Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" Review

frank cascio michael jackson

frank cascio michael jackson - win

Remember Johanna Thomae? Rumoured to have messed around with Michael Jackson and Frank Cascio

Here is when she came to his defense during the Arvizo trial -
And here is when he asks for her phone number in NYC. He met her again (she followed him around for years) at the Virgin store during Invincible signing.
In the MJ community she was rumoured to have slept with Frank Cascio when she stayed at Neverland.
submitted by PoisedbutHard to MichaelJackson [link] [comments]

New Evidence in Michael's Innocence #2: What Michael's relationship with the Chandlers was really like

New Evidence in Michael's Innocence #2: What Michael's relationship with the Chandlers was really like
1. Evidence : These are articles that were written BEFORE The Chandlers accused Michael of molesting Jordan.
Why it's important: They are important because the sources of the articles were June Chandler's friends and associates.
According to Evan Chandler's brother Ray Chandler
“Knowing that Dave would share his concerns, Evan suggested he tell June to “stop yapping to her friends.” It was a sister of June’s closest friend who had sold the story to the Enquirer**. Two days later June called Evan to scold him for telling Dave she had a big mouth. No sooner had June finished with Evan when Dave called. If Evan was upset about the Enquirer article, Dave was livid. “That asshole [Michael] is destroying my business and my family!” he screamed into the phone. Dave told Evan he was getting calls from friends and business acquaintances expressing their sympathy for the loss of his family. He felt humiliated.” All That Glitters, p. 23, Ray Chandler
The story June was telling about Michael's relationship with her and her children before they made the allegations, contradicts the story the Chandlers have been telling for the past 25 years. And it contradicts the story June told on the stand in 2005. It also contradicts the narrative pushed in all the books and articles that have been written about the case. They claim Michael had some kind of exclusive relationship with Jordan and that he was obsessed with him. That's not the story June was telling before August 1993. She told her friends Michael was pretty obsessed with her and lily too. The focus on Jordan was a later invention.
Article 1 is the May 1993 National Enquirer Article Ray mentioned in the book.
This article also contradicts June's story on the stand.
Here is a great article that's goes into more detail about this Vegas trip and how the witnesses who saw them there contradict the Chandler's story.
One excellent example is that the article contradicts June's claim that Michael and Jordan missed the Cirque Du Soleil performance, She claimed they missed it because Michael came back to"cry and tremble" about “why Jordan couldn’t sleep in his room”.
The eye witnesses in this article prove that Michael and Jordan were at the show for the entire time and even reported where they were sitting.
Later that night, the two went to the hotel’s circus-type show, called Cirque Du Soleil. “They sat in section 206, row CC,” said the eye-witness. “When the show was over, Michael bought the boy a Cirque Du Soleil sweatshirt.”
Here is a video of Michael and Jordan at the arcade on the day mentioned in the article and at the Cirque de Soleil Rehearsal. You will notice that Michael was surrounded by people and a police escort.
Article 2 is another similar article from the New York Daily News, written May 20, 1993
Main takeaways from the article.
  • Michael often slept in JUNE's bed at her home with her and both of the children. This is something the Chandlers never mentioned when they made the allegations. June DID admit that the 4 of them shared a bedroom on the first Vegas trip, however outside of that one time this information has pretty much been buried.
  • There's no mention of Jordan sharing a bed with Michael alone in this article which bring that claim into question. How many times did it really happen? All evidence pre-allegations points to Michael sharing a bed with all 3 of them.
  • Michael spent a lot of time talking to June on the Phone as well. Something else she hid in her testimony. She claimed he only called to talk to Jordan.
2. Evidence : Article written by a man named David Wigg who witnessed Michael's interactions with the Chandler's at the Monaco Awards in 1993.
Why it's important: Wigg's article shows the innocent relationship Michael had with both children. And it debunks several lies the Chandlers told about this Monaco trip. They claimed Jordan and Michael were in a hotel room alone for 2 straight days "with the flu". And that he sent June and Lily away shopping in Paris so he could be alone with Jordan.
“In Monaco, he and I both had colds so we couldn’t go out on the town or whatever and see the sights. We had to stay in and that’s pretty much when the bad stuff happened.” Jordan Chandler, Gardner Interview.
Keep in mind they were only in Monaco for a few days before going to Disneyland Paris where they are photographed looking perfectly healthy.
According to Wigg, Michael took both of the children shopping for toys. We also know that he took June and kids to a Dinner with the royal family on another night. Then he attended the World Music Awards show with them on another night. It's simply impossible for Michael to spend 2 days sick in a room with Jordan and still have time to do all the other things he was seen and reported doing during this trip. Literally impossible.
And to back up Wigg's recollection of the events. Here is a video of the incident he referred to where Michael fell. An overeager fan grabbed Michael, which is how he fell. You can see June, Lily and Jordan in the video as well.
3. Evidence: excerpts from My Friend Michael, By Frank Cascio.
Frank Cascio spent time with Michael and the Chandlers as a child. He wrote about his memories in his book.
Why it's important: Franks testimony is very important because he debunks the Chandlers claim that Michael wanted Jordan to sleep in his bed. In fact Michael didn't care one way or another. According to Frank, Jordan NEVER slept in Michael's room while he was there. He was with his mother and sister in the guest units during Frank's visit. And Frank was there AFTER Jordan claims the abuse started and after Jordan claimed he started sleeping with Michael every night.
It seems from these witness accounts Jordan only shared a bed with Michael when his Mother and sister were there.

