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Everything I Noticed whilst playing P5R (very long) (no major 3rd semester spoilers)

So I just beat Royal about 2 weeks ago and had an absolute blast. 10/10 would do again
Whist playing, however, I actually made a list of everything I personally discovered, though some things may be wrong.
If you want to add anything to the list, suggestions are appreciated!! And if you notice any mistakes, please tell me and I'll fix it up a bit, thanks!!
Oh, and there are no 3rd semester spoilers! I only wrote down things between the first day and Christmas day, so don't worry about anything too major in this post djsjshks and I didn't write much about any of the Palaces besides from story related things
Anyway, here's literally everything I wrote down!! Enjoy, my dudes 🤠

The Atlus/Criwear intros have now been improved, with Atlus's intro having a bit of Joker at the start doing Jokery things
The loading screen for starting up the game now includes the PTs logo with 3 spotlights
Palace "distortions" that can be seen surrounding the screen now have a new look
You can now see the sillohetes of future party members in the Casino
The dialogue between Futaba and Ryuji are now actual dialogue boxes, not side dialogue that you'd see in Mementos
Loading screens are SO much faster and the "walking" loading screens now include more people
You can see Takemi walking towards the clinic when you arrive in Yogen
The scene after you cleanup your room, and going to school is now fully voiced
Sojiro generally has a kinder tone
The "New day" screen now has gone through some improvements. The clouds now move!!
Kawakami will accidentally hand you something whilst giving you your student ID. She quickly takes it back though before you can see it. Most likely maid service stuff
The ride back home now has additional dialogue of the road being extra packed at the end of Sojiro's monologue
You can meet Ohya interrogating a Station officer about the train crash
Arsène now has an "è" in his name
Arsène also talks with a "shouting" dialogue box. It's like a normal dialogue box, but it's shouting now
Not sure if this was in the original or not, but Ryuji has a bit of extra dialogue for him throwing the key away (not much, just a simple "ngh" but still)
The "ugh woe is me I'm a teacher and he's late boo hoo" is now voiced
A fuck tone of dialogue has been rewritten to sound better. Definitely an improvement
Sae now mentions what Kamoshida's crimes were ("He was guilty of everything - the abuse, the... violations...") (I think I'm not sure tho jdhdgh)
Kawakami when shittalking Ryuji will now get cutoff as soon as he approaches
While Ryuji waits for you on the roof, you can find Haru on the 3rd floor talking to a teacher!!! The teacher says how they'll leave the rooftop open so she go to the planters that she volunteered to take care of
The planters are already on the rooftop. I'm not sure if it was there last time in the original, but if it's not, it's a cool touch lmao
Sojiro's scolding for ditching half a day is now rewritten a bit +new dialogue options for Akiren
New dialogue from Justine about how neglecting your fate will lead to his death
New Kasumi scene
New Ushimaru question (The answer is Villians, or C)
New student thoughts scene talking about Kasumi
Kamoshida + Ann scene is now voiced + rewritten
Ryuji's search for the castle is now voiced (though it could've been in the original, in not sure)
Palaces now start at 40% security when you enter instead of 0%
After going through the Palace and meeting Morgana again, the dialogue of them going back into the Palace + so much more that I'm not bothered to write is now voiced
Safe room enterences are now all wiggly and distorted
Ammo is now replenished after battles
Morgana will ask after the gun tutorial if you want to directly command him or act freely instead of making new players go to the menu and find it
New scene of Ryuji and you discussing plans to take down Kamoshida + Goro and Sae walking in the background
New IM background. Messages now have sakura petals floating in the background
Whilst you're stuck at Leblanc, unable to go out, you can up all your stats! Studying at the booth helps your Knowledge, making Coffee ups your Charm, making Curry helps your guts, you can now clean Leblanc to up your Kindness (+some points for Sojiro if he's there) and making Tools helps your Proficiency!
Ann + Shiho can be seen walking in the background at 4/13
Some students walking to school now have voices
After the rally, Ryuji complaints about Kamoshida are now voiced
One victim of Kamoshida that you interrogate now has a voice
Students you can listen into now have a slighty darker "chatter" icon once you talk to them. Same with the "whisper" icon
Wrong answers to Ryuji's question about any names turning up are now voiced
After school when Morgana tells you about changing hearts, there's a little scene where you can get the students options on Ann
The scene after you chase Ann is now voiced
Ryuji post-suicide scene is now voiced
Makoto can be found post-suicide scene right outside the courtyard talking to a teacher about Shiho's suicide (Teacher's worried about it turning into a scandal while Makoto's like "bro wtf what about the fucking student??? Huh????")
Ryuji post running off to the PE office is now voiced
Ryuji shakes his arms when he gets pissed off at Kamoshida
Shadow Kamoshida's speech to the Knights after you enter the palace is now voiced + the scene after that
When a new weapon is found in a treasure chest, the person it belongs to will ask if you want to equip the item
After Ann's awakening, there's a little scene of the crew returning to the real world and talking about what the hell just happened
Sae's dialogue about Ann has changed
Sojiro tells you to "Stay upstairs while we're open for business." Not sure if it's in the original, but it's also voiced
Takemi has a new voice actor!!!
God, fuck, there's so many new voice lines, I'm not gonna put them in anymore since there's so MANY. I'll just mention important scenes that have voices from now on
Friends that go to Shujin will sometimes catch up to you and you'll both walk to school together
Some new people appear on Yongen street when you go to Takemi's for the first time! There's a stern old man who can't hear you (he thinks you're talking about Kindergarten), there's a talkative women (who actually mentions a "very good doctor who's very reliable." Possibly the Doc from Takemi's Route?) And a sick man who says he wants to go in, but doesn't have the guts. (alluding to Takemi needing Guts to rank up)
Iwai's first meeting is now voiced
Kawakami will talk to you after Kamoshida tries to get you expelled. There's now a new scene with Kawakami, Kamoshida and Kasumi
New student comments about you + Kasumi
There are new "thoughts" when quick traveling down near the lower right-hand side of the screen that give you hints (e.g. when hovering over the Library, it says "I think I could improve my Knowledge...")
By sitting on the toilet, you can find out how close you are to improving your stats
You can see your friends (Makoto, Haru, ect) walk to school
New Hiruta question (The answer is they're both the same, or C)
There is now a tutorial for baton passing since it's no longer a confidant ability
Chests now have a weird glitchy sound to them
Some items will give you some additional moves (Wind Ring will give you Garu, ect)
The twins will have new features for you in the Velvet room after you secure the route to the treasure.
The "Next Day" screen's weather will change depending on the weather in game
On 4/21, you can see Makoto and Sae hanging out in the background
The "Next Day" screen will also change when you send the calling card! A card will fly into the date instead of a dagger and the sky will become black and red
You cannot resell guns to Iwai anymore
The Palace security will actually go up to 100% when you send the Calling Card, not 99% like in the original
The Ass Chalice now has a sound effect for when you break it
Shiho and Mishima now appears as apart of Kamoshida's boss fight
New question, forgot which teacher tho (the answer is D, or all of them)
Morgana will tell you to work on your Kindness so you can talk to Ann
Confidants will now sometimes call you
Confidants will also have a little after scene after you hang out with them, mostly by phone call
The amount of people on the train will change depending on the time of day
You can get multiple choices for what to buy from the Home shopping channel now
Teachers will now sometimes call on your dumbass friends and ask them questions. Be a bro and help them out
New Kawakami question (answer is B, you stand by it no matter what, and then C, you have a duty to correct it)
Sometimes, when you're at the trainstation, confidants will come to talk to you. They are now voiced
New Usami question (the answer is B, or Four Colour Theorem)
Achievements for destroying Palaces have different titles now
Walking around the Wilton Buffet to get food is now voiced
Thieves Den, baby!!!!!!
Kawakami's lecture about Kamoshida is now voiced
When Kawakami goes on to explain multiple personalities and stuff like that, Akiren sits up a bit
There are more Chalk throwings by Ushimaru
The Library assistant will actually apologize to you if you spend enough time at the library!
New Kawakami question (Answer is Fatal Woman, or C)
The Monamobile will now purr when you rub the touch pad, and will yowl when you press it
Ryuji's Rank 5 now starts with a little scene of you two entering the alley to Protein Lovers gym (probably to show players where the gym is)
You can now also quick travel to the gym when you enter it
New Inui question (The answer is the Heian period, or C)
When traveling to places such as Inokashira Park, the windows on the train can change depending on the weather and scenery
New scene on 5/11. A school assembly is apparently happening on 5/13 after exams. Enter Maruki (He's the Counciler!!)
Maruki can now ask you questions in the classroom (Answer is the Placebo effect, or C)
The Morgana train button mash incident is now voiced
New scene on how to get to Madarame's shack
New Inui question (the answer is Hokusai Katsushika, or B)
New Usami question (the answer is 1:1.414, or B)
Treasure demon fights now have a new effect for when you enter battles with them (not unlike Disaster enemies, but this time it's yellow and sparkly)
New Chouno question (Answer is Together, or C, then Senses, or B, and then "Senses coming together," or B)
On 5/24, Kawakami announces a public cleanup campaign that the school will be participating in on the 30th
In Madarame's Palace, instead of you having to travel all the way back to the beginning to traverse the paintings, you can hop back in where you exited out of
Madarame's security guard is now no longer origami man, but instead it's this weird, blue angel dude with like a seashell horn?? Sorry idk all of the Persona names
New Kawakami question (The answer is Authur Conan Doyle, or B)
Operation Maidwatch is now voiced!
New Maruki class/question (The answer is the Halo effect, or B)
New scene with Ryuji, we're going to Kichijoji, baby!!!
When you unlock Lockdown during the Strength confidant, Lockdown will have a new feature called Incense. Incense will improve your Persona's focus and gives them more strength. You can find Incense not only in the Metaverse, but in daily life too.
The day when Ryuji forgets to change over to his Summer uniform, or 6/6, he will now catch up to you in the right uniform
The students walking around in the loading screens are now wearing their summer uniforms
Ann now wears a clover necklace with her Summer uniform (in her sprite atleast. Not sure if that was in the original)
Even MORE chalk throwing incidents with Ushimaru
New Kasumi scene
New Hiruta question (The answer is the number of legs, or C)
New Public Thoughts scene discussing Akechi and the Phantom Thieves (this is right before the Social Studies trip)
New Maruki class/question (The answer is Controlling public thought, or C)
Not sure if it's just me, but Kobayakawa seems a bit more of an asshole to Makoto
You actually exchange numbers with Akechi this time
New Hiruta question (The answer is Green, or B)
New Ushimaru question (The answer is Coins, or B)
Kinda newish scene of Makoto/Sae sister time? It's the same dialogue, but they're not eating this time and instead are talking in their living room
New scene of Makoto and Iida (the guy who got blackmailed by Kaneshiro and co.)
New scene of you and Ryuji finding the right line to take you to Shinjuku
The two trolls of Shinjuku scene has been rewritten.
New Usami question and Ann needs help answering it (The answer is Smartphone, or B)
Kaneshiro's introduction is now slighty different (the camera focuses on him talking to Makoto before zooming out and seeing her struggling on the floor)
New Inui question (The answer is a Pope, or C)
Kawakami's IM pfp has now been changed to her maid outfit
New scene on 6/25. Morgana/Ann's showtime introduction
When you enter Kaneshiro's palace, a dog enemy will spot you and will initiate a battle. You will be able to trigger Ann/Morgana's showtime!
New technical tutorial in the middle of Kaneshiro's palace since this is the first time you encounter enemies without weaknesses
Treasure demons will now sometimes appear in battles with other enemies
Kaneshiro's security cameras now have a sound effect for when they go out
In Kaneshiro's Palace, there's a miniboss right before the giant lock. In the og, right as you walked down the stairs, you were forced to fight before you could save in the safe room behind you. Now, in Royal, you can save before going to fight! (Credit to u/Theroonco for this fact!!)
