[15] Coprolites may range in size from a few millimetres to more than 60 centimetres.
Palaeofeces are ancient human feces, often found as part of archaeological excavations or surveys. Intact feces of ancient people may be found in caves in arid climates and in other locations with suitable preservation conditions. These are studied to determine the diet and health of the people who produced them through the analysis of seeds, small bones, and parasite eggs found inside. These feces may contain information about the person excreting the material as well as information about the material. They also may be analyzed chemically for more in-depth information on the individual who excreted them, using lipid analysis and ancient DNA analysis. The success rate of usable DNA extraction is relatively high in paleofeces, making it more reliable than skeletal DNA retrieval.[16]
The reason this analysis is possible at all is due to the digestive system not being entirely efficient, in the sense that not everything that passes through the digestive system is destroyed. Not all of the surviving material is recognizable, but some of it is. Generally, this material is the best indicator archaeologists can use to determine ancient diets, as no other part of the archaeological record is so direct an indicator.[17]
A process that preserves feces in a way that they may be analyzed later is called the Maillard reaction. This reaction creates a casing of sugar that preserves the feces from the elements. To extract and analyze the information contained within, researchers generally have to freeze the feces and grind it up into powder for analysis.[18]
Other uses
Pet waste station at government building Animal dung occasionally is used as a cement to make adobe mudbrick huts,[19] or even in throwing sports such as cow pat throwing or camel dung throwing contests.[20]
Kopi luwak (pronounced [ˈkopi ˈlu.aʔ]), or civet coffee, is coffee made from coffee berries that have been eaten by and passed through the digestive tract of the Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). Giant pandas provide fertilizer for the world's most expensive green tea.[21] In Malaysia, tea is made from the droppings of stick insects fed on guava leaves.
In northern Thailand, elephants are used to digest coffee beans in order to make Black Ivory coffee, which is among the world's most expensive coffees.[21]
Dog feces were used in the tanning process of leather during the Victorian era. Collected dog feces, known as "pure", "puer", or "pewer",[22] were mixed with water to form a substance known as "bate." Enzymes in the dog feces helped to relax the fibrous structure of the hide before the final stages of tanning.[23]
Elephants, hippos, koalas and pandas are born with sterile intestines, and require bacteria obtained from eating the feces of their mothers to digest vegetation.
In India, cow dung and cow urine are major ingredients of the traditional Hindu drink Panchagavya. Politician Shankarbhai Vegad said in 2015, "I am witness to it, cow dung and urine are a 100 per cent cure for cancer."[24]
Cyclosia papilionaris consuming bird droppings Feces is the scientific terminology, while the term stool is also commonly used in medical contexts.[25] Outside of scientific contexts, these terms are less common, with the most common layman's term being poo (or poop in North American English). The term shit is also in common use, although is widely considered vulgar or offensive. There are many other terms, see below.
Etymology The word faeces is the plural of the Latin word faex meaning "dregs". In most English-language usage, there is no singular form, making the word a plurale tantum;[26] out of various major dictionaries, only one enters variation from plural agreement.[27]
Synonyms Further information: Shit "Feces" is used more in biology and medicine than in other fields (reflecting science's tradition of classical Latin and New Latin)
In hunting and tracking, terms such as dung, scat, spoor, and droppings normally are used to refer to non-human animal feces In husbandry and farming, manure is common. Stool is a common term in reference to human feces. For example, in medicine, to diagnose the presence or absence of a medical condition, a stool sample sometimes is requested for testing purposes.[28] The term bowel movement(s) (with each movement a defecation event) is also common in health care. There are many synonyms in informal registers for feces, just like there are for urine. Many are euphemismistic, colloquial, or both; some are profane (such as shit), whereas most belong chiefly to child-directed speech (such as poo or poop) or to crude humor (such as crap, dump, load and turd.).
Horse feces Feces of animals The feces of animals often have special names, for example:
Non-human animals As bulk material – dung Individually – droppings Cattle Bulk material – cow dung Individual droppings – cow pats, meadow muffins, etc. Deer (and formerly other quarry animals) – fewmets Wild carnivores – scat Otter – spraint Birds (individual) – droppings (also include urine as white crystals of uric acid) Seabirds or bats (large accumulations) – guano Herbivorous insects, such as caterpillars and leaf beetles – frass Earthworms, lugworms etc. – worm castings (feces extruded at ground surface) Feces when used as fertilizer (usually mixed with animal bedding and urine) – manure Horses – horse manure, roadapple (before motor vehicles became common, horse droppings were a big part of the rubbish communities needed to clean off roads) Society and culture
Sign ordering owners to clean up after pets, Houston, Texas, 2011 Feelings of disgust Main article: Human feces In all human cultures, feces elicit varying degrees of disgust in adults. Children under two years typically have no disgust response to it, suggesting it is culturally derived.[29] Disgust toward feces appears to be strongest in cultures where flush toilets make olfactory contact with human feces minimal.[30] Disgust is experienced primarily in relation to the sense of taste (either perceived or imagined) and, secondarily to anything that causes a similar feeling by sense of smell, touch, or vision.