This book is also important because when Frank met Jordan, Evan had become involved in his life again. This would have been around the time that Gary Hearne encountered Evan. Frank gives us some insight into what was going on in Jordan's life right before Evan forced him to participate in his extortion plot against Michael.
4. Evidence: Deposition of Gayle Goforth, who was a maid at Neverland. (I will be doing a post on her entire deposition in the near future)
Why it's important: Gayle Goforth testified that she saw June, Jordie and Lily watching tv with Michael on Michael's bed at Neverland. Which corroborates the information in the above articles. In her 2005 testimony, June made it seem like she was rarely in Michael's room at and was very coy about the times she was in there.
Final takeaway: The Chandlers twisted Michael's relationship with their family into some kind perverted fan fiction about him and Jordan. June downplayed her own friendship with Michael and they erased Lily from the story altogether. They also hid the fact that the 3 of them often shared a bed with Michael together. This is information that may have caused people to look at the situation differently. People need to know that Michael had a habit of sharing a bed with people of all genders or ages. And many times he simply allowed his guests to have the bed while he slept on the floor or the couch. The whole "little boys" myth is a fabrication that has been allowed to persist for far too long.
I would encourage all of you to save these articles and read them thoroughly. When you have information in your mind it's easier to combat the lies and myths surrounding the cases.
Please check out the other post from both my series.
Debunking Guilter Myths #1: Did Michael have evidence removed before the 1993 raid?
New Evidence in Michael's Innocence #1: Deposition of Gary Hearne
submitted by JaneDi to MichaelJackson [link] [comments]