Kaneshiro's palace now has golden doors you need to pay for to open up (Specifically 10,000 yen.) Fortunately, you can just beat the shit out of them to get them to open.
Kaneshiro's Guard near the end of the palace has been changed. Instead of Armless Brainless mcgee it's horse skeleton man with weird hat (again, idk persona names fdjdhsk)
Special animations will play for Caroline and Justice when lockdown is in effect
New lines from Caroline/Justine when lockdown is in effect
New Chouno question (The answer is Dogs, or C)
On 6/28, new scene with Ryuji/Makoto for their showtime introduction though the date may differ depending on your playthrough. I got mine just as I was about to send the calling card, so who knows?
New Kawakami question (The answer is Gold, or B)
Kaneshiro's entire first phase has been deleted. Instead, you just skip to Piggytron
Kaneshiro also now has 3 phases
New Inui question (The answer is Barbarian's Head, or C)
New Chouno question (The answer is Julius and Augustus, or B)
New Kawakami question (The answer is The Milky Way, or B and then Soumen Noodles, or A)
New Usami question (The answer is a Triangle, or D)
New Maruki class/question (The answer is Memories that last for a long time, or B, then Infinite, or C and finally Forever, or C)
New Makoto scene
New Kasumi/Goro scene (I literally gasped outloud as soon as I saw him I'm not kidding that really caught me by surprise dkdkshhs)
New Inui question (The answer is Thievery, or D)
New Maruki/Makoto scene
New scene with some Gossiping students taking shit about Kasumi and Maruki
New scene on 7/17!!! Festival, baby!!!!! + Ryuji/Yusuke showtime introduction
On the day of the fireworks festival, on the train loading screens, you can see people dressed up in Yukatas!
Not sure if it was in the game last time, but there's now dialogue of Medjed claiming to be modern day Robin Hoods
New scene with Ryuji asking you to check with people in your neighbourhood about Futaba
You can no longer slide down the sand in front of Futaba's Palace while in your normal attire
Anubis will now warn you if he'll perform Mudoon or Hamaon (Anublis tips towards Curse (Mudoon) / Bless (Hamaon) or Anus reset balance (if Anubis decides to stop the Insta kills))
New mementos rooms
New Treasure Demon dialogue if you already have that Treasure Demon in your party
I've also noticed that there are a lot more Treasure demons in Mementos, whether they spawn in or appear right after battle with another enemy
You can sometimes fall into the ground in Mementos
I'm not sure if this was in the original, but you cannot hang out with your confidants in certain areas if the weather is bad
The Big Bang challenge without the special on is 2000 yen on the burger's second phase and 2500 yen on burger's final form
Cognitive Wakaba's 1st phase has now been sped up. She will now dive down on her third turn
New animations for Futaba working in Necronomicon whilst she is talking to Sphinx Wakaba
New Cognitive Sphinx Wakaba + Futaba Dialogue
Just as jobs can now text you and ask if you can come in, Lala can now text you and ask if you can take a shift. She even has a unique Profile colour!
Also, more people will come in on Sundays to Crossroads. Instead of receiving 7200 yen, you'll get 12000 yen instead for your hard work
Kasumi's ending text (Unbreakable bond) is now different. Also, I think it was a different voice?? It said you gained a glimpse, not the ultimate secret though. Very interesting
Also, there's no new Persona for you to fuse for her and Kasumi herself doesn't get a new persona (I finished this before she even awakened so huh??? Wha???)
Futaba's integration into the PTs is now voiced
The Shinjuku Trolls/Lobster incident is now voiced
New scene of the Gang hanging out at the beach (it's animated, but it's one of the 3D ones with the models)
The Movie Theatre Mementos request is now right after Medjed's takedown, and you do not need to search for the name this time as Mishima just gives it to you. You can still find Yasuo Jochi (the target) at the movie theatre threating the old man
New scene on 8/30. Ryuji didn't do his Summer homework
The Takases (Kawakami's blackmail no-good doers) turn into the butterfly man and green girl fairy now (I think. I could've sworn they turned into a Succubus and an Incubus but who knows? I do remember fighting the enemies they turn into now though so again, who knows?)
Naguri (the guy that attacks indiscriminately and can be found out through gossip in the Flower shop) is also now a Kin Ki (again, not sure if it was in the og but I do not remember fighting a Kin Ki)
New Inui question (The answer is Prosperity, or C)
New Maruki class (The answer is Chronostasis, or B) (I'm also pretty sure the second hand stopping question was in the og, but now Maruki asks you the question.)
Not sure if this is actually in the fight, but whilst I was exploring the Thieves Den, I noticed Kamoshida (Monster oogly bloogly form) had a mini him on the Ann Cup.
The Yusuke Hawaii incident is now voiced
New scene with Kawakami
New scene with Maruki, Sojiro, Futaba and Morgana
New scene of the gang + Kasumi shopping for soveineurs (with an additional Haru in the background!!) (Also, unfortunately, instead of the original scene of Kasumi scaring you (she originally said "Konichi-WA") being translated to "Alo-HA", it just got translated to "Hello, SENPAI" which kinda saddens me but it's eh)
When you get back from Hawaii, if you say "Aloha!" to Futaba, instead of saying "He's been influenced..." she now says "He's been Hawaiianized..." Not sure why they changed it, I mean, it was fine to begin with but it's whatever ¯_(ツ)_/¯
New scene with Ryuji and Kasumi
The conversation with Futaba about Morgana's fissy fit is now voiced
New Inui question (The answer is Money loans for collateral, or A)
If you interact with the stuff in your room whilst the game forces you to sleep and Morgana is missing, you'll get text like "There's something that relates to the cat... I'm worried about Morgana..." (E.g if you interact with your work bench, it says "A cat left paw prints in the dust... I'm worried about Morgana..."
Haru's Metaverse outfit sprites have been remade
After Morgana's + Haru's little spiel, if you check on the stuff in your room again whilst the game tells you to go the fuck to sleep, it'll have different dialogue. It's mostly Akiren wondering who "Beauty Thief" was and being worried about Morgana
Again, even more dialogue about Morgana and Haru on the next day. "Why didn't I noticed that something was bothering Morgana...?" oh Akiren you sweet little child hit me right in the Kokoro
New Chouno question (The answer is Cats eating human tongues, or B)
The Morgana chase scene is now voiced
Finally, when Morgana returns, he'll comment on everything saying shit like "Oooh this place is as drab as ever lmao I'm glad to be back ahahah"
New Kawakami question (The answer is Centeral Europe, or B)
ALSO VERY IMPORTANT!!! If you check on your calendar, you can see Akiren's thoughts and what he did that day!!! I didn't know until now djdjdh (also, Hawaii has some cool stamps?? Stickers?? Probably not stickers but they're cool lmao (ALSO THE BIG BANG CHALLENGES ARE CALLED "TRIAL BY BURGER" KSJDHDHH)
New Usami question (The answer is 20 white, 12 black or B)
New scene of Yusuke/Ann for their showtime
The Sad Oh no Okumura Robot dying wahh scene is now voiced
Maruki can now meet you at the station, surprisingly
New scene with Haru and Morgana for their Showtime
New Ushimaru question (The answer is Imperial Household Agency, or B)
God, I tried to not include that much Palace stuff in here - especially the bosses - but holy fucking shit Okumura is fucking hard as shit and it took me 3 tries to beat him oh my god beware of the Borger man and forehead girl I'm actually shaking as I'm writing this just know I hate Okumura and his stupid bossfight
New scene with Kasumi, Maruki and some random teacher
New Hiruta question (The answer is Stars, or B)
New scene with Kasumi and anime scene!! and WHOOPS we've accidentally entered the metaverse WHAT
Gun Customisation has a new screen and new mechanics
You can also now instantly go to the Gun Customisation screen when you buy a new gun
New Inui question (The answer is Joseph-Igance Guillotin, or D)
New Usami question (The answer is Bouba, or B)
New scene with Kawakami at lunch at 10/11 telling you to go see Maruki + Kasumi and Maruki afterwards
New scene with Maruki and Haru on 10/20
New Usami question (The answer is 15, or A)
Instead of Makoto getting Akechi's number from Sae, we give his number directly to Makoto since we actually exchange contact info this time
New Maruki class/question (The answer is Memory Bias, or B)
New scene after the school festival. Yusuke is missing and is found by Maruki
The post-festival party is now accompanied by Kasumi, though afterwards you can hang out with your friends
New anime scene too!!
Ryuji's phone call about being the shittiest of shitbags is now voiced
Goro's prince outfit reveal is now voiced
Also, I forgot if I mentioned this before, but Akechi's pfp is now a different colour. It was grey before, but now it's light brownish
Not sure if it just randomly happens in October, but on 10/30, I saw people dressed up in costumes! Nice little detail (I even saw a Jack Frost lmao)
You can also find people walking around Shibuya in costumes!
Haru will instead be outside the school tending to the plants instead on the roof on Sundays if you want to hang out with her
New scene with Makoto and Haru!! It's the girls' showtime!!! Time to kick ass
I only noticed until now, but if you hold down the R2 button, (the button that makes you dash if you're unfamiliar with the PS controller like I am) you'll instantly perform actions such as jumping across ledges and climbing up walls
Sae now has actual cognitive-human bodyguards when she approaches you whilst you wander around the Casino (they actually kinda look similar from the bodyguards at the beginning whilst you're being chased lmao)
In Sae's Dice room, instead of crawling through the vent to reach the backrooms, you can just select "crawl" on the vent and instantly teleport there without having to crawl through since the two rooms are in seperate "areas"
New scene with Kawakami! She informs the class that Maruki will leave on the 18th, so make sure to rank him up to Rank 9 so you can unlock the 3rd semester!
Not sure if I just didn't notice before, but there are now people in the Dark Maze
Didn't notice earlier since my sneaking skills are so good, but safe rooms now bring Palace Security down to 0%, or something like that idk I was on 10% so it could be something like 15% or 20%, who knows lmao (edit: According to u/Theroonco, apparently this is a new confidant ability from Ohya! Thanks, worst girl, my opinion of you has slightly improved)
The battle areana is now voiced
Just like Maruki, Akechi will warn you that you will not be able to see him after the deadline, so rank him up so you can get to the 3rd semester!!
New Inui question (The answer is A Share of Stolen Goods, or C)
New Chouno question (The answer is a Sword, or B)
Futaba's Mementos scan is now a lot quicker
Also, I guess now is a good time to mention, but areas in Mementos can have certain qualities to them, such as all the shadows turning into the big hulky ones and the floor being weak which makes Morgana slip through them to the floor below. There's also a chance that the Reaper will spawn right away, which Futaba/Morgana will warn you that there's a certain strong shadow you have to look out for. These areas however will go back to normal after you leave them
New Ushimaru question (The answer is Any Age, or A) (And this was technically in the og, but they've reworded it so I'm just gonna put it in anyway lmao)
New Kawakami question (The answer is Crows eyes are hard to see, or B)
Nee Ushimaru question (The answer is because of high altitude, or C)
New Usami question (The answer is Cochleoid, or B)
New scene with Kasumi on 11/17
New scene with Maruki on 11/18, which is the day that he leaves
On 11/20, (the actual 11/20, not the one at the beginning of the game) you can see the SIU Director's face in the phone call thingymajig
True Justice now has actual text, not just question marks (it says "Cooperate as comrades who fight for justice and seek the truth")
Futaba's computer has now been translated in the subtitles, though I didn't get to read that much
New scene with Morgana. After the whole Interrogation Room incident, he asks you if it was Kasumi that helped you
New scene with Kasumi on 11/25
New angle/actions when hanging out at the downstairs Leblanc hideout
The Rats scene in Shido's palace is now voiced (And the rats voices are weird lmao rats rats we're the rats)
You can now eat cheese as a Rat in Shido's palace to regain Sp
After securing the route, Akiren thinks about keeping Akechi's promise to duel with him again (if you make it up to rank 8, that is)
The Eternal Lockpick is now called the Perma-Pick
On days that it is snowing, Snowflakes will fall across the IM screen instead of Sakura Petals (though they disappeared for some reason. Maybe because spring ended?)
New Vegetables for Haru!! Earth Beans that have the same effect as Charge and Star Onions that have the same effect as Concentrate
New scenes with Kasumi right before Exams and during Exams
Mementos Depths now have collectables that you can steal from
If you have reached the skill Live Painting (obtained on Rank 6), you can ask Yusuke to create skill cards in safe rooms
Your teammates speeches in the Velvet Room are now completely voiced
New ending Cutscene
And the entire 3rd semester :))