Social media There is a Pile of Poo emoji represented in Unicode as U+1F4A9 💩 PILE OF POO, called unchi or unchi-kun in Japan.[31][32]
This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Find sources: "Feces" – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (November 2018) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Some pets can be trained to use litter boxes or wait to be allowed outside to defecate. Training can be done in several ways, especially dependent on species. An example is crate training for puppies. Several companies market cleaning products for pet owners whose pets have soiled carpets in their homes.
See also icon Biology portal Coprophagia Coprophilia Coprophilous fungi Cow dung Excretory system Fecal plug Manure Metabolic waste Night soil Sanitation Scatology Coprolite References Tortora, Gerard J.; Anagnostakos, Nicholas P. (1987). Principles of anatomy and physiology (Fifth ed.). New York: Harper & Row, Publishers. p. 624. ISBN 978-0-06-350729-6. Diem, K.; Lentner, C. (1970). "Faeces". in: Scientific Tables (Seventh ed.). Basle, Switzerland: CIBA-GEIGY Ltd. pp. 657–660. Curtis V, Aunger R, Rabie T (May 2004). "Evidence that disgust evolved to protect from risk of disease". Proc. Biol. Sci. 271 Suppl 4 (Suppl 4): S131–3. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2003.0144. PMC 1810028. PMID 15252963. Langley, L. L.; Cheraskin, E. (1958). The Physiology of Man. Meyer-Rochow, Victor Benno; Gal, Jozsef (2003). "Pressures produced when penguinsnpoo - calculations on avian defaecation". Polar Biology. 27: 56–58. doi:10.1007/s00300-003-0563-3. Biology (4th edition) N.A.Campbell (Benjamin Cummings NY, 1996) ISBN 0-8053-1957-3 Heinrich B, Bartholomew GA (1979). "The ecology of the African dung beetle". Scientific American. 241 (5): 146–56. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican1179-146. "Document: Krestel". City of Manhattan, Kansas. Retrieved 11 February 2012.[permanent dead link] Stromberg, Joseph, ...Nine surprising facts about feces..., Vox, Friday, January 23, 2015 "Dried Camel Dung as fuel". "Panda Poop Might Help Turn Plants Into Fuel". 2013-09-10. Retrieved 2013-10-02. Kathryn Hobgood Ray (August 25, 2011). "Cars Could Run on Recycled Newspaper, Tulane Scientists Say". Tulane University news webpage. Tulane University. Retrieved March 14, 2012. "Bacteria Eat Human Sewage, Produce Rocket Fuel". Harhangi, HR; Le Roy, M; van Alen, T; Hu, BL; Groen, J; Kartal, B; Tringe, SG; Quan, ZX; Jetten, MS; Op; den Camp, HJ (2012). "Hydrazine synthase, a unique phylomarker with which to study the presence and biodiversity of anammox bacteria". Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 78 (3): 752–8. doi:10.1128/AEM.07113-11. PMC 3264106. PMID 22138989. "coprolites - Definitions from". Poinar, Hendrik N.; et al. (10 April 2001). "A Molecular Analysis of Dietary Diversity for Three Archaic Native Americans". PNAS. 98 (8): 4317–4322. doi:10.1073/pnas.061014798. PMC 31832. PMID 11296282. Feder, Kenneth L., Linking to the Past: A Brief Introduction to Archaeology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. Print. Stokstad, Erik (28 July 2000). "Divining Diet and Disease From DNA". Science. 289 (5479): 530–531. doi:10.1126/science.289.5479.530. "Your Home Technical Manual – 3.4d Construction Systems – Mud Brick (Adobe)". Archived from the original on 2007-07-06. Retrieved 2007-07-09. "Dung Throwing contests". Archived from the original on October 11, 2007. Topper, R (15 October 2012). "Elephant Dung Coffee: World's Most Expensive Brew Is Made With Pooped-Out Beans". The Huffington Post. Retrieved 10 December 2012. "pure". Oxford English Dictionary (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. September 2005. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.) n., 6 "Rohm and Haas Innovation - The Leather Breakthrough". 1909-09-01. Archived from the original on October 19, 2012. Retrieved 2012-10-27. Ramachandran, Smriti Kak (March 19, 2015). "Cow dung, urine can cure cancer: BJP MP". The Hindu. Retrieved September 17, 2019. "stool" – via The Free Dictionary. "Feces definition – Medical Dictionary definitions of popular medical terms easily defined on MedTerms". 2012-03-19. Retrieved 2013-11-11. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Steven Dowshen, MD (September 2011). "Stool Test: Bacteria Culture". Kidshealth. Retrieved 11 February 2012. Moore, Alison M. (8 November 2018). "Coprophagy in nineteenth-century psychiatry". Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease. 30 (sup1): 1535737. doi:10.1080/16512235.2018.1535737. PMC 6225515. PMID 30425610. Moore, Alison M (2018-07-05). "Historicizing the Modern EuropeanExcremental World-View". Advanced Research in Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 10 (1). doi:10.19080/argh.2018.09.555777. ISSN 2472-6400. "The Oral History Of The Poop Emoji (Or, How Google Brought Poop To America)", Fast Company, November 18, 2014 DAMON DARLIN (March 7, 2015), "America Needs Its Own Emojis", The New York Times External links Look up feces or faeces in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Feces. Scholia has a topic profile for Feces. 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