While Fist promised to load up the F-18 and drop some truth bombs, all we got was an unpiloted drone dropping dung from a great height. Once I’d read the transcript it became clear that Fist faced a problem that many casual Michael Jackson “researchers” face — lack of access to a balance of materials. It’s easy to get stuck in a particular mindset when searching through Google for Jackson information because oftentimes only pro-Jackson sites appear. To find out the truth about Jackson requires stamina and intellect. Many give up and go the easy route of reading without checking facts or thinking deeply about what certain evidence may mean.
In the first section of the video, Fist argues that had Jackson actually molested children his “provable tactical acumen” and financial resources would have ensured the world would never have heard about it. This isn’t a solid argument. Apart from the implication that there are families with molested children out there who were silenced by the pop star, Jackson’s “tactical acumen” wasn’t evident in his reaction to the Chandler case (as we’ll see).
Fist also recommends Tom Mesereau’s lectures, interviews, and writings so as to be exposed to the same “pertinent, exculpatory evidence” which made him come to the conclusion that Michael Jackson was innocent. That isn’t a great idea, as I will point out at the end of this article.
Having read the transcript, I find it hard to believe that Fist did extensive research, it appears all he did was read a few fan sites and listen to a few Tom Mesereau videos. Fist gets so many basic facts wrong it would be exhausting to list them all, so I will point out only some of his errors. Let’s do some Fist fact checking.
“Michael Jackson recklessly molested boys.”
This isn’t true. Every child that has ever accused Jackson has described in detail the months of grooming that Jackson engaged in before attempting anything sexual with them. Fist only had to read Jordan Chandler’s interview with his psychiatrist, Wade Robson’s complaint, or James Safechuck’s story and that would have been evident. Jordan Chandler spoke of a steady escalation of visits, hugs, and kisses before Jackson attempted anything close to molestation. Similarly, Jimmy Safechuck explained that until Jackson built up Jimmy’s trust completely, his adult friend never tried anything sexual. Wade perhaps is the exception, with Jackson molesting Wade after a very short time together. It could be argued that a seven-year-old mega fan with a laissez-faire mother pushing him onto the pop star must have given Jackson a feeling of safety which led to molestation on the first weekend they met, it’s certainly possible. We know that Jackson followed the same pattern with Wade as he did with the other boys he molested — the level of the sex acts escalated as Jackson became more confident.
Fist: The police only found one item which could be vaguely construed as pedophilic.
During searches of Neverland, police found two books (Boys Will Be Boys and The Boy); two actual photographs of unclothed boys; and 29 naturist magazines.
These items scream pedophilic. The two books are part of a set put out by Book Explorers, book_adventuresan outfit in New York dedicated to publishing “boy lover” works. They are edited by pedophiles, and both feature sexualized images of boys taken by pedophile photographers.
In a subsequent Twitter conversation, Fist maintained that the inscription Jackson wrote in the frontispiece of Boys Will Be Boys – “Look at the true spirit of happiness and joy in these boys’ faces. This is the spirit of boyhood, a life I have never had and will always dream of. This is the life I want for my children.” – proved his interest was totally innocent. Fist then admitted he had never seen Boys Will Be Boys or any of it’s contents. If Fist had seen the book, he would know that the inscription was a ruse – though technically legal, the book contains a plethora of boy’s penises, buttocks, and anuses. It’s doubtful Jackson would have thought to himself, “This is the life I want for my children,” if it meant his children’s genitalia were in full view of the readers these kinds of books attract.
The first of the photos found was described in court documents as “A photograph of a boy, believed to be Jonathan Spence, fully nude”. Jonathan Spence was a special friend of Jackson’s in the mid-1980’s. To suggest there is nothing pedophilic about a nude photograph of a boy owned by a man who shared a bed with that same boy would be disingenuous.
The second photo was equally suspicious, described as “A photograph of a young boy holding an umbrella, wearing bikini bottoms partially pulled down.”
(Some have tried to claim these photographs never existed, as they were never tendered as evidence in court. The photos weren’t tendered in evidence as there were a) no witnesses to Jonathan Spence being molested and b) the second boy couldn’t be identified, not because the photos didn’t exist; the photographs were discussed by Jackson’s counsel.)
On their own, the 29 naturist magazines mean nothing. Put together with the above items, in Jackson’s hands, and they take on a deeper meaning. According to prosecutors at Jackson’s 2005 trial, the common denominator in all 29 magazines was naked boys. Whilst today we would view these nudist magazines as quaint, they are still currently in demand and collected by pedophiles because they are a safe, legal source of images of naked children. According to Bill Dworin, a 34-year veteran of the LAPD who has investigated more than 4,000 sexual exploitation cases, “Pedophiles will frequently have this material available because they can obtain it legally, it’s not illegal to possess”. In his book Naked: A Cultural History of American Nudism, Brian Hoffman explored the history of naturist magazines. Back in the 1930’s when these magazines were published, at a time when images of naked people were heavily restricted, publications such as The Nudist allowed various readings. “An image of a naked muscular man presented readers with a symbol of strength and athleticism or a source of titillation for both women and men. The display of full-frontal female nudes of all body types exhibited nudism’s commitment to showing the body without shame while also providing glimpses of genitalia rarely displayed in other forms of commercial pornography. The many images of children in the magazine communicated the natural joy of going naked and gave individuals seeking out intergenerational sex a venue to gaze at prepubescent youth.”
These items are more than “vaguely pedophilic”, they are exactly the kind of items owned byboy-scout pedophiles who want to stay just within the law. If we were to talk about items that were “vaguely pedophilic”, would Jackson’s statue of a boy scout in shorts fit the bill?
“Gavin Arvizo’s fingerprint was only found in a magazine along with Michael Jacksons because Thomas Sneddon handed it to the boy at a grand jury hearing before it was tested for fingerprints.”
This charge of Sneddon tampering evidence has been circulating for years among the fan community. Fist gathered this allegation from William Wagener, a vociferous campaigner for Jackson’s innocence. Wagener, who has an interesting background, made many colorful allegations against Thomas Sneddon and could be kindly described as a “crank”.
The story centers around a copy of Barely Legal containing one fingerprint each of Michael Jackson and Gavin Arvizo, which was put forward by the prosecution as proof that Jackson had shown a pornographic magazine to a minor. Overall, it’s uninteresting in relation to Jackson’s 2005 trial because the respective fingerprints were on entirely separate sections of the magazine, making it very flimsy evidence indeed.
The accusation of tampering is more serious and if true would have indicated that Sneddon, normally a meticulous and thorough prosecutor, handed the magazine to the boy at the grand jury hearing to gain false evidence against Jackson.