And that's about it!! Again, if anything is missing or incorrect, feel free to tell me!
Thanks for reading kdjsjs 🤠🤠🤠
submitted by The-Alpacat to Persona5 [link] [comments]

Aerophobia – Patient Record LSA6041778-W

Patient Name: Lucan-Smith, Autumn
Age: 37
Sex: Female
Diagnosis: Aerophobia; fear of flying.
The following is a speech to text transcript spanning multiple sessions between Patient LSA6041778-W and Dr. H. Phineas Denton, who has annotated it with his own notes. The passenger manifest of Patient LSA6041778-W’s ill-fated flight suggests another candidate of interest may have been present. This, however, is likely a coincidence, as neither case has an obvious link.
Agent 11 recovered these from a locked desk drawer in Denton’s home office in Boulder City, NV. Denton reported a robbery when he returned home from running errands. Recommend retraining or reassignment for Agent 11.
Ms. Lucan-Smith was removed from Southwest Airlines flight 712 in a sorry state. My patient was hyperventilating to the point of losing consciousness, reawakening, and beginning the process again. I hesitate to call the period between passing out a "lucid" state because her extreme phobia had rendered her unable to respond to any stimulus. She whispered "no" to herself repeatedly, shaking and crying, until her body went limp for a few moments. I wasn't present for this, myself, but I have watched footage sent over from McCarran Airport. By the time Ms. Lucan-Smith arrived at my office, she was no longer panicking but the extreme fear had exhausted her. She fell asleep several times while we talked before I decided to end the session.
Denton: Hi, Ms. Smith. I’m Dr. Denton. Before we get started, can I get you a water or a soda?
Lucan-Smith has her arms wrapped around her even though, in typical Vegas fashion, it is decidedly warm outside. Her eyes are red and she has a tissue clutched in one fist.
Lucan-Smith: It’s Lucan-Smith, actually. Hyphenated. I wanted to keep my maiden name for my work. And nothing, thank you. I’m fine.
Denton: I’m going to grab a cherry Pepsi for myself. What line of work are you in?
Lucan-Smith sits in the large, plush chair I keep in the corner of the room. Patients with anxiety – though not claustrophobic patients – usually choose that chair.
Lucan-Smith: Physics. Well, physics with a little geology, actually. I investigate light diffraction in different types of crystals. Lately, I’ve been looking at ambient light data from NOAA satellites and how it relates to crystalline structures in local geologic features.
Denton: Well, that’s… pretty fascinating, actually. What is the NOAA?
Lucan-Smith slowly releases herself from her own embrace as she talks. I hand her a bottle of water as I return from my mini-fridge and she leans forward to accept it.
Lucan-Smith: The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. They own the National Weather Service and all the… network of satellites up there collecting terabytes of data every day. It’s a really valuable resource.
Denton: It sounds that way. I might ask you to tell me more about your work off the clock. I bet you’ve got some findings you’re dying to tell someone who will listen.
She smiles.
Lucan-Smith: I do.
Denton: So. You had an eventful flight.
Lucan-Smith: You could say that.
Denton: What I got from the EMTs says another passenger – man, I really shouldn’t say this since I’m a mental health professional – another passenger went nuts and tried to open the door of your plane. My god. And then he was restrained by three flight attendants.
Lucan-Smith: He got free at one point and went for the emergency release handle again.
Denton: Jesus. Sorry, excuse my language. That’s just-
Lucan-Smith: Oh, it’s fine. I said a lot worse on the plane.
I nod, trying to convey approval and acceptance at that. I can’t say I would have done different.
Denton: And then what happened?
Her bottle of water slips out of her hands and falls to floor as her eyes shut briefly.
Lecan-Smith: Sorry. I’m sorry. I’m just so tired. You wanted to know about after he, uh, after they got him. I… Well, I’ve never been good at flying. My dad flew a lot when I was a kid and I remember being creeped out by the whole thing. I have to pop a Xanax or two every time I fly and, I know this is bad, but I chase it with a beer when I’m really shaky. When that guy tried to open the door, though, I couldn’t keep my mind off all the horrible things that could happen. They just kept fucking popping in there. Everyone getting sucked out the door, heads slamming against the frame and exploding in a mess of blood and brains. The plane depressurizing and freezing everyone to death. A body going through the engine and fucking it like those geese in that Sully Sullenberger plane, then the whole plane falling. What it would feel like in my stomach. What I would see out the window, all those green and tan squares growing like a bad acid trip. Wanting desperately to die so I didn’t have to watch my fate race up at me. And then fire. If I survived the crash, burning to death in jet fuel.
Lucan-Smith: It just kept playing on repeat like a DVD menu from hell. And when it stopped, I was in an ambulance on my way to the psych ward at Desert Springs. Then I called up my insurance and ended up here.
I need to note here that my patient is describing psychosis. While commonly associated with severe mental illnesses, use of some controlled substances, and even types of meditation, it can be a symptom of an extremely stressful episode. In short, Autumn’s consciousness was not present in the physical world. She was elsewhere, in nightmare land. Prior to Autumn, I have never come across a patient with a phobia so severe it brought on a fully psychotic episode. This is a profound case of aerophobia.
Denton: You said flying’s always been tough for you. Do you remember a time when it was ever easier? What I mean is, did it become less scary for a time and then become scarier after, say, really bad turbulence? Or maybe it gets scarier every time?
Lucan-Smith: I think it’s gotten worse…
Her eyes fall shut again for about half a second before she jerks herself awake.
Lucan-Smith: Whoa. Oh my gosh, I’m sorry! I think it’s gotten worse each time I set foot on an airplane. Maybe I think my time is closer to being at hand after each successful landing. How many do I get?
Her eyes flutter.
Denton: Ms. Lucan-Smith – Autumn – you’ve had a rough day. I have a free appointment tomorrow at 11. Why don’t you come back then? No charge for today’s visit.
Autumn leaves and I have my secretary call to book her a cheap room for the night. It’s at a casino and probably stinks of cigarettes and buffet farts, but it’s cheap. The next session is fairly uneventful; Autumn tells me about her past history with flying which is, predictably, troubled. In phobia cases, I usually try to use either exposure therapy (gradually easing the patient into their discomfort zone) or implosion therapy (exposing the patient to the most extreme version of their discomfort). These are both behaviorist methods and the best tool for the job depends on both the patient’s personality and the nature of the fear. For Autumn, however, I don’t think either will work. She just experienced the most extreme aerophobic implosion therapy I can imagine and came out much worse than she went in.
I’m not a Freudian psychologist, and I often think hypnotherapy has a lot in common with good fertilizer: they’re both bullshit. Autumn did, however, mention that her father flew a lot for work and that she used to go with him. She wasn’t scared of flying as a very young child, but started to associate negative emotions with it around age 7 or 8. I have to wonder if one of those early flights ran into a problem she’s either forgotten or doesn’t want to remember.
Autumn is effectively stuck in Nevada while her husband and son are in Tallahassee, FL with Autumn’s mother-in-law. She desperately wants to be with them, and I can understand that. I want to help her be able to board a flight and find comfort with her family. With that in mind, I call Derek Proschutz, a friend from graduate school who practices more new-agey remedies like meditation. And hypnosis. I drive Autumn to Derek’s office – one corner of which is so crowded with incense sticks it looks like the Tunguska forest, post-explosion – and watch over the procedure.
Proschutz: She’s under now. It’s not like you see on TV, Phin. You can still talk and interact like normal, she’s just very relaxed. Very… ‘reflective’ is the appropriate word, I think. Don’t bring the energy up too much; if she gets frightened or finds something funny, we’ll have to put her under again.
Denton: Autumn, I want you to consider those plane flights-
Proschutz: I’m going to bring in some lavender essential oils to create a nice atmosphere.
Denton: Uh, sure. Good idea. Autumn, think about the flights with your dad when you were very young. Remember the clothes you wore, the games you took with you, what you wanted to watch on-
Proschutz: Phin, would you like some rooibos tea for your session?
Denton: Uh… No, man. We’re… I’m good.
Proschutz: Remember, keep the energy low. You seem like you’re getting worked up.
Collaboration is hard sometimes.
Denton: What was your father like, Autumn?
Lucan-Smith: Did you ever read The Great Gatsby?
Denton: The green light over the bay. Yes.
Lucan-Smith: Do you remember the billboard? The oculist?
Denton: Doctor T. J. Eckleburg.
Lucan-Smith: I knew I liked you for a reason. Yeah, him. The description of the billboard always reminded me of my father. Good old Guy Lucan. He was bald with two intelligent, judgmental eyes behind round wire frames.
Denton: The two of you didn’t get along?
Lucan-Smith: We did when I was young. I think he joked around a lot more back then. Or maybe I just didn’t know what normal human behavior was like and I felt comfortable around him because he was my dad. When I got older, though, nothing was good enough for him. My math grades weren’t high enough, I didn’t run fast enough in track. He wanted me to go into anthropology because the “real mysteries of humanity lay there.” To almost everyone else, physics is the hard science and anthro the soft. To Guy Lucan, it was the opposite. And his taste in friends ran contrary to typical common sense, too. Anyone you saw on the street or tucked away in, like, a strange voodoo shop that you might think looked creepy, or molester-ish, or unibomber-esque, they were my dad’s best buds. And not just weirdos, but criminals. Dangerous people. He’s dead now, and I’m sure that’s why.
Is this falling out with her father the real story here? Did that sour her to flying and magnify every negative aspect about it? If so, could that even help in rehabilitating her?
Denton: Think about the last time you had fun on a trip with him. Where were you going?
Lucan-Smith: We… I think we were coming back from Mexico. I remember him teaching me how to say “Jalisco”. So I guess we were in Guadalajara. That makes sense because I remember seeing a picture of Felix Gallardo, the leader of the fucking Guadalajara Cartel, on America’s Most Wanted or something and feeling like I knew him. “Mom,” I said, “that’s Don Felix, dad’s friend!” She turned the TV off. I think she already knew, though. They were separated about 6 months after that.
Lucan-Smith: Anyway, we had just met with Don Felix. He and my dad drank tequila from the bottle with the worm and joked through the night. Then Don Felix waved over two jacked dudes who set a big army duffel bag on the table. My dad unzipped it to find dozens of carved figurines. You know those Olmec heads? Small versions of those, some freaky-faced suns, Mayan 2012 death calendars, these striated ovals that looked like they were made out of obsidian. They made me feel bad when I looked at them, like I had walked in on someone changing. My dad’s pilot brought a case of money to the table and then there was more drinking and laughing.
Denton: Then you went to the plane?
Lucan-Smith: Yeah, then we got back in the plane and took off from a dirt strip in a cotton field. It was bumpy. Then…