During the 2005 molestation trial, Jackson lawyer Robert Sanger asked of Detective Paul Zelis (regarding the magazine), “However, during the course of that grand jury, the contents of this, of this briefcase, Sheriff’s Item 317, was handed to Gavin Arvizo so he could look through it, see if he could identify it; isn’t that correct.”
This suggestion caused a stir. What followed was two days of exhausting testimony from detectives and forensic experts on the chain of custody for not just the magazine, but the briefcase it was found in. Away from the jury, there was an extensive argument over grand jurors –traditionally they are not involved in court cases which result from their indictments, but Sneddon wanted the grand jury forewoman to testify that Gavin Arvizo didn’t touch anything in the briefcase. In a cautious move, defense demanded they be able to speak to every single grand juror, rather than rely on just one, to discern the truth of the matter. After much argument from the prosecution about keeping the identities of the grand jurors secret the judge allowed the names of the jurors to be released to the defense so they could be interviewed, on condition they could be questioned about this one issue only.
As a result of those interviews the defence abandoned their assertion that the boy had been handed the magazine by Sneddon, and Tom Mesereau defaulted to the argument that the fingerprint was on the magazine because the boy had broken into Jackson’s bedroom and looked at the magazine on his own, not that Jackson had handed the magazine to him.
“Michael Jackson is dead because of his inability to deal with the unceasing barrage of lies about him.”
Michael Jackson died of an overdose of propofol, a drug he asked to be administered because of insomnia he suffered as a result of the pressure of rehearsing for a series of 50 shows in London.
“The 1993 case was a successful extortion attempt.”
There was no extortion. On August 4th 1993 Evan Chandler met with Jackson and his lawyers, suggesting that unless Jackson paid twenty million dollars he would take Jordan to see a mandated reporter (who would then need to report any alleged abuse to the authorities). If Jackson were innocent this would have been seen as a blatant extortion attempt, yet rather than Jackson and his legal team reporting Evan Chandler to the police, the pop star and his lawyers treated it as a starting point for negotiation and appointed private investigator Anthony Pellicano to work out a deal with the father.
Pellicano offered the Chandlers a million dollar settlement; this was rejected and Pellicano, with Jackson’s blessing, lowered his offer to $350,000. Exasperated, and with a deadline looming where he had to hand the boy back to his wife who would then allow renewed access to Jackson, Evan Chandler took Jordan to a psychiatrist. The boy then revealed abuse at the hands of Jackson. The psychiatrist by law had to report the abuse to the authorities, leading to a police investigation.
On the 23rd of August the first media reports suggesting abuse appeared, and the following day Anthony Pellicano announced at a press conference in Jackson lawyer Howard Weitzman’s office that the accusations against the entertainer were an “extortion gone awry”. Addressing questions related to the monetary offers made to Chandler, Pellicano said “I was trying to set him up with the extortion,” and “I wanted to see if he would take it.”
To bolster his claim of extortion, Pellicano played a tape (which Fist featured in his video) of a conversation he had recorded where Evan Chandler said “This man is going to be humiliated beyond belief and, and he will not believe what is going to happen to him — beyond, beyond his worst nightmares. He will not sell one more record….If I got through with this, I win big time — I will get everything I want … destroyed forever.”
(It wasn’t until a year later, when the original tape transcript materialized in an unrelated court case, that it was discovered that the recording Pellicano played was selected sentences spliced together from hours of conversation to make Evan Chandler’s demands look like extortion. In reality, the transcript revealed a revengeful father who was angry that Jackson, with the help of the boy’s mother, was coming between himself and Jordan. No mention was made of extortion nor molestation.)
After Pellicano revealed the alleged plot to the assembled media a reporter from the Los Angeles Times asked if Jackson’s team had reported the extortion to the police. Pellicano sheepishly revealed they had not. A complaint of extortion was subsequently filed with the police by Jackson’s team; after a five-month investigation the deputy Los Angeles County district attorney Michael J. Montagna announced “We’ve declined to file today criminal charges of attempted extortion,” and that “the evidence does not show that any crime has been committed.” The delay in the complaint being filed, and the negotiations by Pellicano, proved that no crime had been committed. “The law actually favors trying to settle actions without going to court,” Montagna concluded.
“The taped phone call between Evan Chandler and Dave Schwarz is suspicious because it was after Jordan was molested.”
Even though Jackson had molested Jordan at this point, Evan had no evidence his son had been molested at the time the tape was recorded – he only had suspicions that Jackson’s interest in his son was sexual.
“Evan Chandler’s meeting with Mel Brooks could have been engineered by Michael Jackson.”
Robin Hood: Men In Tights was released on the 28th of July 1993. Considering that Evan Chandler first met Michael Jackson on May 20th 1993, it’s unlikely Jackson arranged for him to meet Mel Brooks over a year previously.
“As Michaels’s favors began to dry up, so did Evan Chandler’s affection for the King of Pop.”
Michael Jackson never did any favors for Evan Chandler.
“Larry Feldman’s involvement in the 1993 case and the 2005 case is a big red flag.”
No, it isn’t. Larry Feldman became involved in the 1993 case after taking over the case from Barry Rothman. In 2005, the Arvizo’s lawyer, William Dickerman, having heard that another young boy was caught in Michael Jackson’s web, recognized parallels with the 1993 case. Unsure of how to tackle a huge star in a potentially explosive case, he contacted a lawyer who had taken on Jackson in the past (and won) – Larry Feldman. Feldman did some preliminary investigations in the Arvizo case but was reluctant to take it on, suggesting the family revisit him after the criminal trial was over. They never did.
“Evan Chandler hooked up with Jordan’s stepfather for an impromptu dental exam with his son”
Dave Schwartz wasn’t with the Chandlers during the dental exam.
“The original confession was elicited while Jordan Chandler was under the influence of laughing gas.”
It wasn’t laughing gas, and it wasn’t a detailed confession. After sedation with (allegedly) sodium amytal for a dental procedure, and after promising his son the information would go no further (he lied), Evan asked Jordan if Jackson had ever touched him on the penis — Jordan answered yes. No further questions were asked.
“Jordan was never molested at Neverland.”
Jordan said in his interview with Richard Gardiner that Michael Jackson performed fellatio on him at his father’s house, MJ’s Hideout, his mother’s house, and Neverland. The first incident of sexual molestation (after several months of grooming which started with brief hugs and progressed to kissing on the mouth) occurred at Monaco when Jackson masturbated Jordan.
“Michael Jackson ‘butt-fucked’ Jordan in Monaco”
No, it was masturbation only.
“They had the flu”
According to Jordan, who was there, he and Jackson had colds. There was no evidence of “nasal phlegm” nor “hundred degree fevers” as Fist asserts. Jackson insisted the mother and daughter go out shopping, leaving he and Jordan alone in the suite. Jackson suggested he and Jordan take a bath together, which led to molestation.
“The prosecution never said Michael sleeps in the same bed as young boys, they said he sleeps in the same room as young boys.”