Autumn is quiet for a long time. I don’t want to interrupt her thought process but I begin to wonder if she’s fallen asleep again.
Lucan-Smith: Lightning! There’s lightning but I can see stars. The plane starts to shake. I get out of my seat and lay on the floor on top of one of dad’s bags. I have my cheek pushed against the blue notebook he tapped against his thigh when he was on the phone. It smells like – ugh – mildew and wet dirt. Or creosote mixed with rotting fruit?
Lucan-Smith: The pilot, he sees me. He turns around and says, “Honey, I need you to get back in your seat and buckle the belt, ok? We’ll be fine but you could fall and get a scrape on your knee. How about you come up here with me and read one of your story books?” His name was George, I think.
Lucan-Smith: I go up to the front with George and then I can see the clouds. Weird, sulfurous clouds swirling around us. They looked like cartoon pollution clouds from Captain Planet. The plane shook harder in the storm and-
Autumn goes silent again. I try to ask a question but she holds up a hand like she’s on the phone. Then she opens her eyes.
Lucan-Smith: I think I’m fully awake now. I remember what happened to George, though. He hit his head against the glass when the plane jerked. I could see a smear of blood when he slumped in his seat. My dad pulled George out of the seat and took the wheel. I know you’re supposed to call it a stick in a plane, but this one actually looked like a wheel. The storm cleared up and we landed. George was dead.
Denton: One of the vivid thoughts you pictured on the Southwest flight was people banging their heads against the door frame. I wonder if it came from this?
Lucan-Smith: The way the lightning flashed through the blood, like red cello paper… Some of the blood I imagined did flow far enough to cover the windows. Yeah; it looked just like that. I remember dreaming about this, about George, but I thought… I thought I made it up. Just a nightmare.
Proschutz: Would you like to go back under?
Lucan-Smith: No, I think I want to go back to my hotel room. I don’t feel very well.
I drove Autumn back to the Circus Circus. It was a quiet ride, Autumn’s eyes stared out the windshield, unfocused and unseeing. Presumably, she was reliving her childhood memories.
The next morning, I had missed a call from Autumn. Her husband and son were flying back from Florida to their new home in Oregon. It was the first time any of them would actually see the house – they had moved to accommodate Autumn’s new job at OSU – and she wanted to be there with them. She did say there was a silver lining to being stranded in Las Vegas; she didn’t have to go on her son’s first airplane ride with him where he could pick up all her anxieties and phobias. I had to agree.
Autumn wanted to try implosion therapy and recreate the conditions of that last flight she took with her father. I had mentioned in our second session that I knew a Cessna pilot who helped me treat fear of flying. When I told her I would have to ask about the pilot’s schedule, Autumn told me money was no object; if the pilot could be free today with a five thousand dollar bonus, that was best. I didn’t peg Autumn as someone with a lot of extra money, so I knew her desire to see her family was strong. She wanted to conquer her fears so she could go home. It was brave and noble. I told her I’d see what I could do.
As luck would have it, Elisa Maldonado was free. She had been fine tuning her plane’s engine – a task she seemed to be in the middle of every time I called her – and stopped for a quick breakfast at the airport café. We had a delay of about an hour while Elisa filed our flight manifest, but we were in the air before lunch.
Lucan-Smith: You know, I remembered some weird things but I think playing with my Teddy Ruxpin while my dad partied with a drug kingpin is probably the weirdest one. Maybe not the most mentally scarring. But definitely weird.
Denton: Maybe your dad was more Meyer Wolfsheim than T. J. Eckleburg?
Autumn laughs and leans back in her seat. We’re ascending through minor turbulence and she doesn’t seem phased. I’m proud of her but also astounded. From psychosis to complete serenity after one hypnotherapy treatment? If anything, Autumn seemed impatient.
Maldonado: Phineas, get up here.
Denton: Something wrong?
Maldonado: Look at that shit. Fucking thunderstorm erupted out of nothing as soon as we hit 7,000 feet. Looks like it’s blowing right toward us.
Denton: Can we go around it or land?
Maldonado: I’m going to try to go around it. Landing might be hard because it’s a congested time. Especially with that bitch of a storm rolling in.
Denton: Autumn, I have some bad news. There’s a storm heading our way.
Lucan-Smith: I know. Very yellow, right? Cartoon pollution?
I looked out the cockpit window again. She was right.
Denton: Yes.
Lucan-Smith: Look, Dr. Denton, I think I should come clean about yesterday. When I said my dad partying with Don Felix was the weirdest thing I remembered, you didn’t know that there was a lot of competition for that top spot.
Lucan-Smith: George died, yeah, but… The artifacts my dad got from the drug dealers. The ones that made me feel weird, the black eggs? They started shaking before the plane. Before the lightning. Obviously I was too young to make a connection at the time, but I think they were calling to something. It’s simple physics; the more altitude you give a transmitter, the farther it can reach. There are fewer obstacles in the way to impede the signal.
Lucan-Smith: That’s what happened with those eggs. And the feeling changed. At the villa, I felt like I was watching it. As the plane shook, I felt like they were watching me. And what they were thinking… it wasn’t good.
Maldonado: What the fuck did you get me into, Phineas? I’ve never seen a storm move like this. It’s like it’s got goddamn fingers reaching out at us!
Lucan-Smith: When my dad realized what was happening, he had me lay down on the bag of trinkets to keep them still. He pulled out a little walkie-talkie and started screaming into it. “Camelot! Camelot! Come in, damn you! I have Items 26 and 27 but we’re under attack. I think it might be some kind of sonic weapon. Was there any chatter stateside about my mission? Camelot?” It was like he was playing soldier.
Denton: Autumn, why didn’t you tell me this? Was he part of a DEA operation or something?
The turbulence in our own plane was considerable. The midday light that had been streaming through the windows had faded to a sickly mustard color and I could hear Elisa cursing as she fought with the controls in the cockpit.
Lucan-Smith: I didn’t go to the cockpit with George to read then; he was too busy fighting to keep the plane stable. I stayed in the back with Dad, who told me to put the black eggs in my dress pockets. When the yellow clouds swirling around our plane started to seep in under the doors and seams in the bolted hull, I was right there laying on top of the army duffel bag. The fog streamed past my face – fast enough to sound like a Coke can opening in slow motion – and coalesced into a misty, malformed body, like a hologram projected onto dry ice smoke.
Lucan-Smith: It touched my father’s hand, almost like a handshake, and he writhed in pain. When he finally extricated himself from it, his hand dripped with blood. The nails were gone. And then it spoke.
Lucan-Smith: “Guy Lucan. You owe me life. You took my body from me and now,” the cloud raised one tendril that was polka-dotted with gory fingernails, “I take yours.”
Lucan-Smith: My dad looked in my direction. “Go, Autumn. Give those to George.” I left but, behind me, I could hear him say, “I have the vessels. You need them to walk the earth again. Isn’t that right, Safir? Kill me and you get nothing.”
Lucan-Smith: “Where?” it asked.
Lucan-Smith: My dad called for George to set the autopilot and join him in the back. I was crouched on the floor, peeking around the corner. George put on a brave face and puffed out his chest as he strode toward whatever cotton candy demon he was going to face down with my father. My father put a hand on George’s shoulder. One single pat. Then he threw open the airplane door and kicked George out. His head cracked against the bulkhead and blood splattered across the window. I rushed to the cockpit window to see him. I had just handed George the two black eggs and I could see one spiral out of his coat pocket as he fell, shrinking into the yellow void. The mist itself chased down after George, save for the ghoul wearing my father’s hastily removed fingernails. “This will be the last time you trick me, Lucan,” it said. “I will have Lucan blood. I will wear Lucan flesh. If not yours, then someone you love. Your bloodline will end, Guy Lucan.”
Lucan-Smith: “You’d better not let the vessels fall so low you can’t catch them,” was all my father said in return. He flew the rest of the way back, talking on his radio and reading out of the blue book that stank like a grave.
Denton: Autumn, I think this might be your psychosis manifesting itself again. We’re in a plane, it’s a stressful event, you’re distracting yourself from real life.
Lucan-Smith: No, Dr. Denton, I’m not. Something happened on that Southwest flight. I heard a voice, something whispering ‘Safir’ to me. It was important. It felt like something was coming and… and all I could see were plane crashes clouding the inside of my brain. I think it was a message. Safir is back and he’s going to follow through on his threat. Lucan blood will be spilled.
I shook my head and stood up. Maybe I was wrong about Autumn. Maybe she wasn’t a mentally healthy woman with a severe phobia capable of producing psychoses. Maybe the psychoses and the phobia were driven by some deeper, insidious disorder I had missed.
Lucan-Smith: And my son goes on his first flight today. In two and a half hours. He and I are the only Lucans left. If I didn’t convince you to get me up here, Safir would be coming for him. But, instead, he’s here.
As she says this, Autumn points at the seam of the Cessna door where thick yellow smoke pours into the cabin.
Lucan-Smith: You helped me realize what was actually going on. Thank you.
Golden strands of cloudy haze wrapped themselves around Autumn’s torso, enveloping her.
Lucan-Smith: Hey, now you’re Nick. You’re the outsider who gets to peek in. See you ‘round, Old Sport.
Autumn was entirely obscured from my sight, then the mist filled the cabin entirely. It was so dense I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face. Then, as if a switch flipped, it was gone. The sky outside the plane was clear and there was no turbulence.
Maldonado: What in the actual shit was that? Phineas, how long do you think we've been up here?
Denton: I don’t… Autumn?
Maldonado: Feels like about a half hour to me. Maybe forty-five minutes. Right, Phineas?
Denton: Yeah. I'd say so. Autumn, where are you? Did you fall out of your seat?
Maldonado: All my clocks show we've been up here two hours. Two hours! But we've still got a full tank of gas. How does that happen?
Denton: Interesting. Autumn? Elisa, where the hell is Autumn?
Maldonado: Your patient is gone? Did- Holy shit, did she fall out? What the fuck?
When Elisa and I finally landed, Elisa’s Cessna was seized for a ‘quarantine watch’. Whatever that is. I don’t know how they knew where to find us, or how they even knew they should. ‘They’ didn’t even tell us who they were. I didn’t report Autumn missing until we were on the ground and the police didn’t know anything about it. So whoever showed up in black SUVs certainly was not LVPD.
The police questioned Elisa and me intensively, but ultimately decided we didn’t have anything to do with the disappearance. No one had fallen onto the Strip from eight thousand feet. Autumn just vanished.
Additional note: Several patient files are missing from my filing cabinet at the Las Vegas office. I’ve moved this file to my home office for safety. I’m probably being paranoid, but I can’t shake the feeling there’s a connection between the missing files and the seizure of Elisa’s plane.
submitted by EtTuTortilla to nosleep [link] [comments]

Casino Rama Info and Session

Just to let everyone know, Casino Rama has closed the Poker Room, and moved the tables into the main room. It's located near the center bar, where all the table games like Roulette and Craps are. I don't like it...noisy and distracting. You also get shoulder surfers wandering about and watching the games. It used to be that the poker area was for players only.
PRO TIP: The Couchiching Buffet jumps their pricing at 4pm from $17 for lunch to $22 for dinner. Get there at 3:45pm, and dig into the freshly prepared Dinner dishes 15 minutes later, at Lunch prices. The salmon was fantastic.
More news...rumour has it that Poker is coming back to the Blue Heron up in Port Perry in the fall.
Session: Bought in for $200 about 6pm, and ran card-dead for 90 minutes, getting ground down by the blinds. Got down to $150 and packed up. Went to the room and watched TV for a bit.
Came back down at 11pm and sat back down. There was a $2/$5 running, and (2) $1/$2 tables. Still pretty card-dead. The $2/$5 table broke and some players came over to the $1/$2, and they were opening up at $20-$30, which really helped my decision making. I was getting impatient, and tempted to play marginal hands in shitty position...but not at those prices.
OTTH: I managed to bump my $150 up to roughly $220. Being card-dead, I had a very tight table image.
UTG, I wake up with Q♥Q♦ and open to $6. Six callers.
Flop comes J♦3♣J♣, and I check, waiting to see if anyone hit the Jack. Guy to my left bets $20, one caller, everyone else folds to me, and I call.
Turn is the Q♣. Very I hide in the weeds, hoping someone spiked their flush. Check. The opener from last hand fires $25, one caller, and I call.
River 6♦. Brick. I check again...putting more bait in the trap. The opener fires $45, again the same caller, and back to me. I hollywood for 10 or 15 seconds, and then shove for $129. The opener tanks, then calls, and the other player tanks, then folds.
I take the pot, over $500. Sweet.
MOST AMUSING HAND: Old guy and young guy are in a pot, the board is 99663. Old guy says "Whatcha got?". Young guy replies, "I have pocket 5's". Old guy flashes a 10-4, says, "I got nothin'," and throws them into the muck. LOL. One of the other players says, "Wait a sec," and the dealer replies, "Yeah, I saw it, too, but he mucked them so the hand is dead."
submitted by PJMurphy to poker [link] [comments]

July 2019 Olean Area Things to Do

What are you most looking forward to in the month of July? First comment has more events.
Please include links to the event info if possible.
submitted by pschultz to olean [link] [comments]

Trip Report - Lima, Peru - Atlantic City

Trip Report - Lima Peru - Atlantic City

I'm in Lima on business and was staying in Miraflores, the touristy-area of Lima. The area is clean and safe (even at 2am).
In my research, I read that Atlantic City's poker room is, by far, the most popular in Lima so I only visited that casino, an easy 1/2 mile walk from my apartment. The poker room is on the second floor of the casino, easily found from the main entrance. The entire casino is non-smoking (nice!). In the poker room there is a lounge area for seating and enjoying drinks (free) from the bar. All the drinks I saw served were soft (soda, coffee, tea), though; I'm not sure if they served booze and it wasn't a consideration for me.
Joke time:
What do you call someone who speaks two languages? Bi-lingual. What do you call someone who speaks one language? American.
Most of the staff only spoke Spanish. I, unfortunately, do not. There was a floor manager who spoke English enough for us to communicate and for him to help coordinate with the cashier and dealers, when necessary.
The poker room is incredible: Everything is fresh and new. The poker-felt was fast and the poker chips were clean. Staff were sharply dressed and took pride in their appearance.
I had stopped in Monday evening but missed my opportunity to play in the ongoing tournament (being my preference). I learned the next tournament was on Wednesday at 8pm and would cost S/.500 (500 Peruvian Sol). The current exchange rate is PEN3.24 to US1, so PEN500 is US$154. Important note: US currency is welcome at the cage and they exchange at bank rates! This is incredible, they don't jack up the cost to exchange money.
I showed up on Wednesday about 15 minutes early. There were two cash games going of indeterminate stakes. I had communication issues with the cashier trying to buy into the tournament and we flagged down the Floor who set things straightPerhaps I was confused or the price was lower tonight. I was seated at an empty table in seat 5 (of 10). A dealer quickly was seated so I wasn't alone.
At 8pm the two cash tables stopped playing and everyone got up and headed to the cage to buy in to the tournament. We started with two tables, eventually spreading to three. Starting chips were T13,000 with an extra T10,000 handed out by the Floor to everyone who started the tournament. I'm unclear if that was because we were there at 8pm for the start, or because everyone was playing cash games going into the tournament and I was included as a courtesy.
There was a wide-range of players, but no one was too crazy. We started at 50/100. I managed to communicate as-needed with basic numbering (uno, dos, tres) and/or sign-language. Having a variety of chips denominations was helpful to avoid any one-chip issues on my raises. Otherwise, I let the chips and cards speak for themselves. I wasn't the only non-Spanish speaker, a couple of others in the game only spoke French.
Initially, the levels were 20 minutes long. Strangely, when a round was over, the clock auto-stopped but play would continue for several minutes until the Floor announced the next round and restarted the clock. We'd often get several additional hands in off-the-clock.
I got knocked out about an hour in and rebought for PEN200 which got me T13,000. A couple of hours in, we took a 25 minute dinner break which was a free hot buffet (!). During the lunch break, the spun up the roulette and blackjack table in the corner. There was an add-on, at this point. For PEN100 you got T25,000 - a shockingly large amount for such a small price.
After lunch, rounds were reduced to 15 minutes and we introduced antes. Round 7 was 500/1000/100. I was knocked out in round 11 (about midnight) when the rounds were reduced again to 12 minutes! At that point, the blinds were 2000/4000/400.
From translating the board, there were 25 players left out of 38 initial+rebuys. 28 players did the add-on for a prize pool of PEN9,360 (US$2,888) and 1,194,000 chips in play. Unfortunately, I did not get any info on the payout structure.
I was really impressed with the room and would gladly play there again. Reflecting on my game, I played far too passively - I think I was concerned about trying to understand and catch any differences in the play from what I was used to. So, don't sweat it: Just enjoy!
submitted by mlloyd67 to poker [link] [comments]

TIFU by letting a "friend" borrow money, while having the time of my life.