The prosecution always asserted that Jackson slept in the same bed with young boys. Even witnesses for the defense, men who had been allegedly abused as boys and were refuting the prosecution – Wade Robson, Brett Barnes and Macauley Culkin – testified that they slept in the same bed one-on-one with Jackson, not just at Neverland but at hotels when they travelled with the pop star. Several other of Jackson’s boy friends have confirmed bed sharing. Frank Cascio said he shared a bed with Jackson, as has Omer Bhatti. As Fist points out, an adult sharing a bed with a child in and of itself wouldn’t connote pedophilia, and is not illegal, so if it’s a non-issue, it’s curious that Fist needed to address it.
“Parents and entire families slept in Michael Jackson’s bedroom.”
Yes, this happened, but only on rare occasions. Jackson preferred to sleep with just one underage male bedmate over and above sleeping with adults or girls.
“The Chandlers, acting on advice from their lawyer Larry Feldman, deliberately waited to level charges for several months until Michael Jackson had begun his tour for the Dangerous album”
The Dangerous tour commenced on June 27th, 1992, 14 months before the Chandlers accused Jackson of molestation.
“Michael Jackson would have had to cancel the second leg of the Dangerous tour to fight the charges in court, that’s part of why he settled.”
Michael Jackson commenced the third leg of the Dangerous tour on August 24th, 1993 and canceled the remaining few concerts on November the 14th, 1993, prior to settling with the Chandlers in January 1994.
“The Chandler family during the pretrial phase purposefully omitted the photographs of Jackson’s genitalia.”
The Chandlers never had access to the photos for their civil case, the photos were taken by law enforcement for the criminal case, thus the photographs and description were only relevant to the 1993 criminal investigation. Tom Sneddon attempted to introduce them during the 2005 trial and it was the defence who argued that they shouldn’t be produced as evidence. If Fist had read the page he showed onscreen in his video at this point of his rebuttal he would have known this. Curiously, in 2005 the defence did not want this evidence, which would supposedly exonerate Jackson of the 1993 allegations, shown to the world.
“Michael Jackson was embarrassed that photos were taken of his genitalia.”
Immediately after this Fist contradicts himself by playing a video, shown around the world, where Jackson describes (in a laundry list of items which supposedly embarrass him) exactly what the police photographed — “my penis, my buttocks, my lower torso, thighs, and any other area that they wanted” — and goes on to mention his “embarrassing” disease vitiligo. Jackson certainly wasn’t being modest when reliving this supposedly “dehumanizing” episode, he was attempting to elicit sympathy from easily manipulated members of the public. It still works more than twenty years later, right Fist?
Another point to make is that the strip search had no effect on Jackson’s behavior. The sleepovers with boys, the root cause of this purportedly “dehumanizing” experience, continued unabated. Either the experience wasn’t as bad as he made it out to be, or Jackson’s compulsion to sleep with boys was so strong that he could put it out of his mind.
“In fact we know this evidence is weak because much of it was used in the 2005 case and was laughed out of court.”
The evidence wasn’t laughed out of court. The jury heard the evidence from the early 1990’s and were justifiably suspicious of Jackson and his motives. From an ABC News article after the trial:
During deliberations, jury foreman Paul Rodriguez said, he and other jurors frequently discussed the testimony they had heard about past allegations that Jackson had molested or behaved inappropriately with five other boys, including two youngsters who reached multimillion-dollar settlements with the singer in the 1990s.
But, Rodriguez said, the jurors knew they could not convict solely on the basis of past allegations.
“We couldn’t weigh that with this case in particular,” he said. “We all felt that he was guilty of something. But we feel that if he didn’t learn from this experience, then it’s up to another jury to convict him.”
“Sony pressured Michael Jackson to settle with the Chandlers.”
There is no evidence that the decision to settle with the Chandlers was anything but Jackson’s own. The only pressure Jackson would have felt was that Jordan had described his erect penis to police who then took incriminating photographs of his genitals, prompting his lawyer to remark in 2010, “We wanted to do all that we could to avoid the possibility that there would be a criminal filing against Michael Jackson, and the reality was we were hopeful that if we were able to “silence” the accuser, that would obviate the need for any concern about the criminal side.”
“Jordan Chandler never spoke to either of his parents after the settlement.”
Before his death, Jordan lived with his father for many years. Although Jordan did not see his mother for at least eleven years, he is now in a close relationship with her as evidenced by recent photos published of them together.
Once we strip away Fist’s confident veneer we are left with mainly incorrect assumptions, which have led to his erroneous conclusions. Fist could have made valid arguments for some of his points but his basic research was faulty. Simple things, such as the start and end dates of the Dangerous tour, are easily found; others such as Michael Jackson’s habit of sharing his bed with young boys require more digging, but the information is there if one were to search for it. Invaluable resources are the transcripts and court documents from the 2005 trial — even though it takes commitment, a good trawl through them brings up valuable nuggets of information. Contemporaneous news reports can also give an insight into events from the past (the Google News Archive is a good place to start, a subscription to Highbeam is even better if you can afford it) and fill in many gaps.
If using anything other than source material, I recommend due diligence on any supposed facts you encounter before using them for your own stories. Many myths (such as the Sneddon handed Gavin Arvizo the magazine at the grand jury hearings story) can become so ubiquitous that they are erroneously taken as gospel truth. A thorough and analytical approach needs to be taken if you are to be a Jackson truth teller, otherwise you are only spreading more misinformation about Michael Jackson.
My final point: Considering Fist focuses on the 1993 allegations in his rebuttal of accusations that Jackson was a child molester, it’s surprising he relies so heavily on Tom Mesereau for information. The private investigator hired by Mesereau in the run up to the 2005 trial, Scott Ross, revealed in an interview that the lawyer had very little knowledge of the 1993 case, and this was underscored by Mesereau’s lacklustre cross-examination where he bizarrely asked June Chandler questions on totally unrelated subjects including Jackson’s deals with Sony and Pepsi, whether Jackson had visited Roy Disney’s widow, and whether the Cascio family owned a restaurant. Mesereau floundered while questioning the boy’s mother.
Mesereau’s blinkered impression of Jackson is because he views every accusation against the pop star as false, not just because the 2005 trial had so many holes but because Jackson would have told him (as he told many others) that the accusations were only ever about extortion. Jackson has presented himself to Mesereau as above reproach and Mesereau has accepted this characterization without question. It’s not a good idea to rely on Mez or his opinion when it comes to anything but parts of the 2005 case.
Fist concludes his video with an admonition toward a (presumed) rival: “And one last parting shot for Review Tech, hey Richie boy, you know what’s even better than common sense? Fucking research! RazorFist, out!”
Which brings to mind the wise saying, 思ったことをすぐに口にするより 周りから馬鹿だと思われても黙っていた方が良い時もある, which translates as “It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt.”
Keep it in mind, Fist.
submitted by Ok_Cookie5922 to u/Ok_Cookie5922 [link] [comments]

MJ-Related Books

By Michael Jackson

MJ-Related Memoirs


On Career

On CSA Allegations

Critical Essays

Non-MJ Books Featuring MJ-Related Stories

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Macaulay Culkin and Corey Feldman might have been abused

Hello guys, I've done extensive research into the allegations against Michael Jackson because sexual abuse is something I take very seriously been a CSA victim myself. Here's an argument I've run into countless times online: That Macaulay Culkin and Corey Feldman weren’t abused by Michael Jackson because they were too powerful and could have easily ended his career. Well I doubt it. Michael Jackson was a global superstar. By the mid 1980’s (at the peak of his career) he was one of the worlds must renowned figures Guinness World Book of Records had enlisted him as one of the most famous people on earth his fame surpassing that of many political and religious leaders at the time. Also he had the biggest fandom – bigger than any musician before or during his time, his fandom was even larger than many religious groups around the world - of 4.8 billion fans that is more than half of the world population. Whatever fame and power Macaulay Culkin or Corey Feldman were able to amass would be nothing compared to the star power that was Michael Jackson. Aside from that they were also children at the time they had met Michael Jackson - the key word been children. Children are naive and impressionable they are only interested in playing and having fun. Millions of dollars in their accounts means nothing to them and their young minds may not necessarily be able to grasp exactly what that means. If Michael Jackson was the serial child molester that leaving neverland portrayed him to be he’d have no problem molesting them if he wanted to. Grooming a child in order to engage in lewd and sexual acts has much more to do with money or buying gifts, it’s about a predator been able to give a child special treatment and making that child feel special in any type of way. Wade Robson himself implies that Macaulay Culkin had replaced him and that the only reason Michael Jackson kept young boys around him was so he’d be able to sexually molest them. Also Corey Feldman’s star power as a young actor didn’t protect him from been sexually abused by older and more powerful men in Hollywood. If Michael Jackson was a paedophile it would be more likely for him to molest Corey Feldman because a child that has already been groomed in the past would be much easier to groom again and engage in sexual activity. It sounds sick but a child that has been molested before is every paedophiles wet dream, less work and effort is put into introducing the child into sexual acts and the more likely it is for them to keep it secret. There is a reason they call them predators after all -they really have a nose for sniffing this type of stuff (no pun intended). I know many CSA victims like myself can relate to this - you get abused once and it’s almost as if all the hidden child predators jump out of the wood works. This is a common argument I normally run into online and I find it very problematic. Paedophiles from lower socio-economic backgrounds are capable of molesting children from a richer and more stable environment (it’s actually a myth that only children from dysfunctional and unstable backgrounds become sexually abused yes they are more likely to fall prey but so are other children from various backgrounds) again it’s about the predator been able to build a relationship with their victim. For instance there have been cases were children have been molested by their baby sitter, caretaker, teachers, etc. Who may not be as wealthy as the children (or their parents are). So yes if Michael Jackson was a paedophile I find it very odd he hadn't molested Macaulay Culkin and Corey Feldman (and BTW they are not the only ones defending MJ, other children - now adults - and their families are also defending MJ e.g Frank Cascio,Brett Barnes, etc.) and it leaves a question mark. The question been, where are all of Michael Jackson's victims??
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C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures, 5th Edition D.S. Malik Test Bank.
C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures, 5th Edition D.S. MalikSolutions Manual
C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures, 6th EditionD.S. Malik Test Bank
C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures, 7th EditionD.S. Malik ISolution Manual
C++ Programming with Design Patterns Revealed Tomasz Muldner, Solution manual
C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design 8th Edition D.S. Malik , © 2018 , Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures 8th Edition D.S. Malik , © 2018 , Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
C++ Without Fear: A Beginner’s Guide That Makes You Feel Solution Manualart, 3rd Edition Brian Overland ©2016 Instructor Solution Manual
Calculus Jerrold Marsden & Alan Weinstein Student Solution Manual
Calculus & Its Applications, 13E Goldstein Lay ASolution Manualar Schneider Test Bank TG
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Calculus & Its Applications, 14E J. Goldstein, C. Lay, I. Schneider, H. Asmar, Instructor Solution Manual
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Calculus A Complete Course 6th ed by Robert A. Adams Solutions Manual
Calculus A Complete Course, 8E Robert A. Adams, Christopher Essex, Test Bank.
Calculus A Complete Course, Seventh Edition, 7E Robert A. Adams, Christopher Essex, Text Solutions
Calculus and Its Applications, 10E Marvin L. Bittinger, David J. Ellenbogen Scott Surgent, Instructor’s Solutions Manual
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Calculus and Its Applications, 12E Larry J. Goldstein, David I. Schneider, David C. Lay, Nakhle H. ASolution Manualar, Test Bank TG
Calculus and Its Applications, 9EMarvin L. Bittinger, David J. Ellenbogen Solution Manual+Test Bank
Calculus Concepts and Contexts, 4th Edition James Stewart Test Bank
Calculus Early Transcendental Functions Solution Manualith, Minton 4th edition ISBN10 0073532320 Solution Manual
Calculus Early Transcendental Functions, 7th Edition Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards 2019 Instructor Solution Manual
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Calculus Early Transcendentals William L. Briggs Lyle Cochran Test Bank TG
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Calculus Early Transcendentals, 10th Edition Anton, Bivens, Davis Student Solutions Manual
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Calculus Early Transcendentals, 7th Edition James Stewart IM
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Calculus Early Transcendentals, 8th Edition James Stewart Test Bank
Calculus Early Transcendentals, Binder Ready Version, 11th Edition Anton, Bivens, Davis Instructor solution manual + Test Bank
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Calculus Early Transcendentals, International Metric Edition, 8th Edition James Stewart Solution Manual
Calculus for AP®, 1st Edition Ron Larson, Paul Battaglia Instructor Solution Manual
Calculus for AP®, 1st Edition Ron Larson, Paul Battaglia Test Bank
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Calculus for Business Economics and the Social and Life Sciences 10e Hoffmann Bradley Solution Manual
Calculus for Business Economics and the Social and Life Sciences 11e Hoffmann Bradley Solution Manual
Calculus for Business Economics and the Social and Life Sciences 11e Hoffmann Bradley Test Bank
Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences 12e Barnett Ziegler Test Bank
Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences, 12E Raymond A. Barnett, Michael R. Ziegler, Karl E. Byleen, Instructor’s Solutions Manual
Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, 13E Raymond A. Barnett Michael R. Ziegler Karl E. Byleen Test Bank TG
Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, 13E Raymond A. Barnett Michael R. Ziegler Karl E. Byleen Test Bank TG
Calculus for Life Sciences, 1st Edition Schreiber, Solution Manualith, Getz Instructor’s Solutions Manual
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Calculus III Jerrold Marsden & Alan Weinstein Springer Student Solution Manual
Calculus International Edition William L. Briggs Lyle Cochran Instructor’s Solutions Manual
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Calculus Late Transcendentals, 10th Edition International Student Version Anton, Bivens, Davis Solution manual + Test Bank
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Calculus Multivariable,7th Edition by William G. McCallum, Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Instructor’s Solutions Manual + Test Bank
Calculus Of A Single Variable, 9th Edition Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards Solution manual
Calculus of a Single Variable: Early Transcendental Functions, 7th Edition Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards © 2019, Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
Calculus One and Several Variables, 10th Edition Salas, Etgen, Hille Instructor’s Solutions Manual +Test Bank + clicker Questions
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Calculus Resequenced for Students in STEM, Enhanced eText, Preliminary Edition Dwyer, Gruenwald Solution Manual
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Calculus Single and Multivariable, Enhanced eText, 7th Edition Hughes-Hallett, McCallum, Gleason, 2017 Instructor’s Solutions Manual
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Calculus, 7th Edition James Stewart Exam View Testing files
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Calculus, 9th Edition Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards IM+Test Bank + others full package
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Calculus, Early Transcendentals, 7E by C. Henry Edwards ,David E. Penney?
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Calculus, Single and Multivariable, 6th Edition HughesHallett Gleason, McCallum Solution Manual
Calculus, Single and Multivariable, 6th Edition HughesHallett Gleason, McCallum Test Bank
Calculus, Single and Multivariable, 6th Edition HughesHallett Gleason, McCallumappendix
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Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions 7th Edition Ron Larson , Bruce H. Edwards , © 2019 , Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
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Campbell Biology, 10E Jane B. Reece, Test Bank
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Campbell Biology, 11E Lisa A. Urry, Instructor Manual
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Canadian Business and the Law, 4th Edition Dorothy Duplessis, Steve Enman, Shannon O’Byrne Instructor’s Guide
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Canadian Income Taxation, 2018-2019, 21e Bill Buckwold, Joan Kitunen Test Bank
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CFIN 6th Edition Scott Besley , Eugene Brigham , © 2019 , Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
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Changing American Families, 3rd Edition Judith R. Aulette, Test Bank
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Ward, Mike Shor Instructor manual Managerial Economics, 4th EditionLuke M. Froeb, Brian T. McCann, Michael R. Ward, Mike Shor Test Bank Managerial Economics, 5th Edition Luke M. Froeb, Brian T. McCann, Michael R. Ward, Mike Shor Instructor Solution Manual Managerial Economics, 5th Edition Luke M. Froeb, Brian T. McCann, Michael R. Ward, Mike Shor Test Bank Managerial Economics, 5th EditionLuke M. Froeb, Brian T. McCann, Michael R. Ward, Mike Shor Instructor’s Manual Managerial Economics, 6E Paul Keat Philip K Young instructor manual Managerial Economics, 6E Paul Keat Philip K Young Test Bank Managerial Economics, 6th EditionWilliam F. Samuelson Stephen G. Marks IM Managerial Economics, 6th EditionWilliam F. Samuelson Stephen G. 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Charles Maurice © 2020 Test Banks and Solutions Manual Managerial Statistics, International Edition, 8th Edition Gerald Keller Instructor Manual Managerial Statistics, International Edition, 8th Edition Gerald Keller Test Bank Managerial Statistics, International Edition, 9th Edition Gerald Keller Instructor Solution Manual Managerial Statistics, International Edition, 9th Edition Gerald Keller Test Bank ManagerialAccounting,Edition12,Garrison,Noreen,BrewerTesTest Bank ank ManagerialEconomicsApplicationsStrategiesandTactics11thEditionJamesR.McGuiganR.Charl Managers and the Legal Environment Strategies for Business , 9th Edition Constance E. Bagley Test Bank Managers and the Legal Environment Strategies for Business, 9th Edition Constance E. Bagley Test Bank Managers and the Legal Environment Strategies for the 21st Century, 6th Edition Constance E. Bagley, Diane Savage Answer Manual Managers and the Legal Environment Strategies for the 21st Century, 6th Edition Constance E. Bagley, Diane Savage IM Managers and the Legal Environment Strategies for the 21st Century, 6th Edition Constance E. Bagley, Diane Savage Test Bank Managers and the Legal Environment Strategies for the 21st Century, 7th Edition Constance E. Bagley Answer Manual Managers and the Legal Environment Strategies for the 21st Century, 7th Edition Constance E. Bagley Instructor’s Manual Managers and the Legal Environment Strategies for the 21st Century, 7th Edition Constance E. Bagley Test Bank Managers and the Legal Environment Strategies for the 21st Century, 8th Edition Constance E. Bagley Test Bank Managers and the Legal Environment Strategies for the 21st Century, 8th Edition Constance E. Bagley Instructor Manual Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for Business 9th Edition Constance E. Bagley , © 2019 , Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual Managing A CompetencyBased Approach, 11th EditionDon Hellriegel, Susan E. Jackson, John W. 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Stuart, Test Bank Marketing Real People, Real Choices, 6E Michael R. Solomon, Greg W. Marshall, Elnora W. Stuart, Test Bank Marketing Real People, Real Choices, 7E Michael R. Solomon, Greg W. Marshall Elnora W. Stuart Test Bank, Marketing Real People, Real Choices, 7E Michael R. Solomon, Greg W. Marshall, Elnora W. Stuart, Test Bank Marketing Real People, Real Choices, 8th Edition Michael R. Solomon,Greg W. Marshall,Elnora W. Stuart, IM Marketing Real People, Real Choices, 8th Edition Michael R. Solomon,Greg W. Marshall,Elnora W. Stuart, Test Bank Marketing Real People, Real Choices, Fourth Canadian Edition , 4E Michael R. Solomon, Greg W. Marshall, Elnora W. Stuart, Clicker Questions+PowerPoint Marketing Real People, Real Choices, Fourth Canadian Edition , 4E Michael R. 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Michael Jackson's fmr. manager: 'Doctors manipulated him ... Michael Jackson in Mumbai, India 1996 - YouTube Michael Jackson and The Cascio Family RARE part1 - YouTube Michael Jackson and Cascio Family - YouTube Emmanuel Lewis and Frank Cascio: Michael Jackson would ... Mj Friends speaks out! John Landis & Frank Cascio - YouTube PAESE DIVINO FESTIVAL 2012 FRANK CASCIO PRESENTA IL MIO ...