This actually occurred a little over a month ago, but is somewhat ongoing as I have not received the money I lent this bastard, but we will get to that soon enough.
For privacy's sake, we will call him "Jimmy", even though he deserves to have me post all of his actual info on here, but whatever.
About a month ago I am fiddling around on facebook while at work, and see a post from "Jimmy" about having Suite/Box seats to a Hockey game in the city. I am a HUGE hockey fan, so this caught my eye immediately. I decided I would shoot him a message and see how much he wanted for a couple tickets (I really wanted to take my g/f). He immediately responded with a great price, and his phone number so I could call him to finalize the deal. This all seemed perfect, until I remembered who I was dealing with.
Jimmy was the guy in our group of friends that burned every single bridge he ever made, while single-handedly shattering every amazing opportunity he was ever given (we all know a few of these guys don't we?). Basically he was the group fuck up, and that is what ended up getting him ousted from the group. He could talk himself out of anything he had ever gotten himself into, and had been for years. He wrote at least one check every day of some sort that "his ass couldn't cash". And I also believe at one point, he was also writing bad checks from an empty bank account, that he never had intended on putting money in to begin with, but that's beside the point. Jimmy was always getting into, and right back out shit. Always "borrowing from Peter, to pay Paul", all while fucking both their wives. I'm sure you get my point. Him being from a wealthy family; enabled this, and obviously he knew it.
Fast forward many years, to that facebook post (I hadn't seen or physically spoken to this asshole in a long time). I call him up, and though apprehensive, it seems he may have finally gotten at least some of his shit together (had a g/f, owned his own business, etc). It wasn't long after talking about meeting up to exchange money for tickets and so on that it all began. The endless trail of shit spewing out of his mouth, about how there were too many people (his g/f's brother and friend) that wanted to go now, so he had to try and come up with an extra ticket, for the game (to make everyone happy). It was then, he started to make me an offer, that I would have been silly for refusing. If I was to lend him the money for this extra box ticket ($150), he would in return not only pay me back in full, at the game, but hook my g/f and I up with a luxury suite at one of the nearby Casino/Hotel's. As an extra thank you, everything would be included in the stay (all drinks, food, etc..). He even offered to let me keep the required refundable deposit on the room. Keep in mind, I am was already paying him $150 for the two tickets I needed. Now, I am not dead broke or anything, but $300 bucks on a night of fun was a little out of the budget range. I must have sounded hesitant on the phone (I was), because he quickly started trying to convince/reassure me that it was only because he didn't have his debit card with him (his accountant cut it up because he was yet again, a fucking idiot), and was in a hurry to get this all taken care of before the game we all had to be at. I believe his words were something like "Kyleforshort, c'mon you can trust me, I am good for this, I am driving a $100K car right now, do you really think I am not going to pay you back?".
I immediately wanted to know what he was driving, and he calmly replied with "A Lotus" (and yes I know that they are more rare, than expensive, but c'mon it's a damn Lotus). I called bullshit right away, but he was on his way to meet me with the tickets, so I knew I would find out soon enough. We get off the phone, and my anxiety is through the roof. Do I let someone, who I have zero trust in, borrow this money that I need to pay rent/bills/etc with? Most would have said fuck that, this is too good to be true, but Jimmy has a way with words as I said before, and he sucked me right the fuck in like he had so many others.
A few minutes later I get a phone call, saying he's around the corner. I head out back into the rear parking lot of my job. Sure as shit, a dark green Lotus whips around the corner. The idea was to sneak away, hit an ATM, get the tickets and slip back into work like nothing ever happened (of course him showing up in that fucking thing almost completely prevented that). Though still skeptical, I begin to gain some faith in him. I mean after all he wasn't completely full of shit..he did show up in a Lotus, and gauging by the cracked bumper, and the shit show the inside was, it was in fact....his. I jump in, we run to the nearest ATM, and yup, as you assumed I gave him the $300. But not without some sort of collateral. I'm not a complete fucking moron. Before I gave him any money, I made him give me all of the tickets he did have on him, 4 in total. The only condition was that in his own words "YOU HAVE TO BE ON TIME". I didn't see that as an issue, so the tickets were mine, and the money became his. He dropped me back off at work, and we agreed to meet later, at the game.
Fast forward 3 or 4 hrs, and traffic (too many fucking accidents for an average day) has caused us to be "late", and I wasn't supposed to be late. I get a phone call saying he is no where near the venue, and has some shit to take care of, so he needs me to met up with the other people whom have bought the other 2 of the 4 tickets I have. We pull into the the hotel/casino valet, and register under his name. After multiple texts and calls, and no sign of him, or the people who's tickets we have. We head upstairs, to wait. This is where the fun begins...(I almost forgot, at this time my drivers license was suspended, and expired, and I couldn't renew it, due to it being suspended, so I knew there was no way in hell I was getting in the Casino part of the hotel.)
7:00 PM - People who need the other tickets arrive, I give them the tickets, and we agree to see each other later at the venue.
7:15 PM - Get a phone call from "Jimmy", he is no where near the venue, so we decide to head over to the game. One problem, you have to enter the Casino to get the "train" that goes to the arena. There are two more problems with this scenario, I have an expired I.D., and no cash for said train. I relay this to Jimmy, and he says he needs to make a phone call.
7:20 PM - (Game starts at 7:30) I get a phone call from Jimmy saying there is a shuttle bus waiting for us down by the V.I.P. entrance of the Casino. We head downstairs both confused, and pissed off because he is no where to be found with the money. We walk a block down the street, and sure as shit, there is a shuttle bus, sitting there specifically waiting for my g/f and I.
7:30 PM - We arrive to the arena, at an entrance I have never seen before. Present the tickets (which at this point I think may be fake), and are ushered to a near by elevator. We go up what seems like 15 floors, and arrive at a long hallway that resembles a hotel hallway, and are told which way to go to get to the suite. By this time, I am acting like a 15 year old girl that is about to meet The Backstreet Boys, and my g/f is getting pissed/embarrassed by said actions.
7:35 PM - We walk into the suite, and see the two guys we met up with at the hotel, and then get introduced to the guy who's suite it is (the host). We are welcomed to all the food and booze that we could possibly consume (me being the lush I am, I start in on the brews). Everyone is still waiting on Jimmy.
8:15 PM - Now like 6 or so beers in, I and everyone else are still waiting on Jimmy.
8:45 PM - Still no Jimmy. I had received a text (from Jimmy) a bit before asking how much in the game was left. With there not being much, I didn't expect he would show.
9:00 PM (Approximately) - Game over (we lose), and all of us head down to the shuttle to make our way back to the casino.
9:15 PM - We all unload, and the host stops us to ask what we have planned for the rest of the evening. Still agitated, I say we are still waiting on Jimmy. He quickly makes a phone call, and says Jimmy will be waiting at the V.I.P. entrance of the casino, so that is where we head.
9:20 PM - We stand inside the V.I.P. entrance for a min or two, and down the stairs comes Jimmy. I now present my expired I.D. to the lady at the desk. She says nothing and waives my g/f and I through to Jimmy. I immediately ask about the money that I am owed, and he says he has some of it, and is just waiting for someone to get there, so he can collect the rest.
9:25 PM - I immediately flag a waitress down, and Jimmy orders my g/f and I a drink (charged to the room of course). We begin to wander around the "High Roller" area of the Casino floor, and I start to notice that Jimmy is exchanging "hellos" and "how the hell are yas" with nearly everyone around us. I couldn't figure out how the in the hell he knew everyone from waitresses, and gamblers, to the damn custodians. I mean hell, I still couldn't figure out how he managed to have a shuttle come and get just my g/f and I like it was no issue at all. At one point I was even joking with one of the Valet guys about how big of a pain in the ass Jimmy's Lotus was to get in and out of.
10:00 PM - Jimmy walks my g/f and I over to the little kiosk thing where you manage your casino account/points and so on. He swipes is card, and proceeds to check on how many available points he has, etc etc. While doing this, I notice that he happens to be like one level below the highest level you can be at the damn place. Below that was a number, that nearly made me shit myself right then and there. Within 6 months of being a "member", he had spent/won upwards of $250K. (Which I then assume is how everyone knows this shithead).
10:30 PM - Jimmy takes us to the front desk of the Hotel, to check us in. We get our key cards, and head up to the room. Upon opening the door, I couldn't believe my eyes. Floor to ceiling windows over looking the city, separate rooms, a giant bathroom with a steam shower and a Jacuzzi, etc. This room was the size of a small apartment, and way nicer than anything I or my g/f had been in previously. I quickly go to the mini bar, and crack open a cold beer (I mean hey it's all free, so why the hell not). We all sit and chat for a few, and Jimmy explains his many life fuck ups, and how he got his shit together finally, has a great g/f, owns his own business etc.
10:45 PM - We head back down to the Casino, and I again have to show my expired license. Security guy looks at my I.D., and responds with "maaaaan this is expired" (I acted surprised of course) he then swiped it through the thingy (for lack of a better term), and waived me though. I again could not believe what was going on.
11:30 PM - By this time, I have downed 3 or 4 more beers, and my g/f heads back to our room (She's not much of the gamble/party type, and hates when I get too drunk). I am now continuously harassing Jimmy about my $150. I am also getting louder and louder while he grows more and more embarrassed. It now becomes apparent that all of these theatrics of his are just simply stall techniques. We head over to a few slots and he begins putting small bills in, and losing. In my drunken haze, I don't think anything of the fact that it's probably my damn money going into those machines.
12:00 AM - We head to a secluded little room directly off of the High Roller's floor, and Jimmy greets the guy, whom he also seems to know. He asks the guy if he could recount to him via computer the day that he had won $70K. It takes a second, and sure enough the guy rattles off some date a month or two back. They go back and forth with some Casino lingo and we leave the room with me drunk, confused, and now shaking my head at what in the hell is still going on.
1:00 AM - Jimmy says he'll be right back, and disappears. I notice there is a bar cart close by, so my drunk ass decides to go over and order another beer. The bartender rattles off a total and I tell him to charge it to my room. He tries, but the charge will not go through. I say naaah try it again. He does, and nothing. Just then Jimmy shows back up and I excplain the issue. We leave the bar cart, without the beer, and he again makes a phone call and wanders off.
1:15 AM - Jimmy returns, and encourages me to go try to get a drink and charge it (something apparently wasn't activated/working correctly before). We walk over to the bar cart, I order the same thing, tell the bartender to charge it to my room, and BINGO it works. I just look at him and shake my head. We go over and sit at a couple of slot machines, and he begins to try and borrow more money off me, promising a quick return via the Black Jack tables near by. I immediately shut him down, tell him he's fucking nuts, and begin loudly asking about my $150 again. Jimmy heads, of and I stay at the machines, ordering more drinks from passing waitresses.
2:15 AM - Jimmy comes back, we talk some more, and decide we are getting hungry. We head over to one of the restaurants down in the gaming area, stand at the entrance, joke with the hostess a bit, but never enter the establishment. We walk around for a while, and this is where shit starts to get a little fuzzy. I at one point lost my phone, and found it right where we were previously sitting back at the slots.
3:00ish AM - I find myself sitting at the slots (again), Jimmy no where in sight. By this time I really should be puking, in bed, or doing both. I fumble to locate my phone and call my g/f because I am too drunk to know how in the hell to get back to the room. No answer. I sit there for a while longer, call again, and still no answer.
3:30ish AM - Jimmy had to have shown up sometime within this time frame because I faintly remember him escorting me back to the room. He never came in though, just led me to the door. I loudly let myself into the room to find my g/f sound asleep. I am now pissed that "she left me down there alone", even though it was my drunk ass, that couldn't find my way back. We fight, and yell for a while. And eventually make up. ;)
4:00ish AM - Presumably around this point, I have passed out, and my g/f is back to sleep also.
7:00 AM - There is a loud bang at the door, that woke both my g/f and I. Turns out, I had locked Jimmy out of the room by using the room's deadbolt. He initially told me he wouldn't be crashing there so I thought nothing of it, and was too drunk to care.
7:30 AM - Slow to get up, we get dressed, and talk with Jimmy for a bit. He offers to walk us downstairs so we can get breakfast from the buffet (roughly $30 a person), he just needs to sign off on it.
7:45 AM - We gather our things and head down to the buffet. Both hostesses of course know Jimmy (smdh). They ring us up, and he signs the bill. We head in to eat and he disappears (again).
9:00 AM - We head over to valet to get our car, and head home. Still no word from Jimmy.
Jimmy did string me along for a few more days about giving me my money, but then he stopped answering, and I gave up.
UPDATE: I still haven't heard from Jimmy, and as you probably have guessed, still haven't seen my $150. My g/f and I totaled approximately what we had spent throughout the whole ordeal, and that far outweighed the $150. I think it was well up over $2K if you count everything that was provided at no cost to us. Plus it was/is tax time and we both got our refunds and so on a short time later. So all in all, I don't feel like I lost much at all, and had a damn good time while doing it.
We still have no idea what Jimmy was doing for the 3 hrs before he tried to get into the room at 7 AM.
TL;DR - Let someone borrow money, got shitfaced, had an awesome night (free room, food, drinks), and never saw my money again.
submitted by Kyleforshort to tifu [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Jul 27th - Tue, Aug 2nd)

Tulsa's event list.

Wednesday, Jul 27th

Thursday, Jul 28th

  • Culture Club (The Joint - Catoosa) Start Time: 8:00pm Culture Club
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    Thursday, July 28 • 8PMDoors open at 7PM
    Tickets on sale, April 28
    Price: $75, $85
  • 🍴 Day Camp (Camp Loughridge) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00am Camp Loughridge is a Christian non-profit 501(c)(3) organization accredited by the American Camp Association. Our staff is selectively hired and specially trained to facilitate a safe and fun day camp experience for everyone with a 1:5 counselor to camper ratio. Keep up with your kids' adventures through daily parent emails and other media!…
  • 🍴 Tulsa Drillers Paint & Sip Event by Pinot's Palette (ONEOK Field) Start Time: 4:00pm Summertime, baseball and the American Flag. We're All American! You're an All Star and will knock this one out of the park. We will be painting "All American" inside overlooking Oneok Field before the Drillers Game from 4-6pm. The price includes a 2 hour painting class, a ballpark meal (All You Can Eat Buffet, see below) and a ticket in…
  • Drillers vs Travelers (ONEOK Field) Start Time: 7:05pm vs Arkansas Travelers Thirsty Thursday / Nolan Arenado Jersey Shirt Giveaway
  • Fair Meadows Live Racing (Expo Square: Fair Meadows Race Track) Thru Sat, Jul 30th
  • Happy Hour Show!! Night Demon- 7PM (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 😂 John Evans (Loony Bin) Thru Sat, Jul 30th
  • Morris Day and the Time (Osage Million Dollar Elm Casino) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Movie in the Park: Home Alone (PG) 1990 (Guthrie Green) Start Time: 8:30pm
  • One-Eyed Doll (The Vanguard) One Eyed DollVoodoo dolls, MorganThu 7/28Doors: 7:00 pm / Show: 8:00 pm This event is all ages
  • Pokehunt on the Hill (Rogers State University - Claremore) Start Time: 3:00pm Pokehunt on the Hill will start at 3 p.m. on Thursday, July 28, in the Centennial Center. During the event, you can expect cool refreshments, giveaways every 30 minutes, free exclusive stickers and 10% discount on Hillcat gear at the RSU Bookstore. If you gotta catch 'em all, you gotta come to Pokehunt on the Hill!
  • Saliva Returns (The Shrine) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • Siamese + Noun Verb Adjective (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🎭 Tulsa's Story Telling Competition - Open Mic (IDL Ballroom) Start Time: 7:30pm Tulsa's Monthly StorySlam is looking for people to come share their stories onstage in front of a live audience (21+, $5 cover). No experience necessary and we need contestant/storytellers just like you! Join us at IDL Ballroom downtown and hear people (anyone and this means you!) tell TRUE (funny, serious, sad, harrowing, interesting) stories…
  • Story Time in the Garden - "Trees and Leaves" (Tulsa Garden Center) Start Time: 10:00am Story Time in the Garden is a program for children held in the Linnaeus Teaching Garden in Woodward Park. Admission is FREE! For more information, visit our web site at:
  • World Wide Paint Horse Congress (Expo Square: Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex) Thru Sun, Jul 31st At the World Wide Paint Horse Congress, horses and riders compete in a wide variety of events at Tulsa Expo Square.…

Friday, Jul 29th

  • 🍴 Day Camp (Camp Loughridge) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am Camp Loughridge is a Christian non-profit 501(c)(3) organization accredited by the American Camp Association. Our staff is selectively hired and specially trained to facilitate a safe and fun day camp experience for everyone with a 1:5 counselor to camper ratio. Keep up with your kids' adventures through daily parent emails and other media!…
  • DJ Trigger Warning and Dj Swang EM's Blender Drag Party (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Drillers vs Travelers (ONEOK Field) Start Time: 7:05pm vs Arkansas Travelers News on 6 Friday Night Fireworks
  • Fair Meadows Live Racing (Expo Square: Fair Meadows Race Track) 1 day left
  • 🍴 Film on the Lawn: How to Steal a Million (1966) (Philbrook Downtown) Start Time: 7:30pm Join the summer tradition of Philbrook Films on the Lawn! This year we debut a bigger screen, better sound, and more. Bring your picnic basket, blanket, and friends and experience these great films in our beautiful gardens. Food trucks and concessions will be available on site for those must-have movie snacks. In the event of rain, the films…
  • First Friday Art Crawl w/musical guest Native Strange !!! (Gypsy Coffee House & Cyber Cafe) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🎨 FIRST FRIDAY ART WALK @ MAINLINE! Beth Knight, 'Tulsa Titans' (Mainline) Start Time: 6:00pm Join us for a festive First Friday at Mainline as we welcome Tulsa artist Beth Knight and her exhibit 'Tulsa Titans'! Beth Knight is an artist whose works directly respond to the surrounding environment and uses everyday experiences from the artist as a starting point. Often these are framed instances that would go unnoticed in their original…
  • Home & Garden Expo of Oklahoma (Expo Square: River Spirit Expo) Thru Sun, Jul 31st The Home & Garden Expo of Oklahoma in Tulsa is the largest summertime home and garden show of its kind in northeast…
  • Infamous / MME (The Shrine) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 😂 John Evans (Loony Bin) 1 day left
  • Kihekah Steh Powwow (Skiatook) Thru Sun, Jul 31st Head to Skiatook this July for the annual Kihekah Steh Powwow. This important Native American event will occur northwest…
  • Kingdom of Giants (The Vanguard) Start Time: 8:00pm Darkness Divided, Divisions
  • 🎭 My Big Gay Italian Funeral (American Theatre Company) Thru Sat, Aug 6th Roar with laughter as the outrageously entertaining Staten Island family from "My Big Gay Italian Funeral"…
  • 🎡 Rock the Border Summer Music Series! (On The Border Mexican Grill & Cantina) Start Time: 7:30pm There is no better way to kick off summer than with live entertainment, thirst quenching beer, and our flavorful guacamole! On the Border Mexican Grill & Cantina is inviting you to join the fiesta with your amigos at our patio throughout the month of July! Every Friday in July, On The Border is giving everyone a reason to celebrate summer…
  • Sam and the Stylees and In the Whale (Mercury Lounge) Start Time: 10:00pm Fri Jul 29 10:00 PM
    Sam and the Stylees and In The Whale 
  • World Wide Paint Horse Congress (Expo Square: Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex) Thru Sun, Jul 31st At the World Wide Paint Horse Congress, horses and riders compete in a wide variety of events at Tulsa Expo Square.…