Connie Cascio, the Cascio family matriarch – on Oprah Show. Source: The Silenced Truth "We loved Michael. He was a genius and a beautiful person. I've known Michael for twenty seven years and all I can say is he was not only a friend of ours, but he was part of our family. I don't know anyone as warm and caring as Michael Jackson and he will be missed. Michael was a real genuine person, who Frank Cascio met Michael Jackson in 1984, when the King of Pop was at the peak of his career. For the next 25 years Cascio and his family traveled the world with the superstar. When he was 18, Cascio became Jackson's assistant and then went on to manage the star. In the new book "My Friend Michael," Cascio writes honestly and candidly of his long relationship with Jackson, including sticking Frank Cascio is an entrepreneur whose expertise ranges from business finance to music entertainment. His friendship with Michael Jackson began in 1984, when Frank was just a few years old. At the age of eighteen Frank was hired by Jackson to be his personal assistant, eventually being promoted to personal manager. Cascio was a producer of The Michael Jackson Interview: The Footage You Were Frank Cascio was a close friend of tragic superstar Michael Jackson for more than twenty-five years. In My Friend Michael, Cascio offers a deeply personal, behind-the-scenes look at the Michael Jackson he knew.Filled with never-before-told stories and intimate details, My Friend Michael is the most candid, moving, and provocative portrait of the “King of Pop” to date—a fair and loving Michael Jackson met Frank Cascio in the early 80’s when Frank was still very young. His father worked as a manager at a hotel where Michael Jackson used to stay and they developed a friendship. The Cascio family were immigrants from Italy. They we... Shana with Frank Cascio, one of the star's child friends who is still supportive of him Credit: Shana Mangatal 18 Shana and Micheal Jackson wearing prosthetics on the set of Ghosts in 1996 Credit As Frank mentions in the prologue this book is about Michael Jackson - the man and Also realize that Frank has a different perception of Michael than we all do. To Frank Cascio , Michael Jackson is the person that he met as a kid without knowing who he was, who turned to a person that helped with his homework, to a father figure and then a friend; a friend that he laughed, worked, cried Frank Cascio was a friend and colleague of Michael Jackson who rose to fame after he published a book on his friendship with the superstar in 2011, called My Friend Michael. Michael Jackson & Frank Cascio Frank and his young brother Eddie with Michael Jackson ” Then, in 1993, my relationship with Michael reached a new level when, for the first time, he invited my family to visit him at his home, Neverland Ranch. ” ~ Frank Cascio. In 1993, the two boys and Michael Jackson spent a lot of time together at Neverland. “During that trip, we spent three or four To Frank Cascio, Michael Jackson was many things--second father, big brother, boss, mentor, and teacher, but most of all he was a friend. Though Cascio was just a few years old when he first met Jackson in 1984, at the peak of the pop star's career, Jackson was at the cen Everyone knows Michael Jackson--the myth.

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Michael Jackson's fmr. manager: 'Doctors manipulated him ...

Listen to two kids, who were close to Michael Jackson, were good friends with him and spend much time with him....and say: He NEVER ever touched us! Not only... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. ospite d'onore : frank cascio amico, manager e assistente storico di michael jackson per oltre 25 anni, presentera' il suo libro in anteprima nazionale a cas... *NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED*I know this two vid have many peoplein youtubebut i want it to show itAnd my new intro is cooL XD SUBSCRIBE!! November 1, 1996: In Bombay, India, 85% of the proceeds from one concert were put aside for the 'Shiv Udyog Sena' to help create jobs for 270,000 young peopl... On Wednesday, it was an HLN prime-time Dr. Drew exclusive with Michael Jackson's former personal manager and close friend Frank Cascio. He witnessed the high... Considered the second family of Michael Jackson, the Cascio Family was always by his side, providing the safe haven that the king of pop needed. Considerada ...

frank cascio michael jackson

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