Saturday, Jul 30th

  • An evening of all original music w/ POPA J live (Gypsy Coffee House & Cyber Cafe) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🏃 Bedlam Run Presented by Williams (Blue Dome District) If you are in Oklahoma and hear the word bedlam, your thoughts immediately go to the rivalry between The University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University. This annual event celebrates over 100 years of spirited competition between orange and red. Proceeds will benefit the OSU Alumni Association, and OU Club Of Tulsa.
  • Cherry Street Farmers Market Thru Wed, Jul 27th Start Time: 8:30am
  • Compagnie Herv KOUBI (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Start Time: 8:00pm Compagnie Herv� KOUBI July 30 at 8 p.m. :: Chapman Music Hall Herv� Koubi is recognized as one of Europe's most distinctive choreographers. Drawing from his Algerian roots, Herv� Koubi's work "What the Day Owes to the Night," was more than three years in the making and combines capoeira, martial arts, urban str... AVAILABLE BY SUBSCRIPTION
  • DJ Sweet Baby JAyzus (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:30pm
  • Drillers vs Travelers (ONEOK Field) Start Time: 7:05pm vs Arkansas Travelers Tulsa's Channel 8 Grand Slam Saturday / Back To School Drillers Hat Giveaway / Mascot Mania
  • The Drunkard and Olio
  • 🎭 The Drunkard and the Olio (Tulsa Spotlight Theatre) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • Fair Meadows Live Racing (Expo Square: Fair Meadows Race Track) Last Day
  • Tulsa Flea Market (Expo Square)
  • Happy Hour Show!!7PM --Jam eCono + Hidden Ritual (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 6:30pm
  • Henna Roso: Food Drive & Launch Party (Guthrie Green) Start Time: 2:00pm
  • Home & Garden Expo of Oklahoma (Expo Square: River Spirit Expo) 1 day left The Home & Garden Expo of Oklahoma in Tulsa is the largest summertime home and garden show of its kind in northeast…
  • Jim Gaffigan (BOK Center) Start Time: 8:00pm Don't miss out on acclaimed stand-up comedian Jim Gaffigan as he brings his Fully Dressed Tour to Tulsa's BOK…
  • 😂 John Evans (Loony Bin) Last Day
  • Josh Abbott Band (Cain's Ballroom) On sale May 6th! This event is all ages Advance $20 | Day of Show $22 | Door $22 | Mezzanine (21+) $35 There is a $2 fee that applies to each ticket purchased at the Cain's Box Office. No re-entry! No smoking! No refunds! OK Joe's BBQ will be open and available to ticket holders from 7pm - 8:30pm!
  • Kihekah Steh Powwow (Skiatook) 1 day left Head to Skiatook this July for the annual Kihekah Steh Powwow. This important Native American event will occur northwest…
  • 🎭 My Big Gay Italian Funeral (American Theatre Company) Thru Sat, Aug 6th Roar with laughter as the outrageously entertaining Staten Island family from "My Big Gay Italian Funeral"…
  • Oh, Sleeper (The Vanguard) The Ongoing Concept, Earth Falls Before Me
  • Perceptual Art Going Large (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Start Time: 10:00am Perceptual Art � Going Large June 2-July 30, M-F 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (excluding July 4) and during Chapman Music Hall events :: PAC Gallery Contemporary artist Jason Wilson's work was influenced by watching his Native American grandmother design, assemble and sew quilts when he was a child. He says his art is as much about building the painting…
  • R.K. Gun & Knife Show (Expo Square: Exchange Center) Day 1 of 2 For a high quality gun show with great prices and selection, visit the R.K. Gun & Knife Show in Tulsa. RK Shows have…
  • Jenks Saturday Market (2nd & Main - Jenks) Start Time: 9:00am A classic Saturday market experience with local farmers, produce, crafters, food trucks, live music, kid's activities and so much more... Come join the fun! Every Sat 9:00am - noon - weather permitting.
  • 🎭 Summer Heat International Dance Festival (Choregus Productions) Thru Sat, Aug 6th Witness contemporary dance performances and experience the art of movement during Summer Heat International Dance…
  • 🏃 Summer Sizzle Poker Run (Expo Square) RunnersWorld Tulsa presents: Summer Sizzle 5 mile Poker Run
    Saturday, July 30, 7:00 AM
    The Summer Sizzle Poker Run is a non-timed fun run/training run event in conjunction with the RunnersWorld Tulsa Marathon/Half training program but it is open to the general public and all runners/walkers are welcome. The run starts at 7AM. You can…
  • Summer Vendor Show (Osage Event Center) All ages are invited to attend the Summer Vendor Show from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, July 30, at the Osage Event Center, Tulsa. Approximately 45 vendors will be on site including handmade art and crafts, home décor, jewelry, skincare, wellness, and much, much more. The Osage Event Center is an 8,000-square-foot facility located inside the…
  • The Whiskey Misters (Mercury Lounge) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • World Wide Paint Horse Congress (Expo Square: Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex) 1 day left At the World Wide Paint Horse Congress, horses and riders compete in a wide variety of events at Tulsa Expo Square.…

Sunday, Jul 31st

  • Abandoned By Bears (The Vanguard) Start Time: 8:00pm Save The Lost Boys, Southview, LOCAL TBA, LOCAL TBA
  • the best karaoke in the UNIVERSE! w/ Ron Hammond! (Mainline) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Brandon Clark (Mercury Lounge) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Darell Christopher & the Ingredients (Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Tulsa Drillers (ONEOK Field) Start Time: 1:05pm vs Arkansas Travelers Kids Eat Free! / Princess/Super Hero Appearances / Super Hero Cape Giveaway
  • Home & Garden Expo of Oklahoma (Expo Square: River Spirit Expo) Last Day The Home & Garden Expo of Oklahoma in Tulsa is the largest summertime home and garden show of its kind in northeast…
  • Kihekah Steh Powwow (Skiatook) Last Day Head to Skiatook this July for the annual Kihekah Steh Powwow. This important Native American event will occur northwest…
  • 🎭 Koresh Dance Company (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Start Time: 8:00pm Koresh Dance Company July 31 at 8 p.m. :: John H. Williams Theatre Over the years, Koresh Dance Company's artistic director, Roni Koresh, has developed a vast repertoire of work that ranges from explosive and passionate to intimate and restrained. This evening's feature work, "23: Deconstructing Mozart," is a new co... AVAILABLE BY SUBSCRIPTION
  • 🎭 My Big Gay Italian Funeral (American Theatre Company) Thru Sat, Aug 6th Roar with laughter as the outrageously entertaining Staten Island family from "My Big Gay Italian Funeral"…
  • R.K. Gun & Knife Show (Expo Square: Exchange Center) Day 2 of 2 For a high quality gun show with great prices and selection, visit the R.K. Gun & Knife Show in Tulsa. RK Shows have…
  • Save The Lost Boys et al. (The Vanguard)
  • 🎭 Summer Heat International Dance Festival (Choregus Productions) Thru Sat, Aug 6th Witness contemporary dance performances and experience the art of movement during Summer Heat International Dance…
  • World Wide Paint Horse Congress (Expo Square: Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex) Last Day At the World Wide Paint Horse Congress, horses and riders compete in a wide variety of events at Tulsa Expo Square.…

Monday, Aug 1st

Tuesday, Aug 2nd

  • After Trivia: Pleasures (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🎓 Tulsa Lead Exchange (a business networking group) (Marley's) Start Time: 12:00pm Tulsa Lead Exchange is a business networking group of professionals. We meet each week on Tuesday at noon to exchange business leads and help each other build our business contacts and sales. Membership costs $40.00 per month (which pays for your lunch). If you are interested in becoming a member and building your business, contact one of the…
  • Tulsa's Longest Running All Original Works Open Mic !!!! (Gypsy Coffee House & Cyber Cafe) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • 🎭 My Big Gay Italian Funeral (American Theatre Company) Thru Sat, Aug 6th Roar with laughter as the outrageously entertaining Staten Island family from "My Big Gay Italian Funeral"…
  • Oklahoma Music Academy Summer Jam (Cain's Ballroom) Start Time: 7:00pm Everyone attending is required to make a cash donation of any size or bring an in-kind donation for Youth Services of Tulsa. Oklahoma Music Academy Summer JamTue Aug 02Doors: 6:00 pm / Show: 7:00 pm This event is all ages
  • 🎭 Summer Heat International Dance Festival (Choregus Productions) Thru Sat, Aug 6th Witness contemporary dance performances and experience the art of movement during Summer Heat International Dance…
  • Tedeschi Trucks Band (Brady Theater) Start Time: 7:30pm WHEELS OF SOUL 2016 TOUR Tedeschi Trucks Band with Special Guests: Los Lobos North Mississippi Allstars Tickets On Sale FRI 4/8 at 10am Brady Box Office & Starship Records in Tulsa Buy For Less locations in OKC Charge by phone @ 866.977.6849 online @ Reserved Tickets: $79.50, $59.50 & $39.50 Doors open at 6:30pm All Ages Welcome
  • Trivia with Jack (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 8:30pm

See Also

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My experience with Carnival Cruise lines

Recently I went on a cruise with Carnival Cruise lines. The toilets always flushed and the power stayed on but the cruise was still ultimately less than desirable. My vacation on the Ecstasy started on Monday, April 8th. Our party of 27 loaded up at about noon. The kids in our party were excited to go swimming, which was supposed to be open right away. However, the pool was being painted and would be out of commission till the next day. On the third day, they painted the fake palm trees, again by the pool. so the pool area constantly smelled of heavy paint. The first night, 6 out of our 27 were extremely seasick. We heard repeatedly that the ship seemed to move more than other ships they had been on. We were never given an explanation by service, just that we should really purchase ginger ale, wristbands and benadryl. The second night, there was a man dressed as "Captain Jack Sparrow" walking around taking photos with all the guests at dinner. This was a great idea, but "Captain Jack" looked like he had spent 20 minutes finding an outfit in Walmart and drew a beard and mustache on with a magic marker. He was in a hurry to take a photo with you (for a later price of $20) and then leave. He wasn’t there to entertain, it was very much all business. I had always heard that the most amazing part of any cruise was the food, so that is what I was most excited about. The food was less than mediocre. One night, I had ordered a chicken pasta. The pasta was only the macaroni from the lunch buffet with a dry piece of chicken on it. The dinner was never better than alright and by Wednesday I was craving a non-buffet style meal. Carnival Ecstasy advertised a sushi bar. I was very excited about this but it took almost two days to find it. The “sushi bar” turned out to be a small table in the corner behind the casino. It had a small sign that described what the day's specials were but nothing labeling that it was in fact a sushi bar or that it was free. When you ordered, you got two small pieces of what they had that day. One night I went by and you could get a piece of tofu or a piece of cooked shrimp wrapped in rice. The next day they had mushroom or very spicy raw tuna. Even past the spice, I could tell that the tuna wasn't fresh. We had fantastic service from housekeeping and our dinner servers were really spectacular but the rest of the staff seemed to be frustrated with us. I noticed that our servers at dinner were working all morning too. I asked a couple of them about their schedules and the responses seemed to be that they work from early till late with an hour off in the afternoon. I asked one server about recommendations for the afternoon and she was quite nasty to us. As I tried to talk to her about her life and situation, she opened up a good bit and expressed that she was just tired, which seemed to be the general personality of the staff. I felt a little uncomfortable enjoying myself being surrounded by disgruntled staff. One night, a group of about 15 of us went to karaoke in the "Chinatown" area on the boat. They seemed extremely frustrated with us that we were not drinking, assumingly because they were making minimal tips off us. We still ordered sodas for $3 a pop. At one point, a sway of the boat made a drink spill. A server stomped away and came back 30 minutes later, then yelled “Move!” to sweep it up. Instead of ruining our mood, we all decided to leave. Another night we did karaoke and the host seemed to mock every one that got on stage. A young, timid girl sang a song by Adele and the MC keep pretending to fall asleep during her song. Again, we left. On the last day, we were supposed to get off one group at a time. Our group was scheduled to get off the boat at around 10. At 9 a.m. that morning, all the water in the boat was shut off, so no one could wash their hands or use the restroom. Everything shut down before we were allowed to get off the boat. Apparently, the ship was running behind so at 10 they told everyone they could go ahead and leave. This was a horrible idea, because instead of everyone waiting their turn to get off and sitting at tables, we waited over an hour in line while carrying our bags through customs. Despite the unpleasantness, our party was extremely happy to be on vacation and to be together. We tried to maintain a positive attitude but the general consensus is that we will never travel with Carnival again.
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